screeching words hit my ears, and I wince.

“Shhh,” I hush her, grabbing her arm and dragging her away from listening ears and looking around to see if anyone is nearby. “Dammit Josie, keep it down.”

“You just told me you got all frisky with Darius and you want me to keep it down!” Her mouth opens and closes like she can’t believe the words out of my mouth. To be honest, I can’t either. “How did that happen?” she asks as we continue walking to collect water from the river.

“I don’t know. I don’t understand how Josie, but it just happened. What’s wrong with me?”

She grabs my arm roughly, bringing me to a stop as the bucket from my hand drops to the ground. I look at her and her dark-green eyes flash at me. “There is nothing wrong with you. Do you hear me? So you did a bit of a dry hump and grind and got off, so fucking what? It’s about time you had some pleasure from somewhere else apart from your hand.”

My cheeks heat. “I have got off before without using my hand,” I mutter as I bend to pick up the bucket and continue walking.

“That was one time, and you just wanted to get it over with. This was different, wasn’t it?”

Of course it was different. “Yeah,” I sigh. “I don’t know what came over me, but I’ve never felt so… alive when his hands were touching me.” I shake my head. “He’s the fucking enemy, but maybe I can use this to my advantage,” I muse, glancing up at the sun peeking through the canopy of trees.

“How so?” she asks, swinging her bucket back and forth as we walk.

“Let me think about it,” I tell her, and walk toward the river. I bend down and fill the bucket in my hand with water as Josie does the same.

Darius obviously has some attraction to me, even if he said I was just there at the time. But maybe I can use that to sway his mind and see that my pack is good here, and that they need to stay here and be safe. If I can get him to see them in a different light to how he sees me, it could work.

“Just be careful, Rhea, but don’t shy away from exploring that man meat if he’s up for it.”

I splutter a laugh. “Man meat?”

She smirks. “Oh, he’s definitely a whole ass snack.”

I bump her shoulder with mine as we head back to the gathering. “Don’t let Danny hear you say that.”

“Why would I do that? He’ll get jealous and carry me off to our cabin and have his wicked way with me.” She’s not wrong.

“Devious girl,” I tease.

“I prefer smart,” she winks.

We arrive at the gathering and pour our last bucket of water into the pot at the center. It took us a few trips to the river, but thankfully the pot is now filled to the brim and ready to boil. Josie sets the fire beneath to prepare for dinner tonight. I watch out of the corner of my eye how the Elites wander around, but take extra care not to get too close to my pack members. Some have been brave and started sparring with them, but a lot still keep away from them. Understandably.

“I’m going to head off and replace Danny,” Josie smiles, mischief dancing in her eyes.

I laugh and touch her cheek to mine before she skips off, excited to make her mate jealous. I shake my head at her antics. That girl is about to have trouble sitting down for a few days after Danny is done with her.

I add a few more logs beneath the fire when a small head of dark hair catches my attention. I stand and move unhurriedly, walking between the scarcely placed trees around the gathering. I follow the little boy, keeping him in my sight as I look around for his mom. Not seeing her, I pick up the pace, but then come to a sudden halt.

I place my palm against the tree next to me as Jerrod, the big, red-haired Elite, stands still as Oscar runs to him and clings to his leg outside of one of the cabins. Shit. I step forward, about to open my mouth, when something grabs my arm, and I’m pulled back against a hard chest.

His scent hits me, making my tense body relax slightly as his breath tickles my ear. “Watch,” is all Darius says, his hands on my hips gripping me firmly. He’s not hurting me, he just wants me to stay put.

Curious and a little worried, I watch as Oscar babbles up to Jerrod, holding his little arms up to him as the Elite looks down. After a moment, Jerrod tentatively reaches down and gently picks Oscar up, his arms going under him to keep him steady. Oscar picks up Jerrod’s long braid from where it was resting over his shoulder and looks it over before tickling himself with it on his nose.

A chuckle leaves me as he continues to play with Jerrod’s braid, but I’m also a little shocked by the big redhead letting him do it. Every time I’ve seen Jerrod, which is not often, he’s always careful with his words. But seeing how happy Oscar is warms my insides, and I’m grateful the Elite is letting him have his fun.

Darius’ grip tightens on me as he rests his chin on the top of my head and I just let him, not understanding why. Hearing Oscar’s name suddenly being called, I look toward the sound and see Katy running from between the cabin, her face full of panic. I go to step forward, but Darius holds me back as Katy finally spots her son.

She freezes at seeing her son in the arms of an Elite, and the distress on her face makes me wrench out of Darius’ grip. He grabs me again by my ponytail and turns me toward him, our faces close together as he leans down, and I let out a low growl of warning that he immediately returns.

