Explore The Most Popular Fantasy Novels
The Dragon Brothers
65 Chapters -
Wrath and ruin
11 Chapters -
Feathers and Flame
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Seeds for Time
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10 Chapters -
Prince Justus and the Rogue
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Arrow Inferno
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Surreptitious Alliance: Marked by My Alien Slave
90 Chapters -
Moonbound Redemption
5 Chapters -
The Cheat Seed
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Rise of the Queen
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The Tiger Prince's Witch
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Take Out
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Love Is Colder than Death
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A Class of Conjuring
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Eclipsed Destiny
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Once Upon a Steamy Night
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Revenge of the Scorned Witch
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The Dark Beast's Love
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Treasure Hunting
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Fairyries Academy (English version)
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Our Surprise Mate
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A Ruin of Roses (Deliciously Dark Fairytales – B&tB Book 1)
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First Eclipse
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