Being Pursued By Ex-husband -
Chapter 515
Chapter 515
As it had been a sunny couple of days, Perrin felt sorry for Sophia, so he refused her help and relied onhis cane instead.
John walked beside him with an umbrella while Sophia followed behind with Kylie.
Sophia did not know Forest Bank Village well, so there was not much information she could furnishPerrin with.
Perrin, on his part, did not look as though he needed Sophia to. His purpose in coming was to visit theplace his daughter was raised in.
He had braced himself for the trip. Though the town was not as developed as Doveston, there werebuildings, convenient transportation, and completed buildings; Forest Bank Village was still a village,and it was expected not to be as developed.
However, Perrin did not expect the differences to be that vast.
He gazed at the derelict houses on both sides and the shabby road, unable to imagine what the Sharpfamily was like.
Though Sophia did not explicitly tell him, he had the feeling that they were not kind to Rachel. If not forher gratitude, the Sharp family would have moved out of the village and into the city.
Perrin felt conflicted. I can't believe my darling daughter was sold to such a place.
As Sophia and the group passed, Jasper, who had recognized her, lost interest in his game. Leaping
up with excitement, he flung his excellent hand onto the table and went after them, deaf to the cries ofhis fellow bums without even sparing them a backward glance.
Sophia frowned upon hearing her name. Kylie caught sight of the young man who had suddenlyappeared. She did not look too pleased. “Who are you? We don't know you.”
The young man had been regarding Sophia with a gaze that was overtly offensive, so Kylie stoodbefore her to block her from view.
Jasper got a shock when he got a closer look at Sophia. The sweet girl I knew had grown into such abeauty! Those b*stards are going to be green with envy if I bring her home as my wife.
Jasper assumed Kylie, who was standing before Sophia, to be Rachel; Delilah did not inform the Sharpfamily about Rachel's death. Even if she did, the news would not make waves in the Sharp family.
Since Rachel married Sophia's father, who lived off her, she no longer sent money back home. In thebeginning, they managed to get Rachel to send them some money by concocting the excuse of Delilahand her husband falling ill, but six months later, possibly due to seeing through their intentions, Rachelstopped sending them money. Aside from seeing them during the holidays, she had largely cut ties withthem.
Jasper giggled. “It's me, Aunt Rachel! Jasper, your nephew! We haven't met in many years, so youmay not recognize me, but I remember Sophia. She's still as beautiful as she used to be.”
As soon as Jasper spoke, a pain shot up his leg—Perrin had swung his cane against the former's shin.
“Ah! Who the f*ck struck me?”
Hugging his left foot, Jasper hopped away, and when he saw that it was Perrin, gritted his teeth andyelled, “Why did you hit me, d*mn old man?”
Sophia scowled when she heard that. With a deft flick of her foot, she flipped a pebble up, caught it,and hurled it into Jasper's mouth while he was distracted.
Sophia flung it hard. The pebble flew into his mouth, striking his front teeth so hard that they cameloose.
“Who threw that? Step forward, you piece of—”
Before he finished speaking, another pebble found its way into his mouth.
This time, it struck his bottom teeth. Jasper clapped a hand over his mouth. He gazed around andfound the few of them glaring at him.
Then, Sophia stepped out from behind Kylie. “I don't know you. I am an only daughter, and my motherhas one brother. I only have one cousin.”
“Your name is Sophia, is it not?” Jasper blubbered, his hand still over his mouth.
As he was covering his mouth while he spoke, his words came out slurred.
Sophia did not respond. “I'm going to call the cops if you follow us again.”
Jasper chuckled. Given the size of this place, I know all of them. Call the cops? Is she joking?
However, the pain in his teeth was unbearable. Jasper glanced at them, then decided to first get histeeth looked at before seeing Sophia again.
Sophia hasn't been back for over ten years. She must be here for us.
It was plain that Jasper thought too highly of himself.
Even after he disappeared from sight, Perrin's expression remained cold.
Looking away, Sophia turned her gaze to Perrin and smiled. “Are you all right, Granddad?”
“Is he one of the Sharp family members?”
Sophia nodded, not intending to keep anything from Perrin. “He is Rupert's eldest son, and he's a yearolder than me. Rupert has another son who is three years my junior.”
Perrin scoffed. “Scum of society.”
“Don't get worked up over people like that, Granddad. I've stood up for us, haven't I?”
Perrin finally smiled at the recollection of Sophia's maneuver, as did Kylie. “You're just like yourbrother.”
Both of them are no pushovers.
Sophia was abashed. “He was uncouth.”
Thus, I'm forced to replace a way to shut him up.
Uncharacteristically, Perrin voiced his approval. “Well done!”
With a grin, Sophia changed the subject. “It's late, Granddad. Let's replace someplace to have lunch.”
It was indeed getting late. Sophia did not know the place well, but she spotted a small restaurant in thedistance. Perrin's leg pained him, and he did not wish to walk any further, so they decided to have ameal.
The dilapidated restaurant had never seen such esteemed visitors; the owner of the eatery wasmomentarily stunned when the group filed in. “Are you here for a meal, sir?”
John answered, “We are, sir. Please get us a table.”
The owner was tactful. Noticing that they were no common customers, he quickly ordered his wife toclear them a table with more care than they usually did, then arrived before them with a pen and anotepad. “There's nothing much we can serve you with from a place as small as ours, sir. If you don'tmind, allow me to make some recommendations on our local cuisine.”
Then, he added, “It's what we serve guests during the festivities. Though not as good as what city folkseat, it's at least a novel experience.”
“You decide, Granddad.”
“I'm happy having anything.”
Since the others were agreeable, Perrin nodded.
After Jasper had had his teeth checked out, he dashed through his house. “Where's Sophia,Grandma?” he yelled, bursting through the door.
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