Adventure of Exiles
Chapter 14

It was a warm, sunny day.

After farm work he went and got Isaac from the clinic. It was the day to spar.

They were walking to Jakob's house when he saw Jakob and another man in a heated argument.

Felix sighed, "this can't be good."

"What is going on?" Isaac asked.

"An angry old bird cawing at someone."

"Shouldn't we break it up?"

"I suppose. I would rather not watch Jakob murder someone today.” Felix replied lazily.

He approached the two.

The man in the armor had disheveled brown hair and a short beard. His arms were thick and muscular with a sword at his side.

His face distorted into a rage as he shouted at Jakob, "because of you my son left home didn't even say goodbye. You been feeding him fucking lies."

Jakob crossed his arms, "It's not my fault your son left you. Same as how it wasn't my fault your wife left you either. You are the one who drank yourself into a sad shell of a man."

The other man sneered, "you think you can lecture me? You're a fucking monster. Now my son will die like a dog just like yours. Isn't that, right? Anton died, didn't he? Anton died as a miserable failure."

Jakob's expression didn't change.

"Yes, Anton is dead. He died serving his kingdom proudly. I knew he loved me. I know Maria loved me. You on the other hand will die miserable and unloved."

"Always acting better than me. What's the difference between you and me? We are both fucking killers."

"Yeah, that's right. I have killed men, women and children. The difference between is us I actually loved my children and I didn't beat them, you asshole."

The man growled, "Fuck you, Jakob."

With a snarl in his throat, he reached for his sword. Felix put a hand on his arm. The man whipped over to look at Felix.

The man's eye twitched and his breathing was heavy. The smell of booze heavy in his breath. His hand gripped tightly on the hilt of his sword.

"That's not a good idea. You Marco, right? A pleasure to meet you, sir." Felix said pleasantly as his grip on Marco's arm tighten.

"You are that little shit my son used to spar with. Get the fuck out of here. This is none of your business."

"No, I don't think so. I think you should go home, sir. It's getting late and I wouldn't want you to get hurt."

"I'm not going anywhere."

"Oh, you will. Trust me."

Marco yanked his arm free and unsheathed his sword. He then held it inches away from Felix's throat.

"How about now?" Marco threatened.

"I would be careful that's all." As Felix had his knife at Marco's gut. Isaac also had his scythe around Marco's neck.

"Should I eliminate this threat?" Isaac asked, no malice behind his question.

"What? No, bitch. I mean we kick his ass if causes more issues. Marco, put the sword back and just walk away. I think you had enough fun for today."

Marco slowly put his sword away. He looked between the three and walked away.

"Hey for what's it worth, sir. Your son is going to be a much better man than you ever were." Felix called out.

Marco stopped for a moment and then kept walking.

Jakob shook his head, "Tsk. Damn idiot. And you. I could handle things just fine, fledging."

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever, I brought Isaac over. You have that practice scythe ready?"

"Of course. Come on back."

"Oh, we aren't fighting to the death?" Isaac asked, seemingly disappointed.

Felix flicked Isaac on the forehead, "no, of course not."

"Ow, Felix why did you do that?"

"Why were you looking forward to a duel to the death?"

Isaac shrugged, "It sounded cool."

Felix rubbed his temple, "you are something else, Isaac."

They followed Jakob out to the back of Jakob's estate where there was a training area. Felix was quite familiar with the space. Isaac was looking around this was new to him.

Jakob tossed the practice scythe at Isaac as Felix grabbed his practice sword and dagger.

Full wooden staff. The blade was wooden and blunt.

"This is the training scythe. You can take your practice swings and show us what you have."

"Alright." Isaac said as he twirled the scythe with one hand.

He then flipped the scythe with the blade facing upwards.

Followed by spinning the scythe over his head and slammed it down.

Jakob nodded.

Felix looked at Jakob with disbelief, "what so he can show off all he wants, and I get yelled at for showing off?"

"Shut up, fledging. You should know better."

Isaac started swinging the scythe, moving through the forms.

The movements were sharp and fast.

Jakob crossed his arms and watched.

"Tsk. Whatever, let's get this started." Felix said as he readied his stance.

"Wait! Don't start I haven't missed anything cool?" Lisa said as she came running out.

Felix shook his head bemused, what she was doing here?

