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Most Read Novels (Monthly)
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Heir of Broken Fate (HOBF Book 1)
50 Chapters -
The Almighty Dragon General
7663 Chapters -
My Love Never Ends Unless You Leave
44 Chapters -
Your Love Is My Weapon
451 Chapters -
Secrets and Seduction: A Dark Boarding School Romance (Preston Academy Book 1)
27 Chapters -
the miserable life of a miserable teenager
116 Chapters -
Once upon a Dragon Gift (Once Upon a Dragon Series Book 4)
27 Chapters -
Corrupted Redemption
29 Chapters -
The Dracones
27 Chapters -
Nephilim the Reckoning (Wrath of the Fallen Book 3)
25 Chapters -
Grand Epic Elemental
32 Chapters -
19 Chapters