“You knew this wasn’t apart of the plan, and yet you went ahead and did it anyway! You know Dean and of the alliance that was made. He is not a threat to us, Davina!” Victor scolded his young niece as she stood there immaturely with her arms crossed and a scowl on her face. Dean wasn’t entirely thrilled Victor said that he wasn’t a threat. He very much could be if he chose to. But, he knew what Victor really meant.
“Now, I want you to apologize.” Victor said.
“Apologize!?” Davina shouted out in disbelief, making Victor wave his finger in her face.
“Yes! Apologize to Dean for troubling him these past few nights.” Victor demanded. Davina stood perfectly still with her arms crossed, glaring at her uncle. She didn’t want to apologize. She was stubborn. And she also felt that she had nothing to apologize for. When Victor saw that she wasn’t going to shake, he sighed.
“Apologize!” Victor finally shouted. The organization, who surrounded them, found it more and more difficult to mind their business with each word said.
“Fine!” Davina finally shouted. She groaned before turning towards Dean. She hid behind her bangs, not allowing her eyes to meet Dean’s once.
“Sorry.” Davina mumbled. Dean found this amusing. He decided he now wanted to tease her.
“I didn’t quite catch what you said. What was that?” Dean asked as he flicked his ear closer as if it’d help him hear her response better. She groaned and reached behind his head, catching him off guard. She pulled something from the back of his neck and held it out in her palm.
“Sorry!” Davina repeated herself only a little louder. Dean looked down at the small device in her hand and frowned.
“You had my hearing impaired?” Dean asked, only showing that he was upset a little.
“That also wasn’t apart of the plan!” Victor raised his voice at her.
“What?! Elliot suggested it!” Davina said, throwing her younger brother under the bus. Victor turned to Elliot with wide eyes who refused to meet his intense stare and mumbled some sort of an apology. Victor sighed before waving him off, figuring he’d deal with him later.
“So, to what do I owe this...” Dean said as he began to look around his trashed home. “Visit?” Dean finished with a sigh as he began to walk out of the hallway and to the study, motioning for Victor to follow. And here Dean thought and hoped business wouldn’t take place tonight...
“You’re not going to like what I have to say.” Victor said as his niece and nephews began to follow them down the hall. He tried to wave them off but they didn’t obey and continued to walk behind him.
“Victor, I usually don’t.” Dean said as one of his men opened the door to his study, allowing Dean and Victor to walk in.
“Sir, are they allowed in?” The man asked. Dean finally turned back to see the nephews and that troublesome niece of Victor.
“Yes, they’re allowed in.” Dean said with a sigh and he made his way behind his desk. The three then walked in and stood behind Victor who lowered himself into a chair sitting in front of Dean’s desk. Aaron stood there on high alert, ready to attack if needed. Elliot curiously looked around the study, taking in it’s features. He had thought what little of the compound he had seen was beautiful, but this was an entirely different sight to see. He couldn’t believe the amount of books inside of the room. He was certain many of them were centuries old. As for Davina, she stood staring down Dean. Dean sensed her resentment towards him, but didn’t think anything of it. He could care less.
“I’m sure you know by now that Vincent has split from the organization.” Victor said.
“I heard rumors. I never had my men look into it though.” Dean simply stated. It didn’t concern him what happened with the organization. The clan and the organization made an agreement that the two respective groups could co-exist in the city. Other than that, no communication would be made between the group unless the leaders felt it was absolutely necessary. The organization was known around the world. They were the only organization who believed that they could co-exist along side beasts. Other organizations didn’t like it and felt all beasts should be hunted. Vincent believed differently. But, his reasons for splitting the organization didn’t have to do with that, or at least that’s what Victor had been left to believe.
“He split from the organization around seven months ago in July. Nobody in the organization had heard from him or known of his whereabouts until three days ago when we learned he was at the port. We’ve had several shipping containers stolen from us since. Some of which included the bullets we’d use to poison beasts in the city who’d get out of hand. ” Victor said. Dean’s eyes flicked up to Davina when Victor had spoken about the bullets. Lucian had jumped in front of the bullet, believing it was said bullet with poison in it. He had a gun pointed at him many of times. Lucian included. But, he couldn’t believe the audacity of the organization in the moment considering he’s helped them out countless times through out the years. Davina kept her cold stare. She didn’t falter even though his icy blue eyes were intense and stared right through her.
