Bride by Initiation: Secret Society Mafia Marriage Pact (The Underworld Book 1) -
Bride by Initiation: Chapter 22
It’s late at night. I have yet to hear from Sean, so I text him.
Me: When will you be home?
Sean: When I get there.
Me: Seriously?
There’s no response.
Me: Thanks for being a dick, dear hubby.
I wait for a response, but the radio silence continues. I toss my phone in my purse, then go into the closet and grab a light scarf. I carefully put it around my neck so the plastic isn’t showing.
I text my driver and then leave Sean’s—our?—apartment. He pulls up to the curb just as I step outside. I get in before he can get out to open my door, and direct him to take me to Fiona’s.
It’s only a few blocks away. Since I have security clearance to her apartment, it doesn’t take long before I’m standing at her door. I ring the bell twice.
She finally answers, glaring at me. ‘What do you want, Zara?’
I brush past her. ‘We need to talk.’
‘Why? So you can lie to me again?’ she accuses.
I sigh. ‘Fiona, things are complicated. I didn’t mean to lie to you. I’m sorry.’
‘Sure you are.’ She crosses her arms. ‘Is there anything else?’
‘Don’t be like that.’
She studies me for a minute, then says, ‘Fine. But tell me what the skulls are really about.’
My stomach churns.
She adds, ‘I saw how upset our parents were, so there’s more to the story. And if my father was involved, I want to know. So tell me.’
I decide to stop lying to her, mostly. I close my eyes, admitting, ‘Fiona, I want to tell you everything. I do. But I can’t.’
‘Get out, Zara.’
I open my eyes. ‘Please listen to me—’
‘No, you listen to me. I’m tired of the lies. I’m tired of the secrecy. Just get out. Now!’ She points at the door.
‘Please. You’re my best friend.’
‘Well, you have a funny way of showing that,’ she says. ‘Now, leave.’
I decide it’s best to let her cool off some more. ‘Fine, but I hope we can talk soon.’
‘Don’t hold your breath,’ she warns.
I sigh and leave. I get in the elevator, but instead of stopping on the ground floor, it stops on floor three. The doors open.
Valentina beams at me from the other side. ‘Surprise!‘
Confused, I question, ‘What are you doing here?’
She grins. ‘I’d like to tell you that. But you know how things are. Come on.’ She motions for me to get out of the elevator.
I obey.
She leads me down the hall to another part of the building. There’s a service elevator. She pulls out a key card and scans it.
The elevator doors open.
We step inside, and she pushes the R button. The elevator ascends and then opens on the roof.
A helicopter is parked on the pad, its blades turning.
She yells, ‘I hope you like flying.’
‘Seriously?’ I shout back.
She laughs and pulls me over to the helicopter.
The wind blows my hair everywhere. We climb inside, and the pilot helps us get situated. He hands us headsets, and I put mine on. Then he moves back to the front, prepares for takeoff, and lifts the chopper off the roof.
We’re only in the air a few minutes before he lands at a private airport. We get off the helicopter and onto a private plane.
Within minutes, we’re back in the air.
I question, ‘Where are we going?’
Valentina sighs. ‘Zara. I never know. You’ll get used to it.’
‘I will?’
‘Yeah. You’ll get used to many things you never thought you would.’
‘Like what?’
She stares at me, then declares, ‘You’ll learn to embrace the unknown because it always leads you forward.’
I arch my eyebrows. ‘Why doesn’t anyone ever give me a straight answer?’
She laughs, then says, ‘We have some time, so we should talk about something else…something important.’
My pulse increases. ‘Am I in trouble?’
Her lips twitch. ‘No, not at all.’
I relax, but then a new fear hits me. ‘Is Sean in trouble?’
‘No.’ She pats me on the thigh. ‘Take a breather. Everything’s fine.’
I release an anxious exhale.
She studies me closer, and the familiarity sinks in again.
I blurt out, ‘Why do I feel like I know you, even though I know I’ve never seen you before the other night?’
She looks nervous at my question.
‘Please tell me. And give me a straightforward answer.’
‘That’s actually what I wanted to talk to you about.’
‘It is?’
‘Yes.’ She opens her purse and pulls out a photo. I take it, and the hairs on my arms rise.
