A Mysterious She-wolf -
Chapter 41
Kavi's POV
Chandran uttered in complete disbelief and confusion.
"No! I'm not Layla. The same small pathetic girl you mentioned who cried all my life hoping you willdo something to make my life better. But you never seem to hear my prayers. The only good thingyou did was making Akhilan as my mate. But you did a great mistake by taking him away from me.You shouldn't have done that."
I spat out and raised my hands drawing in the power from the space and directed them towardshim. The purple gas formed into a ball shape and hit his chest making him let out a groan. His silverwhite robe had torn and a bruise formed on his stomach.
After healing within the bubble, Maayan instantly caught hold of his wand and cast some spell onChandran which made him went flying and hit the wall before us. Maayan's aura was radiating somuch rage.
"I won't let you hurt her again!"
Maayan cast another spell but Chandran blocked him with a wave of his hand. But Maayan seems tohave expected this move because he instantly used his magic to bind him to the wall
"It's up to you now, Cupcake. Even though I crave to tear him apart. He is your prey."
I nodded at Maayan and walked near Chandran with the determination to end this all. But he closedhis eyes and muttered something. A bright light formed before him and he vanished into the airwith the sudden appearance of a portal before him.. I let out a frustrated groan. Maayan rushed tomy side.
"l know it is not easy to kill him. I just wanted to try. But how did you do that? I could still feel yourpowers within me. Then how did you summon those powers?"
Maayan held me in his arms and asked about his confusion after checking I am okay.
"I don't know. It's like I started absorbing energy from the space and redirected it to him. I was soenraged when he explained his plans to torture everyone I knew. And Akhilan...”
A sob breaks out of me not knowing how he was going to handle everything and I don't even knowwhether he was alright?
"Don't worry, Cupcake! Chandran might have sent him to earth. Akhilan will be alright. Chandranwas so conscious about his actions towards the people. So he won't do direct harm to anyone. Let'ssee a way to get your powers back and we can go to earth then. Okay?"
He said softly and rubbed my back.
"No! Let's go to earth and take him to our realm first. Then we can come here again”
I can't be calm when my mate... No more! But he is always my lover. He is not with me now andChandran might harm him as he promised me.
"Do you think you can overpower the people there. Chandran must have already portrayed you inthe wrong way. Don't take decisions when you are emotional. Think practically. The powers mayhelp you to bring Akhilan back easily. Even though I want him gone from our life, I know how muchhe was important to you. Equally important as me. So let's finish this here and let's get him back."
I want to disagree but I have to get the powers back which is the only way to fight againstChandran. I didn't have any vengence to fight him earlier. But he broke the bond between my mateand me. Now I want his blood. My wolf was almost unconscious and she was too weak. Usually, fornormal werewolves, it would make the human part weak too. But I wasn't affected as much as Ishould be. The darkness within me was giving me energy.
Maayan's arm circled my waist and he did some magic. We teleported to the other side of the wall.The surface was the same as the other side of the wall. And after a few miles, the place was coveredwith a fog in the ground level. But the rock which I have seen in the vision was floating high in thesky and half of the rock had been covered with a black magical cloud.
"What we have to do now?"
I asked Maayan.
"Probably we have to see whether we can replace any clues inside the rock?"
He replied scratching his beardy jaw. I nodded and looked at the rock. Suddenly a loud roar madeus startle and we looked at the fog to see where the noise was coming from.
A huge creature which I only seen in human temples walked towards us majestically. It's Yaazhi!Body in the size of a huge elephant with a face similar to the male lion but very much terrific andalso has tusks and trunk. Also, it has wings on its sides. People have believed that was one of themost powerful animal lived in the earth.
I wasn't in the mood to admire the historical creature coming our way. I want to check whether Icould replace a solution to get my power back so I could easily bring Akhilan back.
I grabbed Maayan's wand and extended my hand towards Yaazhi. It paused on its steps and I don'tknow whether it really happened but I felt like it narrowing its eyes.
"I don't know whether you can understand me. But run back from where you came. I have enoughdramas and I don't want to kill you now.”
I said out in a hurried tone wondering why I was trying to speak to an animal. It shook his head andmelodious laughter filled my mind.
'You can't use that wand, Kavithanjali. It only obeys Maayan's command. And I am not planning tofight against the exhausted and confused werewolf. But I should show my respect to the Goddess ofDarkness. I am here to help you. You have to trust me and Maayan has to take this!"
Yaazhi's feminine voice filled my mind and she submitted before me. I looked at Maayan and henodded his head at me. She kept a wooden chest that magically appeared in her trunk before us."Yaazhi-s were trustworthy creatures. They won't lie. My intuition also tells that we can trust her.”
I nodded half-heartedly with the thoughts of what if this was a trap. But I had a odd feeling that Ihave seen this creature before.
Maayan went forward and picked the chest. A wave of shiver ran through me. It's the reaction fromhis touch. And he froze just like for a few seconds and walked back to me.
"Are you okay?"
I asked him in concern because of his silence and his aura was confusion and pain.
He just nodded his head with a sigh. I feel so empty without the presence of the bond. That Yaazhithen walked back into the fog and disappeared once again. He held it tightly to his chest and askedme to use the vial to teleport us back to the Realm of Darkness. I complied to him.
We teleported back to the office where we originally started and Aadhira was there already. Shelooked at me questioningly at the absence of Akhilan and her eyes stopped on my neck which wasnow crystal clear. She is smart enough to guess what might have happened there. I tried to keepmyself together but my glossy eyes made her rush to my side instantly but thankfully she didn'tquestion me. She supportively held me close to her. Maayan placed the wooden chest before thesmall table and cast some spell to open the chest. A set of three glass vials with red sparklingpowder was kept inside the chest wrapped by a velvet cloth. He looked up at me.
