Broken Dreams (Unhingedverse)
Broken Dreams: Chapter 17


We have our dance gear in a bag, ready for work, and are headed to have a late lunch with Adira. Callum said she’s been climbing the walls to come meet Quinn, and was threatening to drive herself out to the house. Since she can’t operate a car, this is the safer option for all mankind.

I know they’ve been trying to give us time to acclimate, but we’re being thrown into the deep end. It’s time to sink or swim, baby.

“I need to mention something else,” Duncan says tentatively. I get the feeling he does this often. “We’re trying to wrap as much security and protection as possible around you. In true fashion, Hudson wants to have dinner with you before the party with a few of the heads of the families. It’s to make your presence known to the big guys.”

Quinn rolls her eyes, furiously writing something before turning it. Callum reads it out loud, as Duncan is driving.

“They know me,” he murmurs. “Of course they do, but this isn’t about that. Depending on how you decide to proceed with your role in our world, Hudson wants you to be reintroduced to them. You’re not fourteen anymore.”

Quinn makes a face, and I smirk. She really doesn’t want to do this.

I guess, she says as she pouts. They were old when I met them as I grew up, they’re all ancient now. Why would they care about me?

“Ah, I think you’re selling yourself short, Quinnie,” Callum says with a shit eating grin. “Here we are.”

Pulling into a restaurant that appears to be a pub, I’m glad we’re wearing appropriate clothing. I’m wearing a pair of dark cargo pants and a short sleeved shirt, while Quinn is wearing a comfortable dress that stops at mid thigh. We look like normal people.

I’m oddly nervous because I haven’t eaten in a restaurant in ten years. Quinn squeezes my hand, winking at me. Yeah, we’ve survived some pretty fucked up things. We can handle a restaurant. Getting out of the car, Callum holds up a tablet.

“Cerenity actually made me feel really small and dumb when she mentioned this,” he says. “This is a much better way for you to write.”

Brow raised in question as she tosses her pad of paper and pen back into the car, Callum grins at her.

“I wanted to make a dramatic statement,” he says.

That sounds exactly like him. Quinn looks amused as she shuts the door, and we walk toward the restaurant. There are a few vehicles in the parking lot, but I’m surprised it’s not busier. Duncan opens the door for us, dropping another piece of information as we step inside.

“We may have rented out the restaurant so it would be nice and quiet,” he admits.

Immediately, I feel the anxiety begin to drain from my body. They didn’t have to do this, and it’s kind of insane because normal people can’t. It reminds me that Pack Kelly isn’t normal.

We’re led by the hostess to a slightly larger table than I would expect, and I wonder who else is coming. Pack Dresmond sits at a table next to us, giving us the illusion of privacy as Kane wears a new baby carrier that appears to be a sling. The baby doll’s butt is sitting inside of it, its head peeking out at the top. There’s a tail of fabric fed through a ring that allows a very colorful pattern to be seen as it flows over Kane’s shoulder.

It’s bright pink, and somehow he’s rocking it out without a care in the world as he talks with his brothers and Morris.

“Kane is trying out different styles of baby carriers so he can report back to me which ones he likes,” Adira murmurs, appearing amused and completely smitten. “Today, he’s wearing a ring sling. I’m half afraid the baby is going to slide out somehow.”

My lips twitch even harder because he’s wearing a baby doll. My intrusive thoughts are going crazy with thoughts of how many different ways the doll could fall.

“Oh! I’m so sorry, Kane and this baby kind of take up a lot of room in my brain lately,” Adira explains. “I’m Adira, Quinn, and I’m so excited to meet you. Truly, it’s very nice to see you awake instead of not.”

Quinn huffs out a laugh at her enthusiasm, shrugging. The last time Adira saw her was after she’d passed out. Callum slides the tablet to Quinn, and she writes, Hi. It’s good to be awake.

Adira grins as she reads that, recognizing that it’s a bit tongue in cheek and teasing.

Chatting for a bit, we order drinks, and the waitress doesn’t blink at all at Quinn’s written speech.

“I’m sorry I’m running so late,” an older man with closely cropped dark hair says, pulling out a seat next to Adira. His gaze is assessing and warm as he leans forward to hold out his hand to Quinn.

