Chapter 487

"I'm pregnant!"

Although Sophia had already guessed that, she was still slightly shocked when she heard Katherineactually uttering those words. "How far along are you?"

"Fourteen weeks."

Sophia smiled. "Congratulations! You're about to be a mom!"

Katherine caressed her belly. "Time really flies, doesn't it, Soph? Lately, I keep recalling the time whenwe used to play billiards together after school. It feels as if we just graduated not that long ago, and yet,it's been more than half a year since Joshua and I got married. I'm even pregnant with his child now."

She covered her face with her hands as she went on, "Gosh, this feels like a dream."

Reminiscing about the past, Sophia began to feel rather nostalgic as well.

"Indeed, it does feel like a dream," she agreed with a sigh. "So, are you planning to make it public?"

Katherine pouted. "No way. Those people are much too terrifying. If my child has to be under theirscrutiny from the moment they're born, wouldn't that be the same as being imprisoned for life?"

Even though Katherine was usually a little slow, she could be quite smart at times as well.

Craving the spotlight, she had aspired to become a star ever since she was a child. Since she waslittle, she had always admired Sophia and Joshua. From elementary school to high school, those two

were the role models of their peers, their excellence unparalleled.

Katherine knew on a deep level that it was unlikely she would ever be as brilliant as them in terms ofacademics. Fortunately, her mother, whom she had never met before, had blessed her with anattractive face. Thus, it occurred to Katherine that she could work toward becoming a celebrity.

However, after she successfully became one, she realized it was not all sunshine and rainbows like shehad expected.

Katherine was considered one of the lucky ones among those who had entered the entertainmentindustry, as she had Sophia and Joshua protecting her at all times. Although she still suffered quite afew grievances, she never had to worry about being bullied.

Nonetheless, Katherine sometimes still felt rather sick of being in the entertainment industry, especiallyduring the time that she and Joshua had not yet made their relationship public. Back then, she felt asthough they were filming a spy film whenever they went on a date.

It did feel quite fun and exciting in the beginning, but after some time, it became mentally and physicallydraining. Unfortunately, the paparazzi would not stop coming after them.

Katherine did not want her child to grow up under such trauma. She considered herself a mediocreperson and had no hopes that her child would grow up to be extraordinary. All she hoped for her childwas that they would grow up in a healthy and loving family and have a more pleasant childhood thanshe and Joshua did.

Sophia took away Katherine's cup of coffee and poured her a glass of plain water instead. "You shoulddrink less coffee now that you're pregnant."

Katherine was not a fan of coffee anyway, so she had no objections to that.

"How long is the leave that Jonice arranged for you?" asked Sophia.

"Only three months!" Katherine answered in a slightly dissatisfied tone.

Sophia could not help but chuckle. "Isn't that more than enough? Or would you rather take an entireyear's leave and announce to the world that you're going off to give birth to a baby?"

"Well, she could at least have given me half a year off!"

Sophia thought for a moment. "Don't worry. Jonice has always been kind toward you. I'm sure shewould give you more than just three months off when the time comes."

After some thought, Katherine figured Sophia had a point.

After all, Jonice had been her manager for almost ten years. Although she was usually rather stern, shewould always be the most anxious one whenever something happened to Katherine.

At this thought, Katherine instantly felt warmth spreading through her heart.

Just then, the waiter arrived with a cart of food.

Katherine had only just gotten pregnant, but unlike other pregnant ladies, her appetite was as good as


Now that she did not have to control her weight anymore, she ate even more unrestrainedly, barelysaying a few words as she ate.

Worried that she might feel sick with so much food, Sophia finally stopped her. "All right, that's enough.Don't overeat."

Katherine looked at the specialty grilled pork tenderloin and pretended to sob. "Can't I just have onemore bite? Just one, please?"

Of course, Sophia did not fall for the act. "Here, just have some soup."

She had specially asked the waiter to switch their order to this particular soup, as it was more nutritiousfor pregnant ladies.

By the time they finished their meal, it was already seven o'clock at night. Katherine wanted to dragSophia to go shopping with her, but the latter rejected her flatly, "I don't have your level of energy."

Katherine knew that Sophia had just had a long flight. Therefore, although she was a little disappointedby Sophia's response, she did not try to persuade her further.

Sophia tugged Katherine's arm. "Will you stand straight? Or are your legs too weak to walk now?"

There were many passersby at the entrance of Mirage, but Katherine was not embarrassed at all asshe swung Sophia's hand, whining, "Don't you like me anymore, Soph?"

Sophia soon began to feel dizzy all that swinging and shaking. Fortunately, she soon spotted Joshua'scar.

"Considering how much you love acting, I think three months' leave might be too long for you," shesuggested meaningfully.

Hearing that, Katherine immediately quit her whining and stood straight obediently.

By then, Joshua had already crossed the road and was heading toward them. "Kath."

The man's stony expression instantly softened when he saw Katherine.

Sophia nodded at Joshua, then turned to Katherine. "All right. Joshua's here for you."

Katherine went to Joshua and burrowed into his embrace. "Do you want a lift, Soph?"

Sophia glanced at them. "No, thanks."

She was not in the mood to deal with them being all lovey-dovey today.

Katherine wanted to say something else, but her view was soon covered by Joshua's hat as helowered his head toward hers.

Sophia waved and turned around, heading toward the parking lot.

Yvonne had returned to the office, and the driver was waiting for Katherine in the car.

Seeing Sophia entering the car, the driver passed her a bottle of water, but Sophia smiled and shookher head, stating, "It's fine. Please send me back to the mansion."

"Sure, Ms. Yarrow."

The time was approaching eight at night, and the sky had darkened. Sophia turned her head sidewaysand gazed at the scenery outside, then she took out her phone to have a look.

It was already three in the morning where Claudius was, but she still had not received a reply from him.

Perhaps he's fallen asleep.

She was utterly drained. Leaning against the car window, she closed her eyes and eventually drifted offto sleep herself.

Twenty minutes later, the car parked in the compound of the mansion.

The driver called Sophia but received no response from her. He immediately turned around to check onher, only to realize that she had fallen asleep.

"Ms. Yarrow?" he tried calling her name a couple more times.

After a while, Sophia finally stirred. Opening her eyes, she realized that they had arrived at themansion.

"We're here, Ms. Yarrow."

Sophia nodded, massaging her temples. "All right, thank you for your hard work. Go on and get offwork."

As she spoke, she opened the car door and alighted from the vehicle.

The mansion looked exactly like how she left it. She called out to Genie, "Prepare me a hot bath."

"Yes, Master."

Sophia then took a hot bath, feeling much more refreshed than before at the end of it.

Massaging the back of her neck, she headed toward the study and went through her mail. It was not tillalmost one in the morning that she started to feel the drowsiness seeping in.

The flight that lasted almost fifteen hours was indeed exhausting. She fell into a deep slumber almostas soon as her head touched her pillow.

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