Chapter 361

As Liam drove into the residential area, he could not help but feel as though the security guard waslooking at him weirdly.

Nonetheless, he was in a happy mood and could not be bothered by the guard.

He was still wondering where Tanya had gotten herself such a powerful ally to have her back. They hadpulled so many strings just so he would divorce Tanya.

However, Liam was certain that he would still be gaining. After all, as long as he divorced Tanya, hewould earn a lot from the deals worth six hundred thousand that they had signed.

In the past two years, it had been getting increasingly challenging for their business. Not only did theyhave much competition, but their small factory had been overshadowed by multiple big ones, so muchso that they had been struggling to stay afloat. The fact that they could earn six hundred thousand insix months would mean that they were set for the rest of the year even if they did not work a day.

When Liam found out that all his worries regarding supplies would be solved the moment he divorcedTanya, he was beyond ecstatic. He was so elated that he no was no longer troubled by the fact thatXimena had left him. Why, then, should the guard's side eye bother him?

Liam had gone back to get the divorce certificate. When he got out of the elevator, he bumped into hisnext-door neighbor, who was about to throw out the trash.

Having never been one to make friends with his neighbors, Liam did not bother to greet his neighbor ashe walked by.

To his surprise, when his neighbor saw him, she muttered, “What a bad omen.” Liam frowned. Turningaround, he called out to his neighbor. “Hold on a second, Ma'am. What does that mean? Why am I abad omen? You're not leaving until you give me an explanation!”

Thinking that he was being reasonable for once, Liam was sure that his neighbor would at least givehim an explanation.

Never did he expect his neighbor to scoff at him. “Is it not a curse to any woman who got themselvesinvolved with a sc*mbag like you? Tanya told us everything! She did not run away with her lover. Youmade her leave by bringing home a mistress! If it ends there, that's fine. What I can't believe is theaudacity of the Mill family to expect Tanya to leave without anything. Hah! What a shameless family youlot are!”

Liam was not living with his parents, but his folks were living just one floor above them. When theywere looking for a house, his mother did not like the idea of him living far away from them, so shebought the unit above theirs and moved in along with the newlyweds. Until that day, they were stillliving there.

Indeed, scandals as such would always spread like wildfire. The rumor that Tanya had run away with alover was started by Ximena for the sake of her own dignity. As for Liam, he had chosen to remainsilent for the sake of the baby Ximena was carrying.

He had never expected that there would be a day when Tanya would clarify the truth.

A blush crept onto Liam's neck as he tried to defend himself. Before he could even speak, the neighborcut him off, “Don't bother denying it. Everyone here saw you bringing back your mistress with our own

eyes! The Mill family is such a prominent family in our neighborhood. If you want to cheat, then goahead. But how could you cheat out in the open? Tanya has been married to you for over two yearsand has served you and your family diligently. She took care of all the chores and even cleaned yourparents' house on the weekends. Where can you replace a better wife than her? But you know what?Good for her for divorcing you! Let me give you a piece of advice. Dig deep into your soul and replacewhatever piece of humanity you have left in you. Don't paint Tanya as the villain after your divorce. Weall have eyes that see the truth!”

Retired women's favorite pastime was gossiping their boredom away.

No matter how strong-willed Liam was, he knew he could not win a debate against someone like that.

Moreover, the neighbor was telling the truth. As Liam stood there, his face turned purple in fury. Unableto withstand it any longer, he took out his keys and unlocked his door.

The second he stepped foot into the house, he was dumbstruck.

Have I been robbed?

Liam stared at his empty house. Nothing was left except for his four walls. Even robbers do not havethe ability to clear out everything.

It didn't take long for Liam to figure out who was behind it. Despite being married to Tanya for twoyears, he had not expected her to have the gall to do something like that.

Whipping out his phone, he punched in the digits furiously without hesitation.

Because they would be getting divorced that afternoon, Tanya had unblocked Liam from her contacts.

The three of them had just been seated at a restaurant when Tanya's phone began to ring.