What exactly is going on? I know nothing about criminal structures or the mafia, so I am very confused as I watch.

“Quinn, you may not remember me. I’m Cian Sullivan,” the alpha says. He’s fairly tall, and wearing a dark blue suit that appears custom tailored. Somehow, I can read that he’s someone who is used to being paid attention to.

Quinn inclines her head at him, and he smiles. Turning toward me, he waits for an introduction. Am I supposed to tell him my name? I’m shit at the polite niceties these days.

“Cian, this is our other omega, Linus Kelly,” Callum says, jumping in as I smile tightly and shake his hand.

“Good to meet you,” Cian says. “I want to make sure this is a stress free lunch, so I’ll get to the point so as not to draw this out.”

Sitting down, he leans forward to gaze at us. Quinn and I are sitting next to each other, and you can probably feel the nerves coming off of us.

“Adira came to me and told me a little about your story. Not enough to be invasive, but so I would understand that this is what she continually reminds the senior members of the families of,” he says. “Our omegas aren’t safe. They haven’t been for some time.”

“The old men have been saying that everything is fine,” Adira says. “I walked in on their meeting beaten to hell, a living embodiment of how they’re incorrect. There are head hunters stalking the cities to replace omegas they don’t believe anyone will miss, and it’s disgusting.”

“That’s how I disappeared,” I chime in. “I was walking home from the school library after a late study session, about a mile from my apartment. I was so close to home. I’ve never stopped thinking about the ‘what ifs’.”

I’ve never said that out loud before, and Quinn covers my hand with hers.

Cian turns his intense hazel gaze to me, making me feel as if he’s turning me inside out.

“This world wasn’t safe ten to twenty years ago and it’s not safe now,” he murmurs. “There has to be something we can do about that for at least our city.”

“No one is going to want to sweep a city for potential difficulties,” I sigh, shrugging. “No one looked for me or cared. I was the first in my family to go to college for something like computer engineering. Everyone thought it was a waste of time, so when I disappeared, I’m sure it was a nod to my insanity.”

“I think that’s the saddest thing I’ve ever heard,” Cian growls. “You obviously have a great mind. Things like that need to be nurtured. I think a team of volunteers that revolves around protecting people is important. It’s not just omegas who are disappearing. I’m hearing reports of alphas being attacked and taken as well.”

Why? Quinn asks, entering the conversation. Cian smiles at her, happy she’s speaking to him at all.

It’s not that Quinn willfully refuses to speak, it’s simply that she feels awkward writing it out around strangers.

“Scientists want to run experiments on them, while others want to train them to run ops for the government,” Cian explains. “Alphas are typically stronger than other designations, but not all alphas are well trained. They’re at risk as well, the Average Joe perfect for pushing to the limits to see what they’re capable of.”

I’d never thought of that before, and my mind goes wild with those possibilities.

“I guess no one is really safe unless you’re a beta,” I rasp.

Adira shrugs, her eyes moving to the table where her pack is at. My gaze moves with hers and I realize she’s watching Morris. Their shared glance speaks volumes and I realize I may have spoken out of turn. No one is safe at all. Fuck.

“While we’re hoping to change the safety of Minneapolis specifically, Cian is actually here for another reason,” Callum says gently.

Turning back to focus on the alpha in front of me, I watch as Cian nods.

“This dinner your father is organizing before the party will have some of the senior heads of the mafia families, and I’ll be there as well,” he explains. “Hudson is going to be pissed that you’re already packed up, but that’s his problem. Ignore him, Quinn. Your job is to look strong at this meeting.”

Doesn’t strength involve the ability to talk? Quinn asks, to which Cian smirks.

“You are talking,” he says. “Silence scares these men because they don’t know when to shut the fuck up. Sit there with your head held high, only answer when necessary. You’ll do fine. Security is going to be the issue.”

“Hudson was adamant Callum and I can’t come,” Duncan says, annoyed.

“There’s no place for me either then,” I grumble, unhappy about this as well. I go everywhere with her.

