Broken Dreams (Unhingedverse)
Broken Dreams: Chapter 34


Linus’ heat has raged for two days, and he’s asked, begged, cried for a bite for a lot of it.

“Duncan, I’m about to rip this out of the wall to give him a bite if you won’t give it to him,” Christian growls. “It fucking hurts to hear him like this.”

“He wants it,” Quinn whispers, kissing Linus’ forehead as he clings to her. “I can feel it. He thinks you don’t want him. Both of you.”

“Well fuck that,” Callum growls, pulling Linus away from Quinn. “Hey, look at me.”

Linus’ tear filled eyes gaze up at the two of us, and I want to punch myself in the face. Consent is everything, but I was worried he wouldn’t be able to give it.

I don’t want this for him though.

“You’re ours,” I breathe. “I’m going to give you my bite, and then my dick. Not the most romantic proposal, but⁠—”

“Fuck romance,” he says. “It’s exactly what I want. Bites at the same time. It feels right.”

I would swear that a pin could be heard if one fell. Christian doesn’t make a single sound either. I’ve let him get up to take a piss and clean up, but otherwise I’ve been too busy to worry about him.

He really could rip the metal plate off the wall if he wanted to, which means the omegas in this nest mean something to him.

“You got it,” Callum says, pushing down on the mattress to kiss him. Knowing he’ll make his mark showy to ensure everyone can see it, I kiss down Linus’ body to suck his dick.

He tastes like a delicious sweet treat, like something I’ll never say no to. Soon he’s writhing and moaning, and that’s when Callum and I move. We’ve always been in sync, finishing each other’s sentences.

Now we’re going to claim our omega in the same way.

Lifting my mouth off Linus’ juicy cock, I sink my teeth into his thigh as Callum bites down on his neck. Quinn nudges me to the side enough so she can suck on the crown of his shaft, continuing my efforts enough for him to scream out his release. My lips would turn up into a smile if I wasn’t sucking on my bite mark to increase his pleasure.

Callum and I offer our wrists, uncaring that it’ll hurt. It’ll be seen at all times because of how often we push our sleeves up, showing the world that we are claimed by not just one omega, but two.

Linus grins at us, his eyes glowing with happiness as he sits up, pulling Quinn to sprawl against his chest as he gets ready to do this. They truly are a unit, and a force to be reckoned with. It’s how they’ve survived, and no one can tell me differently.

Taking my wrist in his hand, Linus bites the underside of it. It hurts, and I bite back a hiss as the connection between us immediately snaps in place. There’s blood on his lips and teeth as he lifts his mouth from my wrist, appearing feral and wild.

At this moment, that’s what he is. An omega working on instinct. Begging, demanding, claiming his alphas. I’m under no illusion as to what’s happening. We are pack.

“Fuck, your eyes,” Callum says as I glance at him. “My turn, baby. You’ve been so patient, just like we have. Bite me, Linus.”

Our omega doesn’t give any warning as he wraps his arm around Quinn’s waist, raises Callum’s wrist to his mouth and bites down. My brother winces slightly, relaxing as his bond forms with Linus as well.

How do I know it has?

When my brother glances at me, he has a leaf green ring around his deeper green eyes. I’ve seen Pack Mohan with this ring, but didn’t realize it could be connected to having two omegas. Quinn isn’t bothered by the savagery of the moment, she just lifts her lips up to Linus’ for a kiss.

Then she moves so I can do what I promised: flip Linus on to his stomach so I can fuck him into the mattress. My brother grins, helping him on to his forearms to feed him his dick, and we celebrate our bonding by fucking our omega together.

I can feel Linus’ love, awe, and desire as his heat flares again, dragging us back under its wave. Our pack is complete outside of the stubborn fuck watching us in his corner. So far, Linus has been happy to have him in the room, not asking for more.

I vaguely heard my brother say he wasn’t above assisting in positioning Linus to bounce on Christian’s massive cock, and I’m not either.

Whatever my omegas want, they get. Even if it’s Christian fucking Sanchez.


“Hi,” Linus murmurs against my neck. We each have an alpha at our backs as we snuggle and they snore lightly.

His heat lasted three days, and now we’re all attempting to catch up on some sleep.

“Hi, you,” I rasp. Linus was rabid during his heat, and insatiable. My mouth and cunt were kept very busy by him. My body feels boneless and sore in the best of ways.

This is the way it always should have been for the two of us.

“You’re so pretty,” he says, making me smile. It’s the happy sound of a very content omega. “My mind is going a million miles an hour, Quinn. I should be sleeping.”

“You should be doing whatever you want,” Christian grunts, yawning. I wish I could say I’d almost forgotten about him, but I haven’t. “Don’t overthink things, Linus.”

