Being Pursued By Ex-husband -
Chapter 584
Chapter 584
No one spoke in the car. Charlize held the roses and stared out the window, deep in thought.
Glancing at her, Charles felt upset. He felt a compelling desire to go back and fight Spencer.
Charles was nearly a decade older than Charlize and was already studying in elementary school by thetime the latter was born. He knew he was getting a sibling before she was even born, but he didn't wanta little brother, for Justin's naughty and annoying little brother left a bad impression on him.
Hence, Charles prayed every day before Charlize was born, hoping his younger sibling would be a girl.
Then, when he returned home from school one day, his father told him his mother had given birth to agirl.
Overjoyed, he leaped into the air in excitement and was so happy that he didn't even feel the painwhen he fell. He still remembered how he gazed at his tiny baby sister through a glass window afterarriving at the hospital with his father. Charlize was sleeping soundly in the crib, her skin soft and fair,completely unlike how Justin's noisy little brother acted when he was born.
Charles was the only one who had a little sister within his group of friends. The first thing Charles didevery day upon reaching home after school was to talk to his baby sister.
He loved bringing Charlize to Justin's place for play dates on weekends after Charlize was old enoughto walk and run.
At that point in time, Justin's little brother was at an annoying age while Charlize had always been
obedient and adorable since birth. Hence, Justin was incredibly jealous of Charles for having a lovablebaby sister.
Charlize, too, loved following Charles around since childhood. In fact, Charles was so worried aboutCharlize during her first day of kindergarten that he took a day off to wait at the entrance of thekindergarten, watching over his baby sister. His parents claimed that he doted on Charlize too much,causing her to get used to relying on him from childhood to adulthood.
Charles didn't mind Charlize depending on him since she was his little sister. In his opinion, it was okayfor girls to show weakness and be vulnerable. Moreover, he was fiercely protective of her and vowed tonot let anyone harm her.
More than twenty years passed in the blink of an eye. Charlize slowly became independent afterattending university and stopped relying on her big brother once she started working. She no longerneeded his help as much as she did in the past, which actually caused Charles to feel rather upset anddispirited.
As soon as he accepted the fact that Charlize had grown to become an independent adult, Spencercame into the picture and took her away from him.
The thought that Charlize would get married someday never occurred to Charles after he spent yearstaking Charlize under his wing. He didn't think it would happen so fast, and he felt horrible uponconsidering that possibility.
Meanwhile, Charlize had no idea what was going on in her brother's mind. Instead, she was stillthinking about Spencer's words. As far as I remember, the first time I met Spencer was back when Ijust entered university. He was our senior and gave a speech on stage during the opening day. I woke
up late and rushed to the hall, but I ended up entering through the wrong door and bumped into him. Iwas startled by the cold look on his face as soon as I lifted my head to apologize, but I was surprisedwhen he helped me up and asked if I was okay before I could say anything. Honestly, I was prepared tobe scolded, but surprisingly, he showed concern toward me. I thought he was a nice guy. The secondtime I met him was during a class. Our lecturer returned home to attend to an urgent matter, andSpencer was our substitute teacher for that class. That day, I just so happened to be late, so I thought Ihad gone to the wrong classroom when I saw him there. He was wearing a white sweater that day andhe coldly assured me that I didn't go to the wrong room. Everyone in the class laughed as I scurriedinto the classroom in embarrassment. I asked my classmates and learned he was there as thesubstitute teacher because he was the lecturer's favorite student, a senior three years older than me.Back then, I didn't have any special feelings for him. He was just a handsome and aloof senior to me. Igrew up surrounded by attractive men and women, so I didn't replace him that attractive.
The edges of her lips curved upward faintly. The first time I had feelings for him was during a weekend.Instead of returning home, I stayed on campus, which turned out to be a terrible choice because myperiod had just arrived. When I was a child, I loved relying on Charles. However, after I grew up, Ilearned to become independent upon realizing people saw that as a sign of weakness. I disliked askingothers for help when I was attending university due to what happened in high school. My period painwas tormenting that day, but it wasn't so overwhelming I couldn't visit the infirmary. However, thesweltering weather and the pain were too great for me to endure, and I couldn't even walk twokilometers to the infirmary. Just as I was about to faint, Spencer suddenly appeared. He stood beforeme, aloof as ever, and asked me if I was okay. Usually, I wouldn't have dared to trouble him, but thatday, I was in so much pain that I just nodded. Just as my vision blurred and I was about to collapse,Spencer carried me in his arms, preventing me from falling. Jadeborough in July was like an oven, andthat day was particularly blistering. The scorching sunlight blurred my vision. I don't know if anyonenoticed us when he carried me to the infirmary, but I do remember opening my eyes from time to timeand seeing the frown on his face. That fateful day, he sent me to the infirmary and kept me company as
I received a pain-relief injection before sending me back to my dorm.
Her heart began racing as she continued recalling every single detail about Spencer in her memories.Before I went upstairs, I saw the red stain on his white shirt and his jacket. I wanted to offer himcompensation, but he left quickly. Hence, I didn't have a chance to say anything. Later on, when I sawSpencer again, he wore the same white shirt and jacket. Although, the spot tainted by my blood hadalready been cleaned. Due to my family background and appearance, I have been at the receiving endof many acts of kindness since I was a kid, both genuine and fake. Back when I was in high school, Icould never figure out if someone was being sincere or not, resulting in complicated and unresolvablesituations. I've never met someone like Spencer before. Despite his aloof and arrogant demeanor, heoften fed stray cats on campus every week. On rainy days, he would offer me his umbrella and didn'tmind getting drenched in the rain. When he caught people cheating during exams, he always showedleniency and never submitted their names to the lecturer. Even though he looked aloof andunapproachable, he would eat the snacks or sweets I shared with him. He seems nice but unfriendly atthe same time, which is unlike anyone I met before. Despite all that, I still fell for him. That all happenedduring my second year in university, yet Spencer told me he knew me a decade ago. Charles evenseemed to know what he was talking about...
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