*** >>Please keep in mind I am still learning my spelling and grammar but with my Severe disabilities it is slow but I am improving because of my disabilities, I still want to share my work unedited but readable. so people can understand that it is still really hard to write my book but show other disabled people that even with SBS (Shaken baby Syndrom) people still like my work.*

I hope you like my book.***>>

©️ Velexi Crimson

Rain poured down my window as I watched the city, dark clouds coat the sky leaving a thick fog around the town. I sat at the window seat my eyes fixed on the buildings that shined through the gray of the air. A loud crash of thunder rumbled in the sky as lightning manifested

β€œBlane?” Mom called, the sound of thunder cracking outside.

β€œMommy are we gonna die? β€œI asked hiding under my Disney blanket.

β€œBlane! Please come down now!” Mom shouted before coming to sit beside me. On the couch.

β€œNo, baby we’re not gonna die its just a big storm I promise.” Mom said stroking the blanket over my head.

I looked up mom with a nervous smile when allowed rumble of thunder startled me. My heart collapsed in my chest as I hid under my blankets and hugged mom.

β€œThe storm is really coming down,” Blane said making his way downstairs with a small candle.

β€œYes, it is that’s why want you down here with me so that I know where you are if things proceed to get worse.” Mom said as she rubbed my head.

β€œDo you want to play a game?” Blane asked as he lifted my blanket to reveal my tear-soaked face.

β€œWhat kind of game?” I asked as I slowly pulled my blanket off my head the static from the fuzz making my hair stick on end.

I looked up mom, her tension shifting to a window as it rattled on its frame, almost like it was about to shatter into pieces.

β€œHow about I spy?” Blane suggested.

β€œWe can’t play I spy we can’t see,” I spoke.

Blaine’s expression changed as he tried to think. β€œOh yeah, I forgot.”

β€œWhat about the game of eating dinner?” Mom suggested as she grabbed the small candle from Blaine’s hand revealing her amused smile. β€œIt’s really simple you grabbed this plate, and you sit on the couch pretend you’re at the table.” Mom joked.

β€œHa-ha, mommy that’s not a game,” I said as I got up from the couch.

β€œWhat’s for dinner?” Blane asked.

β€œCereal and these crackers I found in the back of the cupboard.” Mom said as she handed us the box of crackers.

I remember this night; it was the day a really bad storm swept Astoria and almost flooded the town. I remember being so scared hiding under my blanket and Blane had to replace many things to distract me.

Blane has always been that type of person who would protect the weak and young, I think Blane always saw himself as a big brother to everyone even to the people he didn’t like.

β€œYay, breakfast for dinner,” I said as I grabbed a nearby candle from the coffee table.

β€œZaphira be careful, we don’t want you to fall over and burn yourself.” Mom said sounding nervous as she watched me move towards the bowls of cereal.

β€œYes, we also don’t want you to light the house on fire,” Blane added as he nervously grabbed my bowl and handed it to me so I wouldn’t have to lean over.

Blane grabbed his bowl, before gently putting down his candle and moving towards the coach.

Mom sighed in relief as we both sat on the couch mindlessly eating our cereal before disappearing back into the kitchen.

β€œMommy! Where are you going?” I called out as I looked into the darkness of the house looking for mom’s candle.

β€œJust looking for something to eat sweetie I will be back.” She called back from in the darkness.

β€œI wonder if they're okay,” Blane said to himself as he stared into his bowl of cereal.

β€œWho?” I asked curiously.

β€œMy friends back at Moon Haven,” Blane said as he looked out the nearby window.

The sound of the wind tapping the window made me nervous as I tried to focus on my cereal.

β€œThe windows rattled like this too in Moon Haven but…” Blane said sound worried. β€œAfter an hour or so they would shatter at least one of us would get hurt a lot when it happened.”

β€œThat sounds scary did you get hurt?” I asked as I looked at his arms and legs for scratches.

β€œA couple of times but only cause some of the girls would get hurt if I didn’t help them,” Blane said.

I looked at him nerves, I watched as he observed the window as if it was about to burst.

β€œMommy!” I called as I got off the couch and looked into the darkness.

β€œI’m coming!” Mom yelled back.

I heard mom’s footsteps as her light Rounded the corner. She was holding a small bowl of cereal.

I’m sorry I couldn’t replace anything that wasn’t cereal.” Mom said as she moved to sit next to us.