He ignores the alpha in the corner of our nest, dragging his nose up my throat. “You smell like us,” he says. “I don’t like that the world is waiting for us outside of here, Quinn.”

“I know,” I sigh. I haven’t forgotten everything that’s happened, and I know we have to deal with the bullshit. I don’t even know if they ended up replaceing my father or the others that were involved in Linus and my kidnapping.

Just because we set ourselves up as bait doesn’t make the danger we were in any less real.

“We don’t have to go out yet,” I remind him. My stomach decides to rumble at that moment, and Duncan and Callum startle awake as I wince.

“Thank fuck you’re awake,” Christian mutters. “Are you hard wired to the sounds of their stomachs?”

“I think we are,” Duncan says with a chuckle. “I’m going to take a shower and get food going. I have no idea what time it is.”

The curtains block out all light, so I don’t either.

“I’ll go replace out if the world is still turning,” Callum teases. “I’ll leave Christian with you just in case.”

The brothers thoroughly kiss Linus and I before getting up and leaving. I can’t stop yawning even though I was able to nap here and there. Linus would replace a way to wake me up during his heat by shoving his face between my legs while he was being taken care of by one of our alphas, effectively waking me up with an orgasm.

I can’t say I minded either.

“At least they trust me for something,” Christian says with a sigh.

“You’re a body and armed,” Linus says. “I wouldn’t over think it.”

His words perfectly reframe Christian’s and I can’t help but laugh. He’s feeling happy and feisty.

“Ugh, I guess we should go shower and see if Kane left Bret alive or not for me,” I murmur.

“Excuse me?” Christian asks. “Who is Kane and what do you think you’re going to do exactly?”

Linus sits up lazily, turning to face him. He’s had his back to the alpha all of this time, and I can see the pinch of pain between his eyes as he gazes at him. I have just as many confused feelings about Christian, so I completely understand it.

“While you were getting yourself shot, I stabbed Bret,” Linus says. Rolling my lips in to keep from mentioning that he was in my way so I couldn’t get a shot off, I let him continue to go off on Christian. “Quinn and I aren’t helpless.”

“I never said you were—” Christian retorts, but Linus grabs my hand and pulls me up to walk to the bathroom.

“Maybe you should remember that you don’t actually know either one of us,” Linus reminds him, shutting the door behind us.

I’m quiet as he turns on the shower and I follow him inside. The truth is that I grew up being fully aware of the danger surrounding my life. While it didn’t change my kidnapping, the training simply lay dormant for years afterward.

Washing my hair, I think about the things I’ve learned, and how little it bothered me to stab Riley and her goon. Is torture such a big leap? Would it bother me to watch or participate?

“Penny for your thoughts? Or do I need to account for inflation?” Linus teases me as he pulls me under the rainfall of the water to rinse out my hair.

“Thinking about everything beyond the door,” I murmur, turning to kiss his cheek. “That sounds dramatic, huh?”

“Not at all,” Linus grunts. “Will you promise me something?”

I’m worried it may have to do with my ability to speak. I’ve been living in a bubble in our nest, where my stressors are limited.

“If I can,” I say honestly.

“I don’t know what flipped in your mind to make it easier to speak to us, but I love hearing your voice,” he says, holding me tighter. “Don’t pull back. It’s normal to feel as if your mind and voice are frozen when scary shit happens.”

“It’s as if my tongue swells,” I rasp. “I feel dumb, and don’t like my weaknesses being known.”

“Be weak with me,” Linus says, kissing me. “I’ve seen you at your best and worst, baby girl. If someone is pissing you off and you can’t replace your words, stabbing them is pretty satisfying.”

Smirking against his lips, I reply, “One little knife wound, and now you’re a hit man. I suppose we should go see if Bret is being a baby about his injuries.”

“What are we going to do about Christian?” Linus asks, sobering. “A part of me wants to take care of him because he’s been shot, while another part feels more violent.”

“You didn’t hear him during his speech,” I say. “I don’t think any of us are the same anymore.”

“Are you saying we should get to know this side of him?” Linus grumbles. It’s so petulant, I can feel my cheeks beginning to hurt from my grin.

“We play it by ear, baby,” I decide, shutting off the water. “Let’s go face the day.”

Linus makes a face at me but pushes open the glass door and grabs towels for both of us. I feel more awake now, and a little hopeful as well. All I can do is see how the day goes.

Opening the door to our nest shows that Christian isn’t in it anymore. Linus and I shrug at each other because there has to be a reason he’s gone now.

