Chapter 27 - End Game

I walk into the basement parking of my penthouse, the atmosphere eerie.

The basement being already a dark environment to begin with, there's only a few fluorescent’s illuminating the basement, one flickering florescent in particular adding to the eeriness of the situation.

Why on earth Alex wanted to meet here of all places is beyond me... It was rather suspicious but being me, I had my suspicions.

My heels clicking on the cold cement floor echoed through out the basement. I noticed Alex standing in a dark corner with his laptop bag hung over his shoulder, shifting nervously from one leg to the other.

Me: “Alex... What’s going on hun?”

He opens his mouth to speak but he is interrupted by an all too familiar voice coming from the shadows, sending a shiver throughout me.

The large framed figure slowly moves into the light “Hello Darling... It’s been a while”

I didn't even have to look to know who it was, I roll my eyes and simply nod and state: “Robert” acknowledging him.

Robert: “Now, is that anyway to greet your husband?”

The fucking ashoke knows how to get under my skin. “No of cause not, but then again ... YOU’RE NOT MY FUCKEN Husband ANYMORE!”

Robert just laughs, mocking me.

I glare at Alex “You betrayed me you little weasel!...What did he promise you? Wealth... fame?”

Alex: “I... I’m sorry Aurora... But it’s not...” I don’t give him a chance to finish “You’re a fool Alex... Haven’t you listened to a word I said... Robert cannot be trusted!”

Robert:” OH come now Aurora! ... As if you can be trusted, I know you better than that. You are one of the most intelligent but scheming, resourceful people I know...

You can’t honestly tell me you didn’t anticipate Alex betraying you... Did you honestly think I wouldn’t replace out when he started snooping? ”

My previous expression of anger suddenly replaced with one of amusement as I burst out laughing at Robert “Me not anticipating Alex betrayal and you replaceing out my whereabouts? ... No... I Counted on it”

Alex looked at me stunned while Robert just busts into laughter “That’s my girl!... I knew you were up to something.

Alex looked at me in disbelief "You... You used me. You set me up?"

I just shrug, not taking my eyes off, of Robert.

Robert: "When this silly boy started poking his nose into my business I found it odd, the extensive klnowledge he possessed... He could have only gotten it from someone with inside knowledge.

You know I could have killed him there and then but I suspect you knew I would be intrigued... so yes I confronted him. At first he didn’t want to tell me a damn thing but with a little pursuing he sang like a canary ”

Alex:” Pursuing?... You mean threatening me and the lives of my family!”

Me:” You could have just seduced him... He would have told you everything. ”

Robert: “OH Aurora... where’s the fun in that?... Besides who’s going to finish your story If he’s not himself anymore”

Alex: “What do you mean finish the story?... The council wouldn’t want it to come to light, they will stop it before it sees the light of day, and why would you want it out in the open, everyone will know what monster you really are?”

Me: “Wow Alex... I really thought you had a little more sense... Robert would be all too eager for a book like that to come to light.

It would play straight into his hands, if people knew about the existence of vampires, witches and werewolves Chaos would break out, there would be no need for a council anymore because our existence will be exposed, rules will no longer apply and Robert would take the opportunity to take over...everything and everyone”

Robert:” You see... That’s why I need my beautiful and intelligent wife by my side. You've always seen the bigger picture. You know me better than anyone. Come Aurora... It’s not too late for you to come to your senses... We can rule the world together”

Alex: “You’re completely mad!... Aurora, why come up with this book idea knowing it was playing right into his hands... Helping his plan along?! I thought you were against him? Was that the intention all along? ”

Me: “I told you Alex... The end of the book still needed completing... I had to draw Robert out somehow. After I built my forces and he became a council member, he went into hiding and I’m tired of looking over my shoulder, wondering if today is the day he replaces me. I’ve had enough!

Today this ends... Today one of us dies... I prefer it be him! ”

Robert:” OH please, you know you cannot win Aurora and besides, If you’re so set on this book... Revealing the truth... Why leave out all the most important parts?...

Are they that painful... Don’t you want people to know just how fucked you really are? That you will always be my slave no matter what because I created you?! ”

Alex:” Aurora what’s he talking about?”

Robert:” Yes Aurora... Do tell, I'm dying to hear you acknowledge just how fucked you are.”

