There’s no way I can stay at the pub. I don’t know why John would come inside or how he even knew I was here. Yet I shouldn’t be surprised. He always catches me off guard.

Six months ago, he appeared. I was coming out of my spin class at around six in the morning. The thick darkness had a bone-freezing chill. Sweat covered my skin, but I had welcomed the sharpness of the air.

I was still breathing hard, rushing out of the gym to get home so I could shower before work. My driver, Calogero, wasn’t anywhere in sight, which was unusual.

My overprotective father gave him strict instructions to always be early and never make me wait. And it wasn’t like some girls, whose fathers spoiled them and taught them to be demanding toward those on their payroll. Mine issued the orders due to his ‘safety’ concerns. So every morning, Calogero was waiting on the curb for me when I exited my workout.

I was reaching into my bag to pull out my phone when I’d heard, ‘Ever wonder why you didn’t meet your father until you were fifteen?‘

My blood had turned cold, all the warmth in my body from my workout disappearing. I spun, realizing the only people who knew those details were those I was already associated with. But the dark-haired, fortyish guy wasn’t anyone I had seen before.

He held up his hands and stated, ‘You don’t have to be afraid of me.’

‘No?’ I’d questioned, wishing my mace or the pocket knife my father insisted I carry with me at all times were more easily accessible. I always kept them tucked nicely inside the zippered compartment of my purse, thinking I’d never have to use them since Calogero was always waiting for me.

The stranger stepped closer, and I couldn’t move, even though I should have backed up. Then he’d asked the one question my father refused to tell me the answer to, no matter how much I begged him. It was the sore spot between us, and as much as I tried to let it go, I never could. To this day, it nags me over and over on a daily basis.

John nodded and added, ‘Everyone has been waiting for you.’

My heart raced and my mouth had gone dry. I’d barely gotten out, ‘Everyone?’

His lips twitched at my confusion, and his expression grew friendlier. ‘There’s a world waiting for you, Zara, that few are allowed to enter. Once you’re in, you’ll have all the answers you’ve ever wanted at the tip of your fingers.’

Goose bumps popped out on my skin, but Pandora’s box had been opened. Curiosity flared in my cells, keeping me pinned to the cement, unable to move.

John continued giving me the same look, as if he knew he had me in a corner and that I wouldn’t be able to resist whatever he offered.

I tried to appear unafraid and confident, lifting my chin, squaring my shoulders, and not batting an eye under his intense scrutiny when I’d declared, ‘If you’re going to speak in riddles, I’m afraid I can’t help you.’

A gruff chuckle flew out of his mouth. It was as if he hadn’t laughed in years and didn’t know what to do with it.

‘What’s so funny?’ I snapped, wondering again why my driver wasn’t there.

Gathering his composure, he took a deep breath, assessed me further, and replied, ‘Everything will soon become clear. You’ll vow to serve, and in return, all the things you’ve wanted will be yours.’

‘You don’t know what I want,’ I spouted, then glanced behind me. My anxiety grew, knowing my driver was never late for any reason. My father would kill him.

Where was he?

A crooked smile formed on John’s face. He stepped closer, leaning into my ear, murmuring, ‘You want answers. Riches. Power.’

I blurted out, ‘I’m already rich,’ then my cheeks had heated. My father’s wealth wasn’t something I bragged about, and I didn’t know why I felt it necessary to argue with this man I’d never seen until now.

He scoffed. ‘You don’t understand rich yet. But unlimited knowledge gives you power. And power gives you control. And all the things you ever wanted lie within.’

I took a few shaky breaths.

‘You deserve to know the truth about why you never knew your father. And The Underworld will give it to you.’

I should have run. Yet I couldn’t help myself. I stayed, taunted by this dangling carrot of finally having the answers to the questions that burned within me for as long as I could remember. ‘The Underworld?’ I asked.

He stepped back and put his finger to his curving lips with a harsh, ‘Shh!’

More confusion filled me.

‘There is no speaking of The Underworld outside of us. You won’t ever get access if you tell anyone about our conversations now or in the future. The truth you seek will stay hidden. The riches set aside for you will stay buried. And all the power and control you don’t know you want will become someone else’s. Do you understand?’