Linus and I get dressed quickly, and I decide on a pair of shorts and a long sleeved t-shirt with fluffy socks. Seems odd, but I replace different parts of my body tend to get chilled faster than others in an air conditioned room.

Linus pulls on a pair of joggers and a t-shirt, showing that I’m not the only one searching for comfort. A quick brushing of my teeth completes getting ready, and I take a deep breath as I walk into the hallway with Linus.

It feels as if we’re leaving our bubble of happiness amidst the chaos of the world.

Squeezing my hand, Linus leads me downstairs, following the smell of food. We’re both hungry, and I can hear a lot of people in the kitchen.

“There they are,” Duncan says, flipping pancakes at the stove.

Our kitchen is full. Pack Dresmond is here, while Cian sips coffee at the island.

“Ah, what’s going on?” I ask, eyes wide.

“I kept Bret alive for you,” Kane says excitedly. He’s like a very dangerous golden retriever. “I also have been playing with some torture techniques.”

Kane carefully holds his hands over the baby’s ears while he says this, careful of the doll’s sensibilities.

Adira opens her mouth to say something before shutting it with an audible click as her teeth hit each other. Today, he’s wearing a baby doll in some kind of baby carrier, and it helps to temper his words just a little.

Fuck it, I can indulge in a little torture, even if I’m unsure of what time it is.

“Tell me,” I replace myself saying as Callum hands me a cup of coffee. If there’s caffeine, then it doesn’t really matter what time it is, because I’ll be up for a while.

“I don’t know if that’s a good idea,” Jed grumbles. “He was fucking around with wax and oil.”

“In a kinky way?” I ask, confused.

“No,” Adira says, chuckling. “Kane wants to turn Bret’s cock into a human candle with the intention of burning it off.”

Taking a sip of my coffee, I decide that I officially live in the Twilight Zone now, so I’m going to go with it.

“Cool,” I mutter. “So, how⁠—”

“I didn’t think torture was going to be the object of this morning’s conversation,” Cian says coldly, his eyes appearing pinched.

“Too fucking bad,” I growl. “Do we have a problem?”

“So was not talking a way to get my attention?” Cian asks blandly. “All a ruse to get our sympathy?”

I’m so shocked, my jaw drops. I don’t even know what to say, because how dare he? I’ve been trying to get back to who I was, even if I’m bruised and battered, yet my words aren’t enough to celebrate?

“That was really out of line,” Callum says. “Quinn was kidnapped, almost shot, and —”

“I threw myself in front of the bullet instead,” Christian says, wincing as he walks into the kitchen. He’s wearing a pair of gray sweatpants and nothing else, looking tired. “Trauma has a way of shocking things loose in the same way that it’ll silence someone. Accusing her is a low blow, old man.”

I continue to stare at Cian before shaking my head and turning to Kane. I can’t think much less talk, and I need a distraction.

Kane seems to understand, leaning forward with his hand on the back of the doll’s head as if to ensure that it doesn’t hit the island. His gaze is hot as he stares down Cian.

“If you’re going to be a problem, you may leave. No one here is fucking scared of you. We have a lot to cover, so if you’re going to fuck with Quinn’s very newly found enjoyment of the spoken language, get fucked, Cian,” Kane says.

My jaw drops now because I didn’t think he’d even think to defend me. I offered him someone to play with, so I figured that’s why he’s still around.

“My voices like yours, Quinn,” he adds. “Now, here are some options. Explosive penis or slow burning and hot? How much do you want it to hurt?”

“A lot,” I reply. Cian has made me want to crawl under a rock, and the words are bitten out and harsh.

Kane offers me a brilliant smile, pulling out a piece of paper and pen to show me his plans. Basically, he’s figured out how to create a human candle with a wick shoved in Bret’s slit and covering his cock with candle wax that’s been mixed with a special type of oil so it’ll burn extra hot.

My knowledge of male anatomy and Bret’s issues keeping an erection makes me bite my lip in worry. It could very well be the world’s tiniest candle.

“Where did he lose you?” Damon asks, brow raised. “Too much?”

Callum replaces my empty mug for a cup of ice water, and I greedily take a sip.

“How…” I frown, pursing my lips. Fuck. I was doing so well. “His erection. Won’t…”

“Oh!” Kane exclaims. “I have special medication that I can inject into the base of his cock. It’ll stay hard, Quinn. Promise.”

Ah. That’s what I wanted to know.

“Fuck,” Cian curses.

“If you throw that mug, I’ll break your fingers,” Duncan says casually, putting out a platter of food. Callum helps put out more, and I’ve never been so excited to see mounds of eggs, bacon, hash browns, and pancakes before.

Cian blows out a breath, and I glance at him. What’s his deal now?

