The three were walking through the town, taking in the sights and the sounds.

“This is a nice town.” Felix said idly as he led the way down towards the southern part of town.

“Do you think Chris recognized us?” Michael asked warily.

Felix shrugged, “maybe, if he does we will figure something out.”

Michael grunted and continued following Felix.

The trio walked through the town and eventually found the house on the outskirts.

It was a one-story wooden house in sight of the Skarrage Sea.

Felix looked around the place, the roof looked stable. Felix knocked on the wood, the walls were strong, and the garden was empty.

“So, what do you think?” Felix asked.

“Looks solidly built enough. We could easily make this work.” Michael said.

Emily was silent.

“What do you think, Emily?” Felix asked.

“Is this really happening? This is what life is going to be?” She asked.

Michael nodded, “This is what life will be for the next few months, perhaps a year or so. Until the day we get the message to return north and begin the fight to you reclaim your throne. We will stay in here.”

“My new adventure.” She said wistfully.

Felix spent some time checking the around the house. There was a grove nearby and there was a path winding down to the beach.

“Can I help you?” Felix heard, he looked up to see a smartly dressed elderly man with gray hair and a beard.

“My name is Felix. Eileen from the Whispering Oak Inn told me to drop by. Said the house it available to purchase.”

“Ah. My name is Otto. Yes, the house is for sale my brother was the previous owner, but he died a few years ago with no children. I don’t have any use for it. My family and I already have a house.”

“Mine if we take a look inside?” Felix asked.

“No problem.” Otto said as took a key and opened the house.

“There’s two bedrooms, a kitchen, a dining room and a study.”

Felix entered and was impressed. It was a spacious house with large rooms and windows were letting in daylight.

The three walked around and looked at everything.

“So, how much would it cost to buy the house?” Felix asked.

“Let’s see. It’s been a while since anyone has lived in it. The property value isn’t going up. How about five hundred gold crowns?”

“Sounds like a deal.” Felix said.

Otto was taken aback slightly, “just like that? No haggling or anything?”

“What is there to haggle about? It’s a good price. A good home and we need a place to stay.” Felix said.

Felix then went through his bag and pulled out five stacks of hundred crown stacks held in neatly in wood containers.

He pounded the stacks down on the simple wooden table with a satisfying thud and clink of coins.

Michael sighed at the sight.

“Five hundred gold crowns and not a coin less. You are welcome to count them out.”

Otto was looked a little stunned by how causally Felix dropped the crowns down.

“No, it’s quite alright let’s resolve the paperwork.” Otto said as sat down and took the stacks of coins and took out some papers for Felix to sign.

After a couple minutes of reviewing and signing. They were done.

“Alright, the deed to the house is officially yours.” Otto said as he slid the house key over.

Felix gave a small nod.

“You must have had quite the adventures getting that kind of money.”

Felix smirked, “you could say that.”

Otto looked at Michael, “is this guy a scoundrel, or not?”

“Felix is a scoundrel through and through.” Michael bluntly.

“Thanks, Michael.” Felix replied.

Otto chuckled, “well, I wish you all well and welcome into our town. I’ll count the coins and check over the paperwork. If anything comes up, I’ll let you know.”

“Shouldn’t you have the city hall, or something do that?” Michael asked.

Otto tilted his head, “well, I’m mayor after all. Didn’t anyone mention that? You can tell by the badge.” He pointed to a small badge pinned on his suit jacket.

Michael turned to Felix and gave him a glare,

“Don’t give me that look. I wasn’t really paying attention. We are still getting used to the town.”

Michael grunted.

Otto gave a slight bow, “welcome to Kurkenburg.”

He then departed.

Felix walked around the house a bit more and back into study. It was a small room with a large window. The bookshelf was bare.

Felix then turned to the two and smiled.

“We have a home.”

Emily clapped her hands and started jumping up and down.

“We have a home! We have a home!” She chanted.

Michael was less excited but still pleased.

Felix looked out the window and into the sea.

“We could probably do a little fishing to add some extra money. Get the local fisherman to teach us some tricks.” Felix thought aloud.

“Do you know how to fish?” Emily asked.

“Not at all. Can’t be that hard. I could perhaps try learning something else. As long as I’m making some coin.” Felix said as he looked out the window.

Felix was then startled when Lisa popped up from the side on the other side of the window.

“Why would you be concerned about making money after dropping money like that. You’re suspicious!” She spoke.

“Lisa! What are you doing here?” Emily exclaimed.

