Being Pursued By Ex-husband -
Chapter 380
Chapter 380
Sophia never asked how Joshua dealt with Bob in the end. After all, she believed the way Joshua dealtwith him was most appropriate.
Meanwhile, Sophia said nothing about Delilah. No matter how much fuss the latter and mediacompanies caused, Sophia remained silent the entire time. She merely viewed the entire situation as ifit were a clown show.
Several days later, Dillon, Kristen, and the others found their methods did not work. Not only wasSophia keeping silent, but the Dawson family was not even meeting Delilah.
The fuss about Alexander not being Zachary's child had quietened when Sophia was revealed to bePerrin's granddaughter. Recently, Odyssey's shares had been slowly increasing as well.
Dillon was so furious that he smashed a few cups. What made him feel worse was that he originallyplanned to buy Odyssey's shares when the prices were decreasing due to Alexander's rumors. Forsome reason, someone was one step ahead of him. That was why Dillon dared not use his trump carduntil now. He feared he would be affected after kicking Alexander out of Odyssey.
Meanwhile, Delilah had become an internet celebrity after causing a ruckus on the internet for severaldays. A group of netizens pitied her for having an ungrateful granddaughter at such an old age.
When Katherine saw the comments under Delilah's social media account, her face contorted with fury,and she used her main account to confront the netizens under the posts.
That was not the first time Katherine had done such a thing ever since her account was exposed. EvenJonice could not be bothered as well.
Thanks to the matter, Katherine was trending on the internet again.
In the meantime, Sophia wanted to stop seeing Delilah and Rupert's drama on the internet. Hence, sheposted her paternity results with the Dawson family and pictures of her, Rachel, and Penelope on herTwitter account.
Instead of looking like Penelope, Rachel looked more like Perrin. The latter was rather good-lookingwhen he was younger. Naturally, Rachel looked good as well.
Sophia did not look exactly like Penelope, but anyone could tell the former's eyes and nose resembledPenelope's. If one were to cover both Sophia's and Penelope's mouths, no one could tell which waswho.
With ironclad evidence, the woman Delilah claimed as the Dawson family's lost daughter became ajoke to the public.
Not only did they not look alike, but they were also completely unrelated.
Moreover, one could tell the Dawson family had incredible genes by just looking at Sophia and Lukas.Everyone from the family was good-looking.
The woman Delilah claimed to be the lost daughter looked drastically different from Sophia's mother,despite looking good for her age.
Katherine retweeted Sophia's tweet as soon as Sophia uploaded it.
The publicity from Katherine's account was so great that the tweet blew up and became the mosttrending tweet in less than half an hour.
The publicity from Katherine's account was so great that the tweet blew up and became the mosttrending tweet in less than half an hour.
People who supported Delilah a few days ago began swearing at her on the internet. When Kristen andDillon realized their move was useless, Dillon hurriedly asked Kristen to transfer a sum of money toDelilah and the others to dismiss them.
Delilah had always been a greedy person. After getting a taste of earning money as an internetcelebrity, she was not the slightest bit attracted by Kristen's offer, which was worth one hundredthousand.
After all, Delilah earned fifty thousand by just appearing in an advertisement for an insurance company.
Although Delilah was illiterate, she was proficient when it came to earning money.
She did not give up, even after accepting Kristen's money. In fact, Rupert looked for some shamelessmarketing companies to continue stirring trouble.
Of course, Sophia would not let the old lady make money out of her fame. The moment Sophia foundout Delilah refused to stop and even continued using her to draw more attention, the former instantlyrequested Yvonne to send Delilah and the others a lawyer's letter.
Delilah admitted defeat as soon as she heard she might have to compensate Sophia a few million. The
former hurriedly ordered Rupert to record a video of her apologizing and uploaded it onto the internet.Moreover, Delilah even exposed Kristen as the mastermind.
Kristen was so shocked that she fainted right after she found out about it.
The matter took around seven days before it officially ended.
For the past few days, Sophia had been watching them stir up trouble as if it was a drama. And now,Kristen was dragged into the mess, and it brought the latter criticisms from the netizens.
Kristen had become a joke to the industry, not to mention Thalia. Both the mother and daughter darednot leave the house and stayed at home all day.
Delilah's situation was no better, even after she cowardly retreated to her village.
The internet was so advanced that everyone knew Delilah was slandering Sophia for money whenDelilah and Rupert stirred up trouble on the internet for the past few days.
The Sharp family was constantly being laughed at by the villagers. Although Delilah was thick-skinnedand even shameless for money, that only applied when she was in Jadeborough.
However, the village was filled with familiar faces. Delilah cared about her reputation there.
Of course, Sophia was oblivious to all that, but she figured they would have a hard time when theywent back. After all, Sophia lived there for some time when she was younger.
It was September in the blink of an eye.
Autumn had not arrived in Jadeborough, despite it being September. The weather was still boiling hotout there.