Felix was pretty sure he was dreaming or maybe he was dying. He looked over to see Jakob's harsh face break out into a smile.

"Ah, Lisa. It is good to see you, little one."

"It's been awhile, grandpa."

"You been eating well? Staying out of trouble?" Jakob asked while giving her a big hug.

"I'm always staying out of trouble." She replied cheekily.

"Yeah, and I'm a fairy princess." Felix remarked.

"Hush, fledging. My granddaughter is a perfectly innocent soul."

Felix rolled his eyes.

"I thought you were avoiding me forever?" Lisa teased.

"Changed my mind."

Isaac looked confused, "Lisa, what are you doing here?"

"Oh, I just wanted to watch. I've seen Felix fight before but never you."

Lisa sat down beside her grandfather, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

Isaac nodded. He seemed to be lost in thought, but then Felix noticed he was watching a butterfly flying through the field.

Felix sighed, "Hey! Isaac, pay attention."

Isaac snapped out of it and turned his attention back to the fight.

"Sorry, what?"

"Never mind."

"Come on, let's get started."


Isaac assumed his stance.

Felix rushed forward and began his assault.

His first attack was blocked by the wooden handle.

The two danced back and forth.

Isaac moved forward on his own assault.

Isaac's attacks were relentless.

Felix could feel himself starting to sweat.

He tried to counterattack with a broad horizontal slash, but Isaac blocked his attack.

Felix had an opening, but his dagger was caught in the crook of Isaac's scythe.

They struggled for control. Felix looked at Isaac.

His eyes.

Eyes of a killer.

He had a calm and cold gaze. Sheer focus on the application of violence.

A feeling of dread crept up Felix's spine.

Felix kicked Isaac right leg and then pushed him, giving him space to quickly rolled back.

He was on defense as Isaac went all out.

His scythe was a flurry of blades.

Felix managed to dodge or block the slashes with the scythe.

But Isaac was relentless.

Isaac's next strike forced Felix's dagger out of his hand, and it landed on the ground several feet away.

Isaac then swung down with his scythe lighting up on fire. The raging flames of the God of War, Ragnar. His boon burned the weapon with intense heat. Wrapping the wooden blade in a flame without burning it.

Felix didn't have any room to maneuver.

He had to dodge.

He rolled to the side as the blazing scythe scorched the earth.

The heat was intense.

"Alright then, bring it on!" Felix sword crackled with lightning.

So much for a friendly practice.

Isaac charged and their weapons clashed.

Sparks flew and the air crackled.

The sound rang throughout the field.

The smell of smoke and dust filled the air.

They exchanged blow for blow.

Isaac was fast and his movements were precise.

Felix's blade was swift, and his footwork was light.

He felt his moment when Isaac hesitated just for a brief moment after landing flat footed.

Felix pressed his advantage swung his blade hard, hitting scythe at a great angle. Following through, he knocked Isaac's scythe out of his hands.

Isaac fell to the ground. Felix pointed his wooden sword down at him.

"Got you, buddy."

"Ah, so you have."

Isaac grabbed the scythe and got back to his feet.

"Don't worry. That was a good fight."

Isaac looked disappointed.

"You sure you lost your memory? You fought like a veteran mercenary or adventurer."

"I'm not sure. Maybe it's muscle memory. You never know, I could have been a baker previously."

"Bakers don't use a scythe."

"I could have been a scythe baker. Cutting bread with my blade."

Felix blinked and then shrugged, "sure why not?"

"That was amazing!" Lisa said as she ran up and hugged Felix.

"Eh, it was alright."

"Just alright?"

"It's the best way to put it, I barely beat him."

"What, you aren't even a bit excited? It was so cool! You guys were really awesome."

Felix laughed.

"Thanks, Lisa."

From the side he saw Jakob giving him a dirty look.

"What is it, old bird?"

"You aren't getting too friendly with my granddaughter, are you?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Don't play dumb with me, fledging."

"Whatever. It's not any of your business."

Jakob frowned.

"Hey! Grandpa, I have a favor to ask."

"What is it, Lisa?"

"I'm trying to get a bunch of materials and ingredients for an alchemy product I'm making for Sea Bounty Day. Can I borrow these two?"

"Sea Bounty Day?" Felix asked confused.

" know that festival where people make food and have fun on the beach. It's in a few days."

