Being Pursued By Ex-husband -
Chapter 409
Chapter 409
After apologizing to Sophia in person, Sharon also posted a written apology at around seven o'clockthat evening.
No one knew what caused her to change her mind, but her written apology was much more sincerecompared to her verbal apology earlier in the afternoon.
Katherine was a little indignant after learning that Sophia had forgiven Sharon on the spot thatafternoon. At the same time, she felt that her friend should not have relented.
When she saw Sharon's published apology on Twitter, she was elated. At once, she took a screenshotand forwarded it to Sophia with a gleeful message: Look, Soph! Sharon is eating humble pie again!
Upon noticing that her phone lit up from Katherine's message, Sophia clicked to view the screenshot,and her lips quirked into a smile.
As the car slowly came to a stop in front of the red traffic light, Alexander tilted his head and spottedher smile.
“What's so amusing?” he asked curiously.
Sophia showed him her phone and said, “I received another apology from Sharon. This time, sheposted it online.”
Alexander gave it a cursory glance and retorted, “If all can be forgiven with a mere apology, then wemight as well do away with the justice system.” It was obvious that he had had enough of Sharon'snonsense.
Sophia thought what he uttered sounded familiar, and a distant memory came flooding back. It was notlong after they finalized their divorce that he found out he had wronged her by mistaking her for a golddigger. Those were the words she had told him when he went to apologize to her.
Hearing those words again evoked a chuckle from her. “You're right.”
Alexander briefly darted his eyes in avoidance as he recalled the incident as well.
“The light has turned green.” Sophia alerted him when the traffic light shifted from yellow to green.
He threw her another glance before turning his attention back onto the road and driving off.
It was Justin's birthday that day, and he was throwing a huge party at Corona, booking an entire levelfor the occasion. Alexander and Justin had been friends for over thirty years, so he would definitely notmiss his old pal's birthday celebration. Sophia felt obliged to attend as well because Justin hadsomeone send her his gift to her on her last birthday.
When Alexander and Sophia arrived at Corona, they met Charlize and Charles, who had also justalighted from their vehicle.
The fact that Sophia was Suny of Sunshine Group surprised many in Jadeborough. When Charlize gotto know about it, her admiration for the older woman grew.
Prosperity Enterprise was the family business of the Johnsons, and it was one of the top investmentfirms in the country.
When Sunshine Group made a name for itself in that industry, Charles and Ashley had talked about thenew kid on the block a few times during their meals at home.
Charlize quietly listened to their discussions and harbored great admiration for the mysterious Suny,the genius they spoke of, the more she listened to stories about the latter. Never in her wildest dreamswould she expect Suny to be her idol—Sophia. In truth, she was so proud of Sophia when she learnedof the revelation.
Upon seeing Sophia, Charlize immediately ran over and greeted, “Ms. Yarrow!”
It had been almost a month since their last meeting. Thrilled to see Sophia again, Charlize ran towardher with open arms, ready to give her a big hug. However, when her gaze landed on Alexander, whowas next to Sophia, the smile on her face froze, and she tactfully retracted her arms. With her hands byher side but a sparkle in her eyes, she cooed, “I miss you so much, Ms. Yarrow!”
Tilting her head, Sophia shot a glance at Alexander. She knew he must have given Charlize a deathstare to scare her off, and it caused her to chuckle. “I miss you too,” she replied to Charlize as shestroked her head.
“You're so awesome, Ms. Yarrow!” Charlize gushed.
Although Alexander's hostility dampened some of her enthusiasm, she still could not contain herexcitement from seeing Sophia.
Naturally, Sophia knew what Charlize was referring to. The only thing worthy of discussion over thepast couple of days had to be the revelation of Suny's true identity.
“You're not too bad yourself!” Sophia praised in return.
The last time they met, Charlize was still in agony over her relationship problem. Yet, she was allsmiles at that moment, with no hint of anguish in her eyes. It was apparent she had resolved it.
However, that was a little secret between the ladies, not to mention Alexander and Charles were withthem, so Sophia did not make it too obvious what she was complimenting Charlize on.
Nevertheless, Charlize got the point, and a look of embarrassment flashed past her eyes.
Since Justin, the birthday boy, had already arrived, Sophia did not continue to chat with Charlize andheld Alexander's arm to get moving. Along with Charles and Charlize, the couple made their way intoCorona.
Alexander had been busy dealing with the trouble created by Dillon, so he had not met up with Justinand the others for quite some time.
Sophia planned to give the men some privacy to catch up with one another. After the initial greetingswere exchanged, she decided to head to another end of the hall with Charlize for their girls' talk.
Charlize also could not wait to update Sophia on her development with Spencer, for without the latter'sadvice, she was sure she would not have gotten him to confess his love to her.
Sophia was amused by the excited look on Charlize's face. Knowing that she was eager to spill thebeans, she smiled at the men and said, “Have a good chat, guys. I'll head over to the other corner withCharlize.”
Charles was very protective of Charlize, but with Sophia by her side, he knew his sister would be ingood hands.
Alexander also felt at ease having Charlize accompany Sophia. That should deter any Tom, Dick, andHarry from approaching his woman.
Moreover, the guests for that night were mainly close friends of Justin, so they were all familiar faces,even if Alexander himself was only acquaintances with them. After all, their social circle was not thathuge.
That was why even though the party was getting lively and wild, the safety of the ladies was assured.
As it was becoming too crowded and noisy in the hall, Sophia and Charlize decided to head out to thebalcony for their chat.
The weather was nice in Jadeborough during late September. A few small groups were already seatedon the balcony, enjoying the cool evening breeze.
The two ladies sat down at the furthest table, and a server immediately brought over some juice forthem.
After thanking the server, Sophia looked toward Charlize and asked, “So, what's new between you andSpencer?”
Blushing, Charlize looked at her shyly as she replied, “He confessed his love for me, Ms. Yarrow.”
Sophia was not the least surprised by that development. “Congratulations!” she said, smiling.
“I have to thank you for that, Ms. Yarrow. Without your advice, I would never replace out that he likes metoo!”
Playing with her straw, Sophia casually replied, “I don't deserve that credit. If Mr. Lacroix had nointerest in you, nothing I said could have made it happen.”
Although Charlize could not replace fault with that logical explanation, she was adamant about showing hergratitude. “Whatever! I simply want to say thank you, Ms. Yarrow!” she insisted.
Seemingly recalling something, she hurriedly reached into her handbag and brought out a gift box. “Ms.Yarrow, I bought this when I was on a business trip last week. It's nothing expensive and is merely asmall gift from me. This is to thank you for your help!”
Sophia graciously accepted the gift and asked, “Do you mind if I open it now?”
“Of course not! Please do! This is the first time I've chosen a gift for you, so I don't know if it is to yourliking...” Charlize said.
Sophia smiled and started to unbox the gift. She carefully removed the wrapper, untied the ribbonaround the box, then opened the box to reveal a cute chubby cat figurine. “This is so adorable! I love it!Thank you, Charlize!” she exclaimed, touching the figurine lovingly.
She was not merely being polite when she raved over the gift. It was indeed something she liked verymuch.
Unbeknownst to many, she had always had a soft spot for cute things. Only Yvonne and Katherineknew about it, although Alexander recently became aware of that preference of hers too.
Charlize was glad to see that Sophia liked her present. Gazing at the latter, she wanted to saysomething but abruptly paused from embarrassment and hesitation.
Sophia could tell what was on her mind, so she chuckled and took the initiative to ask, “How did Mr.Lacroix confess to you?”
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