Chapter 243

The weekend flew by in the blink of an eye. As Sophia did quite a bit of exercise for the past two days,she almost overslept. In fact, she would have been late to Sunshine Group's morning meeting onMonday if she had not set the alarm the night before.

Around noon, she emerged from the conference room, with Yvonne catching up to her. “Ms. Yarrow.”

Sophia looked at her secretary with a smile and queried, “What is it? Did the Cooper family make amove?”

She had not forgotten about her bet with Alexander.

“Not yet.” Yvonne shook her head before bringing another matter to her employer's attention.“Jadeborough University gave me a call today. They're having an anniversary celebration thisWednesday and would like to invite you as one of the special guests.”

Raising her brows, Sophia replied, “Reject them.”

She was not one to enjoy such events.

“Understood, Ms. Yarrow.”

Right after Yvonne spoke, an assistant walked over with an invitation card in her hand. “Ms. Leighton,Ms. Yarrow, this is the invitation card from Jadeborough University.”

Sophia took the card over and gave the content a once-over. The signature affixed at the bottom of thecard belonged to the chancellor of the university, Marcus Rubis, indicating that he was the one who

extended the invitation to her.

After she was done reading, she folded the invitation card and was about to hand it to Yvonne when thelatter's phone rang.

Flashing an apologetic glance at Sophia, Yvonne said, “My apologies, Ms. Yarrow. I need to pick upthis call.”

Sophia nodded in acknowledgment and decided to bring the invitation card back to her office.

However, no sooner had she taken a few steps forward than Yvonne ran up to her with her phone inhand. “Please hold on for a moment, Ms. Yarrow,” the latter voiced.


Yvonne covered the phone's microphone and explained, “It's a call from Jadeborough University'schancellor, Mr. Rubin. He asks that you come to the phone if you're available.”

Truth be told, Sophia's four-year experience at Jadeborough University could neither be described asgood nor bad.

As a beautiful girl who was often chauffeured around in a luxury car, it was unavoidable for rumors andgossip about her to circulate on the campus.

In the year of her graduation, Sophia was embroiled in a rather high-key incident, and it was Marcuswho personally settled it for her.

She had no qualms about rejecting a call from anyone else, but she had to answer the call fromMarcus.

“I'll take it.” Sophia took the phone from her secretary and greeted the man on the other end of the line,“Hello, Mr. Rubin.”

“It's been a while, Sophia. Will you be attending the university's anniversary celebration?”

Sophia was quite close to the chancellor, getting Yvonne to send him some gifts during the festiveseason. Although they rarely kept in touch with one another, she remembered Marcus fondly.

The man did not beat around the bush. Hence, Sophia smiled and decided not to mince her words. “Mr.Rubin, you know my personality. I'm not suited for these events.”

Marcus' laugh sounded from the other end of the line. “I know, I know. That's why I'm personally givingyou a call. We're inviting you because we'd like to allow our current students to network with some ofour best alums. Besides you, we've also invited your senior, Joshua Lewis. Since you two havepartnered up and started a company together, why don't you let him do all the talking if you're not up forit?”

He paused for a moment before continuing in mock anger, “Well, you think you'd be let off the hook bysending me gifts every year? If you still remember me after graduating years ago, why wouldn't youdrop by for a visit?”

Sophia chuckled at Marcus' response. “Now that you've put it that way, won't it be disrespectful of meto continue rejecting your invitation? Don't worry; I'll definitely be attending the celebration with


“Good, good! You don't have to worry about anything too. You and Joshua are well-known among thestudents. They've been making a fuss about wanting to meet you, so I'm shamelessly giving you a callfor their sake. Also, when you two come over, I assure you that you won't be harassed by the media.”

Verily, she was flattered beyond words. It was Jadeborough University's seventieth-anniversarycelebration, and the event was widely publicized. At the moment, Sophia could be considered a “hottopic,” so it would not be weird for the media to pay extra attention to her upon her return to theuniversity.

Yet, Marcus was assuring her that they would not be harassed by the media. It showed that he wasbeing immensely considerate of them.

Regardless of whether his purpose of inviting them back to the university had to do for the sake ofJadeborough University's future graduates, she could not deny that Marcus had her and Joshua's bestinterests at heart.

Given what he said, there was no reason for Sophia to continue rejecting the invitation. “You've put inso much effort, so naturally, I'd be there no matter what.”

There was no need for Marcus to say anything else after receiving a satisfactory response. “All right. Inthat case, I'll stop disturbing you any further and let you get on with your work.”

Back then, Sophia entered Jadeborough University as the highest achiever in the entire state, whichbrought great prestige to the university.

Being the highest achiever, she also received an offer from Quadfield University before the results wereeven released.

Although Jadeborough University was reputable, Marcus knew it was almost impossible to get thestate's highest achiever to join them.

To his surprise, Sophia rejected the offer from Quadfield University and enrolled in JadeboroughUniversity instead.

At that time, Marcus was so excited that he almost fell over when he caught wind of the news from theAdmissions Office.

The state's highest achiever had chosen Jadeborough University, catapulting them to fame in the blinkof an eye. The university was even featured on the news. Countless media companies wanted tointerview Sophia, but she rejected all of them. She was only a young girl at the time, so of course, itwas no surprise that she received some help dealing with the media, and the person who aided herwas none other than Marcus.

On her first day in university, he went to her dorm and met her in person.

Sophia had just come of age. When she saw him, she smiled at him amiably. Not a hint of nervousnessor excessive politeness could be seen in her as she calmly told Marcus the reason she had chosenJadeborough University.

Marcus knew at once that she would be an incredibly talented individual in the future.

Last year, countless rumors regarding Sophia's divorce from Odyssey's chairman, Alexander, circulated

on the internet. In fact, there were numerous posts on the university's forum which claimed that theywere all disillusioned with Sophia. However, Marcus firmly believed that the calm and composed younglady he knew was not what the internet described her to be.

He became even more convinced of her caliber upon seeing her performance at Expedite's recentstockholder meeting.

Soon after, it was revealed that Sophia was one of the founders of Technology Innovations, andcountless headlines emerged once more. No one expected that a young lady, who was merely twentyyears old, would have the courage to invest such a huge amount of money in Technology Innovations'smart home system project.

Artificial intelligence was not popular in the country at that time, and even Marcus had not heard ofsuch technology. If it were not for Sophia's gutsy investment, Jadeborough University would not havebeen able to produce another talent like Joshua.

Although Marcus invited Sophia for the sake of the university's future, he truly wanted to see her again.

Very soon, Sophia received a message from Katherine. The latter inquired about JadeboroughUniversity's anniversary celebration on the coming Wednesday, texting: I'm envious! I want to be analumnus, too.

Katherine did not graduate from Jadeborough University, but she liked to pose as a student of theuniversity and praise Sophia on the university's forum back in the day.

The anniversary celebration was a big deal. Naturally, Sophia and Joshua were invited to the event asesteemed alums.

If Katherine were not afraid of Jonice's scolding, she would definitely tag along with her friend towitness the celebration.

Sophia smiled and replied: Firstly, you have to be a student of Jadeborough University.

Feeling as though her intellect was being insulted, Katherine wrote back: That's mean!

Is Jadeborough University that impressive? Fine, it is. I only needed forty more points to enroll in theuniversity, but alas, this is the fate of an underachiever.

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