Part 1 – How It Started

“Just do it, Hudson,” my father growls, his voice tinged with anger.

Some things never change.

“I’m not a babysitter, Dad. Last I checked, Southern Dallas offers housing. Hell, they even have ‘sorority row’ where the brat can have her pick from social dorms. And let’s be real, it’s not like you can’t afford to foot the bill.”

“Hudson Andrew Maxwell, I raised you better than that. It’s not about the money. It’s about watching over family. You will take her in, and you will care for her. If you feel differently, we can always revisit my will.”

Motherfucker. The bastard thinks I care about his damn money.

I roll my eyes and huff out in disgust, “First, you didn’t raise me. The nannies did. Second, I have my own money, so how about you stop dangling your damn will over my head like a fucking carrot?”

“Hud—” My father starts, but I interject. I’m not done yet.

“And third, I’ll agree that family is supposed to care for one another,” even though he never showed me a shred of concern growing up, but I don’t say that. “So the answer to your demand is yes. I’ll take in your stepdaughter and house her in my bachelor pad.”

My dad lets out an exasperated breath. “Good. She gets in tonight. I’ve given her your address, so please make sure you’re home to greet her. I know you like gallivanting at all hours of the night, but try to be home for at least a couple of days until she’s settled in.”

I close my eyes and take in a centering breath. This man will not break me. “Sure, Dad.”

“Great.” And the line goes dead. No ‘I love you.’ No ‘goodbye.’ Hell, not even a ‘talk later.’

That’s just not his way.

I groan, throwing the phone onto the passenger seat. Why did I fucking cave? I don’t owe that man anything. Everything I am today is because of my mother and the women who raised me after her passing.

I should’ve told him where he could shove his threats.


The one word echoes in my mind as I start my 1967 Mustang convertible, one of many classics in my collection.

Family is an elusive dream. Something from a distant memory.

Everyone I now call family isn’t blood, but is in fact chosen.

Maybe that’s why I agreed to let the munchkin stay with me. A yearning for something more. Something deeper than the shallow existence with my father.

Sure, the men of WRATH securities are my honorary family. We not only built a nationwide security firm, but a deep-rooted network of support.

Still, it’d be nice to have a real family… even if it’s just with a step sibling.

A little girl with pigtails and braces flashes before my mind’s eye, and I can’t help but smile.

If she looks anything like she did at fourteen, then she’ll definitely need my help to fit in at college. I’ve only seen her once, when my father eloped with his personal assistant. And yes, you guessed it; he left Alyssa and me at home.

Thankfully, I was past the nanny stage and only visiting, but poor Alyssa wasn’t as lucky.

She got her first real taste of what it’s like to grow up as a Maxwell.

Life on nanny-lockdown.

My cell vibrates on the leather seat, the name Titus flashing across the screen before I answer and bring it to my ear. “Yo, what’s up?”

“I need a favor.” Titus’ cold voice cuts through the line without so much as a greeting.

My best friend isn’t one of many words, so I’m not offended. Instead, I’m intrigued. He never asks for anything.

“Name it.” There’s hardly anything I wouldn’t do for our crew. Especially Titus. He’s like the brother I never had.

“So, I’ve been staying with Ashley.”

I nearly choke on my saliva and barely miss swerving into oncoming traffic. “Come again? Did you just say you’ve been staying with William’s sister? The very sister that’s been off limits since high school?”

“Yes.” That’s it. That’s all he gives me.

“Ooookay. So what’s the favor.”

“There’s a contract William wants me to take. It’s in Oklahoma. I need you to switch with me so I can stay here in Dallas.” With Ashley, he doesn’t add.

“Got it. So long as it’s not Arkansas.” I shudder, remembering my last contract in one of their small towns. Population of hot women, zero. I mean, the entire town had about fifty people in it, so it wasn’t its fault. But damn, you’d have to blackmail me in order to get me to take another contract there. “I’ll talk to William about it, but it’ll have to wait a day or two. My little sister is coming in from California and I have to be her welcoming committee. Make sure she doesn’t get descended on by boys or throw any wild parties in my home.”

I cringe, remembering what wild shit I got up to when I was seventeen. God, that feels like it was ages ago. Thirty-two isn’t old, but it’s a hell of a way away from seventeen.

Titus snorts into the phone, “Say what? Your old man roped you into babysitting?”

“Ha. Ha. Laugh all you want. At least Alyssa is a total nerd from what I’ve heard. She doesn’t get into trouble and doesn’t have many friends. She’s Daddy’s perfect little princess. If anything, I’ll have to worry about her wanting to tag along with me on dates and shit.”

I shake my head and sigh. Family. This is all for family.

“Alright, brother. If you say so. She’s always welcome at our place. I’m sure Ashley would love to have her over for one of her girls’ nights with Bella and Cassie.”

I choke on air. “Did you just call Ashley’s new apartment ‘our place’?”

“So what if I did?”

“Nothing. Nothing at all. I’m sure it’ll go over real well with William when he replaces out.”

“Got a call coming through. Talk later.” And the line goes dead for the second time today.

I shake my head and chuckle. That asshole thinks he can date one of the WRATH princesses and get away with it. Man, does he have another thing coming.

Rule No. 1, sisters are off limits.

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