Me: “What’s to tell... Everyone will know about you Robert, how you use people, how you treat and abuse people, what a sick murdering bastard you really are...”

I see Alex look at me all confused.

Robert laughs a deep evil laugh.

Me: “Fine... I did leave out some detail... Like how Shadow's darkness was as a result of depression... Depression caused by actions that Robert put in place.

Robert was behind the constant attacks on werewolves... The constant fear led to Shadow's mother abandoning him. Robert murdered Sahodow's father and it was all part of Robert’s plan but then he added a poisonous concoction into the mix.

He had his lackey infiltrate the pack, slowly poisoning Shadow... Causing his depression to take over, causing him to doubt himself, doubt people’s trust, loyalty and affection... Including mine. Because of Robert’s concoction Shadow started going mad, hallucinating, and struggling with himself.”

Alex’s mouth hung open after hearing the Revelation.

Robert gave a smirk...” don’t forget that it was the same poison that I gave you while I held you captive, causing you to hallucinate and go insane.... Unfortunately those two fucks found you and stole you away before I could finish my plans for you.

It didn't matter...plans can eisily be changed.

Please, continue Aurora, you can't stop there... It’s just getting good”

Me: “That crap you gave me made me lose my mind, I only had it given to me for a few months... But Shadow was gradually poisoned over years, it’s a wonder he even made it out alive at all.

To this day Shadow believes Dimitra is his sister... Even after learning the truth he still denies it. She’s wasn't his sister. She was just another slave belonging to Robert, another pawn in his play. Shadows mother did flea, it was due to the constant attacks. Shadow's father ordered her to leave in an attempt to keep her save, she didn’t abandon them... She was captured, tortured, raped and murdered by Robert. There never was a baby girl birthed by his mother, like Dimitra convinced Shadow off.

Robert had attacked more than one werewolf pack and in one of the many packs he caught and enslaved Damitra, she was doing what ever Robert told her because he threatened her the same way he did with you Alex... He threatened to wipe out her family if she didn’t do what he wanted, and that included her having sex with him.

He instructed her on how to approach Shadow, the persona she needed to play, her mission was to separate Shadow from the rest of the pack, steadily increase the dosages of poison slipped into his food, she also deliberately had to cause fights between Shadow and me, driving an ever growing wedge between us ensuring to isolate me, which made it easier for Robert to abduct me, knowing Shadow was in no state to try and replace me or fight Robert...

Robert was the real reason Shadow and I broke up if you think about it, he caused Shadow to slowly go insane and it drove us apart. He not only ruined my one shot at true happiness and love, but he ruined a good man in the process... Shadow never deserved any of it.

And thats not even the half of it... My life would have been so different if Vincent had turned me that night at the dance... All those years ago, but unfortunately Robert stopped him before he could complete the ritual.

Robert had told me Vincent just used me and left me for dead, that I was tricked by Vincent. After all, Robert did warn me more than once that Vincent couldn't be trusted and yet I fell for his tricks. Robert even told me that if he didn’t replace me when he did, I would have been dead...he was forced to complete the ritual in order to save me, making himself out as a hero.

But when I bit Robert, when I forcefully took his blood... I saw his memories... Memories I wasn't suppose to see. I saw the truth.

Robert came looking for me that night when he realized I was no longer at the spring dance and when he found us, saw Vincent had taken my blood and was just about to give me his... completing the turning ritual.

Robert couldn’t stand losing control over me, losing power... So he attacked Vincent, They fought and Robert managed to overpower Vincent, but winning wasn't enough... He murdered Vincent... He killed a council member... A crime against the council but he covered it up as he does every caniving thing he ever does.

With Vincent "missing" Robert pressed even more for a seat on the council.

The council fortunately didn’t give him his way ... Not then anyway. So he had to replace another way to get a seat on the council... Always planning, always scheming.

Years later when Charlotte mysteriously died... Robert finally got his wish, he got her seat on the council.

I just wonder how the council would react if they knew that Robert had secretly been having an affair with Charlotte for years? Just makes one wonder if the mystery surrounding her death is really all that big-of-a mystery ”

Again Robert bursts out laughing “Her death was such a shame... It’s really such a shame that you have no prove, only suspicion”

Me: “Suspicion...yes, but I know you Robert, I know the lengths you will go to. I may not know for certain about Charlotte but with the others I do... I saw your memories when I bit you, but unfortunately that’s not enough. Memories are not evidence that can be brought in front of the council.

