5 Rounds: An Enemies to Lovers Sports Romance (The Fight Game Book 1) -
5 Rounds: Chapter 6
Damn, she has a great body.
I mean, I always figured she did, but I had no idea she was hiding all that under her clothes at the gym.
I wasn’t wrong about her body not being the ballerina-type—it’s better. She’s thin but toned, with subtle muscle definition everywhere I look. Her abs are flat and tight. At the sight of her perfectly shaped tits and the water drops that tease me as they run over every mouth-watering curve of her body, I’m pretty sure I totally fail at not gawking at her. And when she turns around to walk back to Jax’s room, I definitely can’t help staring at her perfect, round ass.
I honestly didn’t expect her to meet my challenge, but I can hardly say I’m disappointed.
Remy Porter is nothing if not exciting.
I’m gone long before she finishes getting ready. Part of me wonders if I don’t trust myself not to pounce on her if I see her again tonight, since two nights of teasing and no action can make a guy a little hard-up.
Even last night had been a challenge to tear myself away. The sorority girl—whose name I had indeed forgotten—was partly a booty call but was mostly invited over to piss off Remy. I had only wanted to establish that she wasn’t allowed to set rules in my house.
I didn’t anticipate her fighting back and driving the girl off.
It was actually impressive. That she came up with the idea so quickly and managed to get the girl out without even a hiccup was almost admirable. Unfortunately, it left me with a hard-on that I later had to take care of myself.
What made the situation even more annoying was the fact that I wanted to take it out on Remy.
I always knew she was hot, but she spent so much time glaring daggers at me and spitting hateful words that I never really felt the need to look at her as anything other than Jax’s annoying little friend. Being shit on doesn’t exactly make me want to take a girl to bed. Plus, I’m pretty sure Jax would kill me if I ever made a move to. Between her smart mouth and the constant presence of Jax, it was easy to ignore even the fleeting thoughts of wanting a hate-fuck.
She’s always come off as a bit of a bitch to me. Maybe even a little pretentious. I’ve never blamed her for thinking I’m a womanizer—because I am—but that’s hardly a reason to think you’re better than someone else. I don’t get the feeling she acts that way because I’m a fighter, since she’s obviously fine with Jax being the same, so I’m not sure what makes her look down her nose at me. Possibly the fact that I’m not using my business degree or working in an “acceptable” career—my parents love that excuse. But with Remy, I could never be bothered to replace out. In general, I don’t give two shits about what people think about me.
But even if I could get past all of that, I’m also fairly certain she’s a prude. Which is yet another reason I’ve never shown her a sliver of interest. She hates the mention of sex, and she actually seems to hate it when I’m not clothed. Most girls smile or fawn when they see me shirtless, but Remy’s never done either of those things—she just gets flustered or, more often than not, angry with me. I’ve also heard from Jax that she’s only ever dated nerdy types for a few months at a time, which I consider another clue that she’s probably inexperienced or a prude. None of which align with my specific sexual preferences. So, I definitely never looked at her with any interest.
Until she moved into my house.
In only two days I can already feel that she’s beginning to burrow under my skin. The sudden close proximity from being in the same house is forcing us to interact in ways that we’ve never had to deal with before.
And it’s starting to get my dick hard.
Before long, I’m too tired even for thoughts of Remy. Training killed me today and it’s taking everything I have to stay awake for tonight’s security job. It’s a good gig to have on the side but right now, all I want to do is go home and pass out.
It’s 4:00 in the morning when I finally crawl into bed, fully clothed. And it feels like only five minutes later that my alarm is ringing, waking me up for the early classes that I have to teach.
The only thing that gets me through the morning is years of training that have taught my body to function normally even under extreme exhaustion. Still, I exhale a sigh of relief when the gym empties out between morning and afternoon classes, finally giving me enough time to take a nap.
I dream of a naked, wet brunette.
When I wake up, I’m even crankier than before. The last thing I need in my life right now is a distraction—especially if said distraction has an attitude the size of Texas.
Thankfully, Aiden notices my grunts of frustration and asks if I want to grab a drink after class. I nod stiffly. A drink would probably calm me down.
An hour later, Aiden, Max, and I are crowded around a high top at one of Center City’s best hole in the wall bars. It’s Friday night so there’s a decent amount of people around us. Even the music is louder than normal, with several people milling about on the makeshift dance floor.
I take a long sip of the whiskey in my hand, already feeling the tension start to ease from my shoulders. Between being left high and dry two nights ago, and Remy’s teasing performance yesterday, I’ve been unusually wound up for the past few days. I probably just need to get laid so I can chill out again.
I shake the sudden thoughts of Remy from my head. Even if it’s just a physical attraction, I definitely need to stop thinking about that girl—nothing good could possibly come of anything happening between us. That is, if she even wants something to happen between us. God knows she seems to hate my guts.
I shake my head again. Surely there’s a hot blonde somewhere in here that can ease all my frustration. I turn to scan the bar.
