Felix waited by the main gate of Kurkenburg.

The sun was barely out, it was a cold and quiet morning.

Why did he agree to do this?

Well, there was the crab.

Felix heard two people approaching. He hid behind a bush.

The first one was a teenage boy with black hair, thick glasses, a travel bag, clutching a book in one hand and in the other was a staff.

Noah, Felix recognized him.

The second person Felix knew immediately with her brown hair and a bright smile. She exuded her chaotic energy with an orange cloak, a leather armor and backpack.

Emerging out of the shadows, Felix channeled a bit of the Sky Father’s will into his fingertip and poked Noah in the back of the neck. Giving him a little shock.

“Gah!” Noah yelled. Boy did Noah jump. He was wide eyed with surprise.

Felix chuckled, “that was a good reaction.”

“You could give me a warning!”

“I could but where would the fun be in that.” Felix said with a shrug.

Felix grinned and turned to Lisa, “so how is your morning?”

She leaned forward at Felix while having her hands on her hips, “hey don’t scare Noah like that. I thought I had you come along to protect us. Not to be a jerk.”

“You got me, sorry about that. I couldn’t help myself, there is something about Noah.”

Noah pushed up his glasses, “that’s a terrible apology.”

Felix ignored him and asked Lisa, “where are we heading today?”

“One of the ancient ruins outside of Kurkenburg.” Lisa replied.

“What are we looking for?”

“Well, Noah believes the ruin could potentially have a hidden chamber within it.”

Noah nodded, “If we can replace it, I bet we would be the first people in centuries to replace it. That would be amazing! We could learn more about the ancient Queendom of Nevaria.”

“You mean the Witch Queen Natasha on her dying breath literally poisoned the Blackreach Marsh into a dangerous and deadly swamp? I think there is a lesson there. If a woman doesn’t want anyone else going into her room, don’t go in her room.” Felix replied.

“I know there is a risk. But there is a chance to uncover a part of ancient history. I been studying about the Queendom of Nevaria for years. So much knowledge was lost with the war with the Vexillum Empire. This is an opportunity to gain new knowledge.”

Felix shrugged. Sounds like they are going to uncover some boring books or rusting artifacts.

The three set out towards the ancient ruins.

After a little over an hour of walking north of the city, they stopped, and Felix could see the ruin.

It was a large stone tower.

Noah pulled out a book, “according to the book I have been studying about the Neveria ruins. This one is believed to be built in early in Queendom of Nevaria and a few hundred years before the Vexillum Empire invaded. This was a border post guarding Witzentium a central port city for Nevaria and is foundation for the current city of Wittenden.

Noah adjusted his glasses, “There are no records of what happened. It looks like the outpost castle was abandoned shortly after the invasion. My guess is the Vexillumians didn’t have much use for it after coming to control the region after all what’s the point in defending against yourself? They probably didn’t bother to demolish the structure, leaving it here for nature to reclaim. I’m hoping there are some old maps, records and books left.”

Felix yawned, “Sounds fascinating.”

Lisa bonked Felix, “don’t sound too excited.”

Felix rubbed the back of his head, “look investigating some dusty old ruins doesn’t sound that exciting.”

Noah was not paying attention. He was looking at the ruins with a sense of awe.

“Could imagine the titanic clash between General Longinus and the Black Knight Stannis? Stannis the last of the Neverians. Well, let’s not waste any more time. I want to make the most of the day.”

“Lead the way, boss.” Lisa said.

Noah led the way.

As the three enter the ruin, Noah pulled out a map and began to mark down the paths they traveled.

“The ground floor is a barracks floor. This was a small outpost so there is not much to see. The stairs are on the other side to the second floor.”

Noah then pointed down the path, “there is a collapsed section up ahead, the rubble should provide enough for us to climb down.”

Felix and Lisa followed Noah as he went down into the depths of the ruined castle.

Felix carefully helped Lisa down the rocks as they climbed down into the basement.

Noah didn’t seem to mind as he climbed down, muttering observations as he went.

“The basement is in pretty good shape. A bit of dust and cobwebs. No damage to the ceiling. Looks like it’s structurally sound.”

“Yeah. Sure.” Felix replied as he grabbed Lisa and put her down at the basement. He hopped down and looked around.

He didn’t see anything of interest, it was just a lot of dust, some spider webs and broken barrels and crates.

“According to my notes. The basement is the storage and warehouse. We should keep heading forward, the armory and treasury should be close.”

“Alright lead the way. Let this be on the record through I don’t want to spend all day in the dusty old basement.” Felix said as he walked.

Lisa was right next to Felix and was smiling, “come on. Don’t be a sourpuss. Isn’t this exciting?”

“You need to get out more if this exciting.”

Lisa laughed.

“Hey you two. Be careful.” Noah said, “the ground floor is in bad shape. There is a collapse ahead, it’s possible we might need to dig our way through.”