"I gained knowledge about them when I touched the chest. These vials have a magical herb thatcould help us to extract your powers from me. I have to take a vial once a day. So you will begetting your powers back in three days. And please don't do anything in haste before that, Cupcake.It might make things even worse."
I knew what he meant but how can I be silent when I should have already been rushing there to getAkhilan back.
"l want him."
I whispered lowly.
"Try to understand, please. I need you to be here while I use these. I won't be stopping you after twodays. I promise"
He pointed the wooden chest and pleaded with his eyes. I can't deny him. I nodded my headreluctantly and retired to my room.
The day passed. I ordered Aadhira to not let anyone disturb me and spent the entire day in myroom. My wolf was still not showing any sign of her emotion from yesterday but I just feel her insideme. Surprisingly Maayan too didn't come to see me. Maybe he decided to give me some space tolet me keep my emotions in check. But it made me feel lonely. And I decided to go out instead ofwaiting for him to come to see me. I went to the office room and found Aadhira there with somepeople and she was discussing something with them. They all stood up and bowed for me. I noddedand blinked blankly.
I questioned her.
"Maayan was in his room, Goddess. He didn't come out from last afternoon.”
She replied to me. I frowned.
"He seems a little sick with the intake of the vial you guys brought yesterday. So he was taking restin his room.”
She filled in.
"Why didn't you tell me about it yesterday, Aadhira. I should have gone to check him earlier. Did hetake any medicine?”
She looked away with a sorry look and nodded her head negatively.
"Goddess, we all are Immortals and we never happened to take medicines as your blessing alwayskept us healthy and we heal very quickly. Sorry about not informing you about Maayan.”
She apologised.
"Fine. But make sure something like this never repeats in future. I will go and check him."
I sighed out. I made my way towards Maayan's room.
I opened his door without bothering to knock. He was leaning on the headboard with eyes closedand had the blanket till his bare chest. I was shocked to see him looking so pale within a day. Hisnerves were displaying across his neck and his eyes had bags under them. It feels like he had lostsome weight within a day. He looks so... sick. I rushed to him and hopped on the bed and dug hishand out to check him. He jerked at the sudden touch but relaxed on seeing me. I wondered howhis illness didn't affect me as I knew we have a physical bond that makes us feel things. But rightnow, his red veins in his eyes made me more worried
"What the hell happened to you? Why didn't you call me earlier?”
I checked his body but I couldn't replace anything. It's like something was masking his problem fromme. I could sense something is wrong with him. But I have to recognise the core where my healingis required for him. My energy levels usually go up when I was with him and now it was rising soslowly comparing to older times. Surely something was happening to me and that was beyond mycontrol. Or was it because of my wolf being silent?
"It's nothing, cupcake. It was just the side effect of the herbs. Things will be alright when you getyour powers back completely.”
He tried to console me.
"You don't have to do this. Why are you suffering for me? Can't we replace another way to do this?"
I asked in distress.
"NO! This is the only way and I don't want to miss this opportunity to rectify my past mistake. Iknew how much you want Akhilan back. And you can't underestimate Chandran. We have planned alot and thought we could defend ourself in Qywesir but you know what happened back there. Witha snap of his finger, he made us all hanging on the air. So I want to make sure you get your powersback and set thing right before it's too late. And this is nothing for me. It may sound cliche but its'strue. I love you so much and I will die for you within a blink of an eye. After all, we just have one vialleft. Let's finish this."
He confessed.
I glared at him and he chuckled at my angry face but his laughter turned into a heavy cough.
Why all these happening to the people I love?
I pulled his blanket and rubbed his hard chest and snuggled closer to him. He sighed and weaklycircled his arm around me. I gave him some of my energy which actually did work and he huggedme tighter. Making contact with his skin was a warm feel and I can't help the wetness developingbetween my legs. He was warm and smells heavenly even in this state.
"We can't feel each other much until this herb was in my system. It separates our soul and keep usdetached. But it was a miracle that you could give energy to me."
He spoke softly while stroking my hair. I felt a wave of sadness and pain in his aura. I looked up athim questioningly.
"I... miss you."
He said and his eyes got watery. A lump formed in my throat on seeing him in this state. I sat upquickly and I cupped his cheeks looking into his beautiful red orbs. I kissed his forehead andhugged him to my chest. He hugged me too tight but I don't mind. Words failed to come out of mymouth to comfort him so I let him be in my embrace and feel how much he means to me.
We stayed like that for a few minutes and he clutched his stomach suddenly and his aura wasradiating so much pain. I don't know what to do. I rubbed his back and urged him to have somewater. He gulped the water quickly and pressed his eyelids tightly enduring the pain. He leanedback on the headboard with a sigh and looked at my watery eyes and smiled at me.
"I love you, cupcake. Don't worry. Everything happens for a reason.”
He muttered softly and closed his eyes drifting off to sleep. I stayed by his side and I could feel hishealth was getting worse but I don't know how to heal him. I was just holding his hand andtransferring some energy to him at certain intervals. I can't sit and see him suffering. But I don'tknow what to do to make his pain go away. He said that after my powers come back to me, thingswill get better. I believe his words and hoping for this torture to end soon.
Suddenly I felt something in my head and it felt like exploding. I clutched my head and before Icould know the pain vanished. But my brain was sucked into something and my vision showednothing but black!
[To be continued...]
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