“And why are you telling me this?” Dean finally asked, keeping his eyes on Davina. He couldn’t quite understand why this girl disliked him. To his knowledge, he had done nothing wrong to the family, and especially to her. Hell, he didn’t even know who she was until today. Which was odd to him considering he believed he had met all of Vincent’s children throughout the years.
“Because, on our infrared camera’s there were several at the port with Vincent with red glowing eyes.” Victor said. Dean looked down at Victor, knowing of what Victor was lightly accusing him of.
“And how would you know if any of them are mine?” Dean asked, slightly irritated Victor was accusing his beasts.
“We don’t. And before you think ahead, we don’t necessarily think that you and Vincent are partners.” Victor said.Oh, but you do, Dean thought. He could see it was a though in the back of Victor’s mind, one he was leaning towards. In fact, he could see it in all of their minds. Except for Davina. He had been trying to get in her head since he spotted her in her hood. She had fortified her mind, and he couldn’t stand it when he couldn’t read what someone was thinking.
“We think perhaps Vincent has some sort of control over them.” Aaron spoke up. Dean chuckled as he propped his perfectly polished shoes up on his desk.
“You think it’s possible for a human to have control over a beast?” Dean asked in disbelief.
“Well, it’s not likely they’d be with him willingly. I mean, aren’t all beasts irrevocably devoted to you?” Elliot asked rather quietly.
“Not all, some I do not have control over. Aren’t you the experts of beasts? Hasn’t your organization hunted us for centuries and have documentedmykind?” Dean asked, standing up and leaning forward on his desk, glaring at him intensely. Elliot cowered slightly and backed further away, making Dean fight back a smirk as he noticed the young mans fear. I wonder why he’s on the field and not doing book work or something of that sort, Dean thought.
“Oh, screw this!” Davina snapped. She stepped in front of the desk and leaned forward, her face getting dangerously close to Dean. His eyes were immediately on the small girl before him. A frown appeared on his face as the girl glared at him.
“You need to replace him!” Davina shouted demandingly. Victor began to pull back Davina, attempting to get her to stop. Saying it ‘wasn’t the time for this’.
“If Vincent doesn’t want to be found, then it isn’t going to happen.” Dean said in a stern voice, his eyes boring into hers. He didn’t care where Vincent was, he wasn’t going to send his men to search for him.
“Not Vincent!” Davina shouted angerly.
“Then who?” Dean asked, keeping his same careless tone.
“My brother! I saw his boyfriend, one of your little pets at the port! I don’t care if you have nothing to do with Vincent, but surely you can get you damn beast back here and have him tell us where he’s keeping my brother!” Davina shouted back.
“Listen here, you entitled little brat. I do not need to replace anyone for you, I am-” Dean started, but Davina cut him off.
“You owe me!” Davina slammed her hand on the table.
“Tell me, darling, what do I owe you for?” Dean asked condescendingly. Victor finally shouted at Davina, pulling her away from the table. She frowned at him but complied and backed away. Aaron pulled her back into him, laughing as he wrapped his arm around her shoulder.
“Thought you said you weren’t gonna pull that one out.” Aaron muttered in her ear with a smirk plastered on his face, making her brush his arm off of her shoulder and cross her arms. Dean was beginning to replace this girl unpleasant, yet he was simultaneously intrigued.
“I had thought maybe this would’ve been of some sort of importance to you to know what may be going on in the city. If it isn’t, I can leave and take my men, Dean.” Victor said. Dean was about to speak, but stopped himself. He then remembered beasts being taken from the shipping container from the night before. He thought to himself for a moment, thinking if he really wanted to be this much involved with the organization. He soon shook away the thoughts in his head and looked back up at Victor.
“Actually, this may be of some importance to me. You can have Bianca send me the details.” Dean said. The four across from his visibly winced. Victor was quick to compose himself. Aaron however lowered his head, Elliot turned away, not wanting anyone to see the sad expression on his face, and Davina’s lip began to curl up as she continued giving Dean a dirty look. Dean could almost read Davina’s mind. He could see Bianca’s face appear in her mind, absolute terror written over it. What happened to Bianca, Dean wondered.
“I’m afraid that won’t be possible. Bianca unfortunately died just a few weeks prior to today.” Victor said, stoic faced. Bianca Archer was the second eldest of Vincent’s children, and the one he saw the most. Bianca didn’t work on the field. Bianca handled other things, one being if Vincent ever needed something sent to Dean, it’d be her making the delivery. He had caught wind of her and one of his beasts having a rendezvous which was why she was always willing to make the delivery.