Noah then continued.

Felix and Lisa followed.

Sure, enough the path to the treasury was blocked by a cave in.

“Ugh.” Noah sighed.

“Don’t worry, it’s not over yet.” Lisa said.

Felix grunted, “come on, we can move these rocks and debris out of the way.”

Felix and Lisa got to work helping Noah dig a hole in the debris.

“We can’t just go charging in, it could be dangerous. The ground could collapse under our feet. We need to take our time and be careful.” Noah cautioned.

“We’ll figure something out if it comes to it.” Felix said as he kept digging.

As the trio worked on removing the debris, they made a hole that a person could crawl through.

“Beauty before brains.” Felix commented as he got into the hole first.

“Oh shush.” Lisa said as she crawled behind Felix.

Noah took a deep breath and got in last.

It was a tight squeeze, and they were crawling on their stomachs but after a bit of time the tunnel opened into a large chamber.

The treasury and armory were a massive room filled with broken shelves and empty display cases.

There was some rusting weapons and armor, broken crates, and barrels.

“Looks like the looting happened centuries ago. It’s a shame.” Noah sighed, “still let’s keep looking. There could be something.”

The three split up and started to scour the treasury.

Felix found a curious looking bug. He let it crawl on his hand but that’s about it for treasure he found.

“Hey, look what I found.” Noah said pointed at the wall with writing on it.

It was an old inscription on the wall.

“It kind of looks like Lyrisian but it doesn’t make sense.” Felix said as he looked.

“Don’t you recognize it? It’s Old Nevarian. An old precursor to the modern Lyrisian language.” Noah explained.

“Sorry, my training taught me to use the pointy end of the sword. Not studying over a thousand-year-old dead language.”

“So, you can read it?” Lisa asked.

Noah shook his head, “Enough to get the gist. Hold on a second.”

Noah read the inscription, “here lies the Oak Knight Kono, may he stand as a guardian to Neveria forever.”

Noah then used his staff and channeled a glyph of arcane energy on the writing.

The stone wall then slide over, revealing a secret chamber.

“Yes!” Noah shouted as he jumped in the air.

“Way to go, Noah!” Lisa said.

“What did you do?” Felix asked.

“This could have a secret chamber or a hidden vault.” Noah said as he started to examine the doorway.

Felix sighed. He looked around. There wasn’t much. It was a small room with three stone sarcophagus and a stone chest.

Noah was already examining the central sarcophagus.

“The writing on the sarcophagus, it’s a different form of Old Nevarian. I think this is Kono who were laid to rest here. This could be a discovery of a lifetime!”

“I’m glad you’re excited. Do you want me to open the chest?” Felix asked.

“Hmm. Yes please.”

Felix opened the chest, “I hope there is something valuable.”

Felix found only one thing, a book. He flipped through the book, it was written in the broken Lyrisian. So probably Old Nevarian.

Noah came over and looked inside, “it’s just a journal.”

“Bummer.” Felix replied as he went to toss it back in the chest.

“Wait, no! These could be historical documents. We need to handle them delicately and with care.”

“How about you hold on to it then?” Felix said as he gave it over to Noah.

“Can you help me open get the lid off?” Noah asked.

“Sure.” Felix said.

Lisa came over, “let me help too.”

The three pushed and the lid of the sarcophagus started to move.

With a mighty heave the lid was removed, and it thud into the ground.

Felix leaned forward and was curious about the contents.

An old skeleton in a rotted set of bronze armor and holding a rusted sword was lying within the sarcophagus. The other hand had a piece of wood.

“Huh. Well, that’s disappointing. I was expecting more out of the Oak Knight Kono.” Felix commented.

“What? You were expecting it to be with overflowing coins?” Lisa asked.

“That would have been nice.” Felix said as he watched Noah grab the piece of wood from the skeleton.

Noah examined the piece of wood and looked at the other two, “This is a piece of the Staff of Eternal Night. Just like how my books describe. It’s real! And it’s in our grasp!”

Lisa was wide eyed, “wait are you sure?”

“Yes. The lost artifact of the Witch Queen Natasha, capable of controlling darkness and shadow. This could change everything!”

“What do you mean?” Felix said as he took it out of Noah’s hand.

“The legend is after the Witch Queen Natasha was slain and the staff was broken into pieces and hidden by her most loyal knights including the legend Black Knight Stannis.”

“Staff of Eternal Night, eh?” Felix said as he grabbed his flip knife from his belt. With a quick flick he then tried stabbing the piece of wood and sure enough his knife could not even make a mark.

“Hey! Careful that’s priceless history in your hand.”

Felix shrugged, “worth testing.”

“First thing is to take it home so I can study it further and then we are going to have to replace the rest of the staff.”

Just then the other two sarcophagus started to rumble.

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