A Mysterious She-wolf -
Chapter 61
Kavi's POV
"Are you kidding me? What do you mean he didn't arrive here? You told Goddess sent you afterteleporting Chandran here!"
Surya questioned his twin with fury. He woke up when his mate gained conscious and contactedAadhira and came to Sun's realm immediately.
"I really don't know how it happened but he might have escaped during the teleportation!"
Aadhira replied with a frown in a low voice.
"You know he is a divine too. Even a millisecond is enough for him to escape if he was leftunsupervised in the space. The space would help him gain his energy and power. I don't think youhave done this carelessly but for some purpose. Didn't you?"
Aadhavan asked me calmly in a curious tone.
Not bad! Years of understanding we had from our friendship hadn't gone waste.
I smiled at him and my two warriors looked at me with wonder. I haven't explained anything toanyone or discussed my plan to them in advance.
"What are you upto, Layla? He was dangerous to be let loose. And he might try to harm werewolvesas they didn't help him."
Aadhavan concern was understandable.
"You are right, Aadhavan. But he won't go to wolves directly. He will first see the way to eliminateme before touching them. I left my dark shield over Green Ocean pack just in case he goes crazy. Henow knows earth wasn't a safe place for him. I want to know if he has any back-up plans. We can'tkeep leftovers of his ideas. It was equal to leaving the radiation prone place uncleaned. It mightslowly kill us. I want to wipe his evilness completely away from this solar system.”
I told them about my intention. They nodded. Akhilan had been just staring at me from the start."Then we have to start searching for him, Kavi?"
I smirked to myself and shook my head “no’ with a wink at Surya. I could feel he was gettingfrustrated as I wasn't telling them my plan.
"Why do you think I had trapped him in the bubble of celestial darkness? When he broke my shield,his body had been covered with the particles of celestial darkness. Now I just have to track himdown.”
"She is Goddess of darkness. The celestial darkness is going to act as satellite - perks of a hackerturning out to be a Goddess."
He remarked with a smirk. His face soon turned into a void of any emotions. I understand that hewas still angry with Aadhavan. But they have to sort it out.
I knew Chandran would have been preparing for me when he started suspecting about my return.And I know he wouldn't be simply trusting over Werewolves alone. I got to clear the messes he hadcreated. It's a nice thing I was so curious about computers. Now I love to use the technology Ilearned with the help of my divine powers.
I closed my eyes and used my powers and spotted him in one of the Moon in Uranus. The darknesslet me see things around him and he was just resting over a rock gaining his energy back. I openedmy eyes and shared my vision to them. For time being, we should wait until he makes the nextmove. I used my powers to set a GPS like a device over my palm. I will know whenever he tried toteleporting to somewhere.
"Are you ready for the experiment, Aadhavan?"
I asked him.
"Yes, Layla. But I couldn't tell how much it was possible. Let's try anyway. Nothing wrong in trying."He stood up and nodded at the twins looking behind and Akhilan. I teleported to the outer space.[After a few moments]
"Let's try it once again, Layla"
I nodded at Aadhavan.
I closed my eyes and used my inner darkness to accumulate the cosmic dust to form it into aspherically shaped ball. Aadhavan used his divine powers to form patterns and characteristics. Butthe outcome has turned into a planet instead of the natural satellite.
I let my darkness pressure it and the small yellow planet burst into dust. It was frustrating. Aadhavanpatted my shoulder to calm down.
"Are you really going to kill him?"
Aadhavan asked me in a low voice. I looked at his eyes for a few seconds.
"I really don't know!"
I replied in a distant voice with a frown. The tensed silence filled between us.
"I think we should go back. This wasn't going to work. If we could be able to create moons, ourcreator wouldn't have brought him here.”
I remarked and teleported without waiting for his reply.