“Maybe not here, but Adira will also be at this meeting. Hudson can’t risk offending her,” Cian says gently. “Mafia hierarchy and designation don’t have anything to do with the other, and we’ll all be well armed.”

“When is this dinner?” I ask, feeling a sense of urgency to this conversation.

“Two days, which would be Tuesday,” Adira says, wrinkling her nose. “He’s throwing a tantrum because he hasn’t been able to see her before this from what I understand.”

I’ve been out in the real world for almost three weeks, and the passage of time feels otherworldly. So much has happened in such a short time. Now, here we are discussing sending Quinn back to the wolves. It isn’t fair.

“He definitely is,” Callum says. “He reminds me of a three year old without his toy.”

As the waitress brings over drinks and takes food orders, I see the way Quinn’s lips twist in disgust. Her father did well in the world during her absence, which is making it more apparent that he had something to do with her kidnapping.

While my parents were distant, they’d never arrange for me to disappear. This is insane to me. So much destruction to feed his greed. I hate that she has to go to that dinner even more.

“We’ll do our best to make sure you’re prepared for this, and Cerenity is fine giving you the night off,” Duncan says. “Linus will work, which will help keep your mind occupied. The dinner isn’t far outside of the city at your old house, Quinn.”

Unhappiness is vibrating off my best friend, the air smelling like burnt sugar. Quinn remains silent as she listens, though. She’s unfortunately used to doing things because she needs to.

“What is the ultimate reason for her doing this?” I ask suddenly, accidentally interrupting Cian. Wincing, I wait to be reprimanded, but he merely nods, accepting my worries.

I’m the one who needs to be convinced. I’m not part of this world, just a normal omega in love with his best friend.

“Explain what you mean,” Cian suggests, a little wrinkle forming between his eyes.

“Other than as loyalty to a society she’s no longer a part of or familial obedience to a father who may have sold her in the first place, why do this?” I ask. “What is there to gain for Quinn?”

“Good questions,” he says. “There’s a very good chance she may be taking her father’s place when it’s proven he sold his own daughter. She’s going to need to solidify her place amongst the families before that happens.”

Huh. I didn’t think that he would admit what we’ve all been thinking about on my side of the table. Hudson Hughes is acting way too guilty to not have been involved.

“Okay,” I say, deflating slightly. I was really working myself up.

Adira smiles, leaning forward with her arms on the table. She’s wearing a white linen dress that makes her dark brown hair stand out as it curls around her face.

“You’re worried about her,” she says. “It’s understandable that you’ll ask the hard questions. Callum and Duncan have already been through these meetings that are really just an excuse to replace allies before we kill someone off.”

Quinn cracks a small smile at her words, forcing herself to take a deep breath. She’s also been working herself up, and I wish I knew how or why. Her father is using her mother against her for the party, but I don’t know if she’ll be there for the dinner.

“Is her mom going to be at the dinner?” I ask for Quinn.

Adira’s face goes from pleasant to fucking scary so quickly, I flinch in surprise.

“Down girl,” Callum murmurs. “You’re going to scare everyone.”

“He’s refusing to let Ayla see Quinn until the party, which is bullshit. It simply shows he’s willing to use any bargaining tool he can to bring Quinn to heel.”

I’m not a dog, Quinn writes, her lips pursed.

“No, you’re not, which is why this pisses me off so much. It’s at his home, it would cost him nothing to allow you two to see each other,” Adira says. “I could be projecting, but I would be pissed if it was my mother.”

This is about control, Quinn says. Who has it and a reminder of who doesn’t.

The pad has a stylus as well as a keyboard, but she seems to prefer the stylus. I wouldn’t be able to have much speed on a keyboard myself anymore.

“Yes it is,” Adira says. “He should enjoy it while it lasts, because I don’t believe he’ll be able to keep it for long.”

The rest of the lunch is spent both planning and getting to know each other, with Cian paying special attention to both Quinn and I.

“Outside of all of the political bullshit,” Cian says, “what do you want?”

I want to code and dance, Quinn says with a small sigh. It speaks volumes to me, because the world seems to want to get in the way of those simple pleasures.

