Being Pursued By Ex-husband -
Chapter 394
Chapter 394
The drama involving the Xenos family had everyone dumbfounded. They had thought there were notwo ways about the information that Alexander was not Zachary's biological son and did not expecteverything to turn on its head.
Beau's lawyer not only publicly confirmed Alexander's identity, but also served Kristen papers, suingher for defamation and slander.
The evidence released by Alexander's team was the final nail in the coffin for Kristen and the others.Those who did not fully understand the situation thought it was merely a tussle over the family fortune.However, those who had been in the business world for a long time could more or less tell thatalthough it appeared to be a dispute between Alexander and the twins—Thalia and Leonard—on thesurface, the truth of the matter was that Dillon wanted to kick Alexander out of Odyssey and reap all theprofits for himself.
It was also clear how things would pan out. Kristen's so-called DNA test results showed that Alexanderwas in no way related by blood to the twins and herself. However, the appearance of Thalia's andLeonard's biological father turned the whole incident into a farce.
The twins' biological father, Sean Janney, went looking for Kristen and indicated his desire toacknowledge them as his children. Hence, Kristen, Thalia, and Leonard were also in a bind.
When Dillon found out what Sean was planning to do, he was so incensed that his blood pressure shotup, and he passed out on the spot.
The gossip columnists somehow dug up information on those events and posted them online, causingthe attention surrounding the Xenos family to intensify.
Sophia had just stepped out of a meeting when her phone started ringing. Yvonne, who was going toreport to Sophia about some work matter, tactfully fell a few steps back to give her some privacy. WhenSophia glanced at the caller ID, her eyes crinkled slightly.
“Hello, Lukas.”
The call was from Lukas, and the reason for it was obvious.
He murmured an acknowledgment. It sounded as though he was busy with something as she couldhear some noise in the background.
Lukas mumbled something to someone next to him, and his end of the line became much quieter.Then, she heard him ask, “Is the news on the internet true?”
Naturally, he was referring to the matter involving Alexander. If Old Mr. Xenos were still around, itwould've driven him mad to see the drama about his family's blood ties playing out right now.
She chuckled. “Yes, it's true.”
He had not been expecting that response. After a short pause, he finally said, “If that's the case, Dillonmight do something desperate. Be extra careful when going to and getting off work the next few days.”
“I will.”
He did not have much else to say after that. “I'm hanging up now. Come home for a meal when you
have the time.”
After a pause, he reluctantly added, “Alexander hasn't paid us a formal visit yet.”
His remark stunned her momentarily. She could hardly believe her ears. “Has Granddad acceptedAlexander?”
“No,” Lukas replied. Although that was the truth, he was not being unreasonable by asking Alexanderto visit them. It was one thing for Perrin to disapprove of Alexander, but an entirely different matter ifAlexander himself did not try to make an effort. Sophia may be intelligent, but she doesn't understandour grandfather particularly well. Haste makes waste, but in this case, I'm afraid Alexander will get theshort end of the stick if they employ the slow and steady approach.
From his answer, Sophia knew he was deliberately giving her a hint, and gratitude spread through herheart. “Thanks, Lukas.”
“If he ever mistreats you, you have to let us know. Okay?”
Sophia held her phone tightly as his words warmed the cockles of her heart. She felt blessed to havesomeone look out for her even though she was already an adult. “I will.”
“I'll let you get back to your work, then.”
After the call ended, she stood there for a while and only pulled herself out of her thoughts whenYvonne knocked on the door. “Come in.”
Yvonne had come to report on the survey results for the new company they had talked about the other
day. She relayed the information methodically. After glancing at Sophia, who looked deep in thought,she added, “Ms. Yarrow, I've prepared the wedding gift for Ms. Queen as you instructed.”
“Thank you,” Sophia replied. Megan and Casper were getting married that Saturday. Since they hadpersonally delivered an invitation to her, she felt she should attend the wedding.
Even though she and Megan had some disagreements previously, that was all water under the bridgenow. Hence, the wedding gift had to be chosen with care.
Yvonne has always been very discerning in such matters, so I know I don't have to worry. And now, shehas already prepared the gift for the wedding on the day after tomorrow. How wonderful.
Sophia looked away and lowered her head to read the document in front of her.
“Ms. Yarrow.”
Sophia raised her head when she heard Yvonne's voice again a while later. “Come in.”
“Ms. Yarrow, Mr. Dillon Xenos is here again.”
“What's he doing here?”
“He says he wants to meet with Suny.”
Sophia clucked her tongue. “Have security kick him out.”
It looks like he's really desperate. With things as they are, is he still so delusional that he thinks
Sunshine Group will work with him? Tsk, tsk, tsk. He's well and truly backed into a corner. Well, I've nointerest in entertaining a mad dog. Who knows whether he'll turn around and bite the hand that feedshim?
When Alexander came by that evening, Sophia mentioned Dillon's visit and Lukas' reminder as soon asshe saw him. “Lukas wants us to be extra careful.”
Although the car crash had been an accident, Alexander still felt a lingering fear. If Sophia had been inthe car and something were to happen to her, everything would be over.
“Okay. Mr. Lane has arranged for someone to keep a close watch on Dillon.”
She nodded. “I don't have to worry with Mr. Lane on top of things.”
Upon hearing that, he suddenly tilted his head to look at her and asked, “What about me?”
“You?” She arched a brow at him. After a deliberate pause, she continued, “I never have to worry aboutyou.”
Alexander's expression relaxed when he heard those words. He lowered his head and gave her a quickkiss. “What do you feel like eating tonight?”
“Whatever you decide is fine with me.”
Since there happened to be so many surprising incidents that day, Sophia thought those close to Dillon
would maintain a low profile. To her surprise, they bumped into Tyler while at dinner.
Tyler's expression darkened instantly the moment he spotted the pair.
Sophie's eyes flitted to Alexander, but she saw that the latter acted as though he had not noticed Tyler.It was clear he had no intention of acknowledging Tyler's presence. Her lips curved into a slight smileas she stared straight ahead and followed Alexander to their table.
However, even though they did not intend to greet Tyler, the latter approached them with his femalecompanion. “Hello, Alex, Ms. Yarrow. The two of you appear to have a very close relationship.”
As he spoke, he fixed his gaze on Sophia as though Alexander was invisible to him.
Alexander's eyes darkened as he shifted slightly to block Tyler's line of vision. “Sophia is timid. It'dbreak my heart if you ended up frightening her.”
“How sweet of you,” Tyler remarked with a laugh. He flicked his gaze over to Sophia before leading hiscompanion away. However, just before he left, he turned to glance at her again with a look of nakeddesire.
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