Sky's Rejection
Sky’s Rejection Chapter 75 (The End)

(Sky’s POV)

We decided to keep both the pups away from the pack and public’s eye, needing to figure out the right way to approach our situation. Only our upper ranks know about the twins and Dean gave an excuse to the pack. Something about the pup’s immune system needing to develop more before being exposed to bacteria, as if we aren’t wolves? The pack took Dean’s words to heart, as they started sending get well baskets and spreading the word around the werewolf community to be patient on seeing the pup.

We didn’t feel right lying to them, but we also didn’t feel right only introducing Xavier. The pack needed to know about the twins, though they couldn’t know what she was either, not yet.

It has been six months since I had the pups, their growth exceeds my expectations. They almost seem to be growing at hyper speed. How are we supposed to explain that?

‘You are thinking too much again Sky.’ Rain sighs in exhaustion. It seems I have been thinking them into exhaustion almost every day since I had our pups.

‘Can’t you just focus on something else for a little bit?’ Angel asked in annoyance. I could tell they were both tired, it seemed my mind never shut off these days. ‘Wait, isn’t the counsel coming?’

s**t, I forgot. See, the counsel screamed and threw a tantrum when I refused to introduce them to my pup. I wouldn’t allow them to feel threatened by Xeraphina and I knew if we introduced Xavier and waited till, we solved this situation before showing our little girl, they wouldn’t know something was up. They came tomorrow morning, expecting to finally meet our pup. What were we going to do?

I walked into the lounge looking at everyone in there. My brother was sitting in the armchair staring lovingly at the twins. Dean, Diane, Samantha, Dimitri and Ariel were sitting on the couch, staring between the twins and Ariel’s little one.

Tyson, Ty and Mark seemed to be in a semi – circle, each holding a baby. What were they doing?

All three babies were suddenly flung into the air, making them scream and giggle as their eyes lit up in excitement. My heart sunk as I thought of all the possibilities that could go wrong.

“Ah, ha. I caught you.” They exclaimed, before sending the babies straight back up into the air. I wanted to laugh, I wanted to enjoy them playing with the pups. Until my counterparts’ emotions began to spiral inside of me.

‘They are going to drop them.’ Angel screamed in a panic.

‘Don’t… Goddess… Stop this madness before our pup dies.’ Rain freaks out in a panic. I could feel bother their emotions rising making me start to hit their same mind set.

I reached out a hand, not even giving the guys a chance of catching them, as I freeze the babies’ mid – air. They floated around as the twins tried to roll themselves into each other. Lily couldn’t control her giggling as she looked down expectantly at her father. I made all three of the pup’s float to me, before wrapping them up in my arms. I glared at the three men, not really sure if I was annoyed with them, the situation or my counterparts freaking out for no reason. Ugh.

“Ma, ma.” Xeraphina cooed as she looked up at me. Her hand came against my cheek, as I felt a refreshing boost of energy shoot through me. What had she just done?

‘Did our pup just reenergize us?’ Rain asked in amazement.

‘I didn’t know pups could use their magic so young.’ Angel said with a hum, she was amused and impressed with our little girl.

‘They normally can’t.’ Rain whispered in concern. Those words echoed around in my head, they normally can’t. I wasn’t able to, I got Rain so late in life. Does she already have her counterparts? How much magic has she used before this, and I just never noticed? How did she use magic this young?

Xeraphina began to rub her eyes, as Xavier mimicked her.

“I am sorry for interrupting. Rain and Angel slightly overreacted. Though I do think it is Xeraphina and Xavier’s nap time. They seem tired.” I stated, trying to make everyone stop staring at me as if I had lost my mind.

“Mark, would you mind putting Lily down too?” Ariel asked in a sweet voice, as she batted her eye lashes at him. Seems she didn’t want to do it this time.

Mark sighed before walking over to me and gently taking Lily from my arms. “Time to go to sleep little one.”

I exited the room, heading towards the nursery. I need to lay these little ones down and then figure out how to help our little girl. “Listen Xavier, I need you to protect your sister and keep her out of trouble. Okay?” He nodded his head before smiling. I kissed the top of his head, then laid him into his crib. “You, little miss, cannot be using your magic like that. You can’t let anyone see how different you are Xeraphina. It isn’t safe.”

Xeraphina stared at me in confusion before making a slight nod. I kissed her forehead before placing her into her crib. As I walked to the door, I stopped to see my twins one more time. “I love you both so much. Good night.” I shut the door after switching their light off. I hoped Xeraphina actually understood what I was telling her. How well could these pups comprehend us? Did what I told them get through? Most pups just coo and say little sounds, but my pups are special, and they seem to register any words spoken to them.

“Why are you lost in thought, my love?” Dimitri asked, as his arms wrapped around my body, engulfing me in his tingling sensation. I relaxed in his hold, allowing my mind to rest for a few minutes.

‘I love being in our mates’ arms.’ Angel purred in contentment, her mind resting from all the possibilities to solve the problems we are having.

‘I wish we could stay like this forever.’ Rain hummed in happiness.

“Love?” Dimitri questioned; I could hear the concern lingering in his voice. I must have got lost in my mind again, or maybe it was the sensation from his close proximity. No matter how much time passes, I never feel any different when I am held by my mate. The love overflows like a fresh wave of ecstasy. I wanted to get lost in this feeling until all our problems disappeared.

