Chapter 248

Sophia had planned to attend Jadeborough University's anniversary celebration with Joshua, butAlexander had told her about his own invitation and wanted to go with her. Hence, she ended up goingwith him instead.

When Marcus learned that Alexander was attending the celebration, he thought he had misheard dueto his old age.

The Xenos family started flourishing when Alexander's grandfather took over as the head of the family.After they started getting more well off, Beau donated quite a lot of resources and finances toJadeborough University.

After Beau passed away, Alexander took over Odyssey and the Xenos family. Every year, Alexanderarranged for his secretary to donate five million to the school.

That's why Marcus had continued sending both physical and online invitations to Alexander everysingle year despite the latter declining every time.

Eventually, everyone silently agreed that he would never show up.

This year, however, his secretary suddenly told them that he would attend because his schedule wassuddenly clear on the day of the anniversary celebration. Even the school secretary was surprised, letalone Marcus.

A black Lexus pulled up before a man dressed in a sleek black suit stepped out of the car. He turnedaround and reached out a hand to Sophia, who also exited the car carefully.

Some of the school directors stared in surprise at the sight of Alexander in the flesh. They finallyrealized that he was really here for the anniversary and greeted him with huge smiles on their faces.“Mr. Xenos! Thank you so much for taking the time to attend our anniversary. It must have been hard toclear out your schedule. This truly is an honor.”

Marcus looked at Alexander with a bright smile before noticing Sophia, who was standing next to him.Surprised, he called out, “Sophia?”

She nodded and smiled. “Hello, Mr. Rubin. It's been a while.”

“It really has! Even after so many years, you still haven't changed.”

Right as Marcus finished his sentence, the school secretary Matthew Lynch suddenly cut in and said,“Of course, she's changed! She's become even prettier than before.”

Sophia had never been a shy and reserved person, and she was even more outgoing now with age.

She knew that Matthew was only saying so in order to break the ice and ease up the conversation, soshe replied good-naturedly, “You're the same too, Mr. Lynch! You always know just how to complementus girls.”

Sophia was one of Jadeborough University's brightest students, and she returned today as anaccomplished alumnus. Naturally, the school higher-ups treated her pretty enthusiastically.

As for why Sophia had shown up with Alexander and not Joshua, all the higher-ups knew better than toask about it since it could potentially land them in an awkward situation.

“Sophia, Mr. Xenos, we should head into the hall now.”

Marcus had promised Sophia that he wouldn't allow the paparazzi to harass them.

After all, Alexander showing up at Jadeborough University's anniversary was a rather interesting pieceof news to the reporters. Marcus also felt like it would have been a great opportunity to promote andraise awareness about the school, but he had already promised Sophia beforehand. As an educator,he couldn't possibly set a bad example and go back on his word.

They entered the reception area. Since it was the school's anniversary, all of the students knew aboutSophia and Joshua's return. However, the hall could only hold about three thousand students, while theactual student population was well over fifty thousand. Thus, the student body had to figure out how todistribute the tickets amongst themselves.

Those students who failed to snag a ticket but still wanted to catch a glimpse of the JadeboroughUniversity goddess, Sophia, were clamoring outside the windows. If Marcus hadn't prepared for itbeforehand, Sophia would probably already have been swarmed before stepping on stage.

Marcus personally led Alexander and Sophia to the reception area. Soon enough, the secretary andthe other higher-ups brought Joshua in as well.

Sophia glanced at him, and they nodded at each other casually by way of a greeting.

There was still about half an hour before the actual speech, so both Marcus and Matthew stayedbehind to accompany the three.

Sophia and Joshua were both alumni of Jadeborough University and had plenty of things to talk about,but since Marcus was afraid that Alexander would feel left out, he quickly introduced Joshua to him.

Marcus had no idea that Alexander already knew who Joshua was.

Still, the two of them pretended not to know each other and introduced themselves under Marcus'guidance.

Sophia watched them and smiled as she picked up the coffee pot on the table. “Mr. Rubin, let's see ifmy coffee brewing skills have improved since my school days.”

Matthew was preparing to make the coffee but retracted his hands at Sophia's words.

Marcus glanced at Sophia. “That sounds great. It's been four or five years since you graduated, yet youhaven't visited us since! Presents aren't enough to win me over at this point!”

Despite his words, his tone was still jovial and light. He turned to look at Alexander. “Mr. Xenos, whatdo you think of such a student?”

Alexander looked at Sophia, who was still brewing the coffee. His dark eyes flitted around momentarilybefore he replied, “I bet Sophia still remembers all of you. She still sends gifts every year, right?”

Marcus chuckled. “She wasn't a people person even when she studied here, so I don't blame her eitherway. When I retire, you and Joshua had better come to visit me more often!”

Sophia finished brewing the coffee and poured a cup for Marcus. “Okay! After you've retired, I'll comeand play chess with you whenever I'm free.”

Marcus loved playing chess. He had been the one to teach Sophia how to play chess, but he was astubborn player and liked to cheat occasionally while playing. If he didn't win, he would jokingly call fora rematch.

Even though Sophia hadn't returned to Jadeborough University for a few years, she was still grateful toMarcus for all the care and support he gave her back then.

She didn't return to visit simply because she was afraid of causing trouble for the school. After all, theincident that had happened that year was simply too much of a mess.

The more peaceful and relaxed the atmosphere was inside the reception area, the more chaotic andexcited people were becoming outside the hall.

Marcus hadn't expected Alexander to show up, so he was starting to feel a little bit conflicted about theschedule of the event. He wasn't sure where he could arrange for Alexander to give a speech.

As things were already mostly prepared, it was almost time for the speeches to begin. Some teachersapproached Marcus and asked when they could start.

He glanced at Alexander. “Mr. Xenos, we've arranged for both Sophia and Joshua to give a speech asalumni. Would you prefer to listen to them or hang out with this old man for a bit?”

Alexander had only attended for Sophia, and he subtly confirmed so as he replied, “I'd like to hearabout Sophia and Mr. Lewis' secrets to success as well. Please don't feel the need to give me anyspecial treatment. I'm fine with any seat in the hall.”

Naturally, Marcus also wanted to watch his two brightest alumni share their stories onstage and weremore than happy with Alexander's reply. “Please follow me, Mr. Xenos.”

Marcus led Alexander into the hall and toward a VIP seat while a teacher brought Sophia and Joshuaonstage.

Sophia was dressed in a simple white dress with a cinched waist. It was formal yet simple andgracious. Paired with her hair, which was styled in big waves that fell smoothly down her back, shelooked pure and serene.

The stage was far from where the students were sitting, so most of them actually couldn't see Sophiatoo clearly. However, the moment her slim and pale legs that practically outshined her dress steppedonstage, all the female students began to squeal.

“It's Sophia, my goddess! She's so gorgeous. Her legs are to die for! How can they be so slim, long,and fair at the same time?”

“How is she so perfect? Her neck and collarbones are so graceful! She could even make a trash baglook good! I can barely look at her without staring.”

Sophia had just sat down when someone in the audience called out, “Sophia! I'm your biggest fan!”

That cheer started off a whole chorus of cheering and shouting. “Sophia! I love you!”

“Sophia! You're my goddess!”

Before the speech had even begun, the whole audience was already in an uproar.

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