“Computer coding?” he asks. At Quinn’s nod, Cian grins. “Well, you’re in a good place for it. Callum is one of the best, and then my daughter’s mate has been talking about teaching someone that he knows. There’s nothing electronic that’s safe if he’s near it.”

The pride in his voice is endearing, despite the criminal activity he’s describing.

“Caelin is looking to teach someone?” Duncan asks. The way he asks makes me wonder if this guy may be a bit surly.

“I’m not going to look that gift horse in the mouth,” Callum says with a smirk. “We’ll start coding lessons then, Quinn. We can see how much you remember, updating it with what’s changed. You were always a natural.”

The pride in his voice makes Quinn’s cheeks blush, but it may be well placed. She’s really smart, I have no doubt she’ll be able to catch up quickly.

Finishing up lunch, we stand and say our goodbyes. Adira comes around the table to face Quinn with a smile.

“I really am so happy they found you,” she says, holding out her hand to see if Quinn will take it.

Hesitantly, she does, and Adira takes a deep breath.

“I also want to tell you something you already know. Your boys are so special, Quinn. They’ll get you through whatever you need,” she says, her green eyes shining. “There’s a lot of hard parts to get to your happy ending, and there’s always work to be done. I can say for a fact that it’s worth it.”

Quinn’s lip quivers as she nods, and Callum practically tackles them in a hug.

“If you get weepy, I sure as shit will too,” he murmurs into her hair.

Adira gasps in a laugh as the tears escape, and Quinn leans into Callum’s embrace.

“If there’s anything you need, this oaf has my number,” Adira says with a sigh as her body begins to regulate from the outburst of emotion. “I swear, this baby has made me more emotional. It’s weird.”

Quinn’s eyes widen as if remembering, and I grab the tablet for her that’s on the table.

Are you sure you should go to this meeting? she asks.

Adira smirks as she reads, nodding. “I’m not broken, just growing a person. I’ll keep more guns on me, despite preferring knives. Sometimes, done is better than perfect, and that goes for dead men walking as well,” she explains. “I trust Cian at my back.”

“Well I appreciate that,” the alpha in question says before waving. “I’ll see you soon, Adira and Quinn. Goodbye.”

There’s a chorus of goodbyes as we begin to walk toward the exit. I’m still apprehensive, but it’s not up to me. There’s clearly larger things at play.

My fingers link with Quinn’s and then I’m helping her into the SUV, even though I know damn well she can do it herself. As I walk around to my side of the vehicle, I replace Callum leaning against his door, waiting for me.

“Feeling pissed off, huh?” he asks sympathetically.

“More like anxious and worried,” I sigh. “I don’t know anything about what’s going on, and it always feels as if I’m being surprised with something new. I feel emotionally ambushed.”

Callum blinks slowly before he curses under his breath. “I can see that now that you mention it,” he says. “We’ve been so busy getting things into place, we forgot to explain the steps. We do this shit to Adira all of the time, and she wants to murder us. I’m surprised I have a knot at all at this point.”

My lips twitch as I lean against the door. “There’s just days where everything feels like a lot, and I wasn’t prepared for today,” I explain. “The first day of work, when Quinn met Adira for the first time, I was ready for that. Mafia shit is over my pay grade, but if Quinn is involved, I want to be aware.”

“What’s going on?” Duncan asks, coming around the car, and I sigh.

“I didn’t mean for this to be a whole thing,” I say, reaching for the door handle.

“No, it’s not,” Callum insists, his hand squeezing my shoulder. “We need to slow the fuck down and loop Linus and Quinn into things more, Duncan.”

“Okay,” he says, nodding. “I acknowledge that I didn’t think about that the way I should. I’ll try to limit the surprises. Sometimes, things need to be staged that way or I won’t have enough time to tell you, but this I could have mentioned in the car ride. It was dumb that we didn’t.”

Wow. I didn’t think it would be that easy.

“Anything else?” Duncan asks teasingly. “I swear, we’re really easy going. We’ve been bachelors for a long time, and only had to clear shit with each other. It’s an adjustment for us too.”

“No, that’s it,” I say, still trying to process this conversation. Aren’t men supposed to be assholes by nature? I’m not one and I have a dick. Maybe I need to reframe that thought. “Ah, thank you.”

