202 Cherry Popper Way: A Small Town Friends to Lovers Firefighter Romance -
202 Cherry Popper Way: Chapter 9
A few hours later I am standing in the middle of Miles’ kitchen in heels, a splash of cherry red lipstick he seems to love on me, and a ‘kiss the cook’ apron. Nothing else.
Mrs. Malone gave me information I can use to help give back to the man who opened his home to me. And I have a plan on how to use it. Giving something back seems like the right thing to do. Plus, I want to replace out what sex in his kitchen will be like. Maybe we’ll even make it to a bed this time.
Evil planning at its finest, Poppy would say.
Headlights flash through the front window, and I run to light the candles and make sure all the dishes are spread out on the table.
My skin tingles when the door opens and a hungry man steps through. But one look from those dark eyes when they land on me says he is not here for the food. His dark hair is tousled by the wind and his eyes are hot as wildfire. I swallow the lump forming in my throat and send a message to my racing heart to chill out.
In my head, I see this evening going like this: he comes home, we eat, he loves his surprise and then we get down ’n dirty.
And I can’t wait for the last part of that plan.
My insides feel the brushes of a million butterfly wings. After all we’ve shared I don’t understand how I am nervous now, but I am. Maybe it’s the serious look on his face, the fact he’s come so deep inside me I’m probably carrying his baby already, or the hopes of how much I want that to be true for us. A compilation of all the above?
He is wearing a fresh Henley, the sleeves pushed up and the ends tucked into a nice fitting pair of jeans.
He’s across the kitchen, hands on my hips and lifting me to sit on the counter ignoring my glare. “I have plans before we get to this part of the evening, mister. Put me back on my feet so I can give you your surprise.”
Miles steps between my legs and I can’t deny him access. I spread wide and love the feel of his thick waist pushing me open. At this height we’re at the perfect level for him to devour my lips with a fierce kiss. I tremble in his arms and I think that is what he is going for because when he breaks our kiss, his smile is as arrogant as hell.
“If you don’t want me to go straight for dessert the second I hit the door, then you should not be wearing fuck-me-heels and this.” He runs his fingers under the edges of my apron, lightly brushing over my nipples. They pucker into tight points from the caress and his deeply pitched husk. Wow, can this man do sexy.
I lift my brows, downplaying how nervous I am, and let the mischief in his eyes keep me centered. “Did you notice what I don’t have on underneath?” I tease and before I get the words out, he’s lifting the edges of the apron and pressing me back with a hand to my shoulder. “Lie back. I want a taste of the sweet stuff. I’ve wanted to get you naked all damn day.”
I push at his shoulders but still fall back to my elbows, giving the beast what he wants.
He stops with his hands midthigh, ready to pull back the only barrier between his lips and my pussy. What can I say, I’m wicked like that, and why put on panties when the animal will just rip them?
I give a little shrug. “It’s our first ‘real’ date. I wanted something special.”
“Good thinking. I can use those candles to drip wax over your pretty breasts and then suck you into the best climax you’ve ever had.”
I purse my lips and run my thigh up against his side. He hooks an arm around it and I shudder when his powerful hand grips me tight.
“You mean you’ve been holding back with all the other climaxes?”
He leans in and nips at the tender flesh of my pussy before licking away the burst of pain. “Fuck, Miles. Don’t tease.” My head drops back and I’m already dripping girl-cum.
He chuckles darkly and pulls away, helping me to my feet.
“How about we get to your dinner so we can get to the dessert part of tonight?”
My eyes meet his. He holds me close, and standing like this, our body heat as one, I can feel the steady beat of his heart against my palms. It’s calming and helps ease my nerves for what’s about to come.
“The steaks and vegetables can wait. Wanna skip to that dessert? But real dessert. I made something special for you. Come take a seat.” I pull him to the head of the table where I have everything set out and love the deep growl of appreciation he gives when I head back to the fridge.
The dangling tassels of the apron fall right over the crack of my ass, and I give a little more shim to my shimmy.
“Close your eyes,” I call out and don’t move from the fridge until he complies.
“Ok, open them. I found the perfect place with fresh coconut and the ripest cherries. When I told them it was for you they gave me a little extra.” I lean in and place a tender kiss on his cheek, but there’s no reaction. No nothing. He’s not even blinking.
Miles’ perfect tanned skin turns pasty white in a matter of seconds as he sits speechless, staring at the banana coconut cream dessert with five cherries lined across the top.
I go to put a hand on his arm but he’s out of his chair and across the kitchen before I can blink like hell is on his heels.
I freeze in place, kind of puzzled at his freak out. “What? What’s wrong?”
“How did you know? Who told you?”
His words are abrupt and curt. He paces back to the table, eyes glued to the dessert platter, but I can tell it’s not the sweet treat he’s seeing. Jaw muscles bunch and release.
“Mrs. Malone. She thought it would bring us closer.”
He doesn’t say anything just scrubs a hand over his face, and I can physically feel him withdrawing from me.
“Miles, talk to me.”
My eyes start to water and I’m starting to freak the hell out from how white the man who spends hours upon hours in the sun is turning.
“I…I have to go.”
“What?” He pulls me into a hug and if that isn’t confusing enough it feels like it’s a goodbye hug. I don’t know how I know. Call it a woman’s intuition. I gave my mother one right before packing up my car despite her not wanting me to and pointing my car toward Cherry Falls.
This is like that, but ten times worse.
“Miles, please. Talk to me.”
Dark eyes flash my way, and I’m rooted in place. There is a different fire in his eyes now. One of such deep emotions, I am left speechless.
Just then the static of his radio goes off, and he swipes it off the top of the bag he came in with.
His eyes are level on me, and I feel torn between wanting to run to him and throw my arms around him, kiss away the pain and just packing up and heading back to my place. Indecision blazes through my nerve endings.
“This is the chief.”
More static. “You need to come in. There’s been an accident up on the main highway. Three cars.”
“On my way.”
Long legs eat up the distance between me and the back door. He takes my chin in hand and forces me to meet his gaze.
“I can tell what you’re thinking. Don’t you dare leave this house, Bela Andrews. Or I will chase you down and bring you back to me. When I get back, we’ll deal with this.”
Holy hell, I believe him. What does it say about me that I’m tempted to put him to the test?
He walks past me and heads for the door. I take a step toward him but I pull back. Letting him go hurts, but he has people depending on him, too.
So I stand there, not knowing how to act, what to do. Did I do something wrong? Overstep my boundaries? Fierce, cold chills raise my skin. Before Miles, dating never hit my radar with all the hours I put in at school. And now seeing him walk away from me, I don’t think I ever want to again.
“Wait for me.”
With those last words, he’s gone, in his truck and speeding off to save someone else’s day while mine falls apart. What the fuck just happened?
“Well, that didn’t go as planned.”
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