Chapter 605

Spencer didn’t realize how much time women typically took to get ready, but Charlize knew exactly howlong she would need.

Although there was still over an hour left, it might not be enough time if she wanted to dress up nicely.

Luckily, Juliette had hired an excellent makeup artist. After Charlize went through the events of themorning and took a nap, her makeup was somewhat worn but still fixable. She didn’t have to removeeverything and start from scratch.

Charlize spent over ten minutes reapplying her makeup, but she had to undo her hairstyle and redo itto get it just right.

Fortunately, during her university days, Molly and the others used to enjoy braiding her hair. Naturally,Charlize had learned how to braid from them, so it wasn’t a difficult task for her. However, she hadn’tbraided her hair formally in years, which made it take over half an hour to get her hair lookingpresentable.

As a bridesmaid, Charlize had brought along her own makeup and beauty products. However, shehadn’t packed any hairspray, and without it, she felt that her hairstyle, though nicely braided, didn’t lookas pretty as she had hoped.

To her surprise, the hotel had men’s hairspray available. Charlize used it, and it worked wonders.

It was past seven when she was finally done.

Charlize quickly changed into her shoes and put on her earrings. “We’re going to be late, Spencer.”

She sounded really anxious.

Glancing at his watch, Spencer stood up from the couch. As she hurried over, Charlize accidentallystepped on the hem of her dress, causing her to lose balance. Quickly, he reached out and steadiedher.

Charlize fell into his arms.

“Be careful.”

Charlize pulled at the hem of her dress as her cheeks turned pink. “Mm.”

Juliette’s wedding was undeniably grand as she was said to have spent one hundred thousand on thedecorations alone.

There were a total of twenty tables, each accommodating ten guests. The hall was spacious, with thetables set at a considerable distance from each other.

Spencer and Charlize were assigned to sit at the same table. However, as Charlize was thebridesmaid, she needed to accompany the bride during her entrance. Hence, they went their separateways after entering the hall.

As Charlize’s boyfriend, Spencer was naturally seated at the best friends’ table under Juliette’sarrangement, which was placed close to the main table. The adjacent table was reserved for the bride’sclose relatives.

Charlize arrived late, so when both Molly and Shanny gave her an amused look without sayinganything, she began to feel guilty.

She then realized she hadn’t done anything that warranted her to feel guilty as all she did was take anafternoon nap.

There were a total of five bridesmaids, including Charlize, Molly, and Shanny, as well as a childhoodfriend of Juliette and Juliette’s cousin. Additionally, there were five groomsmen. Including the bride andgroom, there were six pairs in total.

Following local customs, they needed to have even numbers for the bridal procession as it wasconsidered an auspicious sign.

Before the bride and groom made their entrance, the bridesmaids and groomsmen were assigned thetask of scattering flower petals along both sides of the red carpet.

Charlize, with her fair skin and stunning appearance, was positioned at the very front, right in front ofthe stage by the wedding photographer.

Her good looks would undoubtedly make her a valuable addition to the wedding video.

From her vantage point, Charlize could see Spencer seated diagonally across from her. They might bearound eight meters apart, but Spencer’s gaze was fixed on her.

Charlize met his intense stare as she tightened her grip on the flower basket.

Oh, I feel shy. What should I do?

During the morning’s events, some guests had already noticed Charlize. She was the prettiestbridesmaid, though her looks were not strikingly beautiful. Instead, she had an endearing charm, akinto an adorable next-door neighbor.

Her appearance appealed to people of all ages, and even if they didn’t particularly like her, theywouldn’t grow to hate her.

As Charlize had left with Spencer that afternoon, some guests inquired and found out she had aboyfriend. Upon learning this, they stopped entertaining any hopes about her being available.

However, the bride’s family didn’t seem to know about that. After sending Charlize off this morning,they didn’t follow the bridal procession to the groom’s place and instead remained at the bride’s placefor a quick bite.

Consequently, most of the bride’s relatives were aware of the presence of a pretty bridesmaid, but theyhad no knowledge of her having a boyfriend.

Coincidentally, Juliette had two male cousins who were still single. One was twenty-eight years old,while the other was thirty. Both were fair-skinned, tall, and slender. They were absent during themorning’s events but happened to be seated at the relatives’ table during the wedding banquet thatevening.

Naturally, their parents were with them.

Juliette was the only child of her parents. Her mother was also an only child, but her father had siblings.

As Charlize stood in her designated spot, Juliette’s aunts and cousins got a good look at her.

She looked adorable and shy, and Juliette’s aunts took a liking to her. Curious, they asked Juliette’scousins, “Juliette’s friend is pretty. Have any of you taken a liking to her?”

Juliette’s cousins shared a look. One adjusted his glasses while the other lowered his head to take asip of water. None of them expressed their opinions.

However, their mothers knew them well and burst into giggles. “Well, if you don’t grab the chance tocourt this gorgeous young lady, you deserve to be single forever!”

Spencer’s gaze was fixed on Charlize, but he didn’t miss the ongoing conversation at the adjoiningtable.

His gaze turned dark in displeasure.

He gazed at Charlize, who stood gracefully under the spotlight. Bathed in the soft glow, she held theflower basket with a shy yet enchanting smile on her lips. Her beauty was irresistible to most men.

Pursing his lips, he picked up his phone and unlocked it. Carrying it with him, he stood up and feignedto leave his table, but instead, he headed to the table in front of him. In the process, he loosened hisgrip on the phone, causing it to fall to the ground next to Juliette’s second aunt’s feet.

Juliette’s second aunt jolted in fright, causing her to stop gossiping about Charlize. She picked upSpencer’s phone and noticed a selfie of Spencer and Charlize displayed on the screen.

The sight cause the woman to freeze in surprise. A man’s cold voice soon broke the silence. “Sorry, Iaccidentally dropped my phone.”

Juliette’s aunt regained her composure and replied, “Oh, it’s fine. She’s your girlfriend, huh?”

She returned the phone to Spencer and added reluctantly, “What a perfect match!”

“Thank you.”

After retrieving his phone, Spencer returned to his seat. The wedding had begun by now, so Charlize’sattention wasn’t on him anymore.

As romantic music filled the air, he heard Juliette’s second aunt comment, “A pity she already has aboyfriend. Her boyfriend is quite handsome! Why didn’t you both replace a girlfriend back in university?How useless!”

Upon hearing that, Juliette’s cousins cast glances at Charlize on the stage, and their gazes dimmedslightly.

They couldn’t help but admit that Charlize was indeed a beautiful and adorable young lady, standingout among the bridesmaids. Her smiles were captivating, and her dimples added to her charm.However, they couldn’t help but feel a hint of disappointment, knowing that she already had aboyfriend.

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