“We’re still dicks,” Callum reminds me, cuffing the back of my neck with his large hand and pulling me toward him. “We should make it up to you.”

He’s a little taller than I am, so he easily uses his thumb under my chin to push my head up so he can kiss me hard. Duncan steals me away to kiss me as well, and I’m dizzy by the time he lets me go.

“We’ll do better,” he rasps, his voice deep and husky as he steps back. “We better get you and Quinn to work, Linus.”

Biting my lip, I move back to the door and open it, climbing in. Quinn’s blushing, the car strongly smelling of lilacs. I don’t have to worry about her being jealous because she’s clearly turned on by the sight of the brothers and I.

“Doing okay?” I tease her, enjoying the raspberry I get in return. Chuckling, I watch the guys open their doors and climb inside, and begin to count in my head as they shut them.


Their nostrils flare as they turn to gaze at Quinn, their eyes hooding with lust.

“Why do we have to take you to work,” Callum groans. “I just want to sit you on my face until you scream, cry, and slick all over it begging for a knot.”

I guess the kid gloves are being set on fire.

“Fuck,” I mutter, adjusting my pants.

Quinn whimpers as she attempts to squeeze her legs shut, and I suddenly begin to feel very mischievous. Maybe we’ll give them just a taste…

Scooting over to her, I pick her up and place her between my thighs, legs splayed over mine. My fingers twist in the cotton fabric of her dress, my lips brushing against the shell of her ear.

“You smell so damn good,” I groan. “Should we show them how wet you are?”

Her ass is against my cock, and I rock her against it as she sighs, dropping her head against my shoulder as I ghost my fingers up her thighs. I keep her covered because I need her consent before I bare her to our alphas.

Her wild nod makes me nip her jaw gently, murmuring, “Good girl.”

Many of the alphas preferred slurs to praise at the club, outside of Alpha Sanchez. I deny the cramp in my heart as I think of his name, refusing to waste anymore time on him.

This is my time with Quinn, and I plan to enjoy it.

“Fuck, I really want to see,” Duncan groans, his gaze on the apex of her thighs as I pull them up agonizingly slow. “Linus.”

The way he says my name makes me inhale sharply, smelling our scents begin to mix. I can’t change my body chemistry and the shit Bret’s done to fuck with it, so I ignore how I yearn to be able to recognize them as my scent matches, baring Quinn’s slick soaked pussy.

The only thing between their eyes and the promised land is her wrecked panties, and Quinn writhes against my body despite not having truly touched her yet.

“So pretty, can I see more, naughty omegas?” Callum croons.

Rubbing my cheek over her neck, I cover her in my scent as I hook my finger under the material.

“Do they deserve it?” I ask, kissing her as she moans, my finger teasing her core.

“Are you teasing all of us?” Duncan asks. “Linus, you’re a bad boy. You’re making me want to tease you back. I’m going to start making a list filled with all the reasons I’ll edge you, and you’ll fucking thank me for it.”

Holy fuck, I didn’t see pleasure dom in this alpha, but I’m here for it. My cock is leaking, swollen and needy, and I wrap my free arm around Quinn’s waist to use her ass to continue to grind against it. I have no problems being the brat who comes in the car when my alpha just threatened to keep my orgasms from me.

Pulling her panties aside, I unhesitatingly push three fingers into her dripping cunt, using my palm to rub against her clit. Her whine is perfect as her back bows and her feet wrap around my legs to attempt to get more friction.

“You’re going to take exactly what he has to give you, aren’t you, Quinn?” Callum says, his purr loud as he watches greedily.

“Ye-es,” she says breathlessly, making me smile. That’s my girl. Build those baby steps. Duncan groans at the sound of her voice, a sign that she’s losing herself in pleasure.

“You’re sopping wet,” I groan. “Are you going to come on my fingers or my cock?”

“Fuck, you’re a devious brat,” Duncan grinds out as he watches me tease Quinn.

Quinn’s fingers ghost up my thighs until she’s gripping my dick with a gorilla grip that tells me she may rip it off if I don’t pull it out and fuck her. Since I would like to keep my parts where they should be, I hurriedly unbutton my pants and pull out my cock.