“May I have a word, Quinn?” he bites out, banging the mug down on the island. “Out there?”

“Do you really think that’s a good idea?” Adira asks, brow raising.

Picking up a piece of bacon, I stand and leave the room. He can follow if he wants that fucking word so badly.

I’m waiting outside of the kitchen, eating my bacon with a raised brow. It’s equal parts ‘fuck you’ and ‘I’m really damn hungry’.

“Callum?” Cian asks, watching me.

“Yeah, old man?” he replies, smirking at the way Cian growls under his breath.

“Feed your girl. I’m afraid I’m dragging her away from her breakfast,” Cian says mildly.

Callum glances at me with a sigh and brings back a plate that has the exact amount of food that I’ll eat. I don’t know how he manages to do that.

“Here, beautiful,” he says. Pulling out a knife from the waistband of his pants, he tucks it into mine. “Let me know if you need me.”

Cian grumbles under his breath because he’s no longer considered someone I feel comfortable with and Callum is being loud about it in his own way.

He walks outside onto the patio, and I follow, curling up on a couch to eat. It’s warm now, the breeze is cool, and I’m not wasting this delicious food.

“I’m extremely angry with myself,” he begins, sitting across from me. “Everything kind of blew up quickly, and I heard that you were speaking all of a sudden. I didn’t stop to think about the miracle it was, I simply jumped to conclusions.”

“Not perfect,” I mumble. “The words… they still get jumbled.”

Cian’s gray eyes are intense as he gazes at me. “I heard you took control of a pretty stressful situation,” he says. “Did you intend to be used as bait?”

“Yes,” I say simply, continuing to eat.

“But why? There was all of this security around,” he says.

“That’s the point,” I say. The more worked up I get, the better the words seem to fall from my lips. “My father made it a point to tell me I wasn’t safe. Why put all of this effort into remaining inaccessible when eventually someone would grab me?”

“So you wanted to make it happen on your terms,” he murmurs.

“I was loaded for a bear, may as well go hunting,” I say.

“Fair enough. You’re going to give your alphas gray hair,” he says. “I apologize for jumping to conclusions. That isn’t like me. I’m really on edge.”

“Why?” I ask, polishing off the last piece of bacon on my plate.

“I hate that there are people in my city who shouldn’t be here,” he answers. “I’m used to having the answers, problem solving, and disposing of those who get in my way.”

“I hear there’s going to be a candle lighting ceremony,” I say slyly. “I think you should stay for it.”

Chuckling, he nods. “I don’t think I’ve been to a ceremony quite like this one before,” he admits.

It’s silly to speak in code, but it also lightens the mood.

“I’m sorry for hurting you, Quinn,” Cian says. “Sometimes I make decisions for others that I have no business making. I should have told you about Christian’s appearance at that meeting.”

“Thank you,” I murmur. “Don’t keep shit from me. Is there anyone other than Bret here?”

Cian blinks as he realizes that I have some blank spots in my information. “Of course you don’t know yet. Fuck, it’s been a busy few days all around,” he says. “Riley Lynott was found at the edge of the property by Bentley Rivers. They’re keeping her on ice in the basement. When Damon began clearing the house, he started pulling people to replace Riley, Sadie, your dad, and that piece of shit that was helping Riley. I caught some of what happened from Adira over the last few days.”

“Did you replace my dad?” I ask.

“Not yet,” he sighs. “He’s currently in the wind. However, Rory Kelly is being detained.”

“Shit,” I murmur. I know Callum and Duncan have been trying to prepare themselves to deal with their father, but I still hate how weak-willed he is.

“Sadie is being removed from her parents’ home where she’s been hiding as we speak, and the hired asshole that was working with Riley was shot on the lawn by Jed,” Cian continues. “I think you’re all up to date now.”

Duncan pops his head out the door, clearly checking on us. “Everyone good?” he asks.

At my nod, he grunts, “Good. Do you want to come downstairs, or wait for us to handle this? It’s completely up to you. Linus is worried he won’t be able to handle it. He said he just wants to know he’s dead.”

“That’s fine,” I agree. “I’m coming. I need to know where Slick Dreams is so we can dismantle it. Do you think Omega’s Haven has room for an influx of people if they decide they want to come to Minneapolis?”

Cian and Duncan stare at me for a moment, having trouble with the change of subject.

“Quinn,” Cian says. “You really think they’ll all agree to come here? Fuck that, you think you’ll be able to get the location out of the weasel?”

“Watch me,” I say, grinning as I pick up my plate and stand. “Let’s get to work, gentlemen.”

I love to surprise people. It’s the best feeling in the world, and will never get old.

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