Kavi's POV

I could not sleep with this nagging feeling at my heart. A sweet pain! My heart, mind, soul and bodywants him. It was evident that I was already having a strong attachment towards him. Yet somethingin me still stopping me from accepting him completely. He was proving his love to me byexpressing it to me all this past week. And I don't have any doubt about the genuineness of ourlove.

I sat up not comfortable with the same bed I slept all these days. I tried to mind link him but hiswalls were up. I nudged his walls a few times but no response.

I walked down and peeked on my mother's room. She was sleeping peacefully. This is the secondweek she was having her undisturbed sleep. I walked out and sat on the porch and diverted mythought to some other thing, but all thoughts were running back to my mate at the end.

I wonder how Rakshana was taking that her son was going to become Alpha of Blood warriors andsurely we have to leave this pack. And particularly Blood warriors pack is very weak in front of otherswithout an Alpha. I need to go there before something happens. There are lots of threat to a packfrom neighbours and rogues.

I suddenly inhaled my mate's scent and looked up. I found his silhouette froze on his step with a legon air and he gave a defeated sigh with a chuckle and lazily walked to me. He must be sneakilycoming here but I caught him. He sat next to me.

"What are you doing here at this time?"

We both asked at the same time and smiled at the connectivity we have. His scent and the chillatmosphere was making me want to do so many delicious things to him.

"I couldn't sleep without..."

I stopped when I realised what I was about to say. He was smirking obviously caught my slip.

"I knew! I am struggling with the same problem. That's why I sneaked out when I first felt a nudge atmy head. I guessed it must be you."

He said with a cheeky smile while taking my hand in his and rubbing it softly. The tingles weremaking my brain cease to work. I leaned my head on his shoulder with a contented sigh. We satthere at the darkness for a few minutes in complete silence.

"Umm... We should get some sleep. You can use the guest room.”

I told him as I was feeling shy to invite him to my room.

"Do you think I came here to sleep in the guest room?"

He smirked and lifted me in the bridal side while he was getting up.

I can get used to being in his arm like this. I didn't reply to him but helped him to open and lock thefront door silently. He took me to my room and put me in the centre of the bed. I rolled to the leftside to give him some space. He hopped in and pulled the comforter over us and snuggled closer tome. I switched off the lamp with my bedside switch and turned to my mate.

The moon was peeking inside to supervise us. I am alone in my room with the most attractivecreature I have ever seen in my life. And he was decorating my bed gloriously. Thankfully he didn'tremove his t-shirt. I pressed my thighs together to not let my arousal reach his nose. The mate bondis stimulating my hormones.

He nudged my head with his bicep to raise my head. I complied to him and laid on his bicep andkept my hand around his torso. He inhaled my scent deeply and sighed. I hesitantly looked up athim and found him looking at me with a smile. I can easily fight a pack of wolf alone but I was sonervous and my heart was pumping my blood too fast whenever I was with him. It was mixedtorture of being safe, calm, contented yet nervous with anticipation, shyness, desire and lust. I lickedmy lips and leaned forward to kiss his cheek. The soft touch was igniting something inside me whichI never experienced in my life. I used my elbow to raise myself and kissed his other cheek. The smilein his face had now turned to a smirk.

I kissed his forehead and looked at his shining eyes. I waited for a few seconds and pecked the tipof his nose. I didn't pull all the way but waited there to look at his eyes for any change in emotions.They were darker now. I teasingly rubbed my nose on his and raised my hand on his torso andcupped the side of his neck. My wolf loves this teasing game. His aura started radiating love andlust which was increasing every second. My male was enjoying my advances!

I slowly peppered kissed very near his mouth to test his limits. He lost his patience and gripped myhair to pull me to his lips. I smiled and let him do the honour. He grazed his lips on mine beforecatching them between his. I could not control the moan slipping out of my throat. His other handsnugly sneaked to hold around my waist. He moves his lips expertly making all the nerve ending inmy body to wake up. And my wolf growled when we inhaled his arousal.

I straddled him in a swift motion and kissed him passionately to compensate all the time I made himwait. His hand were holding my hip and massaging them slightly. I fulfilled my longtime wish oftouching his muscular torso and chest. We pulled away for air but he continues his assault over myneck. I moaned out loud and tried to close my thighs when he found my marking spot. He lickedthere again and again, making my pant drench with my wetness. I leaned completely over him andgripped his biceps tightly. He grazed his teeth over the spot and peppered kisses around it.

