Chapter 485

Sophia glanced at Madeline before opening the box in the briefcase. To her surprise, a set of emeraldjewelry lay neatly inside.

As someone who had seen a lot in her life, Sophia had had many people shower her with gifts,especially when they wanted to secure Sunshine Group's investment.

However, due to her somewhat mysterious profile in the company, no one could ever replace out her likesand dislikes. As a result, the gifts she received were plenty but varied.

Even the fake vase that had once turned Megan's family topsy-turvy was accidentally acquired bySophia. After all, it was impossible to get out of socializing, so why not collect some antiques that mightbe put to good use in the future.

Later, after acknowledging the Dawsons as her maternal family, Sophia's collection grew even more.As it turned out, Penelope's hobbies during her younger days were making money and accumulating allkinds of antiques. She acquired so many of them that the small villa next to the Dawson residence wasbrimming with her impressive collection.

Since Lukas was a public official, the Dawsons needed to keep a low profile. Sophia, however, was abusinesswoman and could always use an antique or two as decorative pieces. Therefore, Perrinhandpicked several items the year before and gifted them to Sophia.

Anyone with a bit of understanding and knowledge of antiques would know that the set of emeraldjewelry was far from ordinary. Needless to say, Sophia could tell from the detailed sculpting alone thatthe jewelry items were vintage and worth a small fortune.

Madeline glanced at Sophia and explained, "When Mdm. Rose went abroad, the only thing she tookwith her was this set of emerald jewelry, which also happened to be Old Mrs. Lenoir's wedding gift.Before the Lenoir family went bankrupt, someone had offered Old Mrs. Lenoir more than eighty millionfor the jewelry set. However, she rejected them because she intended to pass the jewelry down toMdm. Rose. Later, when the Lenoir family got into trouble, Old Mrs. Lenoir did consider selling the setcheap to get themselves out of the financial hole. Sadly, the debt was far too much, and Old Mr. Lenoirhad killed himself before anything could be done. As such, Mdm. Rose and Old Mrs. Lenoir left thecountry with nothing but this wedding gift of hers."

After a pause, Madeline continued, "A few days ago, Mdm. Rose instructed me to gift the jewelry toyou. She knows you aren't short of money or antiques, but she still wanted you to have it. I hope youwon't reject her kind offer, Ms. Yarrow."

Naturally, there was no way Sophia could bring herself to turn down such a heartfelt gesture.

In fact, if Rose hadn't passed away, she'd have waited until Claudius and Sophia's wedding day to givethe latter the jewelry set in person.

Alas, that opportunity was gone. She didn't even have the energy to speak before she breathed herlast, so she could only trust Madeline to pass the message on to Sophia.

Sophia closed the box and met Madeline's gaze. "Thank you, Ms. Zobek. I love this gift."

"That's good to hear, Ms. Yarrow," Madeline replied, her lips curled into a smile.

She had served Rose faithfully for over two decades, and now that the latter was gone, she seemed to

have aged ten years in a matter of days.

"I'll be busy tomorrow, so I won't be able to see you off, Ms. Yarrow. Have a safe trip. Goodbye untilnext time."


Having seen Madeline off, Sophia stared wistfully at the box in her hands before walking back into herroom.

When Claudius returned that night, Sophia wasted no time showing him the emerald jewelry set. "Look.Mdm. Lenoir entrusted Ms. Zobek to give this to me."

"Oh. This was originally intended for Yasmin."

Upon hearing the man, Sophia arched a brow. "If I hadn't followed you in the casino that fateful day,would you and Yasmin be married by now?"

I wouldn't be surprised if that were the case... After all, the Lenoir and Lawre families have a strongalliance, and Yasmin does seem to like Claudius a lot. Besides, Rose's condition was deteriorating soquickly that both families might have considered bringing Yasmin and Claudius' wedding forward.

Claudius lifted his head and stared solemnly at Sophia. "I won't marry Yasmin."

Even before Sophia appeared, I had never once thought about marrying Yasmin. Why would I when Idon't even like her? I had known this since I was a kid, for goodness' sake...

Sophia couldn't help but chuckle. After closing the jewelry box, she carefully placed it back into thebriefcase and locked it. "Well, don't be so sure of yourself," she said teasingly, eyelashes fluttering asshe turned her attention back to Claudius.

Feeling his heart skip a beat, Claudius approached Sophia and pulled her onto the bed. "I don'tremember what Alexander Xenos was like, but I, Claudius Lenoir, will never marry someone I don'tlike."

After a pause and seemingly knowing what Sophia was worried about, he added, "Not even my parentswill be able to force me into it."

Moreover, I really don't have any romantic feelings for Yasmin...

Sophia looped her arms around the man's neck and smiled. "You won't marry someone you don't like,but what about those you like?"

"I won't like anyone else."

In all honesty, Sophia was only joking. She wasn't the kind to get hung up on things that weren't withinher control. Alexander had already lost his memory, so there was a chance of him falling in love withsomeone else if they hadn't reunited.

After all, it wasn't surprising for anyone to fall in love several times in their lifetime.

Similarly, if Sophia hadn't met Alexander first, who was to say she wouldn't have married another man?

Despite that, Claudius remained very serious as he stared into Sophia's eyes.

The latter felt herself blushing from the close contact and promptly loosened her arms around Claudius'neck. Even though she went on to give his shoulder a nudge, it wasn't enough to make him budge.

Claudius lowered his head to glance at her. "When I look at you, I feel something that no one else hasever made me feel."

If it had been some other woman that night, I wouldn't have bothered to look at them. Bruce and therest have tried setting me up with plenty of women before, but I've never taken a liking to any of them.Even when I first caught Sophia staring at me in the casino, I genuinely thought she was just anotherwoman sent by Bruce. However, I was overwhelmed by an indescribable feeling when I finally met hergaze... It was as though there was something magical about her that drew me in, so much so that Icouldn't help but follow her to the restroom. Yes. I had willingly walked into her "trap" that night, andwhat a beautiful trap it was.

"Oh? And what does that feel like?" Sophia asked smilingly.

"It makes me want to kiss and hug you," Claudius replied, straightforward and confident.

With that, Sophia looked down at Claudius' chin before suddenly leaning in to kiss him on his lips. "Likethis?"

Instead of replying, Claudius decided to let his actions do the talking.

Sophia's kiss might have been soft and gentle, but Claudius didn't hold his back. He kissed with suchintensity that it left her giddy with arousal.

At one point, Sophia couldn't help but moan and grab Claudius' arm.

Before long, the quiet room was filled with the sounds of their gasps and heavy breathing...

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