Chapter 117

Sophia watched Alexander's reflection shrink in the rearview mirror. She gradually loosened up as heseemed further and further away.

He enjoys getting me to drop him off, huh? Then I'll grant his wish.

The neighborhood was fifteen kilometers from the city, and she had Alexander's phone. If he wanted tohead back to the city, he would have to walk for three or four hours. That was almost sufficient paybackfor the twenty-minute car ride she had to endure.

Back in the city, Sophia went to the police station with his phone.

It was eight at night. The police officer on duty froze as Sophia entered the station. He asked, “How canI help you, miss? Are you here to report a crime?”

Sophia smiled faintly and showed him Alexander's phone. “Not really. I found this phone on the side ofthe road.”

The officer studied the phone. He didn't recognize the model, but even a cursory glance told him thatthis was not a cheap phone.

The officer beckoned her over. “I see. Well, I hope you don't mind filling up some paperwork.”

Sophia raised an eyebrow but said nothing as she followed the officer to fill up some forms.

About five minutes later, she left the police station.

She was back at her mansion by nine. Sophia took a bath, applied a face mask, and happily went tobed.

Around nine-thirty, Samuel received a phone call. It was rare for him to be able to go home and getsome early shut-eye without being disturbed. He scowled and wondered which idiot was calling him.

Seeing that it was an unknown number, Samuel rejected the call.

However, the phone rang again as soon as he canceled the call.

Samuel was infuriated. He wanted to give whoever it was a piece of his mind.

He answered the call and barked, “Who is this?”

“It's me.”

Samuel changed tack as soon as he heard that familiar, emotionless voice. He mumbled, “Alex?Whose phone are you using?”

The caller ID showed an unknown number. He would've hung up if he wasn't in such an “amazing”mood.

Alex was in no mood for lengthy explanations. He said, “I'm in the convenience store at New WindAvenue. Come and pick me up.”

“How did you end up all the way there?”

Alexander hung up. Samuel stared at the phone in disbelief and resisted the urge to curse. Sighing, hegot dressed and left to pick up Alexander.

However, the address he gave was vague. Samuel spent a confusing twenty minutes circling aimlesslybefore finally replaceing him.

Rolling down the window, Samuel asked, “What brings you to this part of town?”

Alexander took a swig of water from a plastic bottle. He scowled. “You're in a talkative mood today,aren't you?”

Samuel shook his head. “Hey, you asked me to come and pick you up at night, and I came. The leastyou could do is tell me how you ended up here. Also, what happened to your phone? Why were youusing someone else's phone?”

As Alexander got into the car, he said, “Sophia brought me here. My phone's with her.”

Samuel furrowed his brow. He wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed, so he had some difficulty followingAlexander's explanation. “I don't really get what you. If Sophia dropped you off, why didn't she comeand pick you up? Also, what possessed you to come to the countryside in the middle of the night? Areyou here to stargaze as the air here is fresher?”

Samuel craned his neck over the driver's wheel and peered up at the sky. “Hmm, I don't see any starstonight.”

“Didn't you pay attention in Geography class? You can't see any stars because the moon is too bright.”

Samuel flushed at the insult. “That's not the point. My point is—what were you doing here?”

Alexander threw his hands up in annoyance. “Are you going to drive? Or should I?'

Samuel had half a mind not to budge. However, he eventually decided to start driving.

After a few minutes of silence, a thought crossed Samuel's mind. He finally understood what Alexandermeant.

Looking around the streets, he happened to spot a late-night snack stand ahead. He pulled over andlooked at Alexander. There was a peculiar grin on his face. “Hold up, Alex. Are you saying that Sophiapurposely dropped you off here and took away your phone, forcing you to walk all the way backhome?”

Alexander's face grew grim. He glared at Samuel, who was laughing uncontrollably. “You know, it's stillearly. Should we do a couple of rounds at the boxing gym?”

Samuel hastily swallowed his laughter. “N-No. I have some stuff to do tomorrow. Maybe we should allhead home. I promise not to laugh.”

Ten minutes later, Samuel began chortling uncontrollably. Wiping away tears, he said, “I'm sorry! I can'thelp it. You know what, just go ahead and hit me.”

Alexander glared wordlessly at his friend.

He began regretting asking Samuel to pick him up.

Why didn't I call Charles? Instead, I had to ask this annoying blabbermouth.

Samuel shouted, “She's a goddess! The woman's a goddess! I didn't expect her to pull a stunt like this.Hats off!”

“Stop the car,” said Alexander abruptly.

Still chuckling, Samuel pulled over. “What's wrong?”

“Change seats. I'll drive.”

Samuel stared at Alexander in disbelief. He wasn't in the mood to laugh anymore. “Come on, don't belike that. I was just having a bit of fun!”

“Move over.”

Alexander forced himself into the driver's seat, leaving Samuel no choice but to move to the passengerseat.

The car shortly pulled up at the boxing gym.

Samuel stared wordlessly at the familiar plaque.

This guy needs to lighten up. He has no sense of humor.

The gym was filled with Samuel howling and shouting in pain. When the pair of them left, it was already

eleven o'clock.

No trace of good humor could be found in Samuel. Massaging his shoulder in the passenger seat,Samuel whined, “Did you have to hit that hard?”

Alexander said nothing. He drove to the entrance of his condominium and stopped the car. After gettingout of the vehicle, he muttered, “Good night.”

Samuel stared at his friend in confusion. He was sore all over.

Does Alexander seriously expect me to drive myself home?

When Felix received a call from the police station, Alexander had just wrapped up a meeting and wasleaving the conference room.

Felix studied Alexander's cold, emotionless face. He wondered if he had just been talking to a scamcaller.

How can Mr. Xenos' lose his phone? A driver brings him everywhere, and I'm with him when he's atwork. Where did he lose his phone?

In a serious manner, Felix walked over to Alexander. “Mr. Xenos, did you lose your phone?”

Alexander had planned to go over to Sophia's place and take back his phone. Felix's words confusedhim. “How did you know that?”

Could it be Samuel? That blabbermouth!

Felix was secretly glad he asked. Otherwise, he would've lost an opportunity.

He hurriedly explained, “I just got off the phone with the police. It seems that someone found yourphone and left it at the station.”

Alexander wordlessly digested this bit of information.

Seeing that Alexander was silent, Felix suggested, “Mr. Xenos, should I send someone over to collectthe phone from the station?”

“Don't you think I should personally go to the station?”

Alexander scowled at Felix and wondered why even his secretary seemed to have lost a few braincells.

Felix trembled. “Ah, yes. You're quite right, Mr. Xenos.”

“Get the car ready. I'm heading to the police station right away.”

That d*mned Sophia. She's not planning on giving me even the slightest opportunity to contact her.

Alexander pursed his lips as his heart suddenly felt heavy.

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