“Watch them,” he murmurs against my lips. He reaches a hand up and grips my chin, turning my head in their direction.

Oscar still happily plays with Jerrod’s hair, oblivious to his mom’s presence, but Jerrod’s eyes are locked with hers. I see Katy straighten her shoulders before skittishly walking toward them. Her posture screams fear, but with an Elite holding her son in his arms, she’s being brave. She stops a few feet away from them and holds out her shaky arms. Her lips are moving, but we aren’t close enough to hear what she’s saying.

Her hands tremble as she holds them out for Oscar, and the big Elite slowly takes his braid from Oscar’s hands, smiling softly at him and then lifts him from his embrace. He places him gently into Katy’s awaiting arms and says something that has Katy ducking her head and cradling her son close. He reaches out slowly, and Katy tenses as her eyes scrunch shut. Jerrod pauses, hand still held out, before he ruffles Oscar’s hair, and he turns and leaves.

Katy waits until he’s a few steps away from them before she lifts her head again with eyes open, watching him go. Rubbing her head against her sons, she waits until Jerrod is out of sight before she walks off. Pride fills me from her actions. She was brave, put her fears aside and went up to an Elite. To a male. To get her son.

Being a mother can make you do things you never thought you were able to. It makes you more than the skin that holds and binds you together, makes you powerful enough to overcome your own mind.

“None of my Elites would hurt anyone, Rhea,” Darius says suddenly, and I jolt, turning my head to look back up at him. He squeezes my chin gently, the action so at odds with the words he left me with the day before. “We don’t harm our own unless there is a cause to. We hunt creatures, not people.”

“I have no idea what you guys are capable of, Darius,” I tell him honestly, my eyes bouncing between his. “But I know what my pack is and isn’t capable of, and that was a big deal for Katy.”

“He wouldn’t have hurt her or the pup,” he stresses, his eyes turning hard at the thought of it. “I won’t allow it.”

I shake my head as much as I can with his hand still gipping my chin. “I don’t know that. I don’t trust any of you.” It’s why the pack is never on their own, always with someone, and why me and the guys are watching the Elites closely. “But I’m glad you stopped me from intervening, that was good for her. Hopefully it gives her a little more confidence and a little less fear.”

He studies me for a moment, probably wondering if any of my words are true, before he ducks his head, his lips a touch away from mine. I take in a small breath when his eyes drop to my mouth before coming back up to mine. I swallow at the heat in them, and he moves his hand from my chin, gliding it across my jaw and down until he reaches the back of my neck. Goosebumps appear all over my body and his eyes track those that are visible.

“A little fear is good, Rhea, depending on the circumstances,” he rumbles, and the sound makes my stomach clench.

His gaze travels down to my now heaving breast straining against my t-shirt, and a small sound escapes me that has his eyes snapping up to mine. He presses himself closer to me, that grip on my neck a solid force as he holds me still against him. He dips his head to the side of my throat and inhales deeply, a small, growling sound leaving his lips as I shiver. His tongue moves over my skin from the crook of my neck up to below my ear, and I damn near melt against him.

Runa comes close to the surface, a rumbling sound leaving her, and then I feel another wolf brushing up against me. Darius’ wolf. Praise and contentment flow through me as his wolf rubs up against us through our touch. My eyes close at this strange and new feeling, relishing in it and the way my body feels like it’s floating.

Darius kisses along my jaw, and I hum at the feel of his lips, enjoying his attention on me. Then suddenly he rips himself away. My eyes spring open, giving myself a few seconds for my brain to catch up as I stare at Darius’ confused eyes. My eyes lower to the obvious erection pressing against his pants then back to his face as my brows furrow.

I open my mouth to ask him what the fuck that was, when another voice enters the gathering. “What’s for dinner? I’m starving,” Damian says as he walks between the benches and takes a seat near the fire. He ruffles his brown hair before holding his hands out, warming himself even though it’s not cold.

I clear my throat and shuffle on my feet as he looks between me and Darius. “Stew,” I say, running my hands down the tops of my thighs, not missing the way Darius tracks the movement. “It will be ready a little later. I’m just waiting for the water to boil first.” I point to the pot.

“Uh-huh.” Damian mumbles, giving Darius the stink eye.

“Right. Well, I’m just going to go and do some… stuff until then,” I eventually get out, and turn to leave, my cheeks on fire.

Fucking Gods. Could that have been any more awkward? Damian must have seen us being so close, and Darius attacking my skin with his mouth.

Why am I drawn into Darius’ aura? Why do I let him put his mouth on me? Again.

Gods, what is happening to me?

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