I teleported to my room and fell on the bed face first and groaned out loudly in frustration followedby a punch to my pillow. A chuckle from my left side rang in my ears. I didn't acknowledge him andcontinued lying there facing the right side. When the bed dipped to my left I thought he would sitnext to me to tell some motivating words. To the contrary, his warm body made contact to my leftside creating goose bumps over my skin. I whined signalling him to move away but his hand circledmy waist from the back. My body heated up with his touch and I thanked the situation for keepingme facing away from him.
"Want me to relieve some of your stress, Anjali?"
His husky voice sounded so close to my ear. I bit my lips as a sweet shiver ran through my veins. Hecould surely relive me off my stress completely. But I shouldn't be distracted at this moment. I satup masking my face with anger and glared at him. His ruby eyes have the tendency to melt away myanger but I managed to glare at him. He opened his eyes widely and looked at me like “what'swrong?*
"You are such a pervert. We are on the verge of war. But how can your mind bring these thoughts inthis crucial time?"
I asked him but my voice lowered on seeing him smiling widely. He was still laying with his headplaced on the palm propped up by his left elbow. His right hand slowly caressed my hair away frommy front and he slowly brought his fingers down tracing my left hand.
"I didn't intend any perverted thing. What I meant is whether you need some neck and shouldermassage. But... If you want me to do more, this poor man is always at your service, Goddess."
My face was flushed and his husky voice at the end which loaded me with flame. I covered my slipand masked a thinking face.
"Oh! I think your potion to control my heat wasn't completely effective. That's why I am gettingthese ideas."
I mocked him intentionally with that thinking face. He raised his eyebrow with a smirk.
"That potion could make your heat go away. But you would naturally go into heat if you haven'tmated as your fertile body needs its duty to be done. And probably you have a month time. I amsure all these “crucial time’ would end before that. So be ready my mate! No one can stop me fromclaiming you then and I am the only one who can satisfy your insatiable desires.
This realm is going to experience your loud moans and land shattering scream when I claim you asmine, Cupcake! No lover had experienced taking his woman's purity twice and I am a very luckyman. You can't escape from me.”
He got up and winked at me before walking out of the room leaving me completely speechless andflushed.
I already want him to do everything he promised! My wolf agreed with a dreamy drooling face.Damn this wizard!
At the middle of the night, I felt a tingle in my palm. I sat up straight shaking my sleep off and senttelepathy to Aadhira and Surya to meet me immediately at Library.
I was looking at the window with a frown when I heard footsteps behind me. The twins bowed atme and Akhilan came in yawning followed by them. I signalled them to see through the window."What the..."
Surya shut off with Aadhira's glare.
"He had gone back to his realm. All this while I thought he wasn't staying in his realm because hefelt the place wasn't safe for him. But he had waited for the full moon to approach to execute hisplan. This is the day nature blessed him with more powers."
The Moon had never shone so bright in all these years. He surely seems to had made a strongbackup.
"I'm going there!”
I announced.
"Okay. We will go with you, Goddess!"
I smiled at Aadhira.
" will be back. Trust me! I should do this alone.”
I looked at the faces displaying their displeasure.
"Anjali, we trust you. At least let me come with you..."
I shook my head “no’ and turned around to look at the gleaming moon.
" will return soon. No one should come there. That's an order."
The twin went stiff. I turned around and walked to my man with a challenging look.
"You can't order me, Cupcake!"
He said in a frowning tone.
"l know!"
I replied slowly remembering every occasion he staked his life for me. I am determined about what Iam going to do! You can't change my decision now, Akhilan! I used my powers to make him putinto sleep. I held onto his body before he falls and teleported him to our room.
'You have done enough risking your life for me, Akhilan. It's my turn to clear off the thorns on ourway to the happy life.’
I remarked myself mentally.
"Kavi, this is too risky! I know you can take him down easily. But he is a very cunning man. We can'tlose you again.”
Surya's worry made my heart warm.
"Just hold onto the faith you have for me, Surya.”
I replied and nodded at them before teleporting myself to the space.
