Being Pursued By Ex-husband -
Chapter 641 One More Round
Chapter 641 One More Round
Celine’s actions had not only scared the living daylights out of the bullies but also shocked Rowen andIrving, who were watching from the side.
Irving was so taken aback that he couldn’t speak. Rowen, on the other hand, simply stared at the girlwith his mouth wide open.
Celine put Sasha Zahniser down after holding her up in the air for about two seconds. Her knees werehurting badly from the fall, and she wouldn’t have picked Sasha up if they hadn’t gone too far with theirbullying.
Sasha was so terrified that she quickly backed away after Celine put her down, prompting the othergirls to do the same.
As Celine stood up straight while holding on to the fence, she felt someone staring at her andinstinctively turned her head.
She saw two boys dressed in basketball attire staring at her from the walkway nearby. One of them hadshock written all over his face.
Celine was surprised when she saw Rowen’s face. It was her first time seeing a boy that beautiful.
If not for Rowen’s short hairstyle, Celine would have easily mistaken him for a girl.
Realizing that they had witnessed her display of strength, Celine blushed and lowered her head toavoid their gaze. She then dusted her knees off and limped away as quickly as she could.
She had come to collect the pay for her part-time job and happened to run into Sasha and the othergirls.
“Did I see that right, Rowen?”
Rowen calmly retracted his gaze after Celine had disappeared from sight. “No.”
Obviously, Irving knew that Rowen was joking when he said that. “That girl was amazing! I can’t believeshe just picked someone up like that!” he exclaimed while running after Rowen.
Annoyed by how noisy he was, Rowen snapped at him impatiently, “Shut up!”
Irving made a zipping motion with his fingers when he saw the frown on Rowen’s face.
It wasn’t until they had stepped out of the front gate that Irving remembered the money he hadcollected and whipped it out of his pocket. He took three hundred for himself and handed the remainingamount to Rowen.
Since Irving was merely there to make up for the number of people, he was happy with getting threehundred out of it. “Here you go, Rowen. The winnings from today’s match.”
Rowen took the money and stuffed it into his pocket without even looking. He walked up to his bicycle,hung the basketball on the side, and hopped on. “I’ll be heading home now.”
“See you tomorrow, Rowen!”
Rowen ignored him and cycled even faster. Just like that, he sped through the streets and arrivedhome in less than twenty minutes.
Sophia had just finished preparing lunch when she saw Rowen come in through the front door.“Welcome home, Rowen!”
Rowen glanced at her and nodded before asking, “Where’s Dad, Mom?”
He would often see the two of them acting all lovey-dovey with each other whenever he came home.He was a little surprised to see Sophia being home alone that day.
“Something happened to your uncle Samuel, so he went to the hospital a while ago,” Sophia repliedwhile taking her jacket off.
Samuel had a hot temper despite being rather old. When Jovanni Schild got into a fight at school, bothof their parents were summoned to resolve the issue. Samuel ended up getting into a fight with theboy’s parents after heading over.
Apparently, Jovanni’s classmate had badmouthed Samantha by implying that she got herself pregnantto marry into a wealthy family. Of course, that did not sit well with Jovanni at all. In a fit of anger, hepicked up a book and bashed the student in the mouth.
Sophia wasn’t entirely sure about the exact details of what happened. All she knew was that Samuelhad sprained his hip after fighting the student’s parents, and Alexander had rushed over to the schoolafter getting a call about it.
“Is Uncle Samuel okay?” Rowen asked while retrieving a bottle of soda from the refrigerator.
“He should be fine,” Sophia replied while flashing Rowen a half smile.
Rowen was halfway through opening the bottle of soda when he noticed her staring at it. After a briefpause, he put the soda back into the refrigerator.
Sophia retracted her gaze and continued, “Your dad made you some soup. Would you like a bowl ofit?”
Although Rowen was usually quite fearless, he was very afraid of Sophia.
Of course, it wasn’t because Sophia had a nasty temper or anything. Whenever he made Sophia upset,Alexander would come out of his study with a belt in his hand.
A boy like Rowen could take a little beating without a problem, but Alexander had never hit him with thebelt. Instead, he would tie Rowen’s hands with it and hang him from the tree in the courtyard.
It wasn’t really all that painful for Rowen. In fact, he found that punishment was rather easy towithstand. After growing up, however, Rowen learned to fear the humiliation that he would suffer if hisfriends saw him in that state.
Despite his delinquent-like behavior at school, Rowen was extremely obedient at home. He would gostraight to his room and do his homework after lunch, and his grades had always made it into the topthree in his academic year.
That was probably why the teachers at school didn’t bother to reprimand him for his nonchalantbehavior. He would repeat his wrongdoings even if they summoned his parents, so there was no pointin doing so. Besides, his behavior did not affect his grades at all, so they decided to just leave him be.
Sophia knew about Rowen’s behavior at school, but she couldn’t really lecture him because of howobedient he was at home.
Rowen was the kind of student who would sleep in class and still master the subjects after readingthrough the textbooks at home. Other students would take around two to three hours to complete theirhomework, but Rowen could get it done in forty minutes or less.
Rowen had just finished his homework when he heard some noises downstairs. He grabbed his phone,sat down on the chair on the balcony, and booted up an online game.
Unfortunately for him, the game’s matchmaking system paired him up with a couple. The girl hadchosen a supporting character, but she didn’t know how to play the game well.
Rowen, who wasn’t exactly known for his patience, typed in the chat: Stop following me around! Stickto the guy who brought you!
The other guy didn’t play any better. Not only did he fail to perform well after hogging the jungle role,but he also gave the enemy team lots of free kills. Rowen couldn’t help but let out a wry chuckle whenhe saw that. After scoring five kills in a row, he had his avatar stand in front of the enemy team’s crystaland sold off all his equipment.
The guy cursed at him angrily in the chat: F*ck! This archer player is useless! He didn’t even attack theenemy’s tower!
Celine stared at the word “defeat” on the screen of her phone and went silent for a moment beforeasking, “Mind paying me the money for my tuition fees now?”
Enzer Lulorn, who was on the same team as her, replied impatiently, “Hey, don’t rush me! It’s not like Iwon’t pay you! Come on, let’s play one more round!”
Celine refused without any hesitation, “You said we would only play one round.”
Her voice was soft yet firm at the same time. Enzer found himself blushing a little as he logged out ofthe game and transferred one thousand two hundred to Celine.
Celine breathed a sigh of relief when she received the notification of the fund transfer. She left the teamshe was in earlier and was about to log out of the game when she recalled something. After a briefmoment of hesitation, she spent a few minutes searching up the records of the previous match andsent the player Xen a friend request.
As Celine didn’t like playing games, she had only played that game twice so far. After all, she had moreimportant things to do than waste her time on games.
Chermond Fiverden would always complain to her about having useless teammates with zero kills, tendeaths, and one assist. As Celine was new to that game, she, too, became one of those uselessteammates.
The archer player from earlier has thirty-five kills, two deaths, and ten assists. I, on the other hand,have one kill, eighteen deaths, and nine assists. I suppose I have become one of those uselessteammates that Chermond always complains about...
She was snapped out of her train of thought when Xen declined her friend request.
Thinking it was because of her poor performance, Celine burned bright red in embarrassment.
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