Chapter 451

Sophia's office belonged to Alexander before he disappeared. She didn't touch anything in the room.The furniture remained the same, and his spare clothing was still in the wardrobe within the lounge.

It was the first time since Alexander vanished that Samuel visited Odyssey. In the past, he would oftencome to meet with Alexander. He was so familiar with the building that he could replace Alexander's officewith his eyes closed.

After he saw the picture, he immediately drove to the company. The receptionist was familiar with himand greeted him. No one blocked his path into the elevator and toward Alexander's office.

Steve was stunned for a moment when he saw Samuel before greeting him.

However, Samuel didn't seem to be in a good mood, as he didn't respond to anything Steve said. Hemerely waited in the office with a dark expression.

It was Steve's first time seeing Samuel like that, so he immediately notified Felix about the matter.

Felix understood Samuel somewhat, so he couldn't help but make a few comments when informingSophia of Samuel's arrival.

Many people in the circle loved watching any drama unfold. Hence, when the picture was posted, manypeople talked about it.

Felix believed in Sophia. However, Samuel had a one-track mind, so he wouldn't think much about thematter.

On their way there, Felix followed closely behind Sophia.

Before stepping into the office, she had already seen Samuel waiting inside. After Alexanderdisappeared, she only met Samuel twice. It was the first time Samuel visited Odyssey to meet her.

Judging from his expression, it would appear Samuel came to confront her.

Sophia stopped at the office entrance and glanced at Felix. "Please brew two cups of coffee for us, Mr.Lane."

Felix stared at her and nodded. "Will do, Ms. Yarrow."

With a grin, Sophia entered the room. "You're free today, Mr. Schild?"

The instant Samuel heard her voice, he stood from the couch and turned to her.

Before he arrived, he felt very complicated. There was a mixture of disappointment and anger swirlingin his heart. He thought about what to ask Sophia as he waited for her for over ten minutes.

However, when he finally met her face-to-face, he was at a loss for words.

Wordlessly, he peered at Sophia for seconds before questioning, "Are you really with another mannow?"

Sophia was aware of how awful Samuel felt after Alexander vanished. It's obvious how much he caresabout Alexander, considering he rushed over here. If I was the one who disappeared instead, and

Alexander found a new lover after only half a year, I think Katherine would probably confront Alexanderlike Samuel with me. I must say, I'm touched by how strong Samuel's bond with Alexander is. Still, thisdoesn't stop me from wanting to tease him.

When her train of thought ended there, she glanced at Samuel. "Do you have opinions about that?"

"Of course I—" Samuel interrupted himself and gritted his teeth. "Alex is still missing, so it's possiblehe's still alive. It's only been half a year. Have you really given up?"

"I haven't." Peering at him, she continued, "If I did, I wouldn't be here, now would I?"

Samuel was so enraged by Sophia's words that he almost couldn't speak. "If you haven't given up yet,tell me why you were spotted spending time with another man on a business trip. You said you loveAlex, but it's only been six months—"

At that moment, Felix entered the room with two cups of hot coffee and interrupted Samuel. "Ms.Yarrow, Mr. Schild."

Upon seeing Felix, Samuel was further infuriated. "You've followed Alexander for nearly ten years,Felix. Don't you have any thoughts on the matter?"

In response, Felix turned to Sophia, who shook her head at him with a grin. Therefore, he went alongwith her plan. "This is Ms. Yarrow's private matter, Mr. Schild. We don't have the right to interfere."

"You! It's only been six months-ish since Alexander disappeared. Have you really recognized a newmaster after such a short period?"

Sophia sipped her coffee. "You may leave first, Mr. Lane."

Then she turned to Samuel. "The coffee Mr. Lane brewed is pretty good, Mr. Schild. Don't you want togive it a try?"

Samuel stared at Sophia as though she had made his best friend a cuckold. Like heck, I do!Alexander's an idiot to give her Odyssey! I'm not saying she should wait for him for the rest of her life,but it's only been half a year. Can someone so deeply in love with another genuinely do such a thing?To think I was jealous of Alexander for replaceing a loving girlfriend in the past. Now that I think about it,this gives me goosebumps! Indeed, beautiful women are vicious!

The more he dwelled in his thoughts, the angrier he became.

In fact, he was incredibly tempted to hit her as he watched her act nonchalantly.

However, he wouldn't hit women, so he composed himself and spat coldly, "Yes, we don't have the rightto intervene with your private life, but Odyssey belongs to Alex. He gave it to you, so if I replace out you'reworking with an outsider to do something bad with it, I, Charles, and the others won't forgive you!"

Upon ending his sentence, he turned away with a scowl and left.

Sophia put her coffee down, watched Samuel reach the exit, and chuckled. "Have you seen the picturein detail, Mr. Schild?"

The instant Samuel heard that, he tightened his fists and exclaimed, "Don't force me to break my ruleof not hitting women, Sophia!"

"If you take a closer look at the picture, you should be able to tell that the man in the picture isAlexander."

Both of them spoke at nearly the same time. When Samuel realized what Sophia had said, he wasstunned.

The rage in his countenance dissipated. Seconds later, he turned around and gazed at Sophia, dazed."What do you mean by that, Sophia? Did you replace a substitute for Alex in another country? Don't youthink you've gone overboard with that?"

She was a little astonished when she heard that. With his rich imagination, it's a shame he isn't a writer.

Felix, who had been eavesdropping on the conversation outside the room, couldn't hold it back anylonger and pushed the door open. "What Ms. Yarrow means is that the person in the photo is Mr.Xenos."

Swiftly, he turned to Sophia apologetically. "I couldn't help it, Ms. Yarrow. If you keep hiding the truthfrom him, I'm worried he'll get so angry that he'll burst a vein."

Chuckling, Sophia waved her hand. "It's fine. I overestimated Mr. Schild." I can't believe he didn'tunderstand what I meant, even though I laid it out so clearly. Although, as dumb as Samuel is, I thinkhe should understand what Felix meant.

Immediately, Samuel pulled out his phone and examined the photo he had received during the morningagain.

He had to inspect the picture several times before realizing the man was Alexander.

"You're not lying to me, are you, Sophia?" he asked, stunned. How did she suddenly replace Alexander?

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