Chapter 403

When Katherine declared that she wanted to expose Sharon before the public, she was serious aboutit. A few minutes after she said that, during which Sophia had just finished reading an email, she hadalready snapped a screenshot of the Tweet she posted and sent it over.

In the past, she had to maintain her high and mighty regal persona. As such, Jonice was the one whomanaged her official Twitter account. But half a year ago, Jonice gave up entirely after Katherine'salternate account came to light. Following that, she even took back control of her official account.

With over seventy million fans, Katherine tweeted: Are you a sore loser to resort to playing tricksbehind the scenes?

At the end of it, she tagged Sharon, making it known to everyone that Sharon was the person who hadsomeone write the few defamatory posts on Sophia.

The instant that matter became public knowledge, Katherine's and Sharon's fans plunged into anuproar. On top of that, the fans Sophia attracted during the premiere of the show that day went wild.

Katherine was Sophia's top fan. Naturally, her fans and Sophia's fans were on the same side. Thesheer number of their combined fans almost crushed Sharon's fans, not to mention when Katherineherself joined the battle.

In a flash, the matter became the hottest topic on the internet. When Sharon's manager saw thetrending headline, her face drained of all color. If Sharon weren't filming a show, she would havebarged in right away and dragged her out to demand an explanation about the issue.

The matter previously hasn't been resolved, and she has created another one. Is she out of her mind?

Since the matter had blown up, it went without saying that Samuel, as Midway Media's currentexecutive director, was notified about it.

Ever since Alexander got back together with Sophia, Samuel no longer found any joy in going to barsfor a drink. In time, he did not even want to step foot in such establishments anymore.

Sophia's show happened to be premiering that day, so he watched it out of curiosity.

Although it had been edited, he could still tell that she really solved the question and completed thechallenge herself since he was a professional in the field.

If I had been given that question, I don't think I could've figured out the answer even in a few days andnights. Undeniably, she doesn't only have beauty but also brains. Regretfully, she got married young.She'd finally gotten divorced, but she'd now jumped back into the trap again. Ah, what a pity! Verily, it'sa shame!

The response to the show's premiere was exceedingly encouraging. There were three naturalheadlines, all related to Sophia and Katherine. Contrarily, the headlines the show's management teambought were only in the middle of the trending list, making for a rather embarrassing situation.

Feeling that Sophia's persona as a top scorer with a high intelligence quotient could be used as areference, Samuel phoned his secretary after scrolling through Twitter, planning to launch a program toproduce idols among university students.

After hanging up the phone, he felt smug over his dedication and professionalism. While doing so, he

discovered that there was a new tweet by Alexander's dormant Twitter account that he followed.

He clicked in for a look, only to replace himself a recipient of a public display of affection.

Gah! I should've controlled my finger and not tapped it open!

Jealous over the tweet, he logged out of Twitter so that he did not have to look at it anymore.

Having done that, he remembered that it had been a long time since he had worked out. He picked uphis phone, planning to grace the treadmill in his gym that he had not used in a while with his presence.

Ten minutes into his run, the phone in front of him rang out of the blue.

Samuel glanced at it. Upon seeing that it was a call from his secretary, he could not help but arch abrow. “What is it?”

“It's bad, Mr. Schild. Sharon Xerxes has made the trending list.”

For a moment, Samuel had no recollection of such a person. Hence, he was downright amused to hearthat. “What has that got to do with me?”

“Today is the premiere of Going Forward. After the broadcast, Ms. Yarrow received a lot of attention.Sharon paid someone to write defamatory posts on Ms. Yarrow and publish them on Twitter. Ms. Quinnfound out about it and tagged her.”

By the time his secretary had said that much, Samuel finally remembered who Sharon was. Animperceptible frown marred his countenance. “I remember that she was also the person who offended

Sophia a little over a month ago. Is that right?”

On the other end of the phone, his secretary hesitated briefly. “Yes, Mr. Schild.”

At once, Samuel was no longer in the mood to run on the treadmill.

Argh! This Sharon character must be a sandwich short of a picnic! Otherwise, why would she picktrouble with Sophia for no apparent reason? The matter previously is already up in the air, and it hasn'teven been two months, yet she's up to no good again. Never mind that, but why did she have to targetSophia of all people? Isn't that proof that she isn't quite right in the head?

He promptly blew a gasket. “Inform her manager to stop all the work she has on hand!”

Perceiving the fury in his voice, his secretary immediately notified Sharon's manager about it afterhanging up the phone with Samuel.

This time, Sharon is really asking for it. I reckon Samuel wouldn't give her any more chances withoutneeding Ms. Yarrow to speak to him about it personally.

Meanwhile, Samuel lifted his hands and massaged his temples after hanging up the phone. He wasconvinced that Sharon was a troublemaker.

Picking up his phone, he again tapped open Twitter for a look. It had only been forty minutes, but therehad been a bloody battle on the social media platform.

As he scrolled through the tweets, he felt his temples throbbing. He could imagine Alexander'sexpression when the man saw all that.

He wavered for two minutes before tactfully giving Alexander a call in the end.

Sophia eyed Alexander's ringing phone. Then, she lifted her head and glanced at the closed bathroomdoor. With a quirk of a brow, she strolled over to the bathroom door with the phone in hand. Lifting herhand, she knocked on the door. Subsequently, she hollered, “You've got a call from Mr. Schild.”

No sooner had her words rang out than the closed door right in front of her swung open, revealingAlexander, who had just finished showering. He stood before her in a loose bathrobe. “Samuel?”

Sophia's gaze was riveted on the water droplets clinging to the ends of his short hair. Her eyesflickered, and she murmured, “Yeah.”

Taking the phone from her, Alexander placed the call on loudspeaker and tossed it to the side. “What'sup?”

“You've seen the news on the internet, Alex?”


Alexander stilled as he toweled his hair and cast a look at Sophia.

Meeting his gaze, Sophia handed her phone to him.

In no time, Alexander skimmed through everything and understood the ins and outs of the matter. Onthe other end of the phone, Samuel was still organizing his thoughts and racking his brain for a way totell Alexander about the issue when the latter's voice drifted into his ears. “I now know what's going on.”

“Uh... Don't worry, for I'll definitely give Sophia an explanation for this!”

“How so?”

Alexander's gaze was frightfully dark, making it evident that he was very much chagrined about thesmear campaign against Sophia on the internet in the brief time he took a shower.

Worse still, the culprit behind the incident was none other than a popular singer under Samuel'scompany.

“I've already given the order to halt all of Sharon's work. It's too late tonight, but I'll have her personallypay Sophia a visit and apologize tomorrow!”

Everything is Sharon's fault, so exact your revenge on her. Just don't blame it on me, Alexander!

Samuel abruptly remembered the incident whereby Alexander overheard someone talking ill of Sophiabehind their backs half a year ago. The man had someone bring a bucket of ice cubes over on the spotbefore stuffing them all into the person's mouth.

It was horrifyingly cruel, and the mere thought of it sent a chill down his spine.

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