“Yeah, why are you stalking us, you weirdo.” Felix snarked.

“I’m not a weirdo! My parents own a farm just past the grove.”

Emily looked pleased. Felix couldn’t help but to face palm.

“So, you were just walking by and happened to spy me looking out the window. Just a coincidence, right?”

“I wasn’t spying! I just saw people moving into the house and came to investigate. No one has been in this house for years. Just happened to overhear some bits and pieces.”

“I suppose. Also, there is nothing suspicious about having a bit of money.” Felix said knowing full well he had a pouch of gemstones he took from Duke Rudolf’s vault as well.

“A bit? Felix, that’s like small fortune you casually dropped like that.”

Felix shrugged, “I guess. I earned it fair and square as a mercenary.”

“Suspicious.” Lisa replied almost singing it.

Felix rolled his eyes, “Sorry, neighbor I don’t have the time to be bothered by the likes of you.” Felix then closed the curtains on the window.

Lisa gave an indignant yelp, “this isn’t over!”

Felix was satisfied to hear footsteps echoing away. He turned around and gave Emily a thumbs up.

Michael crossed his arms, “weren’t we supposed to lay low?”

“That was laying low.”

“I knew you would be trouble. From the moment Edwin introduced you.”

“And yet, here I am. You know why? I’m damn good at my job. I’m worth every copper.”

Michael grumbled but he didn’t disagree, “Despite how I sound sometimes I don’t dislike you, Felix. You remind me of an old friend of mine.”

Michael shook his head at the thought, “Anyways even with a house now. We should get furniture and stock up essentials.”

“Let’s go shopping.” Michael said looking at Emily with a fatherly smile on his face.

Emily squealed and grabbed Michael’s hand and pulled him out the house.

“Come on, let’s go!”

Michael laughed, “ok, ok.”

How many years has Michael been Emily’s personal bodyguard? Felix was almost jealous as he followed behind.

“Land ho!” Felix heard called out as he watched Chris approach on his sailboat to the beach close to the house.

It was a beautiful morning.

Emily was jumping up and down and waving both hands.

Felix squinted to get a better look at the Silver Sail.

She was a beautiful keelboat made of oak. Her sails were made of a shiny, silvery cloth.

Chris getting close enough to the shore threw a rope at Felix.

Felix tied the rope to a wooden post.

“Well, you two. Hop on!” Chris called out.

Felix walked through the shallow water and scampered on to the ship.

Emily hesitated at the edge of the water and then gingerly put her first foot into the sea.

“So cold!”

“Emily, quit stalling!” Felix shouted from the boat.

“But it’s cold!” She whined.

Felix chuckled, “it’s not even that cold. Come on!”

Emily took a deep breath and then scrambled through the water.

Felix helped her on board.

Sophie leaned over with a towel and offered it to Emily.

“Thank you.”

“You are welcome, Emily.”

Chris adjusted the sails, pulled up on the rope and dragged it back to the ship.

“Alright, let’s go fishing.” Chris said with a smile.

“No, Michael?” Chris asked as he got the ship moving.

“No. We bought some furniture last night and he’s taking it back to the house. The man is a giant so he’s probably just carrying it with one hand. He’s also looking for potential jobs for us.”

Chris laughed, “northerners are strong like that.”

They went further out into the sea. Chris pulled the rope attached to the sail and it stopped flapping.

“Ok, we are here.”

“What’s the plan, captain?” Felix asked.

Chris took out his rod, “we have bait and hooks. Then we just need to throw the line out. And wait.”

Chris took the bait and hooked it. He helped Emily and Sophie with their rods.

Felix shrugged and did as instructed.

“How do you know if the fish are biting?”

“Well, you have to feel the weight. The bigger the fish the harder it is to pull the fish up.”

“And what do we do once the fish is hooked?” Felix asked.

“Just pull the fish up. I have a net on the ship, I can scoop the fish up.”

They tossed their lines out and waited.

“What about the sea monsters?” Felix asked.

“Oh, you have nothing to worry about. There aren’t any around Kurkenburg.”

“Really? But aren’t there like krakens, sea dragons and stuff in the sea?”

Chris smiled, “you really think there would monster around a peaceful town like this?”

“It would be more exciting. Some good old fashion monster hunting. Plus imagine what a pay day a bounty would be for taking out a kraken. We would be set for life.”

“Sorry to disappoint you.”

Just then Emily’s line started tugging.

“The fish is pulling!”

