Bride by Initiation: Secret Society Mafia Marriage Pact (The Underworld Book 1) -
Bride by Initiation: Chapter 26
One Month Later
The doorbell rings, and I retreat from Sean’s kiss. ‘Are you expecting anyone?’
‘No.’ He pulls me back to him and slides his tongue inside my mouth again. He palms my ass, squeezing my cheeks.
My core throbs, aching for him, burning for every crazy thing he’s been murmuring he wants to do with me all night.
The doorbell rings again, and a loud banging echoes through the apartment.
I slide my hands on his dewy chest and push away from him. ‘Since you’re wearing nothing, I’ll get rid of whoever it is.’
He grins. ‘I had a towel on, but you tugged it off me, remember?’
I glance at his freshly showered frame, then smirk. ‘Girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do.’
He chuckles.
The ringing turns to a nonstop barrage of dings.
I groan, stepping out of the bedroom. I rush to the door and whip it open, blurting out, ‘What are you doing here?’
Brax grins. ‘Taking Sean out for his bachelor party.’
I arch my eyebrows. ‘Bachelor party?’
Fiona pushes past him. ‘Yep. And you’re having your bachelorette party.’
‘Um, what are you talking about?’ I question. I’ve barely spoken to Fiona. We’ve met for coffee a few times, but things are still a little strained between us.
She answers, ‘We’re getting closer to the holidays. We need to make sure everything’s good between us, so let’s have a fun night. Besides, I can’t hate you forever. You’re married to my brother now.’
‘You’re serious. You’re taking me out for a bachelorette party?’
‘Yep,’ she chirps.
‘But I’m already married,’ I point out.
She scoffs. ‘Yeah, we all know. You two got married behind our backs, but we still get to have some fun. Go get ready. Put on a hot little dress.’
‘What’s going on?’ Sean interjects, stepping into the foyer, his towel wrapped tight around his waist.
I glance up at him. ‘Um, they’re here to take us out for our bachelorette and bachelor parties.’
‘Bachelorette party? What are you talking about? She’s already married to me,’ he states.
‘Jesus, you two really are married. Go get dressed. We’re having fun tonight without them,’ Brax asserts, his expression filling with mischief.
Fiona rolls her eyes. ‘Please. We welcome a night out without you. Come on, Zara.’ She grabs my hand, pulling me through the penthouse and into the bedroom. She adds, ‘This place really is badass.’
My heart soars at her praise. ‘Yeah. Sean did an amazing job, didn’t he?’
‘Yeah. I didn’t think he had it in him. Much better scene than his old place,’ she states, and pulls me into the closet. She slides hangers of dresses across the pole, then tugs out a little black dress. ‘Wear this one.’
She glances at my shoe rack and selects a pair of stilettos. ‘These. Come on, let’s go do your hair and makeup.’
I laugh. ‘You’re serious about this?’
‘Yeah. All the girls are waiting. Come on.’
‘The girls?’
‘Our cousins. Duh. Now, hurry. We don’t want to be late.’
We step into the bathroom, and she pulls out the seat under the vanity.
I sit down.
She picks up my curling iron and turns it on.
I cautiously ask, ‘So you’re not mad at me anymore?’
‘I’m always going to be mad at you. You and my brother are idiots,’ she declares, then smirks.
I laugh.
‘I mean, you still need to tell me things,’ she adds, pinning her gaze on my reflection.
Anxiety builds within me. ‘Fiona, you’re not going to try to get into this all night, are you?’
She sighs. ‘No. I shouldn’t have brought it up. Not tonight. Come on. Let’s get ready.’
Our discussion turns to lighter topics, feeling more like it used to be, and part of me is relieved. There are still issues between us, and I wish there weren’t any, but it’s nice to feel like we’re normal again.
It takes a half hour for her to do my hair while I finish my makeup. Then I get dressed, slip into my stilettos, and Sean walks into the room.
He announces, ‘He’s making me leave now.’
‘Don’t act so upset about it,’ Brax scolds.
Sean tugs me into him and kisses me, warning, ‘Be good tonight.’