"Oh, yeah, Sea Bounty Day. Of course, I love fish. Fish is my favorite mammal."

Lisa punched Felix in the arm, "oh stop you. Besides you know what Sea Bounty Day means?"

"What? You ask like I'm a native of this silly town."

"The best crab dishes are made. All sorts of delicacies and sweets. And I do owe you a crab dinner remember?"

Felix grinned, "of course I remember."

"Great, we can call it a date. First, you two will help me gather some supplies. I sell candies, fireworks and trinkets during the festival."

Felix paused to think for a moment.



He looked over and Jakob was already looming over him.

"How about you take Isaac out front first, sweetie? I just want a quick word with Felix first." Jakob said to Lisa.

"Okay then. Don't be too long, grandpa. Love you." Lisa said as she walked out the back inside.

Isaac joined her and looked back briefly with concern.

As soon as they were out of sight Jakob put Felix in a choke hold.

"Hey what gives, old bird?" Felix sputtered. Punching Jakob's arm. He was strong for an old ass man.

"Look, I don't know how you feel about my granddaughter. But my granddaughter has a good heart, and she cares a lot about you. But if I hear anything. Anything. If you hurt, her. I will end you, fledging."

"Ok, ok. You got it. I'm not a bad guy."

"Tsk. Sure, you are."

"Honestly, cross my heart and hope to die. Pinky promise. Let go already."

"Fine. You better get going. Don't want to keep Lisa waiting."

Felix was let go and he stumbled away.

He rubbed his neck.

Damn old man.

He left the out front and was with Lisa and Isaac.

"So, where we headed, Lisa?" Felix asked.

"We are going to the ruins just west of Kurkenburg. Not only there are minerals deposits, herbs and other useful plants grow near the ruins. Also, the ruins are filled with materials which can be salvaged."

Felix scratched his head, "it all just looks like a bunch of rocks and grass to me."

"Trust me, grandpa used to go take me there when I was a girl. It's a gold mine of useful stuff. I could use a couple stronger backs to help carry stuff."

"Hey, wait a minute. That's all you need Isaac and I for? Glorified pack mules?"

"Well, you are kind of built like a horse, so I assume you are good at carrying things."

"Shockingly enough, I'm a human."

Felix looked at Isaac who just shrugged.

"I'm good with it."

They made their way out of town. At the outskirts Lisa started waving both her hands and shouted, "Over here!"

Felix looked over to see Noah and Emily waiting besides a stone fence.

Emily waved back just as enthusiastically and ran over.

"What are you doing here?" Felix asked.

"Coming along for an adventure of course." She had on a blue cloak and had her rapier. She did a little twirl and struck a pose.

Felix smirked, "an adventure, huh?"

Noah walked up behind Emily.

"Good to see you are up and about. How are you feeling?" Felix asked.

"I'm up and about. I learned quite a bit about the Staff of Eternal Night. We have must discuss but first let's get this material gathering done. Lisa wouldn't be able to pay attention otherwise."

Isaac came up to Noah. Noah quickly hid behind Felix.

"Eh, what's up?" Felix asked.

"You ready for some more medicine?" Isaac asked.

"No! I'm fine. I'm good. Don't worry." Noah quickly said.

"Ah I see." Felix said in realization.

"It's not that he was bad as an assistant for Chris but like he's scary. You see the scythe he has?"

"Yes, of course I'm aware. Don't worry, Noah. Isaac is mostly harmless."

"Didn't he nearly kill you in that spar?" Lisa chimed.

"Well, that's a slight exaggeration. Regardless, if Isaac does come after you with that battle scythe it would be quick and mostly painless."

"Don't worry, Noah. I would not kill a friend. Through, I haven’t decided if we are friends yet."

"That's not really helping. Thanks, Isaac."


Felix shook his head and kept walking.

Noah, Emily, and Isaac were chatting as they followed.

Lisa was besides Felix talking his ear off.

Talking about her cooking, her parents, and gossip around the town.

It was nice.

Felix could see the ruins of a large structure up ahead.

There were the remnants of walls. There were still sections of the building standing.

There was a large statue that had long since toppled.

"I'm so excited."

"I suppose, yeah. But aren't we just picking some herbs, minerals, and such?"

"It's about how you phrase it."

"Well, alright. So, what are we looking for?"

