Chapter 422

Perrin enjoyed the meal immensely because his precious granddaughter was keeping him company.

Among the many incidents that occurred in Jadeborough, almost all of them were connected to Sophia,after all.

After the meal, Perrin decided to head downstairs with Sophia for a walk.

Before he did, he intentionally glanced at Alexander, who wanted to follow them. “I'm going to take astroll with Sophia, Mr. Xenos. I know you're tired, so Lukas will send you to the hotel to rest lest youthink our hospitality is inadequate.”

Sophia couldn't help but grin when she heard that.

In response, Alexander glanced at her. Upon meeting her eyes, he saw her shaking her head andmouthing at him to return to the hotel.

Before they arrived, she had already asked him to request Felix to book a hotel room. Perrin wasalready tolerating when he allowed Alexander to join the meal. Therefore, he definitely wouldn't haveallowed the younger man to spend the night in the mansion.

In fact, Perrin was evidently displeased when Alexander insisted on participating in the dinner. If heweren't, he wouldn't have kept encouraging Sophia to meet other men.

Thus, Alexander stopped and watched the two of them leave. It wasn't until they were out of his sightthat he turned to Lukas. “Sorry to trouble you, Mr. Dawson.”

Lukas, who was standing at the staircase entrance, smiled. “Not at all. If anything, you're the one introuble, Mr. Xenos.”

As he spoke, he headed to the garage. “I'll drive the car to the entrance. Please wait for me there, Mr.Xenos.”

“All right,” responded Alexander before leaving the mansion.

Meanwhile, Sophia and Perrin were standing beside the goldfish pond in the garden.

Perrin loved to fish, so almost all the fishes inside the pond were ones he caught. Only some of theaquatic creatures underwater were goldfish.

After dumping the young fishes he caught into the pond, he let them grow before fishing them whenthey matured.

Nowadays, no one was willing to accompany him outside for a fishing trip, and he found the activityboring when doing it alone. Thus, he opted to spend his time at the goldfish pond.

After the meal, Perrin thought about his fish and brought Sophia to the pond to see if the neighbor's catstole some.

Just as she listened to his tale about how the cat was caught stealing a fish a few days ago, she heardsomething landing on the ground.

Perrin sneered, “Look! That fat cat is here to steal my fish again!”

When she turned in the direction he pointed at, she saw a round, fat cat strolling toward the pond.

It wasn't afraid of people. Under the sunset glow, its fur appeared soft and fluffy. Just glancing at itwould be enough for anyone to know how much its master loved it.

“This is my granddaughter. Don't you think she looks pretty?” Perrin smirked at the cat.

As though it could understand what he said, it swayed its tail as it approached Sophia and sniffed her.

She quite liked cats, so when she saw that, she wanted to touch the fat cat. “Does it scratch people,Granddad?”

“No, but it's very clingy!” Just as he ended his sentence, the cat rubbed its body against her leg.

Sophia's heart melted as she crouched and tentatively touched its head. Instead of scratching her, itbrushed its head against her palm. “Isn't it acting affectionately, Granddad?”

His mood was lifted when he saw how happy she looked. “That's the only thing it knows how to do!”

Then he smiled at her. “Do you like cats?”

“Yes. They're too cute.”

“Since you live alone, it's not a bad idea to raise a cat.”

Upon hearing that, Sophia somewhat guiltily glanced at Perrin. “I'm not usually home, so I'm worried it'll

run away.”

“That's true. Cats are unruly. When this cat was still a kitty, it loved to visit the mansion. In the past,Stanley adored it so much that he brought it everywhere he went. After it grew up, it wandered aroundthe neighborhood by itself. More than a decade later, it had probably gone through every nook andcranny in this area.” When his thoughts arrived at Stanley, his grin faded because a doctor told him hisfriend's remaining time in the world wasn't long. It's awful to see the people I know leave me one byone.

Sophia noticed the shift in his expression. “I haven't met Mr. Willis yet, Granddad.”

That stunned him a little before he returned to his senses. “I'm aware. You know, Stanley neverbelieved you looked similar to your grandmother. Tomorrow, we'll visit the hospital and let him judge ifyou resemble her or not!”

“Okay.” She withdrew her hand and stood. “Let's walk outside, Granddad.”

Just as she finished speaking, she saw Alexander staring at her in the distance.

In response, she smiled at him.

Moments later, Lukas drove his car to Alexander, directly blocking the latter's line of sight. “Get in thecar, Mr. Xenos.”

Upon hearing that, Alexander looked away and entered the vehicle.

Perrin watched the black car slowly exit the mansion while snorting.

Standing at the side, Sophia pursed her lips with embarrassment.

Then she supported him as they sauntered outside of the mansion.

The neighborhood was surrounded by greenery. However, the people living in the area tended to bewealthy, busy individuals. Hence, only old people like Perrin had the time to admire the view.

Whenever October rolled around, Doveston would get colder than Jadeborough. As fall had alreadyarrived, the night breeze was much more freezing. Therefore, fewer people strolled outdoors.

“Do you like that brat from the Xenos family that much, Soph?” Perrin inquired.

In response, Sophia lowered her head and glanced at him. “Didn't Granny love you dearly in the pasttoo?”

Decades ago, Penelope's family was much more well-off than Perrin's. When he was young, theDawson family consisted of only farmers. All year long, they would struggle to put food on the table.

It wasn't until after he joined the military that his family's condition improved.

However, it was still incomparable to Penelope's affluent family.

She was the only daughter in her family. Thus, when she expressed her desire to marry him, her familyvehemently opposed the idea. However, after she lied to her parents that she was pregnant, they hadno choice but to agree to the marriage.

Fortunately, she was right to marry him. After her family was struck by misfortune, Perrin took care ofhis in-laws. That was why the main and branch Dawson families were two different families.

Kylie disclosed that information to Sophia in the past. At first, Sophia only treated it like a story.However, after she recalled those facts at that moment, she realized her aunt was also an interestingperson.

Upon hearing what Sophia said, Perrin recollected the days of his past and sighed. “I'm only thinkingfor your own good, Soph.”

Noticing his attitude had softened slightly, she added, “I know. You just want me to be happy.”

“Of course! You're my granddaughter, and I'll feel contented as long as you lead a happy life. While Inever expected you to do great things, I'm still delighted to know you're an accomplished woman! Iwant you to remember that no matter what, when you feel down or aggrieved, you'll still have yourfamily. Your uncle, aunt, brother, and I will always be there to support you. All you need to do is visit us,and we'll lend you a hand or an ear.”

His heartfelt words made her eyes wet. “Thank you, Granddad.”

“Don't thank me. I hadn't agreed to your marriage with him yet!”

She then glanced at the fat cat and smiled. “But it does mean you approve of my relationship withAlexander, right?”

“Hmph! So what? You'll pick someone else when you realize he's not suited for you.” While Perrin had

allowed her to continue her relationship with Alexander, he still hadn't given up on introducing othermen to her.

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