‘I don’t think I’m the one who has to be reminded of that.’ I huff, suddenly feeling like maybe this isn’t such a great idea. I know what Brax and Sean are capable of when they’re loose on the town. So I glance at Brax, threatening, ‘You two better behave. Remember, he’s already married.’
‘Yeah, yeah, yeah,’ Brax says, waving his hand.
‘I’m serious.’
‘Don’t worry. I’ll be good,’ Sean declares.
‘Come on, driver’s downstairs,’ Fiona says, grabbing my bag and handing it to me.
I glance back at Sean. ‘Have a good night.’
‘Be good,’ he repeats.
I laugh. ‘Don’t tell me to be good. You be good.’
‘I already told you I will.‘
‘Uh-huh. Sure. I know how guys are at bachelor parties,’ I state.
‘Stop worrying,’ he orders.
‘Fine.’ I raise onto my tiptoes and kiss him.
We go our separate ways, and I’m soon in Fiona’s SUV. We have a fifteen-minute drive until it pulls up to one of the newest clubs.
I gush, ‘Oh, I heard this place is awesome.’
‘Yeah. The Wave’s getting huge reviews. Kinsley and Kylie have already been here, of course,’ she adds, her lips twitching.
‘Of course they have. Where are they?’
‘Everyone’s inside,’ she answers.
We get out of the car and stroll toward the line. Fiona steers me to the front, cooing, ‘Hey, Jason.’
The bouncer eyes us over. His biceps bulge in his tight T-shirt. His black pants hug him perfectly. He looks me over and asks, ‘Fiona, who’s this sexy woman with you?’
She puts her arm around me. ‘This is my sister-in-law, Zara.’
He cringes. ‘Ugh, married woman.’
‘Yep. Sorry, can’t have her,’ she sing-songs.
I laugh.
He lifts the red rope. ‘Have a good night, ladies. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.’
Fiona smirks at him. ‘Don’t worry.’
We step inside the club. The music is so loud I can feel it vibrating through my body. We scan the area, and she points. ‘Oh, there they are.’ She leads me over to a VIP section.
Shannon, Kinsley, Kylie, Mariya, and a dozen other Ivanoff and O’Malley women are there. Part of me is relieved she only brought the younger generation. Not that I don’t love my aunts and my mom, but things are still strained between us.
Everyone rises, and I hug and kiss them on the cheeks. Kinsley hands me a glass of champagne.
Fiona raises her glass in a toast. ‘To my sister-in-law, but let’s pretend you’re not married tonight.’ Her eyes twinkle.
I groan. ‘Fiona.’
She rolls her eyes, laughing. ‘I’m kidding. But come on, we’re going to have fun. To Zara.’
‘To Zara,’ everyone replies, clinking glasses.
I take a sip, and the refreshing bubbles slide down my throat. We sit down and talk for a while and then Kylie rises. ‘I don’t know about you ladies, but I’m ready to dance.’
‘Me too,’ Shannon agrees.
A good-looking, maybe thirty-something red-headed man reaches out and grabs her arm.
She spins. ‘What are you—’ Her words cut off as she stills.
‘Wanna dance?’ he asks.
Her cheeks turn red. ‘Okay.’
I wiggle my eyebrows and glance at Fiona.
She shakes her head, grinning.
Shannon’s usually the first to get hit on. We tease her that it has something to do with her red hair, but she really is stunning. She has all the best features of the O’Malleys and Ivanovs, which, when mixed together, makes her worthy of cover model status. And as much as she gets hit on, she always seems surprised. But she easily swoons over her suitors and tends to get a bit caught up in men earlier than she should.
The ladies disperse, and we follow them to the dance floor. We spend hours moving to the beat, and it feels good. It’s like Fiona and I are back to normal.
Several men try to dance with me, but I don’t allow it. It feels weird to get hit on, especially by guys I’d normally be interested in, when I’m married to Sean. But no bone in my body wants anything to do with them.
Why aren’t I bored yet?
When’s Sean going to get bored of me?
I continue to dance, happy that things are so good between us. Yet I can’t help wondering when it’ll end. Which one of us will be the first to want it to end?