Mommy, why doesn’t Moon Haven have good windows?” I asked as I curled to her as she ate.

β€œW- What?” Mom asked confused.

β€œBlane said back in Moon Haven the windows would shatter whenever a storm happened, so bad kids got hurt.”

Mom glanced at Blane as he looked almost scared as if he did something bad. Then at the window as the sound of tapping continued.

β€œBecause they used cheap material to use as a window and used tape to fix all issues,” mom said as she looked back at me. Do you remember when you first went to Moon Haven and you saw all the black tape bordering the window?”

β€œMhm, it looked funny and the wind made it make sound.” I said remembering the sound.

β€œWell, that was Electrical tape, one of the worse kind of tape to use,” Mom said disgusted. β€œBest tape would be Duck tape if they wanna be cheap at least that tape is for windows.”

Blane and I looked at each other than at mom who looked really mad.

I still can’t understand why mom was mad that night or why That stupid place used tape to hold a window up. I wonder if Blane knew.

β€œI blinked readjusting myself in my spot. My legs tingled as they woke up. I sighed as I pulled away from the window moving towards my bed, the rain trickling down the glass reflecting on the walls and ceiling.

β€œI wonder if the storm will ease soon?” I asked myself.

I was going to lie down when a Loud siren noise startled me making me jump.

β€œJesus!” I shouted as I turned my head to see the Tv on a red stripe running across the screen with big bold letters and a weather map in the background. β€œHow….” I began when I read the words on the screen.

Keep indoors and close all windows. This is a warning from the Astorian weather forecast. Heavy rain, severe thunderstorm, and potential flood is sweeping through the east. If you are currently located in Astoria, Bleak Ridge Fall and Mer haven Seek higher ground and keep windows locked.

I looked at the Tv speechless the words sliding across the screen as if I didn’t hear it.

What! A flood? Shaking my head, I stood up and looked at the downpour that rumbled outside shaking nervously as I made my way to my door.

Did I lock the windows? Are the windows even secure? What if the flood gets so high that I’m underwater? I shuddered at the thought pushing my door open and running into the hall glancing into the other room and listening for the sound of the wind.

Every time I come in here it feels so cold, colder than the last time.

My heart throbbed a bit as I stood in the doorway the curtains spiraled around the window as the rain tapped on the glass.

My eyes turned to the bed that sat untouched the pillows left the way they were before…

I sighed as I walked to the window checking the laches. When I heard the door.


I turned my head to leave when I heard footsteps. I quickly moved to the door to see who it was…


β€œBlane!” I said as I looked at him.

His clothes soaked from head to toe. His black hair clung to his neck and face.

β€œWhat are you doing here? It’s dangerous to be out right now.” I said as I quickly moving to the bathroom to grab a towel.

β€œYeah, I know that’s why I am here, plus you weren’t at school today I was worried you may have gotten hurt or something,” Blane said as I put the towel on him covering his face.

β€œYou could have messaged me,” I said calmly as Blane dried off then wrapped the towel around his neck.

β€œYou think I haven’t? I messaged you like a hundred times and called you multiple times all I got was your voicemail.” He said sighing as he looked at me, his hair frizzy and messy.

Damn did my phone die? I don’t think I left it on mute.

β€œNo, you didn’t,” I spoke.

A window rattled from downstairs making my heart leap out of my chest as I snapped my head to the stairs.

Oh, shit I forgot I thought as I rushed downstairs, the rattling from the window making my heart pound as I reached it. Checking the latch to see if it was secure.

β€œWhat are you doing?” Blane asked as he stood at the bottom of the stairs.

β€œChecking the windows what do you think I’m doing? I said as I glanced at him before moving to the next window.

β€œOkay… but why?” Blane asked curiously as he followed me his eyes veering to the heavy rain that pounded on the windowpane.

β€œSo that the water doesn’t get in and so that I can check the window,” I said as I turned to him and sighed before moving to the kitchen.

β€œOkay so why didn’t you go to school today?”

β€œTomorrow is that day,” I began sadly as I thought of my mother and father. β€œI wanted to prepare in advance,” I said as I glanced at the Tupperware on the table.

Blane looked at the table picking up one of the Tupperware containers with dried flowers and a card.

β€œI forgot about it I’m sorry Zaphira I should have known.” He said as he looked apologetic at me.

β€œIt’s fine I said as I looked at Blane who looked upset.

β€œDo you want me to come with you tomorrow if there isn’t a bad flood?”