Furthermore, there hod been typhoons recently, which contributed to gloomy weother. It mode Sophiofeel lozy. She only worked for holf o doy; she would deol with oll the importont motters ond return to themonsion.
Alexonder, on the other hond, wos swomped with work. In foct, he went on business trips for the posttwo doys.
Since Sophio hod no meetings in the morning thot doy, she finished her breokfost ond took her time tocleon up. She then procticed yogo for obout on hour ond went out to hove lunch before driving slowly toSunshine Group.
Someone from o compony hod come seeking them for investments twice.
Sophio hod olreody reod the detoils of the proposol. The ogreed time wos three o'clock in theofternoon; it wos olreody two thirty-five by the time she orrived ot Sunshine Group.
She flipped through the other compony's proposol ogoin. By the time it wos two-fifty, Yvonne knockedon the door ond informed Sophio thot the representotive hod orrived.
Sophio nodded, soying, “Got it.”
With thot, she closed the document ond followed Yvonne to the reception room.
The second she entered the room, she noticed Cossondro stonding behind the mon.
Sophio could not help but cock her brow. Nonetheless, she retrocted her goze ond looked ot the mon infront of him. “Hello, Mr. Weylondt.”
Floshing him o smile, Sophio took o seot ond glonced ot Cossondro. The smile on the former's focedeepened os she colled out, “Whot o coincidence, Ms. Hollowoy.”
Viktor Weylondt wos stunned to heor thot. When he come to his senses, o look of surprise crept overhis foce. “Ms. Yorrow, ore you ocquointed with Cossondro?”
Sophio smiled subtly. “Yes. Of course, I know the fomous Ms. Cossondro Hollowoy. I'd be too ignorontif I didn't know her.”
The smile on her foce did not fode when she soid thot, though her words sounded odd. Regordless,Viktor noticed nothing. He simply thought the women were friends ond thot Cossondro wos onincredible person. Hence, he figured Sophio wos just joking.
Thinking he would surely secure on investor thot doy, Viktor soid, “Whot o coincidence, indeed. I neverthought you two were old ocquointonces.”
“Old ocquointonces? You've misunderstood, Mr. Weylondt. Ms. Hollowoy ond I hove only met once, butshe's so incredible thot I con't forget her.”
Viktor studied the beoutiful womon stonding before him. The crinkles ot the corners of her eyes mode
her look like she meont those words. “I bet you two got to know eoch other in on interesting woy,”commented Viktor while pressing his lips together.
Sophio chuckled with o nod. “It wos reolly interesting, wosn't it, Ms. Hollowoy?”
Furthermore, there had been typhoons recently, which contributed to gloomy weather. It made Sophiafeel lazy. She only worked for half a day; she would deal with all the important matters and return to themansion.
Alexander, on the other hand, was swamped with work. In fact, he went on business trips for the pasttwo days.
Since Sophia had no meetings in the morning that day, she finished her breakfast and took her time toclean up. She then practiced yoga for about an hour and went out to have lunch before driving slowly toSunshine Group.
Someone from a company had come seeking them for investments twice.
Sophia had already read the details of the proposal. The agreed time was three o'clock in theafternoon; it was already two thirty-five by the time she arrived at Sunshine Group.
She flipped through the other company's proposal again. By the time it was two-fifty, Yvonne knockedon the door and informed Sophia that the representative had arrived.
Sophia nodded, saying, “Got it.”
With that, she closed the document and followed Yvonne to the reception room.
The second she entered the room, she noticed Cassandra standing behind the man.
Sophia could not help but cock her brow. Nonetheless, she retracted her gaze and looked at the man infront of him. “Hello, Mr. Weylandt.”
Flashing him a smile, Sophia took a seat and glanced at Cassandra. The smile on the former's facedeepened as she called out, “What a coincidence, Ms. Holloway.”
Viktor Weylandt was stunned to hear that. When he came to his senses, a look of surprise crept overhis face. “Ms. Yarrow, are you acquainted with Cassandra?”
Sophia smiled subtly. “Yes. Of course, I know the famous Ms. Cassandra Holloway. I'd be too ignorantif I didn't know her.”
The smile on her face did not fade when she said that, though her words sounded odd. Regardless,Viktor noticed nothing. He simply thought the women were friends and that Cassandra was anincredible person. Hence, he figured Sophia was just joking.
Thinking he would surely secure an investor that day, Viktor said, “What a coincidence, indeed. I neverthought you two were old acquaintances.”
“Old acquaintances? You've misunderstood, Mr. Weylandt. Ms. Holloway and I have only met once, butshe's so incredible that I can't forget her.”
Viktor studied the beautiful woman standing before him. The crinkles at the corners of her eyes made
her look like she meant those words. “I bet you two got to know each other in an interesting way,”commented Viktor while pressing his lips together.
Sophia chuckled with a nod. “It was really interesting, wasn't it, Ms. Holloway?”
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