I wish there was a way to prove what I saw in your memories... Not only Vincent’s murder but Pierré’s as well and poor Tessa, just to make the story about Pierré leaving seem more authentic... Senseless murders just to keep Control over me. ”

Alex:” What?! Why would you do all these horrid things to Aurora? ”

Robert:” Because she belongs to me... I created her, she is mine”

Alex looks between the two of us trying to understand what Robert means.

Me: “Do you really want to know justbhow sick this mother fucker is really is?...

How about planning my very existence... Can you believe that? That’s how far he went to have power and Control over me.

He needed a powerful witch... One he could control. He always had witches, Abigail, her mother and hers before but even though he had their adoration and love, it wasn’t enough for Robert.

Using Magick He conjured a locating spell to replace the most powerful warlock at the time... My father. The only problem was, my father didn’t know he pocessed such power. He hadn’t unlocked it, he hadn’t harnessed or practiced it because he was a mere slave.

Robert had Michael, who was under Robert’s seduction, go to Egypt and buy my father as his slave... Michael may have been under Robert’s seduction but Lady Eleanor and her husband was in Robert’s pocket.

Robert ensured that my father met my mother and it was only a matter of time before they fell in love, got married and got pregnant.

It fell right into Robert’s plans. He deliberately had Michael go to a so called event one evening, taking my father with because he was his personal slave.

Robert made sure to get my father drunk with Michael’s help and he had the intoxicated warlock hooked up with his own personal witch... Ensuring she got pregnant during that encounter.

My father was into voodoo, being a slave he didn’t get the opportunity to delft deeper into his Magick abilities, he never knew what power he really possessed or what he was capable of, he was just a slave... Unfortunately for him he didn’t know what evil was out there.

Michael insisted that one of his doctors deliver my parents baby as a favor to his half-sister and his favorite slave but after my mother gave birth, the baby was taken away by the doctor due to the baby supposedly having complications, before my parents could even lay eyes on their child.

They wanted to ensure the best care for the child so they were just thankful that their master showed them such kindness and had his own personal doctor take care of the baby.

I wasn’t born until a week later. My father was my biological father but my biological mother was in fact Abigail’s mother. Which meant I had a half-sister but it also meant the mother I knew and loved was never my real mother. It also explained they real reason for my white complexion... Because I was half white.

I had the gift because my father was a warlock and my mother a witch... Both parents had Magick unlike Abigail whose magick was from only from her mother’s blood line. As with her mother and her grandmother. I was the first to be born from two magical bloodlines.

My whole existence was a lie and it was forced by Robert’s hand. My parents real baby, which was actually a boy, my half-brother, was murdered, another of Robert’s cover ups, just as he had my parents murdered after Nolan abducted ensure they didn’t go looking for me.

Even my abduction by Nolan was part of Robert’s plan. He paid off Michael to ensure I was kept safe, never sold off or violated and then he paid off Nolan to abduct me and abuse and rape me over time, all part of his sick plan to break me, in order to make me a submissive slave.

I don’t know why he paid Nolan, he would have done it for free but Robert was behind the planning. Every detail from helping Nolan purchase land because he couldn’t effort it, to advising Nolan where to erect the hut and how to keep me chained up. Robert was the silent voice behind Nolan's actions, cruelty and abuse.

He was responsible for sending Pierré out to "save" me, only telling Pierré what he wanted him to know, knowing Pierré would kill Nolan, tying up yet again one of his loose ends.

What he didn’t anticipate was the relationship that formed between Pierré and myself, that’s why he lost it when he returned and that’s why he had Pierré murdered.”

Robert: “I created you Aurora, not only as a human but as a witch and then later as a vampire. I made you who you are... That’s why you belong to me and you always will. I kept only a little of my Magick after I was turned. A purebred witch should have been able to keep more magick after being turned. That was the whole plan from the start. I would be unstoppable with a Vampire Queen who had magick too, I would have no need to keep ordinary witches around.”

Alex: “You really are one sick bastard! So much scheming, hurting and killing.... just for your sick power trip? ”

Robert just laughs at Alex “I’m scheming?... If you want to see someone brilliant at scheming, just look to your side.