Thinking that it was her mother, Tanya reached for her phone. As she glanced at the caller ID, herbrows knitted together.

Flipping through the menu, Sophia noticed Tanya's reaction and smiled. “Is that Liam?”

Tanya raised her head to look at Sophia. “Yeah.” She nodded.

Putting down her order, Sophia passed the menu to Yvonne before asking Tanya, “Would you mindputting him on speaker?”

Tanya immediately handed Sophia the phone. Upon accepting the call, Sophia did not forget to turn onthe speakers.

Liam's furious voice immediately sounded from the other end of the call. “You sure have gottenaudacious, eh, Tanya? Threatening me to divorce you is one thing. How dare you tell everyone in theresidential area about the fact that I cheated? Do you really think that you have backed me into thewall?”

As he finished speaking, Liam let out a frustrated howl. “If you don't get someone to bring back all thefurniture, you can wait by yourself in front of the City Hall later!”

As if thinking that his words were not threatening enough, Liam added, “Do you believe that I have theability to kill you and the rest of your family, Tanya?”

That was the first time that Liam had ever been so humiliated in his entire life.

If the comments of his neighbor had sent him on edge, seeing the house void of furniture hadsuccessfully pushed him over. Liam had officially lost it.

Tanya was grateful that she was not in front of Liam at the moment. Otherwise, he would have hit herso hard that she would not even dare bring up the divorce.

No matter what, Tanya was still afraid of Liam. She was married to him for two years. In the first sixmonths, they had been on their honeymoon period. However, things changed once the butterflies weregone. The Mill family was one of the better-off families in the area. Liam had been spoiled ever sinceyoung. He began showing his true colors, scolding her for every small mistake she made and evenhitting her.

Tanya had endured all that hardship for the sake of her parents. It was until the news of Liam having amistress went public did she bring up the divorce.

However, after years of being subjected to his abuse, Tanya had learned to be obedient andsubmissive for the sake of her own safety.

Even though she had made the decision to walk out of his life, the fear she had for him could still befound deep in her heart.

When Tanya heard Liam's threat, colors drained from her face.

She cast a helpless look at Sophia. At that moment, the only person she could trust was Sophia.

Upon noticing her fear, Yvonne reached for Tanya's hand. “Don't worry, Ms. Gomez. Ms. Yarrow ishere. No one is going to bully you.”

Sophia turned off the loudspeaker and placed the phone to her ear. “Then do you believe that I canalso make your life a living hell so much so that you will wish to die instead, Mr. Mill?”

A hint of a smile could be detected in her voice as Sophia spoke. It was as though she was sayingsomething as innocent as commenting on the weather. However, there was an edge to her voice thatcould send shivers down one's spine.

Liam froze. He clenched his hand so tightly around the phone that his hand began to shake. Gritting histeeth, he forced his voice to become even. “Ms. Yarrow, I have already agreed to divorce Tanya. Thetruth of my cheating is also out in the open now. And yet, she cleared out all the furniture in my house.How is that reasonable?”

“All that she cleared out was furniture that she had hand-picked for the house. Now that you two areabout to be divorced, she has just taken away the things that rightfully belong to her. How is thatunreasonable?”

Sophia paused momentarily before continuing, “Mr. Mill, I don't have much patience. Tanya could waitforever to divorce you, but I believe that your family company can't afford to wait that long. Thisafternoon, two o'clock. If you're even one minute late, I'll see you in court.”

With that, Sophia hung up the call and placed the phone next to Tanya before flashing a reassuringsmile. “Don't worry, Tanya. If he doesn't show up, we'll sue him for bigamy.”

Taken aback by Sophia's comment, Tanya stammered, “C-Can we do that?”

Sophia rested her chin on her hand as she blinked innocently at Tanya. “Do I look like I'm lying?”

Staring into Sophia's bright eyes, Tanya felt the fear and anxiety in her heart vanish into thin air. As hershoulders slumped in relief, Tanya smiled. “Not at all.”

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