"Aklefron, Dewy Roses, and Comet's Shine in particular but anything else of note would be nice."

"Uh ok."

"Dewy roses are very distinctive. They are red and shaped like a bell."

"Oh, okay. So, what do the other ones look like?"

"Comet's Shine is a white flower with a sheen. It's kind of hard to explain. Like it shimmers and sparkles. You can replace copper, iron and bits of steel around the ruins. They can be salvaged."

"Right, I'm not great at this sort of stuff. I'll work with Isaac."

"Sure, I'll be with Emily. We will be over there." Lisa said as she pointed.

"Be safe." Felix said as Lisa grabbed Emily and ran off.

Felix looked to the side to see Noah head off another direction around the ruins. Leaving just Isaac and Felix standing there.

"Come on, Isaac. Let's see if we can replace some of this stuff."


The two walked around the ruins.

The sky was bright and sunny. There was a gentle breeze.

Felix could smell the sea.

He could hear the birds singing in the distance.

There were wildflowers and other plants growing around everywhere in the ruins

As they walked through the ruins.

Felix sighed, "they all look like weeds to me."

"No, no. It's not like that. Look there." Isaac said as he pointed at a plant with blue and white flowers and blue leaves.

"Isn't that Comet's Shine?"

"No. That's not Aetherblossom. Didn't you grow up in Kurkenburg?"

"What me? No. I'm from the inner city of Breslow."

"Breslow? What was it like?"

"Oh, it was a shithole. Breslow is a big city a lot of manufacturing like textiles and iron production. The city sat in a nice crossroad from the mountainous ore rich north and the bountiful fields of the south. It's very busy, polluted and crowded. I was born in the slums and my mom was a barmaid at an inn.”

"Your father, what about him?"

"Never met the guy. My mom never talked about him. When I was a teenager, my mom died and I ended up joining the Order of the Raven. The rest is history."

"Interesting. My past is a mystery. I wish I could remember something. Anything. I wonder who I am? What is my name? Who were my family? I don't even know if I'm a good person."

"You don't have to be a good person. You just have to be you."

"I suppose." Isaac sighed. He then pointed back at the Aetherblossom.

"You know that's edible, right? The leaves taste sweet and minty."


"Yeah, give it a taste."

Felix shrugged and cut off some leaves. He then started chewing on a leaf.

"I don't know, man. Kind of tastes like I'm chewing on grass." Felix said as he looked back at Isaac.

"Hey, Felix! Why are you eating weeds?" Lisa asked as she came over. "I wanted to just check up on you guys and see how you are doing. I replace you are chewing on weeds like a horse."

"Uh...Isaac told me to try. Said it was hmm. What's the name of it again? Aetherblossom, Aetherflower, or something."

Lisa frowned and hit Isaac with her alchemist staff.

She then sighed, "that's just Azure Grass. It's a common medicinal herb, a bit too common. Grows among crops often."

Felix swallowed what he had in his mouth. "I trusted you."

Isaac was straight faced for a moment and then smiled, "the leaves taste a bit like mint. Don't they?"

"So, you did trick me."

"I thought it would be funny and I wanted to lighten the mood, the conversation got a bit too serious. And you know it was funny. You should see your face."

Felix shook his head and rolled his eyes, "you are unbelievable."

Lisa started laughing, "It was pretty funny, Felix. You should see the look on your face."

"Well, it was nice talking to all I'm going home how about that."

"Hey, Felix. You were the one who told me that I didn't have to be a good person, just be myself."

Felix rubbed his temples, "ok, sure, whatever. Just don't make it a habit."

"Oh, come on, Felix. It's a beautiful day. There's no place to be grumpy." Lisa said as she poked as Felix's side.

"I'm not grumpy, Lisa."

"Well, you are certainly not cheerful."

"I have a sad and tragic backstory. I was once a young boy who dreamt of the open sky. Now, I am a man who's only joy is in the death and blood of my enemies."

"Oh, don't so dramatic. You just need to turn that frown upside down." Lisa then reached up and put her fingers around Felix's mouth and started stretching his lips upwards into a smile.

Isaac gave a thumbs up, "looking good."

Felix gently moved her hands and rolled his eyes.

"So, have you found any materials yet?"

"Oh yes, I think we have everything we need and more. Emily and Noah are waiting up on the top of the hill.

"Alright let's go."

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