It’s the photo of the woman, the baby girl, and my father. I gape at it, then snap my head toward her. ‘Why are you giving this to me again? Surely, you know I’ve already seen this.’
‘Yes, but you want answers, right?’
I nod.
She hesitates, then announces, ‘My mother is your father’s sister.’
My pulse increases. I state, ‘My dad only had brothers. The last one passed away last year.’
She shakes her head. ‘No, that’s not true. And your father and my mother were close.’
‘So we’re cousins?’
She smiles. ‘Yes.’
I suspiciously ask, ‘Why don’t I know about your mother and you?’
She takes a deep breath, then reveals, ‘My mother fell in love with Marcello Abruzzo.’
My eyes widen. I hurl, ‘The Abruzzos are horrible people! My father told me they don’t respect women. They even traffic them!’
Her expression hardens. She swallows hard and nods, affirming, ‘That’s correct, but not all of them are bad.’
I cautiously admit, ‘I don’t know if I can believe that statement.’
Hurt fills her eyes. She claims, ‘It’s true. And my father wasn’t anything like the bad ones!’
I freeze as goose bumps raise along my skin.
She stares at me, then lowers her voice, insisting, ‘He wasn’t like the other Abruzzos.’
My insides quiver. The war between the Marinos and the Abruzzos has caused an incalculable amount of bloodshed. It’s why it didn’t make sense when my father was in those photos, looking happy with them. But there has to be more to the story, and maybe I should give Valentina the benefit of the doubt.
She adds, ‘I know this is hard to accept.‘
‘It is, but my father looked like he was friends with them,’ I acknowledge, still confused.
‘Yes, he looked like he was, but he wasn’t,’ she claims.
‘I don’t understand.’
She puts the puzzle pieces together for me, declaring, ‘That baby is me. I knew your father well as a little girl. But he didn’t trust my father. He tried to get my mother to leave him, but she never would. My father was a good man.’
‘Then why did my dad want her to leave him?’ I question.
‘He was an Abruzzo. And your father refused to believe any of them could be good,’ she says, pain lacing her tone, then she tears up, adding, ‘My mother and I loved your father. But we also loved my father. He loved us. And your father was living a lie.’
I defensively snap, ‘Meaning?’
‘He was a spy sent to the Abruzzo clan so the Marinos could get intel on them.’
‘My father isn’t a traitor,’ I seethe.
‘He was in the Abruzzo’s eyes,’ she states.
My stomach quivers. I stare at her, wanting to defend my father but needing to process what she’s told me. The more I think about it, the more questions build within me.
She adds, ‘I never knew the truth until I joined The Underworld. I only knew your father was in my life and then suddenly he wasn’t. None of them were for very long, though.’
I furrow my brow. ‘What do you mean?’
She takes a deep breath. ‘As I stated, my father wasn’t the typical Abruzzo. He knew your father was a traitor to the Abruzzo family, but instead of turning him in, he took my mother and me to Italy. We disappeared into the rural countryside. He made my mother promise never to contact your father again. In return, he only had interactions in The Underworld. He never got involved in Abruzzo business again unless the Omni ordered him to do so.’
I gape at her, taking all of it in.
She stays quiet for a moment, watching me for my reaction, then says, ‘My father joined The Underworld because he believed in Sean O’Malley Sr.’s vision. He wanted peace between the families. He wanted me to not be scared to be an Abruzzo or Marino.’
‘Is that why Sean’s father started The Underworld?’
‘Yes. Hasn’t your hubby told you everything he knows?’ she questions.
An uneasiness fills me. ‘No,’ I admit, wondering why.
‘I’m sure he would have eventually,’ she adds.
I shrug off the nagging feeling in my gut, then suggest, ‘Maybe we can talk to my father. Get him and your mom together again—’
‘She’s dead. So is my father,’ Valentina interjects.
I inhale sharply.
She swallows hard. ‘It’s okay. They died together in a plane crash.’
My heart hurts for her. I grab her arm. ‘Valentina, I’m so sorry.’
She forces a smile. ‘It is what it is. But my father had a seat at the table. So did my mother.’
‘They were Omnis?’ I question.
‘Yes, and I’m getting closer to earning my spot, just like you are.’ She beams with pride.