We can’t do anything about it when it happens.
We’re married for eternity.
A horrible feeling hits me.
Fiona tears me out of my thoughts, yelling, ‘I need to go to the bathroom.’
‘I’ll go with you,’ I yell back, needing to take a breather.
We weave through the crush of bodies, then enter the women’s restroom. We do our business and then meet at the counter.
Fiona opens her purse and takes out her lipstick.
I do the same.
She asks, ‘So, are you tired of my brother yet? You can admit it.’ She glides the red stain over her lips.
‘No, not at all.‘
She arches her eyebrows and puts her fingers together. ‘Not even a little bit?’
I think about her question and then shake my head. ‘No. It’s been great, actually.’
She wrinkles her nose. ‘I don’t know how that’s possible with Sean.’
I laugh. ‘That’s because he’s your brother.’
‘Well, I’m glad you two are happy.’
‘You are?’ I question, surprised.
She nods. ‘Yeah, of course. If you’re going to do something that dumb, you might as well be happy.’
I hug her. ‘Thanks for tonight. And thanks for’—I study her a moment—’kind of forgiving me.’
Her lips curve into a tight smile.
‘Admit it, you’re forgiving me,’ I push.
Her face falls. ‘I’m halfway there. But I still don’t understand how you could have gotten married without me.’
‘Sorry,’ I offer, for what feels like the hundredth time.
She grabs my hand. ‘At least Sean didn’t fuck up your ring. My brother surprisingly picked well.’
‘He did,’ I agree, feeling a swell of pride as I stare at the most beautiful diamond I’ve ever seen. And in the family I come from, I’ve seen a lot of amazing bling over the years.
Fiona puts her lipstick in her purse. ‘Come on, let’s go.’ She moves toward the door and opens it. She steps outside and runs into a man.
‘Oh, I’m sorry,’ he apologizes with a familiar Russian accent. He grabs her as she falls backward, and tugs her into him.
Goose bumps race along my skin. I tense up, unable to keep myself from gaping at him.
A faded quarter-inch-wide scar mars his face. It starts at his right temple, moves diagonally over his eyelid, through his nose and cheek, and down to the left side of his jaw. He looks like a total bad boy, and would be great-looking if it weren’t for the scar. He’s wearing a designer black sports coat, black V-neck T-shirt, and dark jeans.
‘I’m sorry,’ he repeats, pinning his dark gaze to hers. ‘Did I hurt you?’
I know that voice.
My heart pounds harder, and the hairs on my arms rise.
Fiona shakes her head and breathlessly states, ‘No, not at all.’
He doesn’t release her, peering at her closer as he says, ‘If I had to run into a woman, I couldn’t have picked a better one. You’re beautiful.’
‘Thank you. You’re not bad yourself,’ Fiona replies, her cheeks flushing.
What is going on here?
Fiona would never say anything like that to a stranger. She’d play it cool and make him work harder for a compliment. And she wouldn’t give a scarred-up man another look. She’d move right past him and onto the prettiest GQ-cover-worthy guy in the room.
He asks, ‘Can I buy you a drink? To make up for it.’
It suddenly hits me who he is, and panic fills me. He may have worn a mask the entire ceremony, but I know that Russian-accented voice, and his height and build are the same.
Why is he here?
My insides quiver. ‘Fiona,’ I say, grabbing her arm.
The man jerks his head toward me, and his eyes widen, as if he’s noticing me for the first time.
We stare at each other. My insides shake harder.
‘Um, do you two know each other or something?’ Fiona questions.
I hesitate, then lie, ‘No.’
‘I’m getting the impression you do,’ Fiona insists, giving me a look.
Kirill states, ‘I’ve definitely never met your friend.’
I catch myself. ‘Yeah, I’ve never seen him. Besides, I would remember somebody that has—’ I stop, realizing I shouldn’t be pointing out his scar, and my cheeks heat.
His expression hardens. ‘It’s okay. You can say it. Somebody with a scar like mine.’
Fiona gives me a dirty look and turns back toward him. She reaches up and runs her finger over his cheek. ‘I think it’s kind of sexy.’
