Chapter 560

When Katherine was finally discharged from the hospital, Sophia surprised her with a bouquet of roses.

Just yesterday, she had been so annoyed at Sophia for tempting her with garlic butter prawns that shehad planned to ignore her friend for three days straight. However, after seeing the delightful bundle ofred roses, she knew she couldn't stay mad anymore.

Since it was the third day, Lewinn's wrinkled skin had smoothened out a lot, making him look sodelicate and angelic that Katherine no longer found him an eyesore.

Despite having just given birth, Katherine didn't head to the postpartum care center. In fact, when herpregnancy was first confirmed, Joshua had hired two of the most highly rated postpartum caregiversand a nutritionist to provide the best in-home care. That said, the mansion only had two sparehousekeeper rooms, so he was worried about the living arrangements being somewhat cramped.

Eventually, Joshua arranged for both caregivers to share a room and even gave each of them anadditional five thousand per month as accommodation fees. Needless to say, the ladies were morethan happy to accept the arrangement.

It wasn't Sophia's first time at Katherine and Joshua's riverside mansion, but even so, she couldn't getover how magnificent the views were from the second floor.

Well, well, well. Katherine sure knows how to enjoy life, huh?

Sophia turned and smiled at Alexander. “Stay and chat with Joshua, will you? I'll accompany Kath toher room for a while.”

“Sure,” Alexander replied before letting go of the woman's hand.

Lewinn had already been fed before leaving the hospital, and with the two postpartum caregiverswatching over him as he slept, there was simply no need for Katherine or Joshua to be around.

Joshua promptly poured Alexander a cup of coffee, but since both men didn't know each other well andweren't exactly chatty, silence soon befell the living room.

Thankfully, the two of them had long gotten used to sitting in comfortable silence, and neither seemedto want to break the status quo.

Sophia and Katherine, on the other hand, were the complete opposite of their partners. Katherine hadalways been a chatterbox, and being cooped up in the hospital for five days had nearly driven her stir-crazy. Joshua would dutifully listen to her rattle on about the latest gossip, but as someone who wasn'tfond of tittle-tattle, his reactions were never as animated as Sophia's.

Before her pregnancy, Katherine had had times when she had to go through long working days withlittle to no sleep. After she got pregnant, however, Joshua treated her like a queen, ensuring she got allthe rest and food she needed.

The days after giving birth were no exception, either. Katherine had slept so much in the hospital thatshe had experienced insomnia the night before, prompting Joshua to take pity on her and gave herphone.

Although she had had the phone for thirty minutes, it was enough for her to dig out some juicy gossip.

She had kept the news to herself the entire morning, and now that Alexander was finally out of sight,she pulled Sophia excitedly to her. “Soph, I caught wind of a gossip last night!”

Sophia stopped paring her apple and glanced at her friend lounging on a couch. “When do you nothave gossip to share?”

The entertainment industry was rife with scandals, and Katherine, as an actress, usually had access tothe latest news in the circle. There was even a small private chat group where she and her fellowactresses would share all sorts of rumors daily.

Of course, everyone was sensible and knew better than to spread the gossip to anyone outside theirsocial circle. After all, the news they had was usually very credible and accurate.

Sophia was nowhere as nosy as Katherine, but even she had to admit the gossip shared couldsometimes be hilarious and entertaining.

“No. This one's different! We know the person involved in it.”

“We do? Who?” Sophia asked, raising a brow.

“Bethany White!”

For a moment, Sophia was stunned. Oh, my. It has been two years since I last heard that name... Ihave almost forgotten about her!

She looked up and shot her friend an amused look. “What's the news?”

Ha! I'm sure it can't be anything good.

“Word has it that Bethany's entering the entertainment industry soon! I don't know the details, but shesomehow hooked up with Mr. Loubethon from Planetary Media.”

The name Renard Loubethon was familiar to Sophia. After all, Specter Entertainment and PlanetaryMedia had had several collaborations in the past.

From what she knew of the man, she didn't think he'd have such poor taste in women. “Renard is betterthan that. He wouldn't go for someone like Bethany.”

“I'm not talking about Renard Loubethon. It's Zaynard Loubethon.”

Upon hearing that, Sophia clicked her tongue. “Well, don't lump them together! Those two men arepoles apart.”

“But they're both Loubethons and from Planetary Media,” Katherine replied with a sheepish smile.

Sophia couldn't help but wince at that. Renard and Zaynard are like night and day, for goodness' sake!Renard's the rightful successor of Planetary Media, while Zaynard's just a glorified manager. Theirgrandfather, Rafael Loubethon, must've been off his rocker when he assigned a top managementposition to Zaynard. Well, the Loubethon family sure has its fair share of drama... Zaynard is theillegitimate son of Renard's father, which makes him and Renard paternal half-brothers. Theirpersonalities couldn't be more different. Zaynard has never been one of the good guys. He even triedhitting on Katherine when she first joined the entertainment industry. If I hadn't gotten Yvonne to contacthim and drop him a warning, who knows what he'd have continued to do to Katherine? Well, I can't sayI'm surprised that Bethany has gotten involved with a man like him...

Upon seeing how disinterested Sophia was, Katherine continued, “That's not the best part of the news!It turns out that Bethany gave birth to Zaynard's son about eight months ago, and Old Mr. Loubethoncouldn't be happier! Zaynard finally seems to be settling down after playing the field for so many years.Since the Loubethons aren't in Jadeborough, the Whites told everyone that Bethany went abroad tofurther her studies. The Loubethons didn't dig deep into the Whites' family history either. After all, OldMr. Loubethon is excited to have a great-grandchild, and he's willing to overlook the fact that the Whitefamily isn't as reputable and prestigious as theirs. He's planning on welcoming Bethany into the family.”

“Now, that's interesting...” Sophia muttered.

I guess Bethany has finally fulfilled her dream of marrying into a wealthy family. The Loubethon familyis just as illustrious as the Xenos family, and even though Zaynard's an illegitimate child, Old Mr.Loubethon doesn't treat him any differently. Why else would he give him a name that rhymes withRenard's? In other words, whether Zaynard's mother likes it or not, her son has been formally acceptedinto the Loubethon family. Old Mr. Loubethon has now even allowed Bethany to marry Zaynard for thesake of his great-grandchild... My, my. The White family has shot up the social ladder overnight, huh?

“Bethany wanted to break into the entertainment industry, so the Loubethons gave her all the financialhelp she needed. It's clear they're determined to make her the next A-list actress,” Katherine scoffed asshe glanced at Sophia. “However, that's not all. I heard Bethany has become a lot more arrogant sincereturning from abroad. It's only been two months, but she's made life hell for all the actors andactresses who accidentally offended her in the past.”

Sophia curled her lips into a smile. “Okay. What are you getting at?”

Knowing her friend had seen through her, Katherine couldn't help but chuckle. “I have a nagging feeling

that Bethany will soon be flaunting her newfound wealth and status to you.”

Sophia stuffed an apple slice into Katherine's mouth. “Let her be.”

She can flaunt all she wants, but she'll never be wealthier than me.

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