I gaped at him, a tidal wave of mixed emotions pounding me.

‘There will be no other warnings. These rules aren’t negotiable. I won’t ever speak about them to you again, and before you vow, you’ll get tested. The only time you’ll hear them again will be on initiation night.’

My voice was shaky when questioned, ‘What’s initiation night?’

‘You’ll see,’ he replied, then glanced at his watch and back at me. ‘I suspect your driver will be here in the next minute. He may have had a flat tire. You might want to check your text messages.’

I couldn’t breathe. I watched him turn and stroll down the street. The moment he disappeared from sight, my driver pulled up.

Calogero jumped out of the SUV and, in disapproval, fretted in his Italian accent, ‘Ms. Marino, what are you doing outside in the dark? Did you not get my text messages?’

Still stunned by my encounter with John, I shook my head and said nothing.

Calogero put his hand on my back and led me to the vehicle, adding, ‘I texted you to stay inside. Your father would not approve of you standing out here by yourself.’ He opened the door.

‘Sorry, didn’t get it,’ I replied and slid inside.

He shut the door, got into the driver’s seat, then pulled forward. He glanced at me through the rearview mirror. For several minutes, he lectured me on safety precautions and how I should look at my messages if for any reason he wasn’t there.

I barely heard him, nodding occasionally and apologizing while reassuring him I was fine.

In a haze, I went through the motions, going through my day, wondering what this Underworld was that John had spoken of or if he really knew the truth about my father.

As hard as I tried to figure out how he would know my most intimate thoughts, there were no answers. The temptation to talk to Fiona about what had happened grew, but something about John’s warning stopped me from confiding in her.

Several months passed, and John never reappeared. I began to wonder if I’d been delusional. Did I want to know the truth about my father’s past so much I made the entire encounter up?

Then, out of nowhere, I ran into John. Or maybe I should say, he ran into me.

Fiona and a huge group of us girls were out for the night. A new club in town had opened. We were all on the dance floor, and I’d spun around right into his arms.

He leaned into my ear, demanding, ‘You’ve done well keeping our secret. Take the hallway past the bathroom to the exit sign. Go now and wait for me there. And smile so you don’t draw attention to yourself with your friends.’ He spun me in a circle, released me, then stepped in front of Fiona and grabbed her to dance.

I didn’t hesitate. I weaved through the sweaty crowd toward the bathroom and found the hallway. It took John ten minutes to arrive. Once he did, he swept me out the door and into the alley.

The conversation hadn’t lasted long. He informed me, ‘The Omni think you’re close.’

I arched my eyebrows in question, clueless as to what the term ‘Omni’ meant.

His stern voice sent chills down my spine. ‘Vows cannot be undone. They aren’t reversible or revisable. Do you understand?’

I stayed silent, wanting to know everything about the vows he spoke of, but part of me had wanted to run.

‘I need to know you understand,’ he demanded.

I squeaked out a ‘Yes.’

‘Good. Once you decide to enter The Underworld, you’re pledging your life to the organization. Every task assigned to you leads you toward the truth. Each step you take moves you forward toward your destiny.’

‘What’s my destiny?’ I blurted out.

John’s expression grew darker, laced with his crooked smile. He dragged his knuckles down my cheek and held his fist in front of my face. Then he turned it, displaying a mark.

The soft glow in the alley required me to look harder. At first, I assumed it was a faded tattoo, but then realized it was a brand, which horrified me but also electrified my curiosity.

Something about the skull adorned with flowers struck me—beautiful femininity mixed with bloody masculinity while hinting at love. Staring at it unearthed something deep inside me, something I couldn’t explain. I wasn’t able to look away. It held me in a trance, wondering what it meant and how he got it.

John’s voice turned softer when he said, ‘Ah. You understand it.’ He then moved his hand away.

I slowly met his gaze, swallowing hard.

He continued, ‘There’s only one way to get inside. You pledge your life to The Underworld, and there’s no going back. Are you ready, Zara?’

Adrenaline and anticipation swirled within me, and a loud inner voice screamed at me with conflicting messages.

John lifted his fist again, seducing me with the skull to the point I almost agreed.

