Being Pursued By Ex-husband
Chapter 623 Hope You Will Remember Too

Chapter 623 Hope You Will Remember Too

It was already five in the afternoon by the time Sophia woke up. Just then, Katherine walked in andhanded her a glass of coconut juice.

Feeling more refreshed after drinking the coconut juice, Sophia changed into the wedding dress andheaded to the hotel.

The dress she wore to go out was different from the one she would wear on the stage. Hence, she hadto change into another one once she arrived at the venue.

Meanwhile, Justin had stopped accepting guests into the hotel three days before the wedding. Thus, noone else was there other than the guests who were attending the wedding.

While Sophia was brought to the dressing room, Alexander and the groomsmen were resting in theother lounge.

At six-fifty, Sophia’s makeover was complete, and she had changed into the other wedding dress.

The dress was designed by Lydia as well. It was more extravagant compared to the one she woreoutdoors. Originally, its train was hand inlaid with crystals, but they had to be removed because Sophiawas pregnant.

Sophia was brought to the banquet hall entrance by the wedding planner. The door was tightly shut,serving as a barrier between the inside and the outside.

The truth was, Sophia had never visited the wedding venue until that day. Alexander had been the onemonitoring the work in the hall. In fact, Sophia had never even seen the blueprint.

As soon as the door was pushed open, even Katherine, who stood behind Sophia, could not help butgasp. “Heavens! Mr. Xenos really—”

Gazing into the distance, Sophia saw countless dolphins floating in the air. The entire hall had a bluehue with white coral-shaped lights suspended from the ceiling. It was like a dream.

The fact that Sophia liked dolphins was something Katherine and the others knew long ago.

Needless to say, Alexander had put in a lot of effort to decorate the hall so gorgeously.

Just then, the music in the hall stopped, and the emcee’s voice rang out.

The wedding planner tugged gently at Sophia’s dress. “Go on, Mrs. Xenos. Mr. Xenos is waiting foryou.”

Hearing that, Sophia lifted her head and looked into the distance of a few meters. She could not seeAlexander clearly; all she saw was a figure standing at the end of the T-shaped stage, waiting for her.

Immediately, Sophia gathered her thoughts, lifted the hem of her dress with both hands, and made herway over.

Her steps were slow and steady, and the lights were shining on her. All the guests—more than athousand people—fixed their gazes on her.

What Sophia saw earlier at the entrance did not seem real, but as soon as she stepped into the hall,

she was stunned. There were many coral-shaped lights and starfishes hanging from the ceiling. Theywere brightly lit and looked incredible.

There were only about fifty meters left. Every step she took brought her closer to the man.

Many people were aware of how pretty Sophia was, but only a few from among the crowd had seen herat a close distance. Thus, it was everyone’s first time seeing her up close.

Her white, dazzling veil hung about three meters behind her, spreading on the mercury-colored path.No one from the audience dared to speak for fear of ruining the beautiful moment.

“The bride is slowly making her way to the groom. She—”

Before the emcee could finish, Alexander had already marched over to her.

Holding a microphone, he lowered his head to look at Sophia and said, “The path is too long.”

Alexander’s sudden comment left many people confused, but they soon came to their senses andrealized they were being treated to a public display of affection.

Even Samuel could not help but sigh as he watched from below the stage. “This scene is making mewant to get married.”

A chuckle escaped Justin’s throat. “You? Get married? Do you even have a girlfriend yet?”

Despite the happy occasion, Justin’s question was merely rubbing salt onto Samuel’s wound.

Meanwhile, since Sophia’s and Alexander’s parents were not present, Perrin was invited to give aspeech on the elders’ behalf.

Perrin’s attendance had determined the importance of the wedding.

Although he had retired many years ago, he still had not gotten rid of his military habits, so his speechwas short and solemn. “Today is a good day. As Sophia’s granddad, I’m truly glad to see that she hasfound a partner she can spend the rest of her life with. Alexander, she’s a precious daughter of theDawson family. Today, I’m handing her over to you. I hope you can cherish her.”

“I will, Granddad,” Alexander promised, returning Perrin’s solemn gaze.

Satisfied with the former’s response, the elderly man nodded and said a few more words of blessingbefore stepping down from the stage.

With that, the emcee took charge again, bringing everyone’s attention back to the couple as he invitedthem for a speech.

Sophia took the microphone and gazed at Alexander, who stood beside him. With a smile, she said, “Ihave a good memory, so I’ll remember everything you say. I hope you’ll remember them, too.”

As someone who was not sentimental by nature, she could not bring herself to utter sentimental words.

Vows of loyalty did not suit her. In fact, Alexander was the same.

Gazing at her, he said, “I’ll remember them.”

“That’s great.”

Even though the couple did not make any sentimental speeches, the audience still felt goosebumps.

Samuel could not help but comment bitterly, “Tsk. Even their wedding speech is out of the world. Whydo they have to speak in riddles?”

Casting his friend a glance, Charles said, “You’re just not smart enough to understand it.”

Samuel was instantly displeased. “What makes you think I don’t understand it? It’s just a vow aboutkeeping promises.”

Amused by the exchange, Justin teased, “Wow. You actually understood it.”

“Are you guys trying to end our friendship?”

After the exchange of vows, the couple exchanged their rings and moved on to the bouquet-throwingsession.

All the bridesmaids except for Katherine were not married, yet Katherine insisted on joining in on thefun.

Joshua could only watch her go up the stage and join Charlize and the rest to catch the bouquet.

There were only four bridesmaids—Katherine, Charlize, Yvonne, and Sadie.

Sophia took one glance and purposely avoided where Katherine was standing.

At last, the bouquet landed in Charlize’s arms. Meeting Sophia’s meaningful gaze, Charlize carried theflowers and dashed off the stage.

There were more than one thousand people present that day. No matter how aloof Alexander usuallywas, he would still toast to everyone. Then again, not many from the crowd insisted the couple drink.Since Sophia was pregnant, her wine was replaced with grape juice. The couple took over an hour totoast to one hundred and fifty tables, which was rather speedy.

The programs after that had nothing to do with them, so Alexander accompanied Sophia to thedressing room to change into a lighter gown.

With Kasper and his wife watching over the venue, Alexander bade Samuel farewell and took Sophiaback to the Xenos residence.

Having someone as prestigious as the Dawson family to take care of the guests was more thanenough.

Hence, no one could say anything about Alexander and Sophia leaving early.

After all, they had just gotten married. They needed to cherish their time together.

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