A knock on Callum’s window should have stopped me, but I’m too far gone. Pulling out my fingers from her cunt, I push them into her mouth to clean off before I impale her on my cock.

“Fuck, you’re going to kill me,” Callum groans, glancing at the window to replace Kane with his ring sling and baby outside. “He needs better timing, I thought they were gone.”

Chuckling, I kiss down Quinn’s neck as I continue to fuck her. I’ve spent the last ten years being an exhibitionist. I’m not going to stop making my girl feel good because someone is outside the car. That sounds like someone else’s problem.

Turning on the car with an embarrassed chuckle, he rolls the window down a crack. I’m sure we’re not the only ones who have ever decided to have sex in a car.

“Hey, Kane,” Callum says, his teeth gritted. “Now isn’t a good time. Do you need something?”

“We noticed the car hadn’t been turned on, but,” Kane takes a deep breath as he smirks, “I can see that you’re just fine. Later, Callum.”

“Please don’t tell Adira,” Callum groans, rubbing his face.

“You think she’s never had car sex? That’s funny,” Kane says, strolling away as he whistles.

My fingers pull out of her wet mouth to return to her clit, firmly massaging it.

“You’re strangling my cock so well,” I whisper in her ear, knowing the alphas in the vehicle are listening intently as Callum closes the window to swivel back to watch us. “You like the taste of your wet cunt, Quinn?”

“Fuck, the mouth on you,” Callum mutters. “Makes me want to fill it with my cock.”

“All I hear is words,” I say, delirious from the pheromones in the air. I’d usually have a flash of anxiety or fear that I’d said the wrong thing, but I’m thoroughly lost to the sensations of Quinn wrapped around my cock. Fuck, she’s going to kill me.

We haven’t really had sex together even though no one is telling us we can’t. No reason why, and I think we’ll be doing it more often now. I’m addicted. Life is too short to hold back.

This thought may even include the alphas watching us as if it’s more important than their next breath.

Quinn’s fingers slide through my hair, holding on for dear life as I pound up into her sweetness. Her gasps and moans fill the vehicle, driving me crazy as I tell her how amazing she is.

“You’re a shivering mess, baby,” I rasp. “Your cream is drowning my balls.”

“Fuck,” Callum nearly whimpers.

“I might come in my pants. Please, no one judge me,” Duncan mutters.

I’m too far gone to judge anyone right now. I’m focused on making Quinn come, and I can feel the walls of her pussy begin to tighten and tremble as she begins to let go.

“Linus,” she breathes, her fingers pulling so much on my hair, I may lose some. It’ll be fucking worth it to make her world explode in the best of ways.

“You’re right there,” I remind her. “Just let go for me. Squirt all over my dick. Show me how much you own it.”

Whining, I feel her body get stiffer as I rub her clit without pause. She can’t go anywhere. She’s trapped on top of me. The only release she’s allowed is when she gives me hers. Quinn shudders as she screams without sound, her cunt tightening around me so firmly, it feels as if she’s trying to remove it from my body.

She pulls me over the edge with a yell as I pump my cum deep into her wet cunt, my vision whiting out as I give her everything I have. Afterward, I hold her tight as we both slowly flutter back to earth. Callum and Duncan both watch us, though they shift uncomfortably, and the scent of rum and coconut is thick in the air.

Did they really⁠—?

“There’s a load of cum in my boxers,” Callum groans, wincing as he turns in his seat to look down at his cock. He looks like it betrayed him, and it’s hysterical.

“I know we share a lot, but I wish we weren’t both enjoying a load of cum in our boxers,” Duncan mutters.

“Did you pack the scent blocking panties?” I ask in Quinn’s ear.

Still breathing heavily, she nods, not making an effort to move.

“You stay right there till you’re ready,” Callum says, getting the SUV in gear. “If we don’t leave now, we’ll be late. The two of you together are incredible. I’m going to keep that in my spank bank forever.”

Smirking at each other, Quinn and I snuggle together until I’m ready to let her go to get dressed. I have to say, this is the start to a fantastic work shift.

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