But then he pulled back and stated, ‘You’re not ready. I’ll return, and you will then be ready to pledge your allegiance and step into your destiny.’

‘I-I don’t understand all this,’ I admitted.

‘But you want it,’ he insisted.

I opened my mouth, my insides quivering, but nothing came out.

His expression went neutral. He patted my shoulder and then disappeared, leaving me in the alley.

That was three months ago. I hadn’t seen him again until tonight, and he surprised me by showing up out of the blue.

‘Another drink?’ Molly asks, tearing me out of my thoughts.

I take my gaze off the front door, glancing around the pub at my family and friends, and know I need to leave. Who knows what happened between John and Sean? Knowing Sean, he’s going to demand that I explain who John is, and I’m unprepared to answer his questions.

‘No, thanks, Molly,’ I say, then push through the crowd to get to my father.

He stops mid-sentence when I approach, then he grins and tugs me into him. The creases in the corners of his eyes deepen, and his Italian accent is thicker than normal, which happens when he’s drinking. He boasts, ‘There’s my beautiful figlia. It’s about time you came to see your mama and me.’

Mom laughs. ‘Luca, she can’t be expected to hang out with us old people all night.’

He pulls us closer to him and says, ‘Ah, you speak the truth for me, but not for you, my stellina.’

Mom beams brighter.

Dad refocuses on me. ‘Are you having fun?’

‘Yes, but I have an early morning tomorrow. I came to say goodbye,’ I lie.

His expression falls. ‘Tomorrow is Saturday.’

I nod. Out of the corner of my eye, I catch Sean’s thick dirty-blond hair and tall frame step through the front door. He glances around and doesn’t look happy. My gut flips, and I dig myself deeper. ‘Yes. We’re very busy this time of year. If I stay any longer, I’ll suffer tomorrow.’

Dad glances at his watch. ‘It’s only nine.’

‘Luca, she’s being responsible. No one wants their attorney hungover and working on their case,’ Mom interjects.

Pride fills my father’s face. He kisses the top of my head. ‘All right, smarty pants. Be responsible. But text me when you’re safe in your apartment.’

I groan. ‘My driver does that already.’

He grins bigger. ‘Sue me for wanting my figlia to text me. Especially when she insisted on moving to Chicago and away from her mama and me.’

‘Dad,’ I moan.

He chuckles and turns toward Mom. ‘I’ll return.’ He refocuses on me. ‘Let me walk you out to the car.’

I open my mouth to object, but then shut it. Sean’s pushing his way through the crowd with determination radiating off him. I quickly weigh my options and decide it’s safer to go with my father. I’m ninety-nine percent sure Sean won’t grill me in front of him.

Dad guides me toward the door, and we run into Sean halfway there.

‘Zara. I’ve been meaning to replace you,’ Sean states as he steps closer, his dirty-blond hair curling near his eyebrow and his tall frame looming over me.

‘My beautiful figlia insists on leaving. She claims she needs her brains in tip-top shape tomorrow,’ Dad teases.

Sean pins his green gaze on me, then nods at Dad. ‘I was on my way out too. I have a few legal questions for Zara. Why don’t I have my driver take her home on the way to my place?’ He smiles, and his dimple appears.

Oh shit!

Dad’s body stiffens, and his eyes turn to slits. He lowers his voice. ‘This is appropriate for Zara?’

Sean’s expression goes as serious as my father’s. He claims, ‘Of course. All legit. I just need some advice. Besides, you know I’d never cross the line.’

Annoyance hits me. I spout, ‘Because I’m a woman, right?’

Dad and Sean give me the same exasperated look they always do whenever I ask why I can’t know things or be the main attorney for the families.

Dad kisses my head again, asserting, ‘I’m your father. The safety of you and your mother is my top priority.’ He turns to Sean. ‘You’ll walk her up to her apartment and make sure she’s safe inside, correct?’

‘Of course,’ he replies.

I groan. ‘I can walk to my apartment myself.’

‘But then I’d be worried. And you don’t want that, right?’ Dad says, flashing his intoxicated grin at me.

I sigh, sarcastically agreeing, ‘Nope! Wouldn’t ever want that.’