And immediately lock eyes with Remy Fucking Porter.
I scowl. This is now the second time in a month that I’ve run into her at a bar, and it’s starting to piss me off.
The guys spot her at the same time that I do.
‘Hey, Remy and Lucy are here,’ Aiden says from next to me. ‘Let’s go say hi.’
He and Max start to head over to where Remy and Lucy are leaning against the bar. I scowl again but follow behind them, realizing that hanging behind would be even more awkward than just acknowledging her.
I scan her from head to toe as I walk closer. Her outfit is simple—ripped skinny jeans with her trademark combat boots and a strappy black top that shows off her small but perfectly shaped tits. Her hair is loosely curled and falling over her shoulders, looking so shiny that I feel the sudden urge to wrap it around my fist. That urge is only slightly beat out by the temptation of her full, pink lips.
She looks fucking delicious.
I growl internally at the memories that flood back of her naked body standing in front of me yesterday. Even just the glimpse of her cleavage now is reminding me how perky and pink her nipples are, how much I’d wanted to fall to my knees so I could lean forward and taste them.
She seems to be remembering the same thing.
Even in the dim lighting of the bar, I can see the pink that now tinges her cheeks. This is the first time we’ve seen each other since the ‘shower incident’—as my brain now refers to it—and she definitely looks embarrassed. For how cocksure she seemed strutting out of the bathroom yesterday, she doesn’t look nearly as confident right now.
Her unease helps me regain some of my own control. I grin as we reach the bar.
‘Hi, ladies,’ I drawl. ‘Fancy seeing you here.’
She glares at me—per usual. ‘What are you guys doing here?’ she snaps.
Aiden chuckles under his breath and shoots me a knowing look. If he didn’t understand my foul mood before, Remy’s extra snappy tone probably just connected the dots for him.
‘We just wanted to let off some steam after the gym,’ he answers smoothly. ‘What about you two? Stressful week?’
If looks could kill…
Remy’s eyes burn with her barely-concealed hatred. They hold mine, unrelenting. ‘You could say that,’ she growls.
I grin, loving the effect I have on her. I’ve always thought she’s sexy when she’s angry, even before this week. That’s why I always loved to rile her up. ‘Why don’t we buy you two another round?’ I offer innocently. I can’t help the taunt that slips from my lips. ‘We’d love to shower you with our attention tonight.’
If she wasn’t seeing red before, she definitely is now. I notice her knuckles turn white on the glass she’s holding, and my grin widens.
‘Thanks, but no thanks, asshole,’ she spits. She grabs Lucy’s arm and looks apologetically at the two guys beside me. ‘Sorry guys, we’d love to stay and chat but if I don’t get a bar’s worth of distance away from Tristan, I might become responsible for the derailment of your golden boy’s career. Have a good night.’ And without a second’s hesitation, she pulls Lucy to the other side of the bar. I vaguely register Lucy grumbling something about ‘so much sexual tension.’
‘Damn, dude,’ Aiden mutters next to me. ‘What the hell did you do to her?’
I laugh and take another sip of my drink. ‘If I tell you, she’ll definitely derail my career.’
For the next hour, we mingle around the bar, talking to friends that we run into and chatting up a few girls. Both Aiden and Max are clearly athletes that radiate single vibes, so girls tend to gravitate toward us. At one point we manage to capture the attention of a very drunk, very horny, bachelorette party.
I politely chat with the bride herself, trying my best to ignore the blatant bedroom eyes she’s throwing my way. I’m not a fan of the cliché pre-wedding infidelity in general but I’m also just not interested in the pretty blonde. She’s so obviously throwing herself at me that it’s actually a turn-off. I replace myself wishing she would at least give me the illusion of a chase, maybe push back with a joke or a snarky comment.
My eyes scan the room, landing on Remy sitting at the bar. She’s sitting sideways on the barstool, laughing loudly at something Lucy just said. There’s no trace of the anger or resentment that she wears when she talks to me. She actually looks… happy.
I glance down at the glass in her hand and notice she’s drinking a clear liquid on the rocks. I vaguely remember Jax telling me she’s not really a drinker but that when she does, she goes for tequila. Which immediately makes her very, very happy.
I’m barely aware of the bride droning on about some crazy college experience that she had, completely clueless to the fact that I’m not listening. Instead, I study Remy’s body language. Her shoulders are loose, her smile happy. She’s animatedly telling Lucy a story about something, her hands gesturing wildly to emphasize whatever it is she’s talking about. And when she hears a certain song come on, she gasps and grabs Lucy’s arm. She pulls her friend onto the dance floor and they start dancing to the upbeat tune.
If any part of me was paying attention to the bride in front of me, it definitely isn’t now.
I can’t take my eyes off of Remy. I’ve never seen her dance before.
It’s fucking mesmerizing.
Her hips move from side to side, her movements fluid and comfortable. She’s always been graceful at the gym—light on her feet and in total control of her body—so it makes sense that she’s the same on the dance floor. She raises her hands above her head as she continues to roll her hips.