He stares at her, his jaw clenched, eyes burning with something I didn’t see the night of our initiation. I realize it’s vulnerability, but it’s short-lived, and his expression quickly hardens.
‘Come on, Fiona, let’s go,’ I command, linking my arm through hers and tugging her away.
‘Zara, what are you doing?’ she shrieks.
‘It was nice meeting you,’ he calls out.
‘What are you doing?’ she repeats, turning her head to look at him.
Why did he look like he didn’t know I was here?
He’s following me. He has to be.
I tug her down the hall and turn the corner.
‘Zara!’ Fiona scolds.
‘Why were you touching him?’ I question, my pulse still racing.
She huffs. ‘He’s sexy as sin. He’s got the bad-boy vibe down better than any bad boy I’ve ever seen.’
I wrinkle my nose, knowing it’s Kirill. ‘Seriously? He’s also forty-something.’
‘So? Daddy can come home with me,’ she says, winking.
‘Ew. That’s disgusting.’
‘Why is it disgusting? He’s hot,’ she claims.
‘No, he’s not,’ I insist.
‘Whatever.’ She looks back, but we’re halfway through the club and there is a crowd of people between us and where we left Kirill. She whines, ‘Now I don’t know where he went. Thanks a lot, Zara.’
‘It’s fine. You’re not missing out. Look at all the hot guys around here. Guys our age too,’ I add.
She groans. ‘Please, Zara, don’t be so vanilla.’
I scoff. ‘I am not vanilla.’
‘You’re acting like it,’ she says.
‘No, I’m not.’
We head back into the VIP lounge and sit. I pick up the bottle of champagne, but it’s empty. I glance around, but there’s no server anywhere in sight.
‘I can’t believe you did that,’ Fiona reprimands.
I point to a guy on the dance floor who’s Fiona’s type. He’s tall, dark-haired, and looks like he could be the president of the country club. I state, ‘That guy’s been looking at you all night.‘
She groans. ‘Yeah, I know.’
‘Then why don’t you go dance with him?’
She wrinkles her nose. ‘Please. He’s just another previous frat boy. He’s probably just like Marcus.’
I lean closer. ‘You have to get back on the horse. I know you two broke up, but it’s time.’ I point at the guy again. ‘He would be a good one.’
‘Yeah, I’m sure he’s amazing, especially in the sack. No, thanks, though. I need something different. I’m done dating these guys that are good on paper. They’re horribly boring in real life. I need some excitement, and that other guy…’ She glances around, and disappointment fills her expression.
‘He was hot, Zara. I bet he knows what to do. And now, who knows where he went? I’m never going to see him again,’ she gripes.
Relief hits me. Kirill needs to never look at Fiona again. I wave my hand at the dance floor. ‘This room is full of eligible suitors. Look around.’
The server comes in with a bucket, a new bottle of champagne poking out from the top. She sets it down. ‘Cristal, from the gentleman. He said he sends his apologies.’
Fiona excitedly glances around. ‘Where is he?’
The server points to the balcony across the way.
We glance up, and my stomach dives.
Kirill stares intently at Fiona. He briefly glances at me and then turns his gaze back to Fiona.
The server fills two glasses and hands one to each of us. Fiona tears her eyes off of Kirill, but only for a brief second. Then she holds her glass in the air and nods at him.
Kirill nods back, and I shiver.
She takes a sip and smiles.
He turns and walks away.
‘Maybe he’s coming down here,’ she gushes.
‘Fiona, he doesn’t look like somebody you should get involved with.’
‘Oh, please, who says anything about getting involved with him? I can have some fun tonight.’ Her face lights up.
I groan, ordering, ‘Pick another guy. Look at the huge selection.’
‘Stop saying that. I’m not interested,’ she insists, then takes another sip, searching the crowd for Kirill.
He never appears.
I spend the night with my gut in knots, waiting for him to show up.
Fiona waits as well, but as time passes, she grows more and more upset. After an hour, we finally return to the dance floor. I make her dance with other men. We have a good time, but I can tell she’s still thinking about him.
My only hope is that she never sees him again.
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