‘See you later, Luca. Let’s go, Zara,’ Sean says, then slides his arm around my waist to maneuver me out of the pub. Part of me wants to resist him and run, knowing that he’ll grill me as soon as we’re alone. But I can’t. I sink against him, inhaling his toffee and bourbon vanilla cologne, and ignoring Fiona’s disapproving glance from across the bar.

She’s spoken her mind several times over the years, insinuating that Sean and I flirt with one another. We always deny it, but she’s not dumb.

There is something between us, but we’ve never ventured down the path. We’re friends, and that’s how it’s going to stay. It would be stupid to risk our friendship, especially when neither of us can seem to stay with anyone long-term.

One drunken night, we even admitted we get bored too easily with the people we date. So we pinky swore to never cross the line, and once we were sober, we never discussed our promise again.

We step outside, and his SUV pulls up to the curb. He doesn’t wait for the driver, opening the back door himself and motioning me to get in.

‘I have a driver,’ I object, trying to get out of the conversation I know is in front of me.

‘Don’t fight me on this, Zara. Now, get in,’ he commands, drilling his green gaze into me.

I cave, not having the energy to fight him. He usually gets everything he wants anyway.

He slides in after me and then shuts the door, ordering, ‘Zara’s,’ to the driver. He hits the button, and the window between the front and back seats closes.

The SUV veers onto the road, and a tense silence fills the car.

I wait, hoping it’s my lucky night and Sean will let me off the hook.

It’s pointless, though. He leans close to my ear. His hot breath tickles my skin, and zings fly to my core.

I cross my legs tighter and shift in my seat.

He demands, ‘Tell me how you know John.’

I close my eyes briefly, then slowly turn to him, an inch from his face. My pulse quickens.

He glances at my lips and then pins his authoritative stare on me.

My nipples harden. It only happens when I’m around Sean, and we have these intense moments. Yet I wish it didn’t. I shouldn’t react to him this way, but I can’t stop it. All it does is remind me of the deep cravings I have but will never succumb to. It’s not worth feeding my hunger only to get bored. At least, not with Sean.

‘Don’t make me ask you again, Zara,’ he warns, which doesn’t help my itch. Something about how he assumes he’s in charge and can order me around sets my veins on fire.

One inch closer and his mouth is on mine.

Don’t go there with him, I remind myself.

‘Zara!’ he growls.

‘I can’t tell you anything,’ I insist.


‘I can’t!’


I stare at him, my lips quivering, afraid to speak and risk losing my chance of gaining access to everything I’ve ever wanted to know.

My fear fights with my uncertainty. I couldn’t tell John I’m ready to make whatever lifetime vow he was referring to. There are too many unknown details, and my gut tells me my father would never approve, and not just because I would replace out the truth about his past.

Yet I still don’t understand anything about this Underworld John keeps mentioning.

‘What has he threatened you with?’ Sean inquires.

‘He hasn’t threatened me.’

‘Then why did he come into the pub?’

I open my mouth and then shut it. No matter what Sean asks me, I can’t tell him anything. There’s too much to risk.

He slides his hand through my hair and palms the back of my head, like he did earlier.

I gasp, the butterflies in my stomach ferociously fluttering.

He leans over me, seething, ‘I saw it. Now, tell me.’

‘Saw what?’ I whisper, my chest rising and falling faster.

He studies me for a moment, and I think he’s going to kiss me, but he doesn’t.

He takes several deep breaths, his exhales like fire on my lips, adding kindling to the flames scorching within me. He grits through his teeth, ‘I saw it, Zara.’

‘Sean, I-I don’t know what you’re talking about,’ I insist.

A world of turmoil explodes over his sharp features. The SUV stops, but he doesn’t take his gaze off mine. He implores, ‘Don’t lie to me, Zara.’

I still don’t know what he’s referring to, so I just ask, ‘Sean?’

Neither of us moves, but it slowly hits me. Goose bumps pop out on my skin. Still, I’m too afraid to speak, but something in my expression must give it away.

He insists, ‘Tell me everything.’

What does he know about it?

I try to inhale, but my lungs are already full of stale air. I murmur, ‘What did you see?’

Another moment passes before he finally answers, ‘I saw the skull.’

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