I probably would’ve been lost in her trance for hours if I didn’t notice the guy slide in behind her.
Without any word or introduction, he slides his arms around her waist and pulls her tight to his body. His jerky hip movements are cringe-worthy.
All happiness drops from Remy’s face. She scowls, her brows furrowing more than they ever have with even me, and she tries to push his hands off. But the asshole isn’t loosening his grip.
It looks like she says something to him because he grins, the smile stretching across his face in what seems like victory. He lets her turn in his arms to face him.
She points a finger threateningly at him. When he doesn’t respond, she puts her hands on his chest and tries to shove him away again.
The whole thing seems to happen in an instant. It takes me a second to register what’s happening, and a few more seconds to stride across the bar.
I shove the guy away from Remy, fury boiling in my veins.
‘She said, back off,’ I bark. I hold my ground between Remy and the asshole.
‘Yo, man, we were just talking,’ he snaps at me. ‘Get lost, this doesn’t concern you.’
I step closer—almost close enough for our noses to touch—and let loose a low growl. ‘Unless you want me to make your nose splinter into your skull, I suggest you turn around and get the fuck out of this bar,’ I snarl. ‘Now.’
If my tone wasn’t enough to convey my message, I straighten up to impose my height over the five-foot-something prick. That coupled with the fact that he looks like Remy can lift more than he does, and the decision should be an easy one.
The asshole glances away nervously and takes a step back. ‘Fine,’ he eventually mutters. ‘Fuck you both.’ Then he turns around and shrinks out of the bar.
As soon as he’s out of sight, I turn back to Remy.
She shoves me, a scowl on her face. ‘I didn’t need you to save me,’ she snaps. ‘I could’ve gotten rid of him on my own!’
I ignore her comment. I still feel the anger lingering in my chest, so I send some of it her way. ‘You shouldn’t be dancing by yourself,’ I bark at her.
At some point in the past few minutes Lucy must’ve left Remy to get them another drink at the bar, which is why she seemed vulnerable enough for the guy to come onto her. ‘At least keep Lucy with you, otherwise guys are never going to stop coming onto you like that.’ My eyes drop to her exposed midriff and heaving chest. ‘Especially if you’re wearing that.’
Her jaw drops in shock. But she composes herself quickly, crossing her arms over her chest as she glares at me. ‘So, it’s my fault that guy is a piece of shit that can’t keep his hands to himself?!’ she yells in disbelief.
I wince and look away. ‘No, of course not,’ I grumble.
Obviously, everything that just happened is one hundred percent that douchebag’s fault. But I’m flustered from not being able to control my anger—flustered from the appearance of it at all. Even though I can hear myself being a dick, I can’t stop myself from snapping, ‘We should just go home. I have an early day tomorrow and Jax would kill me if he knew I left you here after what just happened.’
Remy is back to looking shocked again. ‘I’m not leaving,’ she says, disbelief and anger still warring in her eyes. ‘I don’t need you to look out for me. If you want to go, then go. But you can’t just order me around, Tristan.’ She hisses the last part, and it takes everything in me not to just grab her and throw her over my shoulder.
‘Fine,’ I snarl. I turn around and stride back to the high top where I had been standing with the guys, the bridal party nowhere in sight. I barely register that Aiden and Max are a step behind me, having appeared as silent backup during the altercation. I remind myself to thank them once I’m calmer.
When Remy realizes I’m not leaving, she turns back to the bar in a huff. Every few minutes she glances my way, then scowls when she sees I’m still there, still watching her.
But I meant what I said. Jax would be pissed if I left her here so I’m not leaving. I just need to wait until she finishes her temper tantrum and realizes that if it weren’t for my comment, she would’ve left already anyway.
She gets angrier with every glance my way.
Suddenly, she turns to the guy next to her. He’s been sneaking glances at her for the past few minutes, but she’s had her back to him—until now.
He eagerly starts a conversation with her. She laughs easily, touching his arm when she does, and leans in too close. She angles her head so he can talk into her ear, over the music. Every movement, every touch, is intimate.
I would’ve bought her little performance if she didn’t lock eyes with me the next time he whispered in her ear. I force a wide grin on my face and wink at her, signaling that I know exactly what she’s doing.
She scowls and tugs the guy a little closer.
It’s the moment I finally give up.
I turn to Max and Aiden and notice with surprise that they’re talking to two cute girls. I’ve apparently been oblivious the entire night. ‘Sorry to interrupt, ladies,’ I drawl, ‘but I’m going to head out. I’ll see you at the gym tomorrow. Have a good rest of your night.’ I give the guys a fist bump and flash a quick smile at the girls.
I was willing to wait around while she hung out with Lucy, but I’m not third wheeling if she wants to bring a guy home. Even Jax’s wrath isn’t worth that ego hit. She’s a grown ass woman that can make her own stupid decisions.
I don’t even glance in Remy’s direction as I leave the bar.
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