My wolf was trying to take control to mark our mate. And his action was stimulating the bond togrow and stimulating my sensitivity. I moaned his name to stop us from getting carried away. Hesighed softly and turned around and laid me on the bed softly. He kissed my forehead and huggedme to his body and whispered me to go to sleep. I smiled and hugged him back. I knew tonight, Iwas going to get a great sleep in my life. I listened to our heartbeats and drifted off to sleep.

I woke up with tingles all over my body. Somehow I have landed on him during the night. Like akoala baby, I was hugging his body. I tilted my head and saw him sleeping peacefully like a cutebaby. I had the best sleep in my life. I slowly peeled myself off him and went to freshen up. Tonight Iwas going to the rogue tournament and I was planning to take him with me. After the fight with mymom's mate, I didn't go there. But I feel like going tonight. It was indeed a great source of training.The council has decided to inquire the case within a week and in the meantime, Krishnan andllamaran were locked up. My mom told that llamaran was broken to knew all these as he was asincere follower of his father and now when he realised that his mom wasn't real mate of his role-model, he was broken and betrayed. As he couldn't have the complete control over the pack, hestarted using silver to shut his enemies and being the future alpha, he was never punished for suchbehaviour. Weak wolves might even die of silver. But Krishnan always made his rules generous forhis son

I visited Blood warriors twice in the last week to know how they have functioned before. And I thinkthey need a major change in a whole way. They are still functioning in old ways. I could let go a few.But not everything. And most of the people haven't even bothered to complete the schooling. Andtheir connection with the human world was very low. They portray themselves as a closedcommunity which leads a few wolves who get human as their mate to suffer. Because they don'tknow how to behave with them. The defence and fighting skills of them were very good. That's howthey are managing without an Alpha for the past twenty days.

Manohar called me yesterday to take charge of the pack soon as he has heard that a pack wasplanning to go on war to capture the lands of Blood Warriors. It was bothering me. Aryan uncle toldthat he was so eager to talk about the peace treaty with the new Alpha of Blood warriors also hemade necessary arrangements for my transfer. I was worried and afraid to urge Akhilan. Yet I can'thide the fact from him always. I know better to not hide it to him

My mom wants to stay in Green Ocean pack till they get a new doctor and she agreed to transferwith me after that. I agreed with her. She has her concerns about me but I can understand herloyalty and dedication. First I have to talk to my mate. I will feel better if he comes with me. But Idon't want to increase the rage of my mother-in-law for separating her and her son. I already did apermanent damage to her once.

I walked out of my bathroom after keeping a new toothbrush on the counter for him and found himstirring in his sleep. His hands were searching on the sides of the bed for me with a frown. My heartfills with love just by looking at his gesture. I could understand the importance of mate bond to awerewolf. He opened his eyes and searched for me in panic. His gaze stopped at me with a sigh ofrelief. I smiled and went to him. I was already in my training outfit which he hates because it showsmore skin. But now that we are alone, he was in a playful mood.

"Good morning, baby. How did you sleep?"

I asked while stroking his hair.

"The best night of my life. But soon it would be one of the best nights.”

He smirked and sat up stroking my blushing cheeks. I hid the chill ran through my spine on hearinghis sleepy voice. It was so sexy.

"Good. Now get ready for the training.”

I pulled him from the bed and pushed him inside my bathroom with a towel. He waved at me with awink before locking the door. I straightened the bed and now I love this room as it has a mixture ofmy mate's scent.

I went down to see whether my mom was awake but instead, I found a note telling that she wasgoing early to hospital and the breakfast was in the oven. And also she mentioned to “Have fun".She might have come to my room and she left early to give us some privacy on seeing my mate inmy bed. Oh Moon!

My mate got freshened and came down. He circled his arm around my waist and nuzzled my neck.He was wearing the spare clothes of Logan I have here and it was a little tight for him. But I wasenjoying the sight of his muscular form

"Where is Anu? Have she left already?"

He asked me. I smiled and pointed him the note stuck on the fridge.

"What is the situation at your home, baby? We should move as soon as possible to Blood warriors.They need us to lead them. They have faith in us."

I said slowly.

"You know my dad was so happy that we are mates but..."

He paused with a sigh.

"What are we going to do? Will they agree to come with us? I don't want you to leave her. Alreadyit's my fault why Amudhan wasn't with her.”

I looked away while I spoke about Teddy.

"Hey! You didn't have anything to do with him. It was an accident. If there was anyone to blame, itwas me..."

I closed his mouth while traitor tears escaped my eyes. He shushed me and his eyes were alsowelled up. He must be very close to my teddy.

"I am sorry. I can understand why your mom hates me so much. Anyway, we need to replace a way.Either we have to move with their consent or you have to stay here till she accepts me. But if I moveaway from here, I don't know how I could change her hate for me. And it would be torturous to stayaway from you, baby."

