Sky's Rejection -
Sky’s Rejection Chapter 36
(Dean’s POV)
I have been sitting here holding Sky for four hours now while she sleeps. No one has been back in here after they all left to figure out how to get Sky’s soul back into her body. The doctor did vitals and it just confirmed what I feared. Sky’s soul was slowly leaving this plane and causing her body to die. Her vitals were slowly falling. If she didn’t reconnect with her body, Sky would perish. I look down at my lap and sigh, she hasn’t stirred an inch. I fear she may not wake up at this point. Where is everyone? At this point they should have come up with what to do. Is it really that hard?
I try to think of something to do. We could try to have her lay on top of her body and hope it just absorbs her soul. No, that is ludicrous. It would never work. Maybe I should contact Diane, the witch that has helped the royal family so many times before. Yes, why didn’t I think of that before?
I pull my cell phone out of my pocket and scroll through my contacts. Abby. Ana. Ally. Betty. Cat. Candy. Cindy. Cinthia. Di. Diane. Yes, there she is. I click on to her contact and place the phone against my ear.
Ring’s once.
Ring’s Twice.
Ring’s three times.
As I am about to hang up, I hear a click and a soft intake of breath. “Hello?” She questioned as if she didn’t know whose number this could be. I can’t blame her though. I stole her number out of Di’s phone just incase I got into a sticky situation and needed help. This seemed like the right time to call her.
“Hey Diane, this is Royal Beta Dean. I need your help. That favor you owe the King; we need to claim it now.” I said as I held my breath waiting for her to answer. I heard shifting around on the other end for a few minutes before it went completely silent. I peeked at my phone, making sure she didn’t hang up. Nope, still on the call.
“Why isn’t the King calling me?” She asked with suspicion as if she couldn’t comprehend why his Beta would be calling for him.
“He is busy. Does that really matter?” I asked giving a slight attitude, I feel as if we are losing our Luna Queen and I don’t know what else to do.
“I guess not.” Diane said with a sigh as I hear her shift again. “Let me hear the problem and I will tell you if I can help. Will that do?”
“Yes, I would appreciate that. So, a young werewolf has slipped into a coma. Her counter parts are still in her body, but her soul drifted off, not wanting to live without her mate. The Moon Goddess granted her mate back and sent her soul back but in the process of her soul heading back to her body she had to save me. Now, we have been looking for ways to join her soul back with her body, but we have no idea how to. I feel her slipping, I don’t know how much longer she will last.” I said sadly as I kept petting Sky’s hair. I don’t know if the motion was to calm her or me at this point.
“Mmmm, interesting. You said counter parts?” She questions in curiosity. s**t, did I say that? Damn it.
I sighed, “Yes, okay. She is a witch and Werewolf. The only known specie with both genes. You can not tell anyone. Now, can you help me?”
“Wow, I must meet this girl. I will be there in two days’ time. Be prepared for my arrival Beta. Though to guarantee she doesn’t die before I arrive. Make sure her soul is awake and then have her mate k**s her forehead or lips or hand, I guess. Just have her mate k**s her somewhere. It will help her counterparts sense her soul and pull her back into her body.” She said in a rush but with certainty.
“That was it? Why didn’t I think of that?” I questioned myself, forgetting I was still on the phone.
“Well, because you are not me. See you in two days Beta. I can not wait to meet this girl.” Diane says, and with that, she hung up. Always making sure she has the last word. I rolled my eyes as I set my phone down and looked down at my lap. I wish I could see her. Make her feel more connected to everyone.
‘I found how to bring Sky back, meet me in her room.’ I mind linked to Dimitri. I could feel the confusion running through him.
‘Aren’t you with Sky?’ Dimitri asked through the link in confusion. Shouldn’t he just be happy that I figured out how to get her back?
‘Yes, I am, now get here so we can bring her back.’ I mind linked him, annoyed that he is questioning me before coming here to help his mate.
‘Coming.’ Is all I get before he cuts me off. Great, now to wake her up.
“Sky, sky.” I say softly as I gently feel down her head to replace her shoulder. As I reach her shoulder, I shake gently trying to get her up. I need her awake. I really hope I didn’t make a mistake by telling Diane that Sky is a witch and werewolf. “Sky, please. I need you to wake up. I figured out how to get you back into your body. Don’t you want that? To talk to someone other than me?”
Still nothing, no sound, no movement. How am I going to get her awake? Are we to late?
“Tell me how we do this?” Dimitri demands as he barges into the room, and I watch as everyone else files in behind him. He must have linked everyone after he cut our link. How did he get Ty and Alpha Henry though? Were they already with him?
“First, we need to wake up Sky. I have tried and I can’t get her up. I am not sure what to do. At this point, I am scared she may be too far gone to bring back. I don’t know what to do to wake her up.” I said quickly in a panic but trying to also stay calm on the outside and not ramble, so I don’t worry everyone else.