Surprised, I admit, ‘I thought you were already at the table.’
Her lips twitch. ‘Thanks for the compliment, but not yet.‘
‘You’re welcome.’
I stare at the locked window shade and ask, ‘So you really don’t know where we’re going?’
‘No. I only know about the situation and my orders.’
I tilt my head. ‘What will happen when we get there?’
She laughs. ‘I can’t tell you until we’re there, but nice try.’
I smirk. ‘Point for trying.’
‘Yeah, point for sure. And I’m sorry. I would tell you if I could,’ she claims and then stares at me for a moment. She finally adds, ‘It’s really good meeting you and coming clean.’
I smile and grab her hand. ‘Yeah, it is. I’m an only child, so it’s nice to know about family.’
‘It is,’ she softly agrees.
A calm beat of silence falls between us.
Then something occurs to me. I ask, ‘The back of the photo said Aurora and Finzia. Who are they?’
‘Aurora is my mother. My real name is Finzia Valentina Abruzzo. My parents started calling me Valentina when we moved to Italy. It’s important no one knows I’m Finzia except for the Omni. Well, and now you,’ she explains.
I smile. ‘It’s a pretty name.’
She smiles back. ‘Thanks. You’ll keep my secret, right?’
‘Of course.’
We talk for the next few hours about many things, but mostly about what our childhoods were like. When we finally land, we’re led off the plane and down a hallway similar to the one I walked down before my initiation.
There’s no spa setting when the door at the end of the hallway opens. It’s a dark room. The only light is cast by several candles.
Two similar-looking women stand in a circle of flickering flames. Black rose petals surround them. They wear long, white satin gowns with spaghetti straps, and they’re barefoot.
On one side of them is a small rectangular pool. The other side of the room has seven naked, fit, well-endowed men.
Butterflies erupt in my gut, and I glance nervously at Valentina.
‘Don’t worry, they’re not for you,’ she murmurs.
What this is, and what am I about to be privy to?
Valentina takes my hand and leads me toward the two women. Once we reach them, she announces, ‘This is Maria Abruzzo, and this is Amalia Marino. They look a lot alike, don’t they?’
‘They sure do.’
Valentina states, ‘Their blood is mixed. They’re half-sisters, sharing the same mother.’
‘Wow. You look like twins,’ I blurt out, but they don’t answer.
They both have olive skin, dark hair and eyes, a pointed nose, and thinnish lips.
Amalia is maybe an inch taller.
Valentina continues, ‘Zara, you get to pick which woman gets initiated into The Underworld.’
My heart races. I glance at her, remembering what happened last time someone didn’t get initiated.
She adds, ‘First, they’ll pick which initiation they want. Then you’ll decide who is worthy of completing initiation.’
I shake my head. ‘I don’t know how to choose.‘
Valentina nods. ‘Sure you do.’
‘Why can’t we initiate both of them?’ I ask, hoping there’s some miracle.
Valentina’s eyes turn to slits. She seethes, ‘One woman’s a traitor. She’s disclosed things about The Underworld to others that she shouldn’t have. The other women has not. She has kept our secrets close to her heart. She’s eligible to be initiated. So you must choose.’
I gape at her.
‘You can do it,’ she encourages.
‘I don’t know which of these women is a traitor,’ I scoff.
Valentina puts her fingers over my lips. Without room for negotiation, she asserts, ‘You will use your gut, and just know.’
My anxiety escalates.
She refocuses on the women. ‘Now, before Zara picks, you two must decide which initiation you want. And it’s up to you. Whatever you choose is what we will do if you survive.’
I put my hand on my stomach. Bile rises, and I swallow it down.
Please don’t make me kill anyone again.
Please don’t make me kill anyone again.
Please don’t make me kill anyone again.
I say this over and over in my head, but the dread in me grows.
Valentina points to the pool.
A man wearing a white robe and a skull mask kneels next to the water. He chants something low and incoherent.
She states, ‘You can choose the Ceremony of Water and Flames, which will baptize you into The Underworld. Or…’ She points to the seven men.
They all stroke their erections, lewd expressions plastered on the faces.
Valentina continues, ‘Or you may choose the Binding of Flesh Ceremony. If chosen, these seven men will pound The Underworld into you.’
