Chapter 288

Perrin caught on that Sophia didn't intend to talk to him about Alexander, or rather, she intended tocontinue staying with Alexander.

Perrin was hoping to meet Sophia anyway, so he refrained from talking about Alexander altogether andchanged the topic since Sophia didn't want to talk about that.

It had been a long time since the two of them met, so they had a lot to talk about.

They spent almost two hours chatting at the restaurant. Seeing that it was about time and not wantingto affect Sophia's work, Perrin said, “It's two o'clock in the afternoon now. It's time for you to go back towork now, no? I won't intrude on you any longer. Go back to work.”

Sophia chuckled while looking at him. “I'm quite free these few days. Really. Jadeborough boasts of anextraordinary view. A friend of mine has a cruise ship. Why don't I bring you out to the sea tomorrow?”

Doveston was far from the ocean, so Perrin had never gone to the sea in his whole life. He wasintrigued when Sophia made that suggestion but didn't want to affect her work. “An old man like me cansettle for a simple trip around here. You should prioritize your work. It's more important.”

“No, you're more important, Granddad.”

Perrin laughed out loud upon hearing that.

After all, everybody liked being flattered.

“Do you have any prior engagements this afternoon, Granddad?”

“Not yet. I was planning to go check out the museum with John.”

Sophia was aware that Lukas had arranged for an assistant, John Zinn, to come along to Jadeboroughwith Perrin.

“I can come along since I'm free this afternoon.”

While Perrin was glad to hear that, he only agreed to it after making sure that Sophia was free indeed.

After paying the bills, Sophia escorted Perrin out of the restaurant one step at a time.

Her car was parked at a nearby parking lot. The weather was hot, so she escorted Perrin to the plazaopposite the parking and had him wait for her there.

“What a coincidence, Ms. Yarrow.”

She heard a familiar voice the moment she released Perrin's hand and turned to leave for the parkinglot.

Sophia turned her head to see Jessica and Megan approaching them. She arched her brows. “Mrs.Queen, Ms. Queen.”

The fact that Sophia only offered thirty thousand as compensation for the vase embarrassed the Queenfamily after news traveled throughout Jadeborough. Jessica never liked Sophia, and those feelings hadonly intensified since then.

However, given that the Queen family had lost out after the incident, Megan was no longer asprovocative toward Sophia as before.

Thus, the reunion of sorts went on rather cordially.

Jessica swept a glance at Perrin, who stood behind Sophia. Smiling, she feigned nonchalance whileasking, “Would he be your grandparent, Ms. Yarrow?”

Everyone in upper-class society knew the Dawson family from Doveston.

However, Perrin was used to keeping a low profile, so he rarely made any public appearances after hisretirement. Thus, people were more familiar with Kasper and Lukas.

Sophia nodded. “He's my granddad.”

Jessica didn't seem to think much of Perrin. “You're so nice to your granddad, Ms. Yarrow.”

There was a brief pause before she took out an invitation card from her bag. “Megan's grandfatherwould be celebrating his birthday next week. Seeing that you share a decent relationship with Samuel,you should join the celebration.”

Sophia checked out the invitation card she held. I don't suppose this is going to be as simple as itseems.

With a smile, she took the invitation card and glanced at Jessica. “Sure.”

She was curious as to what Jessica could be plotting, given that it was an occasion of muchimportance.

Jessica nodded. “Meg and I won't intrude on your time with your grandpa, then.”

Neither Jessica nor Megan greeted Perrin throughout the conversation. Before they left, Megan evenlooked at Perrin with disdain.

The older man caught the look in her eye. His face fell as soon as the two women left. “Had they givenyou a hard time before?”

Sophia let out a chuckle upon hearing that. “Don't underestimate me, Granddad. I'm not a pushover.”

Perrin hummed and decided to ask Lukas for confirmation later on.

Sophia spent the afternoon with Perrin at the museum in Jadeborough. It had been a while since Perrinleft the house. Moreover, his beloved granddaughter had spent the entire day with him, so he wasvisibly delighted. His good mood persisted even after he returned to the hotel.

Sophia worried that Perrin's legs might feel sore the next day after they spent a day touring around.Thus, she massaged his legs for more than half an hour. She even reminded John to fetch some hotwater for Perrin to soak his legs in.

Perrin wished he could record the sight of Sophia giving John reminders on his phone so that he couldshow off the fact that he was loved by his granddaughter to Stanley.

Sophia turned to check on Perrin after talking to John. “I'm going back, Granddad. Make sure you get

some rest.”

“Sure. Safe trip. Call me when you arrive at home.”

“Okay, Granddad.”

Perrin gave Lukas a call the moment Sophia left.

He had kept in mind the two nasty women who he had run into that noon. He was also concerned thatLukas was still single despite having reached thirty-five years of age.

Lukas wasn't surprised by his call and had assumed that he called to talk to him about Alexander.Thus, the fact that Perrin asked about the mother and daughter from the Queen family wasunexpected.

Lukas could still vividly recall the incident during which Megan pushed Sophia, causing the latter tobreak the Queen family's vase.

Perrin inquired if Jessica and Megan had given Sophia trouble.

Lukas mulled over the question before briefing him on what had happened. “After that, Megan issuedSophia an apology via online live stream.”

It was apparent that the Queen family was throwing their weight around in the beginning. However,Sophia managed to counter them with ease and forced Megan to apologize.

Perrin huffed indignantly after hearing the full story. “It's obvious that the Queen family is looking down

on us! How dare they replace fault with Sophia over a cheap vase! From what I heard, their patriarch wouldbe celebrating his birthday soon. That woman gave Sophia an invitation card. She's likely waiting towatch Sophia make a fool out of herself. Pick out something from your grandmother's collection andgive it to Sophia to be presented as a gift.”

Back when Penelope was involved in trading, she would frequent antique shops while on her businesstrips. Thus, she had collected quite some precious items at home. The Dawson family even built aroom in the mansion to be used as storage for the antiquities she collected.

After she passed away a few months ago, Perrin would browse through the items that reminded him ofher whenever he was overwhelmed with grief. As he went through those items, he could almost hearher showing off to him with pride while saying, “Look at these, Perrin. While gold is highly prized duringwartime, antiques are worth the most during a peaceful era. Any of these could easily sustain usthrough the year if we were to sell them in case our company went bankrupt under Kasper'smanagement.”

Since the Dawson family was prosperous, Perrin had never thought of selling anything in the storageroom.

However, he figured that Penelope would likely lead a team in person, drive a car filled with antiqueitems, and cast those items into the Queen residence one by one if she were still alive and heard of theQueen family's mistreatment of Sophia.

Who the heck do they think they are?

Lukas was of the same mind. While he didn't think Sophia had lost out in that situation, he agreed thatthe Queen family were stuck-ups. Thus, he supported the decision. “I understand, Grandpa.”

“Okay.” Perrin nodded before changing the topic. “You're already thirty-five this year. When are yougoing to settle down? I remember you had known a girl named Sandra when you were at university.Are you still thinking about her? You better replace her if you still think of her. Stop making me worry aboutyou!”

Lukas, who got chided without reason, didn't know what to say.

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