Aurora the innocent victim... If she didn’t scheme to get away from me from the start, a lot of the things that happened could have been prevented, if she didn’t scheme to have Vincent turn her, I wouldn’t have had to kill him. If she didn’t scheme to run away and give herself to a bloody werewolf I would had to do all the things I did to the wolves to get her back.

And I suppose she told you her scheme to swop regions... But did she tell you all of it?

Going to a vampire who had no control, no vision, no money, no hope, who had ruined his region... Offering him to leave all of that for the wealthiest and most flourishing region. Sound like an offer too good to refuse... That’s because it was, Aurora blackmailed him to do the swop, and if you think she gave everything away, you’re greatly mistaken.

He may be the king of the region but Aurora still holds all the power, she still owns majority shares in most businesses and she still makes the final decisions. He’s just a front, all the while he’s her little lapdog.

Oh and don’t forget the wolves, the boy... Joshua, the new alpha... Still so in love with Aurora, he may be the pack Alpha but Aurora is his Alpha. He does whatever she tells him and ultimately she controls the wolves through him.

I laugh at Robert... “You tried so hard to gain power but instead you ended up spending so much time and effort to gain ownership of me and control me, you ended up losing everything because you lost yourself in the process. I have more power than you will ever have... The irony is, I never wanted the power, I gained it by default alst while trying to get away from you. ”

Robert: “You think you’re so smart you have everything worked out, but if you’re so intelligent, why are you in this situation're all alone... you cannot beat me Aurora. When will you accept it.”

Robert gives a gesture with two fingers, motioning for someone to come closer. A few of his vampires comes lurking out of the shadows.

" You see... I’m going to have you one way or another. If you want to put up a fight, that’s fine by me... Our best times always consisted with you fighting me, and me taking you forcefully. I don’t see why this should be any different. ”

I look at Alex and give him a sincere smile,” This is the part where you leave Alex... If you want to stay alive?"

Alex:” I’m not leaving you alone with them Aurora!”

“Who sayd she’s alone? “A voice booms out from behind me, somewhere in the darkness, as The General and a few vampires of his own immerges from the dark.

Robert clearly annoyed to see his once right hand man and personal army, now standing up against him... No loyalty left towards Robert from the man he use to trust with his life and his most darkest secrets... Also pissed that his plan to catch me of guard and alone had failed.

Alex on the other hand seemed a little star-struck to see The General in real life, seeing the Vampire warrior he had only heard about, for the first time.

The General: “Well boy... The Queen gave you an order!” his voice loud and filled with a sense of authority as he glares at Alex.

Alex only takes a few steps before he freezes in his tracks, visibly uncomfortable and becoming increasingly fidgety and blushing.

I know the signs of someone who reacts to seduction, or more precisely, how someone previously seduced react to the one who seduced him, Alex aware of his presence before anyone else.

Me: “Hello brother” I state without seeing him.

Sabastian: “You didn’t think I was going to let you lot have all the fun, now did you?”

Sabastian passes me but not before softly kissing my cheek and gently squeezing my hand.

Me: “Well if my little brother is here for a fight, than no doubt Joshua is lurking somewhere... So where are you Josh! ?”

His amber eyes glowing in the dark long before he comes into view. He looks at me and winks “My Queen”

Robert: “Well isn’t this sweet, the whole clan reunited, if I’d known you were planning a party, I’d come bearing gifts”

Me: “The only gift I want is to be rid of you... Once and for all !”

Sabastian smiles at Alex making Alex blush profusely “Run along now... This is a fight for the big boys”

Alex looks as if he wants to die from embarrassment but he rushes back into the building, out of sight.

Robert strolls casually towards me, hands in his pockets. “Darling, there’s no need for all of this... Just say you’re sorry, and come with me. You can make it up to me and all will be forgiven... Eventually ”

Just hearing him say those words makes me nauseous. The thought is too much to bare but before he can reach me The General steps in between us, blocking Robert while shielding me.

Robert suddenly having to look up to meet The Generals gaze. “You will never touch her again Robert, now back off! ”

Robert instantly furious grabs The General by the front of his shirt “Don’t you dare tell me what to do you traitor, she belongs to me, she always has and she always will and you full well know that!”

