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    Author: John Francis Kinsella

    Legally licensed by the author/publisher for free distribution on ebookex.com (scroll down to download ebook)

    About the Book:

    The Bezzle is set against a background of fast moving geopolitics, as China is plunged into a deep crisis after the collapse of its real estate and construction market, aggravated by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the threat of all out war in the Middle East.

    It commences when Michael D’Arcy, a special advisor to Sir Patrick Kennedy, head of the INI Banking Corporation, is summoned to George Town on the Cayman Islands, where he is to assist Edouard Wang who arrives from China charged with a secret mission by his father, Henry Wang, CEO of the Delta Group, a large diversified Chinese holding, specialised in construction and commodities.

    Unexpectedly Lucy, Edouard’s sister appears. She and Michael have had an on-off relationship complicated by his detention and escape from a Chinese prison in Shanghai, where he had been held pending trial on accusations of economic espionage by the Guoanbu, China’s equivalent to the CIA and FBI combined.

    Michael and Edouard leave for Cancun to meet the Delta Group’s partner in Mexico, where Henry Wang is planning a diversification programme following the economic crisis in China and Xi Jinping’s brutal crackdown on business. During this time Lucy, an ambitious young archaeologist, leaves on a trip to a Mayan site in Guatemala where new discoveries are being made.