I glanced at the flowers than at the downpour, the trees swaying franticly in the dark. I had to squint to see the faint outline of the moving trees.

β€œSure, let’s hope the weather clears up,” I said feeling anxious that my parents could be Trapped underwater.

I made my way to the cupboard, pulling down a small box with my mom’s name on it.

A lump swelled in my throat as I glanced at the box.

β€œWhat’s That?”

Blane moved to me and glanced at the box his eyes widening as he looked at it.

β€œI am not sure, mom told me not to touch it until… My 16th birthday but I didn’t feel like looking at it at the time.” I said as I moved towards the hallway that divided the kitchen and the living room.

β€œMaybe you should open it, maybe it’s got something special in it like a necklace or something, your mom was really good at keeping family matters secret until you were older,” Blane said.

I looked at the box curiously, my mom’s name sprawled across the middle and blue sparkly glitter.

Maybe Blane is right, I remember mom was always telling me that I was too young to know this, and I was too young to know that. Maybe it does have the answers that she refused to tell me.

β€œI’m not sure, I do want to know but I don’t want to…” I said trailing off.

The memory of mom and I together as we watched the stars.

β€œMommy, what’s the song you sing when we start gazing?” I asked as

I moved to the swung my feet up and down on the porch swing, our momentum causing the swing to gently rock in the breeze.

β€œIt’s a song that my mom used to sing to me when I was a child.” Mom said as she watched the star shoot across the sky.

She never did tell me what the name of that song was, I wonder if the song is in the box.

I looked away from the box for a brief moment before placing it down on the table that leaned against the wall, a photo of mom and dad sat in the corner of the table next to a bouquet of flowers.

β€œRight now, is not the time to open the box.”

I then made my way to the living room turning on the Tv. The news played on the screen with the warring still sprawled across the screen.

β€œYou should head home before it gets too bad,” I said as I looked out the window, the sound of the rain Still pounding on the dark window.

Blane moved to the couch and plopped down and looked at the screen.

β€œAre you really asking me to leave?” Blane asked as he turned to me frowning.

β€œWell, yeah your parents will be worried about you and if you wait too long it could be too dangerous,” I spoke as I glanced at the tv as the news person appeared on the screen.

β€œAs a warning to the people of Astoria, Black Ridge Falls and Mur haven water level Storm has reached high levels the potential flooding is said to be possible and for all residents of Astoria, Black Ridge Falls and Mur haven to seek higher ground and until further notice all locations are closed until further notice.” The news lady said seriously.

Crap! Starting to feel less likely that mom and dad are not going to be underwater. I

thought as I looked out the window barely able to see through the light from the living room only the rain that poured down the pain was slightly visible.

β€œLooks like I won’t be able to go anywhere,” Blane said almost mischievously

β€œYou make it sound like you were planning to be here overnight,” I said defensively. I looked at him a mischievous smile crossing his lips as he rose to his feet.

β€œWell yeah, what did you expect? I’m not leaving you here by yourself who’s going to protect you if things went sour?” Blane asked as he slowly made his way back into the kitchen.

β€œI don’t know maybe like myself,” I said as I followed him.

β€œI could never allow that I would be breaking my promise to Mira I couldn’t live with myself knowing that I didn’t at least keep that.” He said sounding sad as he rummaged through the cupboards and pantries pulling out pans.

β€œI’m pretty sure she would understand that you want to be with your family during this time and not babysitting me,” I stated as he went into the freezer.

Blane pulled out a frozen pizza and stuck it on the table before pulling out his phone. I watched silently as he pushed buttons then put the phone to his ears.

β€œHello mom,” he said cheerfully, β€œHow’re things at the house? Are you and dad doing, okay?” He asked as he waited silently listening to his mother’s reply.

β€œYes, I made it to Zaphira’s…”

I watched as Blane unwrapped the pizza smiling at me as he listened to his mother.

β€œYes, we’re safe we were just told by the news to stay indoors, it looks like I won’t be able to make it back like I thought so I’ll be here for the night.” He said as he pushed the buttons on the oven then leaned on the counter as he waited for the timer.

β€œI’m going to be right back.” I mouthed as I pointed to the upstairs, Blane nodded as he listened intently to his mother’s words.

β€œYeah, I know,” Blane said faintly as I made my way to my room glancing at the photo of mom before scurrying to the closet.

I wonder what the promise was they made? I thought as I made my way to the bathroom.

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