Being Pursued By Ex-husband -
Chapter 689 Does It Matter
Chapter 689 Does It Matter
After experiencing the joy of riding a bike the night before, Harper was suddenly struck by the idea ofcycling to school.
As such, she ran up to Celine early in the morning, all eager and excited. “Cece, let's cycle to schoolfrom now on! I finally understand why Rowen is always riding his bike to school! It's so much fun!”
Celine blinked her eyes as she pondered the suggestion. Hmm... Our school is about six or sevenkilometers away from our residences, which isn't very far. The time it takes to get there on our bikeswould be almost the same as taking the bus. I can even pedal faster if I'm in a hurry. All in all, cyclingdoes sound like a pretty good way to get to school. That said...
“Lewinn didn't come back last week, and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis are away on a business trip. I need to waitfor them to return before I can buy a bike,” Celine explained.
Of course, she could also buy it herself if she wanted to. After all, she had enough money for it.
However, now that she had become part of the Lewis family, she knew it'd only be right to discuss suchmatters with Katherine and the others.
Harper, on the other hand, didn't see the issue with that. “What's the big deal, though? Lewinn's schoolis in Jadeborough, so it'd be convenient for him to return. If you text him about buying a bike, I'm surehe'll sort it out for you right away!”
Celine pursed her lips slightly. “Lewinn must be pretty busy. I think I should—”
“Oh, come on, Cece. He's your brother, for goodness' sake. Isn't it a brother's duty to show up like a
knight in shining armor when his sister needs him the most? You being overly polite would only makeLewinn sad,” Harper interrupted.
She had some understanding of Celine's situation, so she knew what was bothering the latter. In fact, ifshe were in Celine's shoes, she doubted she'd fare any better.
However, Harper also remembered her mother saying that the Lewis family was a good bunch ofpeople. Given that Celine was already fifteen when Katherine adopted her, it was clear she wasn'texpecting the girl to repay the family's kindness in the future. Instead, it was very probable that theygenuinely wanted to give Celine a better life.
Celine seemed a little hesitant as she looked at Harper. “Are you sure it won't be too much trouble forLewinn?”
“Who knows? He might even be hoping that you'd ask him for help!” Harper exclaimed before nudgingher friend's hand. “Hurry up and send the text. Otherwise, you won't be able to use your phone oncewe're in school.”
With her lips still pursed, Celine fished her phone out and slowly typed her text.
To her surprise, the text had only just been sent when Lewinn replied: Good morning, Celine! I won't bein Jadeborough for the next few days, but I'll let Rowie know about buying the bike. He'll settle it. Takegood care of yourself.
Since Celine wasn't hiding anything from Harper, the latter managed to read the reply too.
“Lewinn is still busy. I really shouldn't have texted him,” Celine muttered, feeling somewhat guilty.
“Oh, my goodness... Why would you think that? Even if he's busy, it's only natural for you to ask yourbrother for help when needed! Besides, he didn't—”
Before Harper could finish her sentence, the screen of Celine's phone lit up again. As it turned out,Lewinn had sent another text.
Celine paused for a moment before tapping on the message, but as soon as she read the content, shefelt her eyes instantly well up with tears.
Lewinn: Celine, I'm glad you took the initiative to discuss this matter with me. In the future, please don'thesitate to come to me if you need any help. You can always call me, no matter what time it is.
Upon reading it, Harper raised her brows. “Look, Cece! I told you Lewinn wouldn't mind!”
Celine stared at Lewinn's message, her heart all warm and fuzzy.
Since childhood, no one had treated her as kindly as Barbara did.
Her life was undoubtedly rough, but at the same time, she was also fortunate enough to have metpeople like the Lewis family and befriended Harper.
“Good, good. If there's anything else bothering you in the future, don't keep it to yourself,” Harperurged.
Celine is far too thoughtful... She's always worried about troubling others and would rather suffer in
silence than ask for help.
The two friends continued chatting, and before they knew it, they had arrived at the bus stop.
Meanwhile, Rowen had just returned to school when he received Lewinn's call. Upon hearing thatCeline wanted to buy a bike for school, he couldn't hide his surprise. “Sure. I'll take her to the storeafter school,” he said.
Tsk... Celine is so small, though. Can she even ride a bike?
When school was over that afternoon, Rowen kept his promise and took Celine to a bike store to lookat the selection.
Harper originally wanted to follow them, but Rowen's bike could barely accommodate Celine as it was.Therefore, she had no choice but to take the bus home herself.
In any case, she was happy that she could cycle to school with Celine soon.
Since Harper didn't tag along, Irving eagerly tried to join in the fun.
Alas, Rowen threw him a side-eye, making him so embarrassed that he eventually gave up and rodehis bike home.
It was Celine's first time buying a bike, so naturally, the price took her aback. “Rowie, I'm already in mysecond year of high school and will graduate in a year. There's no need to buy such an expensivebike.”
Rowen, however, was indifferent. “This is what Lewinn requested. He wants to buy you a good bike.”
Celine bit her lip nervously as she looked at the price tags, each one more shocking than the last.
The sales clerk could tell that the bike Rowen rode on was no ordinary one and instantly knew he wasfrom a wealthy family. As such, he treated Celine with great enthusiasm.
After much thought and consideration, Celine finally chose a regular bike that only cost over athousand.
Rowen regarded it with disdain, but since Celine insisted, he had no choice but to pay for it.
It was almost six o'clock by the time they were done with the purchase, and Celine excitedly sent aphoto of the bike to Harper. The bike was white and elegant, and Harper, too, found it very pretty.
Meanwhile, Rowen waited for Celine as he balanced his bike with one foot on the ground. After thelatter finished sending the photos and noticed Rowen waiting for her, she couldn't help but blush withembarrassment and awkwardness. “I'm done, Rowie.”
“You can go first.”
Celine glanced at him. “Oh. Okay, okay.”
Since it was getting late and Celine knew Hannah was waiting for them so she could knock off work,she quickly hopped onto her bike.
Celine hadn't cycled in a long time and was a little out of practice, but thankfully, it wasn't too difficult a
task. After some minutes of swaying and wobbling, the girl gradually found her balance and becamesteadier.
Rowen, on the other hand, followed behind her. Gosh... Celine's riding too slowly. Wouldn't she be latefor school in the morning if she rides at this pace?
It was six thirty when the two returned to the mansion, and Hannah finally breathed a sigh of relief.After serving dinner and informing them of the snacks in the kitchen, she took her leave.
Halfway through dinner, Rowen piped up, “Are you guys riding your bikes to school tomorrow?”
Celine froze for a moment before nodding. “Yes. Harper said cycling would be faster than taking thebus because we can use the back roads.”
Rowen shot a look at her. “If you're going to cycle at the speed you did today, I suggest you set off tenminutes earlier tomorrow.”
A blush instantly crept over Celine's cheek. “I haven't ridden a bike in a long time.”
“Oh,” Rowen muttered, clearly not believing the girl.
Ha... So what if she hasn't cycled in a long time? What does that have to do with her speed?
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