I turned in his arms, looking Dimitri in the eyes. I could see his emotions burning intensely from the way his eyes glistened. It made me answer his question quicker than I planned on. “I was trying to figure out options for our pups. I know what your idea is, but can we subject Xeraphina to a life like that? We also both know we can’t keep the pups hidden for long, as the council is expected to arrive anytime now. They demanded an answer for when they returned. I am honestly surprised they allowed us six months’ time as is. How long do you think we have to deal with this? Do you really think the twins will keep their other halves hidden? Did you not see that Xeraphina can already access her magic? It has never been heard of before. The Goddess said not to treat the twins differently. If we allow one to have parties, one to visit the pack, one to be outside and not the other, will that turn the balance between good and evil? Do you not see the concerns and potential consequence that will occur if we go with your idea?”

The agitation in my voice wasn’t mistakable. I was petrified at the thought of us making the wrong choices already for our pups. At the same time, terror ran through my veins at all the possibilities of who may try to harm Xeraphina because of her unique abilities. She’s beyond uncommon, only one of her existed. People will fear her, wanting her death or to use her in ways I would never want any child to have to experience.

“I would never let any harm come to our pups Sky. I can promise you that, no matter if I have to sacrifice my life for theirs. I understand your concern and I agree with you. Though, if we can’t replace a solution before the council arrives, we will have to keep Xeraphina hidden until another option becomes available. We will deal with the consequences at that time.” Dimitri whispered; his solemn demeanor made me believe his every word. Rain hummed as Angel purred, they were in agreement with our mate. No matter what, our pups will always be protected.

“We concur with you Dimitri. No matter what, our pups will always be protected.” I stated, my confidence in my words never drifting. I was sure that I would lay down my own life, as would my mate, for our pups.

“The council have arrived.” The guard at the front door of the packhouse announced. I looked up into my mate’s eyes, panic surging through me. We have not decided what to do yet. Where is Doctor Lilian? They arrived early.

‘Do not worry, Sky. We will be alright, as long as we are together. Just follow my lead and I will handle everything. Do not stray, my love.’ Dimitri mind linked me in response to my panic. His stone-cold face gave me confidence he could handle this. I calmed down at his words, knowing fully well he knows how to handle the council and right now I was too worried about the pups to keep them following my lies. I nodded in acknowledgement, giving him a shaky smile.

‘Everyone, heads up, the council are early. Blank faces and follow Dimitri’s lead, NO one strays.’ I demanded through the group mind link. I watched everyone straighten up, Mark running back into the room with us, everyone’s faces blank, showing no emotions. Show time.

“Welcome.” Dimitri greeted, not an ounce of emotion dripping in his short welcoming. The council shivered in response, feeling the cold demeanor he held. I stood next to Dimitri; my hand tingled with his. We needed to be a united front.

“Alpha King are you ready to introduce us to the new addition. I am beginning to think you are trying to hide something from us.” A glint shinning in Elder Walsh’s eyes, as if he would enjoy killing us.

‘As if he could.’ Angel growled in annoyance.

‘Let him try to touch our mate, pups or ourselves. I will snap his neck before anyone could even blink. The elders think they are the best but once on the council they seem to let themselves go. He is weak this time, then our meeting six months ago.’ Rain sneered, her disgust leaking through my pores. They both hated Elder Welsh as much as I did.

A mind link cut off my inner rambling, pulling my attention fully towards her. ‘Luna Queen? I have found what you asked of me. I am on the way back to the pack house. I shall be there within the hour.’

This is perfect, I have been waiting for her to say these exact words for the last three months. She has been searching for so long I honestly didn’t think she would ever replace it.

‘Perfect, Doctor Lilian. The council has arrived early. Come through the back and meet me in the nursey as soon as you have arrived.’ I mind linked in response. As soon as she confirmed my instructions, I cut our link off.

When I zoned back into the setting in front of me, I watched in horror as Dimitri was in a stare down with Elder Walsh. I needed to advert their attention without making Di look weak. Elder Welsh might be weaker than last time he was here, but the Elders are about equal or stronger than all the King’s, used to keep everyone inline.

“I do not mean to interrupt your little boyish fun, but I would like to announce that our twin pups are sleeping. As soon as they wake up you will all be allowed to meet them.” With those words, I sauntered off, getting ready to meet with Doctor Lilian. I could feel their confused stares on me, before the omega took them to the dining hall for lunch.

‘What were you thinking? I told you to follow my lead and I would take care of it.’ Dimitri bellowed in frustration through the mind link.

‘New plan, we follow my lead. I figured out a solution.’ I replied, not even bothered by Dimitri’s frustration. He knew I was trying to replace alternatives; at this point he should have realized I had finally figured one out.

‘Fine. We will see you and the twins after lunch.’ Di sighed through the mind link, slowly giving in to me. I could feel his curiosity burning inside of him. He was excited to see if I accomplished our task or not. I could feel the slight fear brewing underneath, afraid I spoke before confirming our idea had worked. What if… No. I can’t go there right now. I would drive myself crazy with ‘what if’s’ if I do.

‘I am here.’ Doctor Lilian exclaimed through my head. Her words churning excitement and relief in my body. Finally.

“Thank you.” I whispered to Lilian, my eyes shining with appreciation as I took the tiny trinket from her hands. I admired it for a second before placing it around Xeraphina’s neck.

The atmosphere changed.

The power vanished right before our eyes.

My idea had worked.

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