I gape at Valentina.
‘Don’t look at me. Watch them,’ she instructs.
I refocus on the women.
Maria scans each of the men with a smirk on her face. ‘I choose Binding of Flesh all day and all night long. You can keep your Water and Flames.’
Shock fills me at her response.
Valentina smiles in approval. ‘Excellent choice, although nothing is wrong with Water and Flames.’ She turns to Amalia. ‘And you? What would you choose? And there’s no right or wrong.’
Amalia looks at the men with just as much interest as Maria. She states, ‘Binding of Flesh. There’s no other choice.’
Valentina’s tone grows stern. ‘But there is a choice. It’s your choice. You’re not being forced to do anything.’
Amalia snaps, ‘There is no choice between water or men. I will always choose men and the force they can bring into my body. I look forward to my initiation.’ She lifts her chin, her eyes drifting over the seven suitors, then pins a challenging stare on Valentina.
‘Well said, sister,’ Maria praises, then licks her lips, glancing at the men.
More shock fills me.
Valentina turns toward me. She announces, ‘It’s time to choose, Zara. Who is the traitor? Who is worthy to wear the skull and vie for a table seat, even though they may never get there?’
A flash of nausea passes through me. I look at Valentina. ‘I don’t know. I can’t decide. Please, do it for me.’
‘No.’ She lifts her chin and squares her shoulders. ‘You must do it. This comes from the Omni, not me. You must learn to rely on your gut and trust in it.’
She puts her finger on my lips. ‘No more objections. Now, choose.’
A claw scrapes in my gut. I step before Maria, studying her for what feels like forever. She never flinches, pinning her arrogant gaze on my anxiety-riddled one.
I move in front of Amalia, spending just as much time studying her. She gives me the same expression, but something passes in her eyes at some point, and I realize it’s guilt.
Valentina asks, ‘Who will it be?’
I don’t hesitate. I point at Amalia. ‘It’s her. She’s the guilty one.’
‘I am not!’ she protests.
Valentina’s face erupts in satisfaction and pride. ‘Good job. You are correct.’
‘I am?’ I say with relief.
‘Yes.’ She raises her arm and snaps her finger in the air.
A man appears with a Glock. He hands it to her.
Fear fills me.
Please, please, please! No!
She holds it out. ‘Now, kill her.‘
‘Why me?’ I question.
She gives me a sympathetic look. ‘Zara, I don’t make the rules. This comes from the Omni.’
Amalia takes several steps back, crying out, ‘I’m innocent! She’s wrong!’
Valentina scoffs. ‘I know exactly what you’ve done, and Zara’s one hundred percent correct.’ She turns back to me. ‘Now, shoot her.’
Without thinking further, I point the Glock, pull the trigger, and shoot Amalia right in the heart.
She drops to the floor. Her blood stains her white dress, pooling all around her.
I stare at her in shock, feeling numb, wondering how I could do something so horrible once again.
Valentina spins me toward the men. She murmurs in my ear, ‘She was a traitor. You did well. Now, let’s move on and enjoy the ceremony. This is one you’ll remember, trust me.’
I gape at her, my stomach flipping.
She leads Maria over to stand in front of the men.
A wall behind them opens. The largest bed I’ve ever seen, along with sex furniture, chains, handcuffs, and other tools, fills the area.
Maria slowly blows air out of her mouth.
Valentina asks, ‘Do you wish to switch to the Ceremony of Water and Flames?’
Maria scoffs. ‘Don’t say such vile things.’
Valentina’s lips curve. She motions to two of the men.
They step forward and take Maria’s hands. They lead her to the bed, with the others following.
Valentina states, ‘Follow me.’
I obey, and she moves toward the others. As soon as we step past the wall, it slides shut behind us.
A reclining movie theater chair rises from the floor.
Valentina beams, pointing at it, ordering, ‘Sit down, dear cousin. The night’s just beginning.’
I do as she says, and she walks toward the door.
I call out, ‘Wait! Where are you going?’
She smirks. ‘This isn’t my reward, it’s yours. Enjoy.’ She disappears behind the door, leaving me bewildered and unable to look away from what’s about to happen in front of me.
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