Being Pursued By Ex-husband -
Chapter 398
Chapter 398
Sophia manage to escape unscathed and was unaffected, but they both left the event before it ended.
On the way back, she could sense that Alexander was brimming with fury.
Back at the mansion, Sophia prepared a plate of cut fruits and settled down beside him. “He actuallydidn't take advantage of me. I knew someone was tailing me when I entered the bathroom, so Ideliberately allowed him to take me with him.”
At first, Sophia thought that Tyler had taken action against her with malicious intent. She assumed hewas attempting to kidnap her in order to intimidate Alexander into transferring the shares of thecompany to him and Dillon.
Consequently, even though she was aware of Tyler's presence behind her in the restroom and hisintention to assault her, she chose not to resist and instead, allowed the situation to unfold to see whatTyler had in store for her.
Alas, she had overestimated Tyler. He was, in fact, nothing but a man driven by his sexual impulse.
Tyler failed to take advantage of Sophia earlier. Instead, he got kicked and slapped several times bySophia. When Alexander showed up and smashed a wine bottle, Tyler's face drained of all color as hefeared that he was going to face his demise.
Alexander parted his lips and accepted the piece of apple that Sophia offered him. As he chewed andswallowed, he murmured, “I shouldn't have given him such an easy way out.”
I should've kicked and punched him a few times more.
Alexander had been training in kickboxing for a while, so he was well-versed in the areas that wouldcause the greatest amount of pain. Even if the victim were to seek medical attention, the injuries heinflicted would not be noticeable enough to be diagnosed.
Moreover, Tyler might hesitate to call the police if he were to do that.
Sophia burst out giggling when she heard that. “The pot of hot water wasn't that pleasant either.”
Indeed, Tyler was in anguish after Sophia poured a pot of hot water on him.
The hot water that was poured over Tyler seeped through his clothes and caused his back to turn brightred. He felt like his skin was burning, and the fabric of his clothes seemed to adhere to his body. WhenTyler tried to take off his clothes at home, the sensation was so unbearable that he could feel tearswelling up in his eyes.
Alas, he had no one to whom he could express his anguish. He dared not and could not do anything toavenge himself.
On the contrary, he had to worry if Alexander would take action against him.
Tyler had reason to be concerned, for Alexander was not intending to let him off the hook easily.
Alexander and Dillon had been at each other throats for the past few months, so the former hadaccumulated a considerable amount of damaging information about Dillon, Tyler, and Randy.
He wasn't going to hold back as Tyler was foolish enough to provoke him.
Alexander wasted no time in calling Felix, instructing him to prepare to deliver harsh punishment toTyler.
Tyler had the audacity to lay his hands on Sophia earlier, so Alexander was determined to make Tylerpay for his actions!
A smile nudged Sophia's lips as she overheard Alexander talking on the phone.
She was far from generous, but Alexander had brought a few employees to the hotel room earliertonight to save her. They witnessed Tyler getting punished for his misdeed, so if anything were totranspire to Tyler, they would have little doubt that she and Alexander were responsible.
Tyler had committed his fair share of crimes previously, however, Dillon was always there to pick up thepieces and make sure no one discovered his misdeeds.
Sophia was planning on asking Yvonne to investigate Tyler to give him a taste of his own medicine.
Now that Alexander had done it, she wouldn't have to trouble Yvonne anymore.
After hanging up, Alexander noticed Sophia was smiling at him. She was sitting with her chin resting inher hand, her eyes sparkling with joy and amusement. Captivated, he couldn't tear his eyes away.
No longer looking aloof, he reached out to stroke her cheek. “Why are you smiling?”
Sophia sat up straight and gave him a flirtatious look. “Because I'm happy.”
“Why are you happy?”
Sophia snorted. “You're asking the obvious!”
She then rose to her feet. “I'll go take a shower.”
It was a Sunday tomorrow, which meant that she didn't have to head to work, but it was still beneficialto go to bed early.
Alexander took action against Tyler in a simple but crude way. Tyler wasn't a law-abiding person, soFelix had uncovered a great deal of evidence that could be used to incriminate him two months ago.However, he hadn't exposed any of the evidence yet.
It was now time for Felix to take action after he received Alexander's orders.
The offenses that Tyler perpetrated were strikingly similar to those that Leonard had committed, butTyler was more brazen than Leonard as Dillon would cover his crimes.
A few years ago, Tyler raped an underage girl. The girl came from a poor family, so Dillon bribed herfamily to keep the matter to themselves.
The young girl had since reached adulthood. Her family rarely spoke of the incident but she couldnever forget what happened to her. When Felix reached out to her, all she asked of him was that Tylerbe brought to justice for his actions. She didn't want anything else.
She had managed to record the entire ordeal surreptitiously on her phone. Although the video wasn't
complete, it showed enough evidence to prove Tyler had drugged her drink, and her desperateattempts to fight him off when he pounced on her. Her phone flipped over when she struggled to freeherself, so the video went dark. However, the voices were still audible.
However, this video and the witnesses were enough to send Tyler to jail.
Of course, this would be a long process, and Tyler would definitely submit an appeal. In addition tobringing the incident to light, Felix also acted as an upstanding citizen by notifying the authorities ofhow Tyler had recklessly hit and killed a pedestrian while driving under influence and then arranged forsomeone else to take the blame.
Besides that, Felix also asked for Samuel's help to unmask Tyler's despicable side by circulating theinformation online.
It would take some time before Tyler would be brought to justice, but he had now become the talk ofthe town for all the wrong reasons. He was too afraid to even leave his home.
Dillon was in hot waters himself. Randy's company was now under investigation. He owned some ofOdyssey's shares, but that cost him a lot of money. However, his purchase was now proving to be apoor decision as he was stuck in this situation.
Tyler was in a precarious position and Randy's business was in dire straits, so they needed asubstantial influx of capital. However, their cash reserves had been depleted months earlier when theypurchased stocks from Odyssey in secret.
Before they could take Alexander down, he had already taken them down.
Everything happened in a matter of a few days after that night's event, prompting Sophia to expressher admiration for Felix's efficiency.
Indeed, he's as efficient as Ms. Leighton.
Sophia was musing over Yvonne when suddenly the door to her office was knocked, jolting her out ofher reverie.
“Come on in.”
“Ms. Yarrow.”
It was Yvonne, who entered her office with a document. “This is our quarterly financial report for yourperusal.”
Sophia glanced at her and flashed a smile. “Okay, got it.”
“One more thing, Ms. Yarrow.”
Sophia raised a brow. “What is it?”
“Mdm. Kristen Lambe is downstairs. She wants to see you in order to discuss an important matter.”
Sophia clicked her tongue and tapped her pen against the table. A few seconds later, she made up hermind and declared, “Bring her upstairs.”
Let's see what “important matter” Kristen wants to talk about.
Dillon was in dire straits, and Kristen's situation was no better.
Leonard's trial began half a month ago. Both Sophia and Alexander didn't attend the court session orpay any attention to it, but the outcome was evidently not to Kristen's satisfaction.
“Got it, Ms. Yarrow.”
With that, Yvonne went out and told Belinda to bring Kristen upstairs to Sophia's office.
Yvonne had been witnessed to Kristen's mistreatment of Sophia for the past three years, and if it wasn'tfor the fact that Kristen had strongly emphasized the seriousness of the situation, Yvonne would havechosen not to disturb Sophia and risk affecting her mood.
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