I confessed my fears to him. He looked conflicted as me.

" too can't stay away from you. Our wolf would go crazy. I will talk to her today. It was common formates to move separately. If you are going to be here, we would have moved to a separate homebut now we are moving to the neighbouring pack. We could visit them or ask them to visit usanytime we want."

He said easily. I smiled and he looked at me questioningly.

"My dear mate, you are going to be the Alpha of the pack. We should be spending more time onpack than for our own self. Don't forget that.”

He blinked for a few seconds.

"Oh! You never think that way, didn't you?"

He just nodded his head and sighed heavily.

"Please speak to them today. We can't keep on postponing. This may be the pack we born but weare destined to lead them. And they are looking forward to us. We can't ignore them when they arein danger.”

I calmly explained to him

"Yes, Alpha. I understand”

He said in a salute tone.

But my wolf was very much pleased when he called me by title. I pulled his collar and smashed mylips on his. His hands instantly pulled me closer to his body. I pulled away when I noticed his handmoving down to my ass. He smiled at me sheepishly and moved his hand back to my hip.

"I like it when you call me that.”

My wolf came to surface to confess that and pulled him for another kiss.


We finished our training and Alpha called me to speak about my transfer. When I came out I sawPooja talking to my mate in the training ground. My wolf was glaring at her and getting furious asshe was touching him like playfully hitting him and holding his hand occasionally. I walked to themcasually and she hugged him sideway when she noticed me coming their way with a smirk. My wolfwas scratching to get control and rip that bitch into pieces. But my mate pulled away and put somedistance between them making my love for him grow more. This is what I always wanted you to domy dear mate!

I increased my walking pace and started running towards them. Pooja has a priceless expression onher face. I jumped and shifted mid-air and landed just before them. Akhilan was looking at me witha knowing smirk but his eyes were showing so much love for me. Pooja was now hiding behind him.I sat before him like a good puppy and nudged his hand. He took the signal and stroked my fur. Herubbed my neck and ear. I felt like I was in heaven. The tingles along with his awesome rubbingtechniques making me purr in delight. My wolf happily took part in the enjoyment.

I went near him and pushed him down and laid above him not caring about my weight and lickedhis face. I don't want her scent on what's mine. He laughed at my behaviour and tried to stand. Igrowled in a warning and looked at Pooja with wolfy smirk. I saw her looking at us with jealousy andhatred at me. I turned my attention to my mate and moved away from him.

'Can you shift. I think we need to give our wolves to have their time. If you have any important workwe can do this later.’

I mind linked him in a suggestive tone. He didn't reply but shifted to his golden yellow colouredwolf and stood proudly. I saw Pooja leaving from my peripheral vision and smirked internally. Sheshould get into her head that Akhilan is MY mate.

I stood tall hovering above him and winked at him. He narrowed his eyes as I was teasing him withhis wolf size. I went near him and licked his snout and bit his ear quickly and took off to the woods. Iheard a growl behind me followed by paw thuds. I gave control to my wolf and she stoppedabruptly and looked at our mate coming closer to us. On seeing my silver eyes, his eyes too turnedgolden. He stopped before me and licked my snout and face lovingly. He sniffed me and rubbed mewith his fur and circled me a few times. My wolf barked at him and started running towards thebeach. He came alongside me often rubbing his body with mine. We played with the water thereand helped cleaning each other and laid there for some time. Our wolves were showering eachother with love. After an hour or so, we decide to go back home. Our wolves stayed in their wolfform enjoying their moments.

Suddenly he asked me to stay there and ran into a random direction. I looked the direction he wentin puzzled expression but laid on the grass and waited for his return. After a few minutes, I smelledmy mate scent along with heavy iron. I saw him carrying a deer and kept it before me. My wolf waslusting for him more than the meat he placed before me. He stood tall and nudged it towards me totake the first bite. She walked to him and cleaned the blood on his fur and nuzzled her snout in hisneck to say thanks. He licked her shoulder blade in return and pushed her to eat.

She took a bite and looked at him to join her. The fresh hunt was always favourite for wolves than toeat the cooked meat. Feeding the mate was our way of telling that he was capable male to feed herand it was a fact of toughness and masculinity. A male would hunt for her mate after mating withher as she would be exhausted and it shows his care and love for her. Sharing a meal with a femaleshows his interest to share his life with her and also that he has no ego to treat her equally. Werelished the deer and filled our stomach and left the remains for other animals. The life once Iyearned was now in my hands. I should treasure our relationship!

[To be continued...]

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