Being Pursued By Ex-husband
Chapter 670 Stomp His Feet In Anger

Chapter 670 Stomp His Feet In Anger

Harper directly revealed Enzer's true intentions, which immediately infuriated him. “What nonsense areyou talking about?” he snapped.

“She used to tutor me. Stop talking nonsense if you know nothing!”

Celine stood at the side as her face flushed crimson. “Harper, we're not what you think we are.”

Harper glanced sideways at Celine and curled her lips in disdain when she noticed the latter'sdiscomfort. “We're in Grade Twelfth soon. No one has time to tutor you.”

“Enzer, I really can't tutor you anymore.”

Enzer snorted coldly in response. “Whatever.”

As he spoke, he glanced at Celine. “Did you run into Sasha and her friends on Saturday?”

Upon hearing his words, Celine's face turned slightly pale. Noticing Celine's expression, Harperimmediately knew who Sasha, the person Enzer mentioned, was.

“Are you on their side?”

“What do you mean?”

Enzer was unaware that Celine got bullied by Sasha and her group. He and Sasha had beenclassmates in elementary school, junior high school, and high school. Today, Sasha and her group toldhim that Celine had changed. She was nothing like the person she was before.

Enzer felt uncomfortable hearing that, so he directly confronted Sasha. After Sasha said somethingharsh, he rushed to replace Celine after school.

The distance between Gautier High School and Trinity Heritage Academy was about seven or eightkilometers. It would take him half an hour to get here by taxi. If it weren't for the harsh words fromSasha and her group, he wouldn't have bothered to come.

Celine didn't want to hear those people's names anymore. Before Harper could speak, she said, “I can'ttutor you anymore. You should hire a home tutor. It's getting late, and I still have unfinished homework.I need to go home.”

With that, she turned to Harper. “Harper, let's go.”

Harper glanced at Celine. She noticed the latter's melancholy and chose not to say anything. Whenshe looked up, she saw their bus approaching. “The bus is here! Hurry up, Cece!”

“Celine, I still have something to say—”

Enzer chased behind the two, but the bus stop was right next to them. Celine quickly pulled Harper andran to board the bus. All Enzer could do was watch the slowly departing bus and curse under hisbreath.

The bus was packed with people. However, Celine and Harper knew just the right thing to do. Afterboarding, they squeezed their way toward the back of the bus, only stopping once they found somespace.

The two of them stood by the rear door. Harper turned, and through the window, she saw Enzer stillstanding at the bus stop.

She clicked her tongue and gently tugged at Celine's hand. “Cece, that guy likes you, doesn't he?”

After Celine heard that, she quickly shook her head. “No, he doesn't.”

“No way, I must be right! You've transferred for almost two months now. If he doesn't like you, whywould he come all this way to replace you? You don't seriously think he came to ask you to tutor him, doyou?”

Harper had already used this little trick on Rowen in junior high school.

However, Rowen wasn't as naive as Celine. Thus, he didn't fall for her trick.

Celine pursed her lips. “I've tutored him before.”

Harper was skeptical. “So what? It's just an excuse. He is asking you to tutor him, so he can easily askyou out on the weekend. Cece, don't be silly. Do you think a boy his age will want to study and ask agirl his age to tutor him? Wouldn't it be better for him to replace a professional tutor?”

Her words might be frank, but they made sense. However, thinking about past events at TrinityHeritage Academy, Celine pursed her lips and said, “That can't be. He treats me poorly.”

Enzer came from an affluent family, and nobody at school dared to cross him lightly. He had a badtemper. Celine used to sit in front of him in class. Back then, he would always ask her to run errands for

him, be it to fetch water or something else. Besides, he would always pull her hair during class. Duringphysical education class, he enjoyed throwing the ball near her, making her pick it up.

Celine didn't think that Enzer liked her. She figured he probably felt he had lost someone he couldfreely boss around at school since she had transferred schools.

The vehicle was crowded, so Harper lowered her head to lean on Celine's shoulder. “What did he do?Did he make you run errands for him? Did he order you around for every little thing?”

Hearing Harper's words, Celine opened her round eyes in disbelief. “H-How did you know that?”

“Hah! Teenage boys tend to be immature and act childishly! Ten out of ten boys will do such things toattract their crush's attention. You're too naive, Cece!”

Celine was taken aback. She wasn't naive but was used to being disliked by others.

Noticing her silence, Harper quickly lowered her head. “What's the matter, Cece? Do you dislike metalking about these things?”

“No, that's not it.”

She was just another girl with her fair share of worries and longed for friends to share them with.

Back then, she naively thought that Sasha and her friends would be her good friends. However, theystripped her clothes off and took pictures of her.

Celine didn't want to dwell on the past anymore. “I'm just shocked.”

Harper breathed a sigh of relief. “You're just too gullible. If a guy dislikes you, he wouldn't even want totalk to you. Look at Rowen. He dislikes me and doesn't even spare me an extra glance!”

Nowadays, whenever Harper spoke about this matter, she became much more composed, althoughshe still felt a sense of melancholy.

Even she found it strange herself. Although it hadn't been long since she knew Celine, for somereason, whenever she thought of Rowen liking Celine, she felt it was perfectly normal and accepted itwholeheartedly.

She never imagined anyone would dislike Celine.

Celine was beautiful, adorable, and shy. She spoke gently and seemed like she would never lose hertemper. No matter how much Harper chattered by her side, Celine would always respond with a smile.

Harper felt Celine was an angel. It would be wonderful if the latter had appeared in her life earlier.Then, she wouldn't have wasted so much time on Rowen.

He was just another guy, after all. It wasn't like she didn't have other suitors. Now, she didn'tunderstand why she was so hung up on Rowen before.

Celine felt sorry for Harper. “Harper, don't say that. Rowie might just not be very fond of interacting withgirls.”

Harper pouted her lips. “Well, you're not wrong in saying that. Oh, let's not talk about this anymore. Idon't care if he likes me or not anymore!”

As Harper spoke, she paused for a second and looked at Celine with a raised eyebrow. “However, ifRowen replaces out that an ex-classmate of yours is fond of you, do you think he will stomp his feet inrage?”

Celine blushed when she heard that. “Harper, Rowie really doesn't like me.”

Harper had heard this many times, but she didn't believe it. “I know, I know! Didn't you say that it wasLewinn who asked him to look after you? Many boys are chasing after you even though you're not evenof age yet. It's only natural for Rowen, your so-called guardian, to be worried, right?”

Celine felt perplexed. Something about Harper's words didn't sit right with her, but she couldn't pinpointexactly what was off.

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