Sky's Rejection
Sky’s Rejection Chapter 45

(Ariel’s POV)

I feel a panic through the bond I have with the Luna. See, the Gamma couple are sworn to protect the Luna no matter what. So, when a Luna is sworn in or a new Gamma is, there is an emotional bond that snaps into place. Something that can sometimes be amazing and helpful and other times be annoying and a nuisance.

Now that I am forced to be awake, I guess I will head downstairs. I quickly get dressed, well, as fast as a bloated whale can get dressed. Once I arrive downstairs, I eat a few pancakes and then go into the rest room. This place has too many rooms. I mean who needs a rest room, meeting room, living room, play room and gathering room? They are literally all the same type of room.

Dimitri, Dean and Mark went out for some business. I am sure those three are up to no good at this point. I mean they usually leave one behind. Either there is a real threat or they are just out bullshitting with each other. They do that sometimes, though Mark hasn’t since I got pregnant, so I am sure it has something to do with the pack. Otherwise he wouldn’t have gone too far away.

As I am lost in my thoughts, I feel a presence joining me in the room. As I looked around, I realized Daine, former Queen Samantha, High Alpha Ty and Alpha Henry were presently staring at me. I start fidgeting in my seat, not understanding what I have missed or if I want to even know at this point.

“Is there something I can do to help you guys?” I asked in an annoyed tone. Why the hell do they just keep staring at me? How would they feel if I did that to them? Let me go get my own gang and just sit there like statues staring at them. See how they like it when it is turned on them.

“Calm down Ariel.” Former Queen Samantha says in that soothing voice she always uses on young scared children.

“I do not need you to sit there and talk to me as if I were a child. I need you all to just stop staring at me and just explain why you are even here,” I said in an annoyed voice. I am not a scared little child. I just want to be left alone with my thoughts right now. I thought I had the right to do that.

“We came to ask if you have seen Sky today.” Ty asked softly, like he was poking at a mama bear. I am seriously going to kill a lot of these people. How dare they act as if I am a loose canon. I am not. Ugh.

“No, I haven’t. I felt her panic earlier…” That is all I got out before my eyes widened. s**t, they are all here worried about Sky and here I am getting angry over nothing and not realizing that I was going to go check on her before breakfast and I forgot. Shoot.

‘Sky, come join us.’ I mind linked to Sky, hoping she comes and takes my advice. I do not need them bombarding me with questions.

“Why was she panicked?” Alpha Henry asked and a certain part of me still wanted to hate him for what he did to Sky. Though, who was I to hate him based off of something he put someone else through, especially when that other person seemed to have forgiven him?

“Did you check on her?” Ty asked in concern. I sort of felt bad that I didn’t check on her now, though I am sure she is fine. Have they not seen her before? She is the ultimate badass.

I placed my hand up as I saw another question about to shoot towards me. I will not be answering any of them. “I invited her to come here. Just be quiet and wait for her.”

Not even a few minutes later, Sky walked into the rest room. I wanted to ask her why she didn’t respond? Why was she panicking earlier? Was there anything she needed from me? How did she know where I was even though I hadn’t told her yet because she never responded? I was honestly just in too much shock to ask anything. I was shocked that she decided to even show up. I felt how her scent finally merged with Dimitri’s and I knew they completed their mating last night. Though she walked with her shoulders back, posture straight and as if nothing and no one could ever affect her. I can’t believe this is the same girl that used to cry on my shoulder over how hard it was to open up to Dimitri. What she needed was a friend and hasn’t had one since she was three. How she was abused and mistreated ever since her parents died. The girl who always let her guard down around me had her guard flying high today and I realized that someone in the room didn’t make her feel as safe as they should.

“Did you need something, Gamma Ariel?” Sky said, almost robotically. I couldn’t feel a single emotion in her tone.

“Sky dear, we were all just worried about you and need to make sure you were fine.” Former Queen Samantha said in a sweet voice that almost seemed forced. I thought she liked Sky. What am I missing here? Sky’s head snapped so fast towards her, I felt it would cause her to have whip lash. The dead, cold glare plastered on her face made me want to shrink.

“This isn’t the same girl I met on the first day I arrived. What had happened?” Diane questioned in a mumble. It seemed she was trying to keep the question to herself but she made the mistake of letting it out, even in a whisper. Within seconds, Sky was standing in front of her, the dagger melting Diane’s strong presence to nothing. I could feel the fear growing inside her and it was a little ironic that a one – thousand – year – old witch was cowarding to an eighteen – year – old girl. Even if she is a Queen now, we knew her mixed b***d could bring anyone to their knees if she wanted to. I felt it in her the day we first met.

