Chapter 465

By the time the episode regarding Cecily ended, Katherine and Joshua were already back from theirhoneymoon.

After the variety show was aired, news of their wedding was made official, and their relationship wasconfirmed.

Since Katherine's fanbase was primarily women, her followers increased after her wedding wasreported. Because of how well things had turned out, Jonice unprecedentedly allowed Katherine to takea break for twenty days for her honeymoon.

After the vacation ended, the couple arrived in Jadeborough late at night. Due to jet lag, Katherine slepttill four in the afternoon the following day before she headed out to meet Sophia.

Sophia had just finished a two-hour meeting when she came out of the conference room at four o'clock.

"Ms. Yarrow, you have a meeting with Ms. Quinn now," Felix said.

Sophia remembered the date, but the secretary reminded her nonetheless because she was alreadyrunning late.

Sophia rushed back to her office and grabbed the handbag she had bid for a few days ago beforedriving to the clubhouse.

"I'm sorry. I was at a meeting," Sophia apologized upon arrival just as Katherine was about to saysomething.

Over in the room, the actress yawned and glared at Sophia begrudgingly. "I can't believe you're late forthirty minutes."

Sophia smiled and passed her the bag she brought. "Take this as a token of apology."

Katherine's face lit up instantly. "I'll let you off the hook this time. What is this?" she asked with herbrows arched.

"Open it," Sophia urged, pouring a glass of water for herself.

Katherine glanced at her and unwrapped the present in excitement. She was stunned when she sawan Artemis Collection handbag from Arterius—one of the most-coveted limited edition handbags in theworld.

To build exclusivity, the company had it written in black and white that the model would not be mass-produced when it was first launched five years ago. To be precise, there were only ten thousand bagsof its kind worldwide.

Priced at a staggering eight hundred thousand, the only Artemis Collection handbags available in themarket then were all second-hand.

Even then, getting one's hands on it was extremely difficult. After all, people who bought those bags inthe first place lacked no money, so it was unlikely that they would sell the bags.

More than a year ago, Katherine had asked her friends to keep an eye out for potential sellers.Although someone in Salinsburgh was willing to sell at two million then, Katherine had no choice but to

put the idea on the back burner since she had not saved up enough.

A year passed when she finally had enough and was looking for a seller again. However, Sophia was astep ahead of her when she gave Katherine the surprise she had been dreaming of.

Elated, Katherine threw herself at her friend to hug her, but the latter blocked her off. Despite theunsuccessful attempt to hug Sophia, Katherine was still over the moon. "Soph! You can be late everytime we have a date from now on. You can even be late for an hour!"

"This is not happening again," Sophia said, smiling.

Katherine gazed at the bag in the box longingly until she finally put it away in a waterproof wrapping forfear of dirtying it. After she covered the box and put it back in the bag, she asked, "Where did you getthis from? I've been asking around for half a year but still couldn't get anyone to sell."

"I got it at an auction," Sophia stated, glancing at her from the corner of her eyes.

"Whoa, it must have cost more than two million, then."

"It's not my money, anyway," Sophia replied nonchalantly.

"Whose money is it?"

The generous buyer piqued her interest.

"Mr. Schild."

"Samuel Schild? Why did he buy you a bag?"

Katherine was confused.

Guessing that the busybody Katherine must have heard a thing or two about the Young family'sscandal, Sophia filled her in on everything that had transpired.

Upon listening to the whole story, Katherine said, "What's wrong with Samuel, by the way? You'reclearly not interested in dating anyone else right now, or you won't be working hard at Odyssey. Also,who is this Cecily Young? Why did she try to mess with you? I bet this is not her first time slanderingyou."

Sophia chuckled at her friend's conjecture. "Spot on."

Katherine was indignant to have her speculation about Cecily confirmed.

She could not believe that someone had the audacity to bully Sophia during her short absence of justtwenty days.

"What else did she do?"

"Well, nothing too serious. She posted something about me after that."

Given Sophia's meticulous nature, she had instructed Yvonne to run a background check on Cecily toreplace out what she had been up to.

Upon investigation, it was revealed that Cecily was connected to Bethany and had shared posts aimed

at smearing Sophia's reputation after her divorce from Alexander two years ago.

As Bethany's bosom friend, Cecily had been targeting Sophia even after Bethany passed on.

Despite Cecily's tenaciousness, Sophia was sure she would not have the guts to cross her again afterthe two scandals.

"Dang! I should've come back earlier!" Katherine raged.

Sophia raised her brows at her and put on a half-hearted smile. "Says the one who sent me photos ofher on her honeymoon daily. You were having fun, weren't you?"

Caught in the act of lying, Katherine clutched the bag and explained, "Well, I just wanted to share withyou..."

Sophia snorted. "Why, thank you."

The two chatted more about other things until Katherine brought up Claudius. Since she did not have achance to delve into the details when she was in Lightspring, Katherine asked for the full story fromSophia now that they met in person.

As she requested, Sophia spared her no details.

Sophia smiled rigidly when she was asked about Claudius' fiancée and said, "Mdm. Lenoir said theywould nullify the engagement."

Feeling guilty under Sophia's piercing gaze, Katherine looked away and put a cherry in her mouth.

"Well, she isn't that bad for a mother after all."

Sophia smiled without addressing that comment while Katherine munched her cherry.

After swallowing it, Katherine thought of another question. "So does that mean she knew aboutAlexander two years ago but only went to replace him half a year ago?"

"She was diagnosed with cancer," Sophia revealed.

"But she doesn't look sick at all," Katherine commented, astonished.

Sophia sat back on the couch and pressed her temples. "She probably didn't go for chemo."

A proud woman like her probably doesn't want to look all haggard. Besides, this is the second relapse.With the current technology, she will only get to live for a few more months at best, so it's better thatshe lives the rest of her life peacefully doing the things she likes.

"I see." Katherine nodded.

After talking for about an hour, the two women went to a new restaurant nearby for dinner at six.

Since Katherine had taken a long break, she would have to start shooting again in two days after herreturn, so Joshua picked her up right after she finished dinner.

Behind them, Sophia stood at the restaurant entrance as she watched the couple walk away. After along while, she finally turned and took the elevator to the underground parking.

She missed Alexander.

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