Adventure of Exiles
Chapter 44

The group returned at Felix’s house.

Emily was silent the whole trip.

They opened the door and Emily was the first inside.

She walked right into the sitting room and sat down on the couch.

She looked down at the floor and just held herself.

Lisa looked over at Noah and Isaac, “we should give them some space.”



The three left the room, leaving Emily and Felix alone.

Emily kept looking at the floor, not saying a word.

Felix just stood there, waiting patiently.

Emily sniffled.

She wiped her face with her sleeve and tried to hide the tears.

“He’s gone.”

Felix took a deep breath and sat down next to her, “he is.”

“It didn’t feel real you know? I finally acted like the princess I should. I was strong for Michael and in the back of my mind I thought when we got back, he would be waiting for us. With a small smile and nod he would greet us back. We would all sit down and have a meal and just be happy.”

“I’m sorry, Emily.”

“I know. Oh, how I know that he in a coffin in his room. I don’t dare to look through into his room. What would I replace? I don’t know if I could bear it.”

“That’s fine. I can understand that.”

“I’m a horrible princess, aren’t I?”

“No. You are just a girl who is sad. Let it all out it’s ok.”

Emily cried.

She kept crying for a while.

Felix didn’t say anything and let her cry.

Then Emily looked up at him.

Her face was a mess.

Tears and snot were running down her face.

“How are you so strong, Felix? You aren’t crying?”

“I did all the crying for a lifetime.”


“Remember back at the temple? Believe me or not but I saw my mother, Edwin, and Michael one last time. I got to say my goodbyes. That was enough.”

“You were able to talk to Michael?”

“Yeah, he told me to tell you. That I’m sorry for dying on her. Tell her...I will always love you and watch over you.”

Emily was silent for a moment and then punched Felix.


“You jerk. Why didn’t you say something sooner.”

“I’m sorry. It was a lot for me to take in too.”

“I see.”

Emily sniffled and wiped her face, “I can’t believe Michael even in death he refuses to take a break. Still trying to protect me.”

“Sounds like him.”

“Yeah, that’s definitely Michael.”

“And you. I can’t believe the only time you cried you did it with the spirit of your mother so no one else could see you cry. How lame!”

“Come on, Emily. I’m trying to comfort you.”

“I know, I’m just kidding. Well trying to joke around a bit. But you are the real deal aren’t you, Felix? I’m still not certain after you willingly gave up your reward to donate.”

“This again? Yeah, still me. Just the way I am.”

“It’s a good thing. Perhaps even a scumbag mercenary like you can change.”

“Glad to hear.”

“You really did see your mother, Edwin and Michael.”

“I did. I was a mess. I mean come on. They just dumped the responsibility of protecting the princess on to me. Talk about a massive burden. You better be ready to give me a big fat reward once this is all over.”

“Haha! Sure, Felix.”

“I’m serious. The bigger the reward the better.”

“Ok, ok. I get it.”

Felix grinned, “good. You should know not to take me lightly.”

Felix stood up and offered his hand to Emily, “come on now. We shouldn’t keep the rest waiting for us much longer.”


Emily grabbed his hand and pulled herself up.

Felix looked her up and down, “you should clean yourself up a bit. You look like a mess.”

“Still a better sight for eyes than you.”

“Hey, I’m a handsome guy with a girlfriend.”

“You are just lucky Lisa would settle for you. Honestly I pity her.”


Emily laughed, “let’s get going. Michael wouldn’t want me to just wallow in misery.”

“Yeah. Still, I have something for you.”

Felix went into his room and took out Devotion and gave it to Emily.

“What is this?” She said as she took the sword out and admired it.

A black sword with red vines.

“The sword is Devotion. It was used by commander Edwin. You need a new sword after your rapier was broken. So, I want you to have it. A proper blade for a princess.”

“It’s a good sword but are you sure?”

“Edwin and Michael entrusted me with protecting you. They would want you to have it. Think of it as a sign of their devotion.”

Emily held the sword up high and gave a few practice swings.

“This is a fine sword, Felix. Through, it might take me a bit to get used to it.”

“I’ll be here to train with you.”

“That would be great. I should go get cleaned up.”

“Take your time.”

They left the house to see Isaac, Lisa and Noah waiting for them.

Emily had cleaned up her face and was presentable once more.

“Are you alright, Emily?” Noah asked.

“I’m ok. Thank you, Noah.”

“What now?” Lisa asked.

“If I can have Isaac and Noah help me with Michael. We need to get him on the ship so we can return him home.”

“Yeah of course.” Noah answered.

“Understood.” Isaac replied.

Felix grabbed Lisa’s hand.