“Why would you say that? Sky can’t be to far gone. I can’t have you saying this. You are stressing me out.” Ariel rambles as she begins pacing in a panic.
Mark intercepts her and wraps her in his arms, stroking her hair with one hand. I must have learned that move from him. “Calm my love. We don’t want you stressing out the baby. Sky is strong, she will be fine.”
“I have this, where is she?” Ty asked as he looked around. I pointed at my lap, and he walked over bending all the way down. “WAKE UP NOW SKY. TIME TO TAKE OUT THE ROGUES. MOVE, MOVE, MOVE.”
I didn’t think that would work, till I felt her jump off my lap. ‘I am ready to beat some rogue a*s. Let’s go Ty.’ She exclaims, as I stare off in the space in front of me in shock. ‘Wait, oh. I am still stuck as a ghost thing.’
“Not for long Sky. I figured out how to get you back in your body.” I said with a smile. I felt arms wrap around me, as I wrapped my hands back around her. Hearing a slight growl coming from Dimitri.
“You still haven’t explained how you figured that out and none of us could.” Dimitri grumbled in annoyance.
His mother turned towards him, nudging him in the side. “Behave.”
“Okay. Is everyone ready?” I asked, once I got enough nods of the head I continued. “Dimitri go stand next to Sky’s body and Sky stand next to Dimitri.”
‘Okay, I am next to him.’ Sky says to me. I take a deep breath. Here it goes.
“Okay, now Dimitri you need to k**s Sky.” I said but I don’t get the rest out.
Dimitri cuts me off, “What?” He asked in shock.
‘Does he not want to k**s me?’ Sky asked though she sounds so sad. Is she disappointed?
“No, Sky I am sure that is not it.” I said before glaring at Dimitri. “Sky’s mate needs to k**s her. Though it can be anywhere. Hand, forehead, lips, cheek. It doesn’t matter.”
“Oh, okay.” Dimitri says as he blows out a loud breath. “I just didn’t want to have our first k**s while she was unconscious.”
“How will this help?” Alpha Henry asked in confusion, seeming upset about something.
“The mate bond will help her counterparts to wake up and pull Sky’s soul back into her body.” I said, not realizing I spilt the news about her being two species again.
“Counter parts?” Alpha Henry asked in confusion. Me and my big mouth. Dimitri shot me a glare.
“We will explain that later, when Dean here explains how he found out about this.” Ty said as he looked at me, as if his eyes were staring into my soul. I gulp and realize maybe I did make a mistake but if Sky is back that will hopefully lower the blow for me.
Dimitri leans over, whispering loving words, no one can hear, before laying a k**s on Sky’s forehead and holding her hand on his chest. I wait patiently, but nothing happens. I did everything she said to do.
“Sky, are you feeling anything?” I asked. Not understanding how to fix this.
‘No, just tired.’ She whispers back to me, and I realize the witch may have lied to me. Maybe I didn’t have the answer.
(Sky’s POV)
I watched as Dimitri leaned over my body, getting extremely close to my ear. “Listen love, I am here for you and our first k**s will be when you are ready. I love you Sky. Please come back to me. I need you, and the pack needs you.” With that Dimitri pulls my hand in his and places it against his heart. Then proceeds to k**s my forehead. I watch in adoration. This is what I have always wanted since seeing my parents in love, since dreaming of what kind of mate I would receive and since meeting my first mate.
I watch patiently thinking something would happen, anything really. My soul pulling into my body, or me instantly hearing Rain and Angel after so long or feeling the touch of my mate tingle and burning my skin.
I feel the same, nothing has changed at all.
“Sky, are you feeling anything?” Dean asked me, I could hear the concern in his voice. I wanted to lie. I wanted to say I feel myself leaving and going back into my body. I wanted to not answer at all. Just so they were happy. They thought they were doing the right thing to bring me back.
“No, just tired.” I whispered back, knowing if I responded I wasn’t lying but honestly hoping he didn’t hear me. I watched as panic ran over his face.
“Did she answer you? Is she back in her body?” Ty asked with a calm facade. I felt the panic, I felt how scared he was to not know if I was coming back, I felt him dip into the pain of his past.
“She answered me, no she is not back in her body.” Dean whispered and looked down at the ground. Failure radiating off him, as he hoped this worked.
“She will die if she stays like this.” Dimitri growled as Demon took the front seat with him. I walk over placing my hand over Dimitri’s heart where he has my body’s hand and his resting. “I will always be right here, in your heart, with you.” I whispered. “Goodbye Dean.”
Right before drifting off I hear Dean relay my message as he broke down in tears, collapsing to the ground. I felt myself losing a hold on this form of my soul and being sucked away, pulled to who knows where.
All I knew is I will not be here, attached to Dean, anymore.
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