The General not wasting any time, jerks his hands upwards which forced Robert to lose his hold of The General’s shirt and he follows through with a punch to Robert’s jaw, sending him a couple of steps backwards.

As if it was a signal, all hell broke loose. Fists flying, blood spilling. Each occupied with their own onslaught. Every chance I get I take a quick look around to check that everyone’s still okay.

Most of Robert’s men were fighting The General and his men. Sabastian and Joshua fighting a few vampires while standing back to back.

I’m fighting a couple of vampires myself, they are slowly forcing me to back up when I suddenly feel a sharp edge pushing into my back, stopping me from moving further back.

When I glance over my shoulder I see Robert with a dagger pressed at my back, behind me... Huge grin on his face as if he’s gloating that he’d already won.

With a swift movement he raises his arm around, bringing the dagger to my throat as he grabs me, his body against my back and his other arm around my waist.

I have nowhere to go, his grip is too tight for me to escape and with every slightest movement I make, the daggers sharp edge pierces deeper into my skin.

Joshua makes a growling vibration from deep within when he notices my predicament, which causes everyone to stop their fighting to focus on us.

Robert tightens his grip while he kisses the side of my neck, causing me to squirm in disgust but my action just causes the dagger to draw blood, seeping from the cut down my chest.

Robert very softly whispers in my ear, ensuring no one else can hear him when he instructs me to stop resisting and go with him.

I don’t have much of a choice, having my throat slid is not how I entrant to die.

As Robert backs away pulling me with him, trying to get us to his car to make a getaway, the General, Sabastian and Josh start to circle us... Like a pack of lions circling it’s pray, looking for an opening to attack... But there is none.

Robert uses my body as a shield while holding me hostage. I can see the desperation on the faces of the three men that’s always been there for me, now unable to protect me.

We are nearing Robert’s car... One of his men already opened the back door for him while another is seated behind the wheel, ready to take off.

My heart sinks into my feet, the thought of being taken by Robert... His abuse and torture, it’s too much to take... When suddenly out of nowhere a gunshot rings out.

The sound is magnified in the basement and the ring echoes a few times startling everyone. I feel a sudden change as Robert’s grip changes from constricting me to leaning on me.

It’s only when his arm grasping the dagger falls from my neck the others realize he’s been shot.

Robert’s slumps over and falls into the back of the car and the driver speds off, door still open.

When I look around, as to where the shot came from I see Alex holding my gun, still aimed in my direction... As white as a sheet. He’s visibly shook up and had clearly never fired a gun before.

The General instantly at his side to take the weapon away, before anyone else gets hurt. All the while Robert’s men cleared off, leaving only us.

Sabastian and Josh rush to me, concerned about how badly I’ve been hurt but I’m too upset about Robert getting away, to worry about the cut in my neck.

It’s only than that Joshua informed me that the bullet not only went through Robert but penetrated the back of my shoulder. I don’t know if it was the adrenaline, but I didn’t even notice.

Later that evening we are all sitting around my lounge, in front of the fireplace, my wounds attended too.

Sabastian had gotten Alex drunk, trying to calm his nerves while I was numb from painkillers and Jack Daniel’s.

The General makes a toast to Alex “To you Alex, You saved our Queen... guess you’re one of us now?”

Alex:“Umm no thanks, I don’t want to be a vamp... a vampirrr” he slurs causing everyone to burst out laughing.

Alex upset at everyone laughing at his expense, turns to me and asks “You think hessss dead?”

Me: “No... I’m not that lucky” I see the worried look return to Alex’s face and quickly state “Just lucky you saved me Alex... I owe you”

Alex:“Nah... Was nothiiing”

Sabastian: “Not quite nothing... And that’s not what Aurora meant”

Alex is too drunk to take anything in, not grasping the seriousness of the situation.

The General: “What’s the plan then?”

Me: “My plan now we have to relocate, we can’t stay here.

There’s no doubt in my mind that Robert will survive, and then he will be back to finish what he started. We are no longer save here.”

The General: “What about the boy?” Referring to Alex who has subsequently passed out.

Sabastian: “He saved Aurora’s life... Like she said she owes him”

Me: “Locate his family... Everyone dear to him and relocate them somewhere safe... Pack up his stuff... He is coming with us.”

Joshua: “Is that it... We run, again?”

Me: “We run... For now.”

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