Moon's shield looked much improved than I could remember from the last time. I used my power toshatter the shield. It worked without any fuss.
The place was glowing brightly but there was heavy silence similar to the space. When I placed myfoot on the realm. A vibration ran through the place and his people started piling up from all thedirections.
I used my darkness to create energy balls and threw them in all directions making them fall ingroups. If this goes on, there weren't any warriors from moon realm is going to remain. I don't havetime to think as they circled me like ants and tried to sink bright ashes and wolfbane laced weaponsinto my skin. I created a huge energy ball and burst it on the ground making a wave of darknesswash over the place and every single person in my vision had fallen down and turned dust within afew seconds.
I stood up dusting my palm but the ground beneath me shook violently as the eyeless strangehuman-like long headed creatures started running towards me with collective growls. They aresomething I hadn't seen in my life. Their skin was glowing just like the surface of the moon!
These creatures were the reason for the increased glow of the moon. I sensed them coming towardsme from all the direction. I sensed a presence above me. The old pale man floated in air graciouslyradiating his divinity in air.
"They are my dearly pets who had been feed only once a week with the scent of darkness. Theyhave been starving since you gained your powers back. Now they ate going to feast on yourdelicate skin!
Do you know what they made of? Bright ashes and my essence. These babies had been drinkingwolfbane as water for the past weeks. One bite from them is enough to make you fall to your knees!You might be confident. But still, you made a mistake by coming here alone! At least you shouldhave brought your lover. It's always fun to make one of you suffer and watch the pain reflecting onother's face."
He laughed loudly and smirked at me. I casually smirked back and created a shield of darkness andused my divine powers to let the darkness lit up with a fire on the outside. I increased the size of theshield and watched the creature halting in their steps on seeing the fire. They screeched when myfire blazed and burnt their glowing fur. They let out a growl like sound and tried to get past theshield.
I looked up and found his face contoured in anger. I smirked taunting him more. I turned to myform of darkness and used the celestial darkness to come into the realm and bound the creaturessurrounding me. The commotion died soon when my darkness bound them all securely.
I made my shield go down and floated in the air to go near the old man thinking about his nextmove. His astonished face from seeing my dark form for the first time hadn't been recoveredcompletely. If he had prepared for facing me, wouldn't I be?
"Is that all you got, Sweetheart?"
I tormented him with the same endearment he used at me.
"Did you forget that I am a divine too! If I die, the life of this solar system will also come to an endsoon. Because I'm the balance here..."
He paused as I looked at him unfazed.
"You are going to kill me, right? I won't give that satisfaction to you!"
He pulled out a black dagger and raised it towards his heart. I snapped my finger making it turn todust.
"Not so soon! I can't let you kill yourself. And I have no intention to get your dirty blood to taint myhand. I have the duty to safeguard this solar system until it's naturally time for it to die. And youcan't escape from me easily. If I kill you, there would be no difference between us. And you mightborn again to take revenge and ruin my life once again
Why would I want that? You have already set an example for me to make a person suffer. Your guessis right! 1 am going to bind you with my power and trap you inside the same place you lived allthese years.
I let you escape last time to know what you have planned for back up. But now I have caught thesecreatures, I will keep my shield powerful. My darkness had gained more powers as I could nowcontrol the celestial energy.
As long as you are alive, the solar system will be safe. For your mistakes, you will be punished dailywith loneliness. My dark shield will provide you with enough energy to keep you alive. But otherthan that, you are going to live as a prisoner at your own place.”
His afraid and wide eyes gave me enough satisfaction. I raised my hand to summon the celestialdarkness. But a pull of some powerful aura made me pause. Goosebumps raised on my skin as Irealised her presence after a very long time.
A whisper escaped my mouth. Two voices of laughter filled the air making surroundings go colder. Afamiliar voice and more powerful voice could be felt through the laughter - the prime soul of ourcreator was here too. I embraced myself and fell on my knees on the ground to show my respect forthem.
[To be continued..]
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