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    Author: L. A. Wilson

    Legally licensed by the author/publisher for free distribution on ebookex.com (scroll down to download ebook)

    About the Book:

    Historical fiction book: now contains Part 2 (the original Book 2:) The King of Battles.

    Set in the Dark Ages of Post-Roman Britain, The Silurian is the story of King Arthur told in a compelling new voice. A first person narrative, spoken in grim and graphic detail by Arthur’s closest friend and foster-brother, Prince Bedwyr, the Fox. A boy of sixteen, taken to his first great conflict, Bedwyr begins his story on the battlefield where Arthur lies missing after having won his first engagement to war against the invading Saxons, Hengist and Horsa. This is the Fifth Century AD, a time of fierce honesty, as Bedwyr’s own words speak it, the words of a young warrior who lives his life in the blood, guts, turmoil and love of an age that was both brutal and brilliant.