“I hadn’t known. My apologies.” Dean responded sincerely. He watched in his peripherals as Davina turned on her heel and headed to the door. It became clear that she didn’t want to be in the room any longer. She didn’t wait for one of the men outside to open the door. She tossed it open and exited the office and began walking down one of the many hallways. She had thought about how it maybe wasn’t very safe for her to be in the mansion walking around by herself. But, she knew that she could protect herself far better than anyone else could. It was unfortunately something she had to learn as of late. Davina found the ballroom unintentionally. She hadn’t had time to explore the compound before her arrival, nor did she think it’d be right considering she had plans of shaking up Dean. But, curiosity was now getting the better of her. Just as she went to open the door, she heard someone creeping behind her. Before the unknown individual could place a hand on her shoulder, Davina took hold of their arm and tossed them over her shoulder, making them crash to the hard floor. She then set the heel of her shoe on their chest.
“You’re strong for a human.” Catrice said as she wheezed slightly. Davina could sense that Catrice wasn’t a threat. She didn’t know how, but she knew. She took her foot off of her and backed a few feet away. Catrice then brought herself up from the ground, fixing her wine colored gown as she stood. Catrice looked up at the girl, wondering how Davina had the strength to take her down. She also wondered how Davina had known she was lurking behind her. As a beast, she had learned how to make herself silent whenever a sneak attack was needed. She was immediately drawn to the human.
“I’ve trained with the best.” Davina responded as she recognized Catrice as the woman who tackled her to the ground earlier. Catrice hummed, seeming to not agree with Davina. Every beast knew the organization all fought the same; not lousy, but not great at all. Davina’s fighting style was only a little different. She’d fight dirty and her technique was much better.
“I wouldn’t go in there if I were you. I’ve already heard complaints from our guests of smelling tons of human blood from the fight earlier.” Catrice said, leaning against the wall beside the door.
“I can take care of myself.” Davina simply responded, making Catrice sigh.
“Okay, it’s a party. You and your kind weren’t invited.” Catrice said, narrowing her eyes on the girl. Davina seemed to pay no mind to her as she reached behind her back, an expression of pain spread on her face.
“You okay?” Catrice asked only a little concerned for her. Davina didn’t respond. She only walked away from the door, heading in another direction. Catrice sighed. She knew Dean would be upset with her if she let a human explore the mansion or the compound, poking their noses where they didn’t belong. She reluctantly stood straight and began to follow Davina.
“So, it’s settled. Tomorrow we head down to the port for your shipment and we wait and see if what you suspect about Vincent is actually true.” Dean said, as the Archer’s nodded in agreement.
“Now, if you do not mind, I have a ball to return to.” Dean said as he stood from his chair and approached the door. He commanded his guard’s to escort the Archer’s out. He then quietly walked down the hallway, consumed by his own thoughts. He wondered what Vincent could possibly be up to. Vincent had always proven to Dean that he was sneaky and that perhaps trusting him wasn’t the safest option. Yet, he always held up his end of the agreement because Dean was always an honorable man. Well- beast. Dean was almost too wrapped up in his thoughts that he didn’t hear running down the hallway, headed directly towards him. Before the individual could reach out to touch him to gain his attention, he quickly turned and glared down at them.
“What?” Dean demanded replaceing Catrice now standing in front of him, cowering only a little.
“I’ve lost the girl.” Catrice says in a quiet voice.
“What girl?” Dean’s voice booms loudly, making Catrice’s eyes widen. She wondered where the temper was coming from. Perhaps their unwanted guests had upset him. Or maybe it was because she had reached out to touch him. She knew better than to do that. You don’t touch the King without permission. But, Dean had never minded it in the past when she’d attempt to get his attention. Or maybe-
“What girl, Catrice?” Dean asked once more, his voice softening only a little. He had noticed her reaction. He hadn’t meant to frighten one of the few people he actually considered a friend of his.
“One of the Archers. The little feisty one.” Catrice finally answered. Dean furrowed his brows for a moment before realizing who Catrice was referring to. Davina, the annoying brat who intrigued him. In Dean’s time, he hadn’t met many human’s whose mind’s he couldn’t read. Well, except for a few powerful witches. But, Davina was no witch. At least not the supernatural kind.
“Where did you see her last?” Dean asked.
