Being Pursued By Ex-husband
Chapter 629 I Am Serious

Chapter 629 I Am Serious

Meanwhile, Alexander paid no attention to whatever the few men thought and led Sophia into adifferent private room.

Taking a seat, Sophia took a sip of warm water. “Prestige is considered a long-established company,right?”

Prestige was none other than Wilbur and the few other men’s company. It wasn’t that Sophia wasafraid of creating trouble, but she genuinely believed that a collaboration between Odyssey andPrestige could be mutually beneficial.

At her question, Alexander cast a glance at her. While taking the menu for her, he answered, “Yeah, butthey’re not the only outstanding company in the country.”

Hearing that, Sophia immediately grasped his meaning. She dipped her head and scanned her eyesover the menu, ordering two signature dishes before turning her attention back to Alexander, proppingher hand under her chin. “After today’s incident, will I be labeled as a ‘femme fatale’?”

Despite knowing that it was deliberate on her part, Alexander could not stand to hear her degradingherself in such a manner as he flipped through the menu. “They wouldn’t dare publicize this matter.”

He snorted before snagging the order chit and adding another three dishes.

No sooner had he finished ordering than someone pushed open the door to the private room. Theperson who stepped in was Wesley, followed by Lionel, who was behaving arrogantly earlier.

“Mr. Xenos, Mr. Lindbeck was a bit too rash earlier because he imbibed. Now that he has sobered up,

he came to apologize to you and Mrs. Xenos.”

Alexander bore his eyes into Wesley. The latter was so terrified by the stare that he almost could notmaintain the smile on his face.

Sweeping his gaze over Wesley, Alexander fixed his eyes on Lionel.

Right then, Lionel showed a marked improvement in his demeanor. As he noticed Alexander’s gaze onhim, he put on an ingratiating smile. “Mr. and Mrs. Xenos, I must apologize for my inappropriatecomments earlier. I spoke out of turn after having a few drinks, and I hope you won’t take it to heart.”

Alas, Alexander did not bother mincing his words at all. “We never take insignificant people to heart.”

While saying that, he paused briefly before stating coldly, “Sorry, but we’re hungry. Please don’t disruptour meal.”

When Lionel heard that, his face flushed bright red in rage, and he shot Wesley a look. With aharrumph, he spun on his heel and stalked out of the private room.

As Wesley regarded Alexander, he inexplicably felt a chill running down his spine. “I apologize for theinappropriate arrangements today, Mr. Xenos. Please forgive me.”

Alexander did not even deign to spare him a look. “This is my personal time, Mr. Ford. I’m notdiscussing business. Just go out.”

Having been in the business world for such a long time before he finally got to his current position,

Wesley naturally understood the man’s meaning.

In other words, Alexander was not settling the score with him right then, but the same could not be saidlater.

His expression abruptly changed. He wanted to speak further, but a look from Alexander had his heartlurch. In response, he hurriedly whirled around and left the private room.

Something happened to Alexander three years ago. While he was abroad, Sophia took over Odyssey’smanagement. All the matters concerning the branch offices were reported in summation. On top of that,Odyssey had two big projects back then. Overwhelmed with work, Sophia had no time to inspect thebranch office in the capital.

A year ago, she gradually returned Odyssey to Alexander. But then, the latter handed it to Felix.Therefore, the headquarters had not sent anyone to survey the situation there in over three years.

Odyssey’s development in the past few years had been relatively good, but the financial reports fromthis branch office spoke of another story.

At first, Alexander hadn’t intended to delve into the matter so quickly, but as he was already there, heasked Felix to look into things first. His plan was to handle the situation there after dealing with theshareholders in Corleon.

Wesley likely did not expect the headquarters to investigate him without warning and failed to cover histracks in time. In just a few days, Felix’s men obtained much evidence.

After going back to the hotel at night, Alexander received the information and knew where the problemwas.

Wesley had lost his sense of place in the past few years. During the turmoil that hit the headquarters afew years ago, he tried to take advantage of the situation. However, things unexpectedly stabilized aftera few months.

Given Alexander’s situation, it was clear that the headquarters had more pressing matters to attend to,leaving little time to focus on the branch offices. Additionally, as the head of the company, Wesley hadintended to embezzle some money and escape without anyone noticing. However, the temptation ofmoney became irresistible, leading him to grow bolder and take even greater risks.

He conspired with another business to buy counterfeit equipment for the company in the guise ofhaving imported them from abroad. The machinery could range from hundreds of thousands to tens ofmillions each. Over the past few years, batch after batch of shoddy equipment was purchased, duringwhich he pocketed hundreds of millions, all the money going into his coffers.

That matter was a piece of cake to investigate. The counterfeit equipment was still fake at the end ofthe day, no matter how real it looked.

For that reason, their projects had remained stagnant all these years. Those from the research anddevelopment department had long since realized something amiss, but the resulting data wasinaccurate. Giving up, they all left, batch after batch.

In other words, Alexander was not settling the score with him right then, but the same could not be saidlater.

Some time ago, someone noticed a problem with the equipment. Unfortunately, there was no evidence.In the end, he could only resign and leave.

Some time ago, someone noticed a problem with the equipment. Unfortunately, there was no evidence.In the end, he could only resign and leave.

Some time ago, someone noticed a problem with the equipment. Unfortunately, there was no evidence.In the end, he could only resign and leave.

After cottoning on to the problem with the equipment, Felix followed the trail and found the companyconspiring with Wesley in just two days.

The company’s owner had been arrested by the police yesterday, but he was surprisingly loyal and hadnot betrayed Wesley yet.

However, that matter was not difficult to investigate. Merely delving into Wesley’s transactions andproperties in the past two years, Felix effortlessly got to the bottom of things.

When Sophia came out after her shower, she found Alexander in a foul mood. Walking over, sheplaced a leg on the couch, hugging his arm with one hand while turning the laptop to herself with theother. “What happened? Is it...”

She paused mid-sentence, and her expression gradually changed. A frown marred her countenance,and incredulity showed on her face. “W-What audacity!”

Although she had surmised an issue with the branch office in the capital, she was still shocked uponlaying eyes on the investigative report.

Good Lord! This Wesley guy is simply too daring! In less than three years, he has actually defraudedthe company of almost five hundred million in equipment costs! Tsk-tsk, he’s going to be spending therest of his life in prison!

By then, Alexander had already composed himself. He tilted his head and looked at her while closingthe lid of his laptop. “You aren’t sleepy?”

As he spoke, he scooped her up.

In response, Sophia shook her head. “Perhaps it’s because I slept too much during the day.”

Quirking a brow, Alexander placed her on the bed. He lowered his head and rubbed his cheek againsthers. His hand under his body touched hers, and he pulled it over. “How about helping me handle myphysiological needs then, Mrs. Xenos?”

At his words, Sophia’s face flamed. She swiftly drew her hand back. “Cut it out. Go and shower.”

Alexander hugged her tightly, burying his head in her neck and murmuring in a low voice, “I’m serious.”

Sophia’s cheeks flushed as she felt the warmth of his breath on her skin. “The doctor said to practicerestraint.”

Lifting his head, Alexander stared at her. A moment later, he pecked her on the cheek. “I’ll do as yousay and practice restraint, Mrs. Xenos.”

While saying that, he carried her to the middle of the bed and placed her down. Then, he snagged hispajamas and went into the bathroom.

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