Chris quickly helped Emily.

“Ok, pull back hard!”

“It’s coming!” Emily screamed.

Then a beautiful silvery fish popped up and flew into the air.

Emily and Felix stared in awe.

The fish fell back into the water with a loud splash.

Chris then pulled the net over and scooped the fish.

“Nice work, Emily!” Felix shouted.

Chris grabbed the net and in a quick motion unsheathed his sword and cut the fish’s head off.

“There we go, a nice silver fin.”

Chris then showed Felix how to gut it properly.

“The scales are pretty, isn’t it?” Sophie asked.

“Yeah.” Felix replied watching Chris intently. Absorbing as much information as he could.

Sophie was fascinated, she couldn’t keep her eyes off the scales.

Felix couldn’t blame her. The scales were shimmering and shining.

“You know how to use the pointy end, eh?” Felix teased Chris.

Chris sighed, “despite my best efforts I do have some combat experience. I might not be like you as a mercenary, but I can hold my own. A C minus of skill.”

Felix chuckled, “fair enough.”

Felix then noticed Emily looking out into the sea.

“You okay, Emily?”

“Hmm...Yeah. Just thinking.”

“What’s on your mind?”

“Nothing much, I was just wondering what’s the world out there is like. I really haven’t really seen much of the world.”

Felix moved over next to Emily and started pointing, “well. The north is obvious. You keep sailing and you’ll end up at Gdanskig. East is the vast ocean. To the south is the Republic of Anzio, heirs to the ancient Vexillum Empire.”

Emily hummed and nodded her head and pointed at the shore next, “We saw a bunch of ruins coming into the Kurkenburg, what’s the story behind those?”

“Ah those? They are from when the Vexillum Empire ruled this region. There are even some ruins from the Queendom of Nevaria before it was destroyed by the Vexillum Empire. Sorry to say those ruins have been looted and explored way before I was even born. Now it’s just kids and Lisa who like going around those places.” Chris explained.

He paused and then waved his hands, “well, who is to say there isn’t anything still yet to be found but whatever easy to see has been taken.”

“Still, it would be fun to check them out. It’s still a fascinating history.” Emily said.

Chris nodded, “There are a lot of history to the ruins here. My friend Noah studies quite a bit about the history. There are stories about a staff wielded by the Witch Queen Natasha called the Staff of Eternal Night. It was thought to have been lost to time but there is a rumor going around that it is somewhere near Kurkenburg.”

“Wow, really? That’s interesting.” Emily enthused.

“How many coins you think it’s worth?” Felix said with a big grin.

Emily looked at him, “Felix!”

“I’m kidding, mostly. Still, a staff with that kind of name. It has to be powerful.”

“Yes. That’s what the legend says. It’s been said the staff allowed Natasha to manipulate shadows and darkness, creating illusions, concealing herself, and summoning shadowy creatures to do her bidding. Still, it’s a fool errand to search for it. Faith in the Goddess Herta is all a person needs.” Chris replied.

Felix stifled a scoff. But then his line had a tug.

Felix immediately grabbed the rod and started reeling.

“Oh! Another fish!” Emily shouted.

“It’s coming, it’s coming.”

“Hurry!” Emily cheered.


A large fish was flying out of the water.

“Get the net ready, Chris!” Felix shouted.

“I got it, I got it.”

Chris pulled the net and caught another silver fin.

Felix with a little flair and flick the wrist, twirled his flip knife, and cut the head off.

“Two fish already, not a bad start.” Chris said.

“Yeah!” Emily cheered.

So, they spent the day on the boat talking and fishing.

Chris told Felix a couple of people selling ships like the ship they were on.

At the end they had a small pile of herring, bass and silver fin.

“That’s a lot of fish.” Felix said.

“Could be better. Still enough to share with everyone.” Chris said.

“Are we done for the day?” Emily asked.

“Yes, it’s time to go back home.” Chris said.

“Can I have the wheel?” Emily asked.

“You know how to sail a boat, Emily?” Chris asked.

“No but how hard can it be.” She said cheerfully.

Chris chuckled, “maybe some other time.”

As Emily pouted, Felix ruffed her hair as he was sat beside her. “Don’t worry you’ll get your chance one day. I’ll buy a ship soon. Try not to run it aground through.”

“Hey! I’m not that clumsy.”

Felix laughed, “whatever you say, Emily.”

They returned to the house later in the day Chris delivered some fried and roasted fish to Felix's house.

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