“Come on let’s leave them to it. There is something we need to do.”

“We do?”

“Yeah, you’ll understand soon enough. Trust me.”

“Fine, let’s go then.”

Felix and Lisa left the other three behind and walked up the beach.

“Alright. Now I’m confused. What are we doing, Felix?”

He kept silent and lead her further and further down the beach.

“I have no idea where we are going.”

“Oh, trust me. We are almost there.”

They walked a bit more and came to a cliff face.

There he was. Jakob. Drink in hand.

He waved at Felix, “so you finally showed up. Took your time didn’t ya, fledging.”

Lisa was dumbfounded.

“Grandpa, what are you doing here?” Lisa asked.

“Isn’t that obvious? Drinking and enjoying the sun.”

Jakob took a big swig, “It is a beautiful day out, isn’t it? You can’t deny that.”

Lisa frowned.

Felix let go of Lisa’s hand and got up to the cliffside next to Jakob.

“It’s alright, Lisa.”

“What are you planning, Felix?”

“Nothing. Just give me a moment.” He said as he sat down besides Jakob.

“Michael. A damn shame.”

“Yeah...listen you old fucking bird. Tell me everything. Why you killed Stephen? What the fuck you were talking about with your babbling of revenge?”

Jakob snorted.

“The truth then. I will tell you. If you are willing to indulge an old man.”

He looked at Lisa, “it’s a long story. You heard bits and pieces perhaps but never the full thing.”

“I know and I want to hear it too.”

Jakob shrugged and sighed, “then fine. I’ll tell you. Get comfortable and take a seat.”

Lisa sat down besides Felix.

“I’ll start from the beginning.”


In the evening Felix, Lisa, Isaac, and Emily were at the north gate again. This time mounted on horse.

Noah was standing by the gate.

“Are you sure about this Noah? You can still come with us.” Lisa asked.

Noah shook his head, “I never been so sure of anything in my life. I must go north. To see how things really are up there. To hear actually from the people. Not just the reports given by the Grand Council. There is a lot I don’t understand and need to learn.”

“Are you going to join the Restorationists?”

“I’m not sure but I should hear them out. Besides I need to make sure Michael is given a proper funeral. He deserves that much.”

“I understand. Take care, Noah. I hope that letter will be enough.” Emily said.

Noah folded the letter and put in his coat, “it will be. Have plenty of money now too. You guys stay safe.”

“Of course.”

Emily looked over to Felix, “you sure everything will be ok with the house?”

“Don’t worry about it, Chris will take care of it while we are gone.”

Felix sighed, “I’m more worried about where we are going. After all what’s happened, and we tried so hard to avoid the Military Grand Council we are going into the belly of the beast and to Stausehaven.”

Emily nodded emphatically, “yes. We need to see how things truly are at the capital like Noah. We must try to make peace while we can. Before it’s too late. That’s why I need to go. To convince the people there that the war was a terrible tragedy. To restore House Strass is the best option. For everyone. And besides. Duke Albrecht will be arriving later to aid us.”

Felix groaned, “yeah no big deal. Stop potentially a kingdom wide civil war from kicking off with your more fanatical supporters chomping at the bit to go to war. Easy. No big deal. It’s not like you are asking the impossible.”

“I’m glad you understand, Felix. Just follow my lead and do what I say.” Emily replied cheerfully.

“I also need to learn more about what I done in my past.” Isaac commented.

“Of course, Isaac.” Emily replied.

Lisa looked over to Noah, “we will see each other again. That’s a promise.”

“I’ll hold you to that.”

Lisa, Felix, Isaac and Emily rode off.

“It’s going to be a long trip to Wittenden. Then inland to Lipsia then across the Duchy of Sachsen across the Zugspitze Mountains. Finally, we will reach the capital Stausehaven.” Felix commented.

“I’m prepared for it don’t worry Felix. I’m just glad my parents allowed me to go with you.”

“Yeah, and a pain in my ass it’s going to be.”

“More like I’m so glad my awesome and capable girlfriend will be with me.”

“Sure, whatever.”

Isaac just kept his eyes on the road ahead.

“Why can’t you be more like Isaac? He doesn’t say shit.”

Lisa rolled her eyes, “I’m not changing my personality. Sorry.”

Emily laughed. Both Felix and Lisa looked at her.

She had a brilliant smile on her face as she rode.

“You know what? Looks like we are on a wonderful adventure. I’m so excited.”

“Oh, is that right?” Felix asked.

“Yes. The road ahead of us is long and there is still so much to do. So, let’s just keep moving forward.”

Felix just thought about it for a moment and then laughed, “yeah. Let’s keep going forward. Onwards to the next adventure.”

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