“The entrance to the ballroom. I informed her that it was filled with beasts and that she wasn’t allowed to enter.” Catrice said, making Dean groan in frustration.
“I take it she isn’t one to follow orders.” Catrice said, realizing her mistake. She should’ve just gotten a guard to escort the girl out. However, she thinks that also wouldn’t have been the best option either. Dean continued in the direction to the back exit of the ballroom. He successfully snuck in with Catrice on his side. The two walked about the room, not making any indication that something was the matter.
“My King! I’ve been looking everywhere for you, the co-leaders from our clan have requested you come join them for a drink.” Lucian said. He glanced down at his partner and gave her a small smile before returning his attention to Dean. Dean gave Lucian one look, letting him know something was up. Lucian slowly nodded his head after a moment. He exited the room and discretely alert the guards that there was a human roaming the compound. It became clear to Dean when he entered the room that she hadn’t been in here. Everyone would’ve sensed her presence and smelt her blood. Just as Dean was about to step out of the room, he saw an individual wearing a costume eye mask staring at him, his head tilting to the side. Dean huffed in annoyance before exiting the room with Catrice by his side. The two stood outside of the door for only a moment when a breeze came through the room and the man standing across the ballroom was now standing in front of him, leaned up against the wall.
“Maybe if you had agreed to having a drink with us, your senses would be working properly and you’d be able to replace the human.” The man said with a cool voice, making Dean glare at him.
“I do not have time for a drink. I’m very busy, Charlie.” Dean said sternly.
“He’s playing games with you, Dean. We know where the young girl ran off to. We just wanted to speak with you for a moment.” Another man appeared from around the corner. Dean mentally sighed as he looked past Charlie to replace the other man. He should’ve know that by running into one of his co-leaders, he would’ve ran into the other. Dean blinked only for a moment to replace Charlie now beside the other man.
“But, my dear King, if you don’t have the time then I suppose Jackson and I don’t know where the human is.” Charlie said with a mischievous smile, his hand soon coming to rest on the shoulder of his other co-leader. Jackson rolled his eyes, making to attempt to hide it. He didn’t care much for Charlie’s games. Neither did Dean, but he had much more patience for it.
“What is there to discuss?” Dean finally asked, waiting to either of them to reply.
“We think-” Charlie started as he went to take off his mask, but Jackson cut him off.
“You think.” Jackson corrected. Charlie paused to look at him. He squinted his eyes at him, feeling betrayed. He had thought the two had come to an agreement.
“You could use the backup. We’ve heard from our parts of the city that you’ve lost many members of the clan to an unidentified source. We’d like your permission my King to stay in Philadelphia for the foreseeable future.” Charlie said, now ignoring what Jackson had said previously. He put his arms behind his back and he straightened his posture, something he did often when trying to convince Dean of something to seem more professional like Jackson. Though, Dean and most knew Charlie was far from it. He wasn’t quite like a business man like Jackson was. In fact, Jackson was more so than both Dean and Charlie combined. Jackson would’ve preferred the three sit down and discuss it over a drink perhaps in his office rather than the hallway of a party he didn’t even care to attend. But, he could see the tired look on Dean’s face and know today was one of those busy days.
“Do you think I’m not capable of keeping myself and my city safe? And how did you even learn of this?” Dean questioned, growing more irritated by the minute. Dean wondered if he had really lost more since the night before. If the one’s missing weren’t just the one’s his co-leaders had sent in a shipping container.
“Beasts talk.” Jackson said plainly, raising his perfectly sculpted brows.
“And I think you’re perfectly capable, as are we of our own cities. But, Dean. There’s talk about a human manipulating the minds of our beasts somehow. Nothing like this has happened before. Our clan is the strongest in the country and we are one of the biggest supernatural threats in the world. Yet there is now talk of ahumanbeing a threat to our existence. If the witches hear of this, I can only imagine what mad ideas they’ll get and soon we’ll have the biggest supernatural blood battle in history.” Charlie said. His voice waver only slightly, showing how concerned he really was, which was uncommon for him.
“You’re on board with this?” Dean asked, quirking his brow up at Jackson.
“A favor is due.” Jackson answered solemnly. Dean mentally sighed once more. He was about to give them his answer when he heard an ear-piercing scream somewhere within the compound. Everyone’s attention went to the scream of a female voice.
“What was that?” Catrice asked.
“Sounds like it came from the room the human resides in.” Charlie said. In an instant, Dean left to replace out who’s scream that belonged to.
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