“Alpha Henry, could you please take Former Queen Samantha and Diane to the garden. I am sure they would love to see what the Queen has changed. It looks magnificent.” Ty asked as he stood with a bow. It is funny because I know he is superior to most of them and he only shows respect to those that Sky does. It is almost as if he sees her as a daughter. He knows when she is bothered and how to get her to open up. He knows when her limit is reached and how to bring her back down. He knows who is on her nerves and why almost all of the time. How does he read that in an emotionless person? How does he feel so much for someone who isn’t related to him? Most of the time, wolves connect to their superiors, loyal advisors and family, not strange random wolves.

“Sure thing.” Alpha Henry said as he stood up, glancing at his sister in worry. It seemed a moment passed, making me realize someone’s mind was linked to him. I watched as his focus came back to the room. “Let’s go see the changes Queen Luna Sky has made. I am sure you both will enjoy them and then we will meet back with them all at dinner.”

As all three of them left the room, the tension that was building in the room and becoming suffocating slowly started to disappear as Sky took a seat next to me. Thank god for that. It even made me want to leave. So one of those three is bothering Sky? Which one?Would she even tell me if I asked? Would she get mad at me instead? Do I want to take that kind of chance?

‘Leave our Queen alone.’ My wolf, mousy, whispered inside my head. She barely speaks, always calm and constantly trying to keep her head leveled as well.

“Ask your questions, Ariel. You know your little bundle will be here any day now.” Sky says in a nonchalant way. Her head was laid on the back of the couch with her eyes closed. Is she even awake or is she dreaming about this? I go to wave my hand in her face but before even getting close, Sky grabs my wrist and guides my hand back onto the baby bump. Mmm.

“Who are you upset with or untrusting towards? Your brother? That would make sense with everything he put you through. The Queen? No, couldn’t be. You were relaxed when her and I were helping you get dressed and we went to the spa yesterday. Diane? I mean that is possible because you just met her and who can trust someone they just met, right?” I babbled on and on, trying to figure it out myself, because she may not want to answer the question. Which I would totally understand as well.

“Ariel please. We have talked about this. You ask a question and wait for the answer. If the person doesn’t want to answer, you leave your speculation inside your head, right? Now, it is not about trust. I had a weird dream. I felt… off because of it. Diane was there and right now I just needed to get back into the right mind set before seeing her. Alright?” Sky answered, not budging from the position she was in. Was she meditating?

That is great to know, though before I could answer I felt pressure. The baby was kicking again. I swear this kid will be a fighter from the first day the baby takes a breath. I gasped slightly and I saw Sky looking at me. The sadness, hurt and longing in her eyes through me a curve ball. Why is she feeling that way? What could I have done to hurt her? What was she longing for? How could I help her?

“Sky, are you alright?” Ty asked as he stood up, walking towards us. As fast as a lightning strikes, Sky’s emotions were covered as if it was a trick of my mind, but I knew better than that. I watched as she gave a fake reassuring smile to Ty and I could tell right away he was falling for it. What was she longing for? How could I help her?

“I am great. I just need to replace my mate. I will see you both later. Yeah? Maybe at dinner?” Sky stated as she stood up and walked out of the room, not waiting to hear a word from either of us. Even if some of her words sounded like questions, I knew she didn’t want an answer. I understood too. Something was going on with her and I just hoped I found out before it was too late to help her. I can’t see my friend fall like this. I will help her no matter what.

(Dimitri’s POV)

Dean, Mark and I are running through the woods on the outskirts of our pack boarders. Some of my men caught a new and unusual scent close to our boarders, now we are trying to track it and figure out why it has decided to hang around the royal grounds. I know I should be staying focused right now, but I can’t. I want to be with Sky when she wakes up. I want to be able to explain why I left and beg her to not be mad at me. I want to feel her skin against me. The worst is that I want to know what is eating my mate up emotionally.

Diane told me she had something important to tell me but I have been so busy out here I don’t know if I will even get to speak to her today. Mark seems agitated about being away from his pregnant mate for this long and Dean seems distracted. I don’t know why, but that isn’t my top worry right now. Right now I need to deal with whatever this is and make sure the pack is safe, then I need to figure out what is eating my mate alive emotionally. Then I will talk to Diane about what is on her mind. Then figure out what is going on with Dean and keep Mark in focus, even if his mate is about to have their pup. I don’t need him getting hurt because his mind is somewhere else. s**t, I am doing the same god damn thing.

‘Do you smell that?’ Mark asked through the link as he stopped running to sniff the air again.

I take a large sniff and growl, ‘Vampire.’

‘I think I know that scent, though I am not sure from where.’ Dean comments on the link. On that note, I realize we hardly associate with vampires and if he knows that scent, it means they have been on royal lands before, which means I need to head back there and make sure they aren’t there now, how we know the smell and if Sky is currently safe.

‘Let’s go,’ is all I link back before taking off towards the pack house. Please be alright.

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